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private Fallout Equestria: Survival of the Fittest

Stone Cold Applejack

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Chain and Banner: *wake up from a nap they took and see's that the Veribuck was ready to go and also saw a new pony with them*

Chain: "oh hello what are you doing here?" *he says to the new pony as Jade comes over to the group*

Jade: "where have you been! we need more supplies for houses  and Alamo we don't have time to take the pregnate pony to the medical tent you have to get there!" *he yelled at the ponys for being gone so long*

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"Doin alright. Still got a bit of a limp but it's fine." Haldane looked at where his mercenaries were and whistled to them. "Alright that's enough. Get over here." The mercenaries did what he told and came up to him. "Yeah sir?" Clyde asked. "Alright listen Lt.'s given us a job. To head The Supreme and try to renegotiate terms with the tribes there." he explained. "Lt.'s orders were for me to hand pick the ponies that come with me. So for this job. Chopper and Clyde you'll be comin with me. You got that?" He asked. "Yes sir." Clyde and Chopper said. "Pudding you'll stay back at the camp. Alamo and Silvermind here will be our medics so be thankful for their help." He explained. "Also corporal." he said looking at Snowflake. "We'll need your vertibuck to head back to our camp to collect the others and to get ready for the mission."

"I miss those ponys, I learned some, if not most of my survivalist medical skills and they were the ones who taught me how to make my special soup, can't wait to see them and my old trainer, i'll bet he'll be happy to know I'm training ponies as well, so when do we leave?"

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"I miss those ponys, I learned some, if not most of my survivalist medical skills and they were the ones who taught me how to make my special soup, can't wait to see them and my old trainer, i'll bet he'll be happy to know I'm training ponies as well, so when do we leave?"

"We leave now." Haldane replied before turning to face his squad. "Alright! To the vertibird! Now! Move it!" Haldane barked out. "Before we leave, Alamo, is there anything you need to do before you leave?" Haldane asked. "Because once we leave we won't be comin back."
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"We leave now." Haldane replied before turning to face his squad. "Alright! To the vertibird! Now! Move it!" Haldane barked out. "Before we leave, Alamo, is there anything you need to do before you leave?" Haldane asked. "Because once we leave we won't be comin back."

"I want to take my traine with me, Clover show her my old master who taught me, he will no doubt give her tips on how to live in our semi civilized world, so that one day when she flys alone, she'l know right from wrong." (Alamo walks and finds Clover) "Well I hope your coming, we're going to see my trainer."

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"I want to take my traine with me, Clover show her my old master who taught me, he will no doubt give her tips on how to live in our semi civilized world, so that one day when she flys alone, she'l know right from wrong." (Alamo walks and finds Clover) "Well I hope your coming, we're going to see my trainer."

Clover was about to fall into sleep when someone came up to her. "What?" she asked, a little drowsy. "Where are going?" she asked. "And why are you taking me to see this trainer of yours?"


(Boy writing this was a little hard. Man how was I supposed to write 200 things about this.)

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Clover was about to fall into sleep when someone came up to her. "What?" she asked, a little drowsy. "Where are going?" she asked. "And why are you taking me to see this trainer of yours?"

(Boy writing this was a little hard. Man how was I supposed to write 200 things about this.)[/quote


We're going to the Supreme, my trainer is there or dead, it's been a few years but I have no doubt he is still alive and well, and I would like to introduce him to you, help you learn how to live in the waste and heal others with the bare minimum amoumt of supplies, so what do you say?"

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Clover was about to fall into sleep when someone came up to her. "What?" she asked, a little drowsy. "Where are going?" she asked. "And why are you taking me to see this trainer of yours?"

(Boy writing this was a little hard. Man how was I supposed to write 200 things about this.)[/quote


We're going to the Supreme, my trainer is there or dead, it's been a few years but I have no doubt he is still alive and well, and I would like to introduce him to you, help you learn how to live in the waste and heal others with the bare minimum amoumt of supplies, so what do you say?"

"Oh ok then. If it means it'll help me learn how to survive out here then, then I guess that's ok." Clover replied. "By the way who was that pony that asked for you?" She asked. "Was he another one of those mercenaries?


(OOC: Remember Clover's been at the vertibuck while yall where talking to Haldane.)

Edited by Semper Fi
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"Oh ok then. If it means it'll help me learn how to survive out here then, then I guess that's ok." Clover replied. "By the way who was that pony that asked for you?" She asked. "Was he another one of those mercenaries?


(OOC: Remember Clover's been at the vertibuck while yall where talking to Haldane.)

"No, but it seems he just gotten involved, he's too ... new, he didn't even know how to treat radiation, and thats a common thing that needs to be treated so I have to go with the mercenaries to help him learn how to work in combat if it comes down to it, but the ROCM might use me as a negotiator since I've known and lived among the tribe before."

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"No, but it seems he just gotten involved, he's too ... new, he didn't even know how to treat radiation, and thats a common thing that needs to be treated so I have to go with the mercenaries to help him learn how to work in combat if it comes down to it, but the ROCM might use me as a negotiator since I've known and lived among the tribe before."

"Looks like there here." Clover announced looking at the approaching mercenaries. "Alright corporal take us East of here until you see a large building, that's our base of operations. That's where we'll get the supplies we need for this job." Haldane said to Snowflake. "Hey Alamo. Since you lived around The Supreme. Can you tell me what's up there?" Clover asked.
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"Looks like there here." Clover announced looking at the approaching mercenaries. "Alright corporal take us East of here until you see a large building, that's our base of operations. That's where we'll get the supplies we need for this job." Haldane said to Snowflake. "Hey Alamo. Since you lived around The Supreme. Can you tell me what's up there?" Clover asked.

"Hhhmm .... been a few years but, if they haven't moved yet, last I saw them before I set off to learn more medical skills after living there for 5 years, they live in a cave in a mountain, what did they call it, (Alamo thinks for a minute) Fuego Mountain since of the heat it gave off, but the cave, it is really cold, perhaps the coldest cave in the wasteland, but anyways I am a adopted member of their tribe, but I kept to my gods instead of switching to their's, tho if I would have stayed I probably would have been forced into marrying the chief daughter, when I came of age, she was quite fond of me, but I couldn't stay, had to much to learn, and I didn't have the time to stop, but now I've learn, but I'm unsure if I want to stop."

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Banner and Chain: *the ponys are at the watch tower waiting for somepony to tell them something and repairing there guns*

Banner: "man we get no action around here sometimes"
Chain: "well we live a camp in a post apocaliptic world it could go ether way"

Jade: *wondering around trying to find a pony that could build a shack for him* "I cant find one pony around here that looks like a builder"

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"Hhhmm .... been a few years but, if they haven't moved yet, last I saw them before I set off to learn more medical skills after living there for 5 years, they live in a cave in a mountain, what did they call it, (Alamo thinks for a minute) Fuego Mountain since of the heat it gave off, but the cave, it is really cold, perhaps the coldest cave in the wasteland, but anyways I am a adopted member of their tribe, but I kept to my gods instead of switching to their's, tho if I would have stayed I probably would have been forced into marrying the chief daughter, when I came of age, she was quite fond of me, but I couldn't stay, had to much to learn, and I didn't have the time to stop, but now I've learn, but I'm unsure if I want to stop."

"Hey. You two. Get in the damn bird." Chopper ordered from inside the vertibuck. "Wrap up your shit and get in." Clover looked at Alamo and spoke to him. "Well come on. We better get going." Clover climbed inside the vertibuck and turned back to Alamo. "Hey Alamo you think that tribe could teach me any survival skills?"
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Silvermind was already in the vertibuck, even though that particular action had not been narrated. (character limiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt)

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Hey. You two. Get in the damn bird." Chopper ordered from inside the vertibuck. "Wrap up your shit and get in." Clover looked at Alamo and spoke to him. "Well come on. We better get going." Clover climbed inside the vertibuck and turned back to Alamo. "Hey Alamo you think that tribe could teach me any survival skills?"

"Sure, if they taught me how to live on my own, for years until I went solo, so I'll put in a good word for you like I did for the council, and you (pointing at Slivermind) "We're going to have to hunt and one of us have to get hurt, badly, that is how we will perform the test, but don't worry I didn't get hurt when I was poisoned by a rado scorpion." (Alamo says with a laugh)

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"Um... oh." Silvermind had not signed up for this. Still, it was a rite of passage, and he knew it wouldn't hurt too bad. In any case, he could always take some Med-X and a healing potion. "Uh, alright. Well, um... let's go then, yeah?" Silvermind strapped himself in and got ready to take off.

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Um... oh." Silvermind had not signed up for this. Still, it was a rite of passage, and he knew it wouldn't hurt too bad. In any case, he could always take some Med-X and a healing potion. "Uh, alright. Well, um... let's go then, yeah?" Silvermind strapped himself in and got ready to take off.

(Alamo notes hesitation) "Don't worry, I believe you'l be more trained the heat of the action, that's how my trainer did it, stood by and watched as I performed on myself to take the giant singer out of my leg, and you will to, but I have lowered the training, you have to be bitten by a gecko 3 times, then you run in toxic waste, then perform you medical healing, everything the same expect for the toxic waste that new, it for teaching how to survive radiation, but your a medic so your life comes second, so with that you will be made to heal a sick tribe member first, if that warrior dies, weather he be old or new, life shall be in you hands, so now that you know the test what do you think?"

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Silvermind thought for a second. "I like it," he stated. "It reminds me of an oath I read about in the pre-war books in the Stable," he continued. "You see, in the old world, in order to become a doctor, you had to take the Hippocratic Oath. Basically, it stated that you would do everything in your power to save another pony's life, and that you would do so before saving your own." Silvermind sighed and looked away. "Nowadays, we don't have anything like that. Chivalry is dead."

"Still," he added, looking back towards Alamo. "No reason to get bummed out about that. New world, new priorities, right?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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(Alamo notes hesitation) "Don't worry, I believe you'l be more trained the heat of the action, that's how my trainer did it, stood by and watched as I performed on myself to take the giant singer out of my leg, and you will to, but I have lowered the training, you have to be bitten by a gecko 3 times, then you run in toxic waste, then perform you medical healing, everything the same expect for the toxic waste that new, it for teaching how to survive radiation, but your a medic so your life comes second, so with that you will be made to heal a sick tribe member first, if that warrior dies, weather he be old or new, life shall be in you hands, so now that you know the test what do you think?"

"That sounds sorta dangerous don't you think." Clover said. "Running through toxic waste? That doesn't sound very safe at all. I don't think I could do that. That seems-" "That seems fuckin stupid." Chopper said, interrupting Clover. "Now get your ass in here before I come out there and throw you in."
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Banner: "I want to kill something"

Chain "what?"

Banner: "I am bored so lets hunt or something you know get supplies and junk" she says not sounding intrested

Chain: "I guess geting a few flowers and searching a few cars could do us good"

Banner: "alright lets go then"

*they start going down the ladder to the outside*

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"That sounds sorta dangerous don't you think." Clover said. "Running through toxic waste? That doesn't sound very safe at all. I don't think I could do that. That seems-" "That seems fuckin stupid." Chopper said, interrupting Clover. "Now get your ass in here before I come out there and throw you in."

(Alamo walks into the veritbird and sits down in a seat) "Well, Chopper unlike your medics, tribal medics are more loyal and less likely to run from a battle then a regular medic, we're swore to save the warrior first, not ourselves, and it still continues to this day, so if it fuckin stupid, I'm glad im not your medic prick, but anyways, Clover as dangerous as it seems its how I and my trainer before me trained the medics for the real deal."

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(Alamo walks into the veritbird and sits down in a seat) "Well, Chopper unlike your medics, tribal medics are more loyal and less likely to run from a battle then a regular medic, we're swore to save the warrior first, not ourselves, and it still continues to this day, so if it fuckin stupid, I'm glad im not your medic prick, but anyways, Clover as dangerous as it seems its how I and my trainer before me trained the medics for the real deal."

"Seems a little unnecessary for me to do something like that. I mean my medical skills aren't that good yet." Clover replied. "I don't think I'd be able to make it through something that severe. Is there a simpler way I could do this?" she asked. "Something where failure is not death?"
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"Well hey," Silvermind said, turning to Clover. "Worst case scenario, I could always patch you up. I mean, I'm not the greatest doctor in the world, but I can treat just about anything other than radiation pretty well. Besides, I'm sure you'll do fine." Silvermind flashed a smile, using his speech skill to reassure Clover.

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Seems a little unnecessary for me to do something like that. I mean my medical skills aren't that good yet." Clover replied. "I don't think I'd be able to make it through something that severe. Is there a simpler way I could do this?" she asked. "Something where failure is not death?"

"Doctors are taught through small problems, then become harder problems, I have taught hard problems first to deal with the easier problems, and I have done this with great care, not all my past helpers have made it, I've had 2 trainees so far while I roamed the desert, 1 had disappeared, after I failed to help him save his mother from death, and the 2nd after I didn't realize how badly he was affected by death, he shot himself, 10 minutes after he witnessed his first pony to die in his hands, failure is not always death of the pony but the death of the pony that treated them." (Alamo says as he looks on trying not to shed a tear) "But we must not look on the past, death is a everyday event, and I trust both of you that you will do well, now what is it that you want to know how to do, and does anyone know what day it is?

Edited by Castle
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"Doctors are taught through small problems, then become harder problems, I have taught hard problems first to deal with the easier problems, and I have done this with great care, not all my past helpers have made it, I've had 2 trainees so far while I roamed the desert, 1 had disappeared, after I failed to help him save his mother from death, and the 2nd after I didn't realize how badly he was affected by death, he shot himself, 10 minutes after he witnessed his first pony to die in his hands, failure is not always death of the pony but the death of the pony that treated them." (Alamo says as he looks on trying not to shed a tear) "But we must not look on the past, death is a everyday event, and I trust both of you that you will do well, now what is it that you want to know how to do, and does anyone know what day it is?

"Hey get this fuckin bird in the air." Clyde demanded. "I wanta get through this thing already." Clyde looked at Alamo. "No. What day-" Clyde was cut off by the vertibuck's engines spurring to life. "Shit. No what day is it?!" He yelled over the sound of the propellers.
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"its about time you fillies are ready to leave" Snowflake starts up the vertibuck and starts to take off "alright where are we heading?" Snowflake looks around and sees nothing but dirt, radiation, and more dirt, Snowflake then turns on the Vertibuck's radio and pre-war music starts playing



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