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private Fallout Equestria: Survival of the Fittest

Stone Cold Applejack

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"So what's it like in them stables?" Pudding Cup asked Clover. "Oh uhhh. It's kinda like being in a huge metal house built underground." She answered. "How'd yall get food?" Pudding Cup asked. "We had our own orchards. We grew our food there." "Why'd you leave?" Pudding asked. Clover thought for a moment on this question. "I don't know. I guess because I felt there were ponies out here that could need my help." Clover looked at Pudding's missing leg and asked. "What happened to your leg? How'd you lose it?" Pudding Cup looked at his leg before looking back up at Clover. "Got it blown off. A year ago if I remember. Was out on a supply run with the squad when some zebras from The Remnant attacked us. One of em, halfway through the battle, threw a grenade. It landed to close to me and blew. Took my leg right off. Doc Red Stone patched me up and stopped the bleeding. On the way back we came across a destroyed ponybot. Took it's leg and used it as a replacement."

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(Alamo walks back into the veritbird) "Sorry to interrupted your story." (Alamo looks toward Clover) "You, have a meeting with the council, and we have to hurry our business here, a mare is in labor and I need to help deliver a baby, I didn't know she would have it so soon."

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(Alamo walks back into the veritbird) "Sorry to interrupted your story." (Alamo looks toward Clover) "You, have a meeting with the council when we get back to camp, and we have to hurry our business here, a mare is in labor and I need to help deliver that baby."

"Ok. Well bye Pudding. It's been nice talking to ya." Clover said, waving goodbye to Pudding. "Seeya sometime later Clover." Pudding Cup walked out of the vertibuck and rejoined the group of mercenaries. Clover watched Pudding walk away then looked at Alamo. "How'd it go with Haldane?"
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"Ok. Well bye Pudding. It's been nice talking to ya." Clover said, waving goodbye to Pudding. "Seeya sometime later Clover." Pudding Cup walked out of the vertibuck and rejoined the group of mercenaries. Clover watched Pudding walk away then looked at Alamo. "How'd it go with Haldane?"

"I made his bones go out of their place, fixed them tho and he'l feel as good as new with the iron, I've put into his leg." (Alamo and Clover walk into the radio tent to the cb and Alamo switches to a channel playing western music) "I told you to cut that off .... yes ... yes she is right here." (Alamo hands the tranmitter to Clover and several voices could be heard) "Clover, your friend Alamo has spoken very highly of you, as we have heard you help saved the lives of his camp and the other owners as well, we will allow you to live in the camp and any of the 6 camps along the border, do you have anything at all to say before we bring down this action?" 

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"I made his bones go out of their place, fixed them tho and he'l feel as good as new with the iron, I've put into his leg." (Alamo and Clover walk into the radio tent to the cb and Alamo switches to a channel playing western music) "I told you to cut that off .... yes ... yes she is right here." (Alamo hands the tranmitter to Clover and several voices could be heard) "Clover, your friend Alamo has spoken very highly of you, as we have heard you help saved the lives of his camp and the other owners as well, we will allow you to live in the camp and any of the 6 camps along the border, do you have anything at all to say before we bring down this action?"

"Really?! Th-that's great. Thank you." Clover put the transmitter back. She hugged Alamo and said to him. "They said I could stay in your town and in any of the other ones along the border. Thank you for everything you've done to help me Alamo. I don't know where I'd be if you didn't."
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"Really?! Th-that's great. Thank you." Clover put the transmitter back. She hugged Alamo and said to him. "They said I could stay in your town and in any of the other ones along the border. Thank you for everything you've done to help me Alamo. I don't know where I'd be if you didn't."

"Well, now that your a official member of our camp, you will be allowed your own tent to stay in, won't have to sleep in my teepee anymore, now lets go see if the sergeant is back at his job, his commander told him he had to be over there." (Alamo winks at Clover)

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"Well, now that your a official member of our camp, you will be allowed your own tent to stay in, won't have to sleep in my teepee anymore, now lets go see if the sergeant is back at his job, his commander told him he had to be over there." (Alamo winks at Clover)

"Argh." Haldane woke up, feeling a slight numbness in his leg. Haldane got off the table and walked out of the tent. He still had a slight limb when he walked. "Clyde! Chopper! Pudding! Over here! Right now! Front 'n center!" Haldane ordered out to his mercenaries. The mercenaries came running up to him, lining up in a row. "I want all of you to go through your exercises while I met the boss." He said walking down. "All of you." He said, glaring at Chopper. "Aye aye gunny." they said together before running off. "You can stop when I get back." Haldane said before walking in the direction of his superior.
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(Alamo walks into the veritbird alright), I want this metal sob refueled I'm needed back at camp, a mare is about to go into labor and I'm needed to help deliver the baby, and say hello to the new official member of our camp Clover, the council voted yes, to allow her to stay and she's allow to live among any of the 6 other camps, so now she'l be able to receive offical training and regular jobs among the camps." 

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"You wanted to speak to me sir." Haldane said, walking up to his CO. "Aw yes. Haldane. There is something I need to talk to you about." The officer said. "I'm sending you and a few ponies from your squad out to The Supreme to negotiate terms with the tribes there." Haldane thought for a moment. "Which of my squad is comin with me?" Haldane asked. "I'm gonna let you pick who you think is best." The CO replied. "Your medic, Red Stone, is currently overstocked so he won't be able to come with ya. So you're gonna have to find a replacement. I wish you luck on the journey sergeant. You're dismissed." The CO walked off leaving Haldane to ponder.

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Somewhere, in the Wasteland...


A pony wanders into an ROCM camp. He's not a big fan of the ROCM, but there are often far more injured ponies than doctors. With what limited medical knowledge he posses, he is able to patch up most of the injured people he meets.

The camp is relatively small. There's a vertibuck in the camp, and the previously mentioned pony sees an olive green pony get in. The previously mentioned pony decides to ask around to see if there's anyone in need of a doctor. Looking around, the only idle soldier he can see is a zebra. He goes up to the zebra and asks,

"Excuse me sir, but do you have any ponies in need of medical attention? I have a fair amount of medical knowledge, if you need a doctor I'd be more than happy to help."

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Somewhere, in the Wasteland...


A pony wanders into an ROCM camp. He's not a big fan of the ROCM, but there are often far more injured ponies than doctors. With what limited medical knowledge he posses, he is able to patch up most of the injured people he meets.

The camp is relatively small. There's a vertibird in the camp, and the previously mentioned pony sees an olive green pony get in. The previously mentioned pony decides to ask around to see if there's anyone in need of a doctor. Looking around, the only idle soldier he can see is a zebra. He goes up to the zebra and asks,

"Excuse me sir, but do you have any ponies in need of medical attention? I have a fair amount of medical knowledge, if you need a doctor I'd be more than happy to help."

"Huh?" Haldane said turning around to face the pony behind him. "Oh uh none of my mercenaries need any medical attention but my squad's in need of a medic. CO says I have ta take my squad out to The Supreme to negotiate terms with the tribes there. You care to join us?"
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The pony thought long and hard about the zebra's offer. On one hoof, this might be a chance to do something important. After all, tribesponies and soldiers didn't often get along too well. On the other hoof, that very fact meant that there was a large risk of a firefight. Still... The pony decided that the risk was definitely worth it.

"Absolutely," he replied. "My name's Goodspeak, by the way. Silvermind Goodspeak."

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The pony thought long and hard about the zebra's offer. On one hand, this might be a chance to do something important. After all, tribesponies and soldiers didn't often get along too well. On the other hand, that very fact meant that there was a large risk of a firefight. Still... The pony decided that the risk was definitely worth it.

"Absolutely," he replied. "My name's Goodspeak, by the way. Silvermind Goodspeak."

"Nice to meet ya Silver. The names Haldane. Gunnery Sergeant Haldane." Haldane introduced himself to the pony. "It's good you're willin to help but since you ain't trained on the same level as Armoured Escorts mercs you're gonna need a little assistance." Haldane put a hoof on the pony's shoulder and spun him to face the direction of the vertibuck. "You see that vertibuck over there?" he asked pointing at it. "Go over there and ask for a pony named Alamo. Tell em to meet me over that way. Near the training facility."
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"Will do," was Silvermind's reply. He trotted over to the vertibuck and asked for an Alamo. (I now have 130 characters to go before I can post this. What am I even supposed to do. Here, about how I define vertibuck. It's a helicopter. Now we have enough characters.)

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"Will do," was Silvermind's reply. He trotted over to the vertibuck and asked for an Alamo. (I now have 130 characters to go before I can post this. What am I even supposed to do. Here, about how I define vertibuck. It's a helicopter. Now we have enough characters.)

(Alamo walks over the the new pony and studies him) "Hhmm, your covered in a bit of blood, probably from a fire fight or cleaning wounds, and you don't look injured infact your in almost perfect health beside the radiation, but no one would ask me to help with a fire fight so you must be here to ask me some tips (Alamo holds out his hoof) "Alamo's the name, I'm a tribal doctor, some call me the toughest tribal doctor to live in the waste, what you name friend and what can I do you for?

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after Snowflake finishes playing a game of solitaire he checks on the Vertibuck's status he then puts his cards away and gets out of his seat "Alamo the bird is nearly ready..." Snowflake looks over and sees another wastelander "whose this greenhorn he looks like he couldn't harm a Bloatfly with a Plazma Rifle" Snowflake chuckles "anyways I'm Corporal First Class Frostflame of the ROCM First Recon Foxtrot squad but you can call me Corporal, or Snowflake whatever you prefer"

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after Snowflake finishes playing a game of solitaire he checks on the Vertibuck's status he then puts his cards away and gets out of his seat "Alamo the bird is nearly ready..." Snowflake looks over and sees another wastelander "whose this greenhorn he looks like he couldn't harm a Bloatfly with a Plazma Rifle" Snowflake chuckles "anyways I'm Corporal First Class Frostflame of the ROCM First Recon Foxtrot squad but you can call me Corporal, or Snowflake whatever you prefer"

"Who know corporal, this greenhorn might be the next major ass kicker, you had to  throw down with me, and we went out even and I won again the sergeant zebra, so who knows corporal, maybe I'll train him to kick the ass I couldn't kick, any ways what can I do for you? (Alamo says to the newcomer)

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"Hi," replies Silvermind. "My name is Slivermind Goodspeak, and what Corporal Snowflake says is right. Anyway, Gunnery Sergeant Haldane wants you to meet him over by the training facility. He probably wants me to go over there too, given the context. Uh, anyway, let's go."

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"since when did that merc become in charge of my unit?" Snowflake pauses "but then again everyone else in foxtrot squadron died a long time ago" Snowflake grabs his sniper "come on you two we should see what he wants" Snowflake looks back at the vertibuck "shes a real beauty a Mk. II attack Vertibuck hopefully I can convince someone to let me keep it" 

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"What do you mean you keep it, we saved the fucking thing from being sold to Heel for drugs, so I say we keep the damn thing, so it's our veritbird corporal." (Alamo turns to Slivermind) "So what bombed out house did you come from friend, you training to be a medic but why do you need my help, I'm a tribal doctor, but I hope the Great Doctors bless you with the knowledge of the long forgotten."

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"Well, I grew up in Stable 3," answered Silvermind. "a while out west from here. We stayed in the Stable some 20 years after it was supposed to open, simply because we were afraid of the dangers outside. Unfortunately, our water chip broke, so we were forced to open the door and start trading. All was going well, until..." Silvermind trailed off and started staring into space. Whatever had happened clearly didn't resonate too well with him.

"Anyway," he continued, after a few seconds. "I've been traveling the Wasteland since we opened that Stable. Not sure exactly why, but I figure if I can help out some ponies on the way, well that'll be just fine by me. I studied old-world science in the Stable, so I have some basic knowledge of medicine and such. Still, it's pretty rudimentary, and I'd greatly appreciate whatever you can tell me."

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"Well, I grew up in Stable 3," answered Silvermind. "a while out west from here. We stayed in the Stable some 20 years after it was supposed to open, simply because we were afraid of the dangers outside. Unfortunately, our water chip broke, so we were forced to open the door and start trading. All was going well, until..." Silvermind trailed off and started staring into space. Whatever had happened clearly didn't resonate too well with him.

"Anyway," he continued, after a few seconds. "I've been traveling the Wasteland since we opened that Stable. Not sure exactly why, but I figure if I can help out some ponies on the way, well that'll be just fine by me. I studied old-world science in the Stable, so I have some basic knowledge of medicine and such. Still, it's pretty rudimentary, and I'd greatly appreciate whatever you can tell me."

"Well let me tell you about my past, I come from a tribe of the greatest doctors and nurses who were supposed to live in the stables, but the door shut before they enter so they survived by having the radaway from the overstocked hospitals they worked at so they lived, and taught my great grandfather how to survive and train him until he became the next greatest doctors they became know throughout the waste as the smartest doctors to roam the waste that remain unchanged, and thus we roamed learning more and more about the medical till we no longer sought supplies but information on medicine, we became the Parameds, a wandering tribe of doctors, I myself was born to them not many years ago, but I did not live long to know my fellow doctors because not many years ago the ceased to exist when a group of mercenaries working for the ROCM confused us for Heels, I am now 1 of 5 orphans that lived past the killings but I'm unsure if my brothers and sisters made it past the teen years, for I moved away from them, maybe one is working for the Heels and the other for the ROCM, I choose to stay in the middle and continue my fore father's work of healing the wasteland, now my tribe are but a file of shame in the ROCM database." (Alamo looks at the newcomer) "So what are you wanting me to teach you?"

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"Well, since I learned all I know from old-world books, I hardly know anything about treating radiation," Silvermind replied. "Which is, unfortunately, the most common affliction I come across. But I'm sure Haldane will tell you what to train me in. Let's get over to that training area now."

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"Well, since I learned all I know from old-world books, I hardly know anything about treating radiation," Silvermind replied. "Which is, unfortunately, the most common affliction I come across. But I'm sure Haldane will tell you what to train me in. Let's get over to that training area now."

"You've never had a book on radiation treatment, guess the stable makers didn't plan on having radiated waste, idiots anyways I can completely rid of radiation tho as soon as I do that and you take one breath and your radiated again, so I treat it to a point, I'm surprised you haven't heard of the names of our forefathers, some of them wrote the books that you read." (Alamo says as they near the training area) "Aaah Sergeant how's you leg?"

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"You've never had a book on radiation treatment, guess the stable makers didn't plan on having radiated waste, idiots anyways I can completely rid of radiation tho as soon as I do that and you take one breath and your radiated again, so I treat it to a point, I'm surprised you haven't heard of the names of our forefathers, some of them wrote the books that you read." (Alamo says as they near the training area) "Aaah Sergeant how's you leg?"

"Doin alright. Still got a bit of a limp but it's fine." Haldane looked at where his mercenaries were and whistled to them. "Alright that's enough. Get over here." The mercenaries did what he told and came up to him. "Yeah sir?" Clyde asked. "Alright listen Lt.'s given us a job. To head The Supreme and try to renegotiate terms with the tribes there." he explained. "Lt.'s orders were for me to hand pick the ponies that come with me. So for this job. Chopper and Clyde you'll be comin with me. You got that?" He asked. "Yes sir." Clyde and Chopper said. "Pudding you'll stay back at the camp. Alamo and Silvermind here will be our medics so be thankful for their help." He explained. "Also corporal." he said looking at Snowflake. "We'll need your vertibuck to head back to our camp to collect the others and to get ready for the mission."
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