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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Fallout Equestria: Survival of the Fittest

Stone Cold Applejack

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"Well that pony always got the News wonder who the pegasus was, makes it seem like he got some big quest wonder what he for Heels or ROCM, but for any one pony to walk the Dead Stallion Valley is either trying to hid is past or trying to make a name for himself in our paradise, wonder how its going back at camp, the ROCM got to be around here somewhere."

Clover woke up from her nap with a yawn. She stretched her legs and looked around. "Are we almost there?" She asked still yawning. "Don't got much farther to go. Should be there in a minute or two." Clyde said. "Ok. So what are we gonna do once we get there?" she asked Alamo.
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Clover woke up from her nap with a yawn. She stretched her legs and looked around. "Are we almost there?" She asked still yawning. "Don't got much farther to go. Should be there in a minute or two." Clyde said. "Ok. So what are we gonna do once we get there?" she 

"Well first Chain gonna tell his story then hopefully corporal will land then, we will set out to the general's office, but I have to ask the doctors if they need any help, because of my beliefs I cannot let any hurt pony go unattended so after we talked to the general I will go and help the doctors, you can ask around for tips, from the ponys around the ROCM camp, tho I recommend not staying to long in one place, stallions in wars tend to get touchy when their alone."


Banner and Chain: *wake up when the helecopter gets a little turbulance* "ahh"

Banner: "for a pony that gets no sleep even these kind of hard seats are heaven"

Chain: "your telling me so anyway what are we talking about here?" *Chain asks as he streches his hooves* "I got a story for you guys you want to hear it?"

"Now what's your story?"

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Chain: "once a pon a time there was a little pony he was very nice to everypony, one day he got home and a group of pegisie were in his home and when he saw behind them was his parents dead on the ground...and they were eating them he ran away that day and had to fend for himself stealing, doing fruad, practicing his skills and one time killing a pony till he found a family a big one how he protected with his best friend"

Banner: "I know what this story is..." 

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Chain: "once a pon a time there was a little pony he was very nice to everypony, one day he got home and a group of pegisie were in his home and when he saw behind them was his parents dead on the ground...and they were eating them he ran away that day and had to fend for himself stealing, doing fruad, practicing his skills and one time killing a pony till he found a family a big one how he protected with his best friend"

Banner: "I know what this story is..." 

"Well of course you do Banner your in the last part of the story, ya'll been protecting this camp since, well lets see Chain no maybe Banner on of you arrived before the second but I arrived first at the town first, to be the doctor since at the time they just put a bandage on the wound and called it a day but Banner what's your side?

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Banner: "well if we are telling backstorys I grow up in a camp that was raided so my family moved and moved and moved agian because of raiders untill we got cault and I was forced to fight my way out of there and I will admit it I had alot of fun killing them in many ways I won't go into but like Chains family mine was killed in front of me but I killed the basted imidiatly after then I wandered around by my self untill I found this camp that took me in even with my condition...I swear if I got to one drug in that time I would be in the wolf pack"  

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Banner: "well if we are telling backstorys I grow up in a camp that was raided so my family moved and moved and moved agian because of raiders untill we got cault and I was forced to fight my way out of there and I will admit it I had alot of fun killing them in many ways I won't go into but like Chains family mine was killed in front of me but I killed the basted imidiatly after then I wandered around by my self untill I found this camp that took me in even with my condition...I swear if I got to one drug in that time I would be in the wolf pack"  

"Well one drug at that time would have killed you, because most of the town folk were scare of the wolf pack, when I first arrived they pointed their rifles at me expecting an army of wolf pack to follow, I had to earn their trust by healing the sick villagers." (Takes out the pack of mentos) "I might have a few later, but I ain't addicted to the stuff." 

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alarms start beeping rapidly "OH SHIT MISSILE LOCK EVERYPONY HOLD ON" Snowflake ejects flares and violently spins the Vertibird "you son of a bitch you did not just shoot a rocket at me" Snowflake revs the Gatling lasers and opens fire on the pony attempting to shoot us down "KIA that's what you get for fucking with the ROCM hooah.... everypony alright?"


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alarms start beeping rapidly "OH SHIT MISSILE LOCK EVERYPONY HOLD ON" Snowflake ejects flares and violently spins the Vertibird "you son of a bitch you did not just shoot a rocket at me" Snowflake revs the Gatling lasers and opens fire on the pony attempting to shoot us down "KIA that's what you get for fucking with the ROCM hooah.... everypony alright?"

(Alamo gets up from the ground, after flying out of his seat) "Please tell me were about to land, I just slammed my head into the wall, but nice dodge, tho my guess (with survival) is that he thought we were carrying supplies, ponys will do any thing for vitial supplies."

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"no guess we just got a little too close to a Raider outpost he probably thought we were going to attack him since this is a gunship Vertibird not a supply one" Snowflake pauses "actually either way he would probably of tried to shoot us down. lets get the hell out of here before I have a repeat of my last Vertibird flight"


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"no guess we just got a little too close to a Raider outpost he probably thought we were going to attack him since this is a gunship Vertibird not a supply one" Snowflake pauses "actually either way he would probably of tried to shoot us down. lets get the hell out of here before I have a repeat of my last Vertibird flight""We

"Well you better land soon corporal, one more of your spinning flights and I'll have a spinning stomach, and to be honest I would like to keep my soup in there and not out here corporal, so hurry up and land or open the loading bay doors, so  hurry up and fly this thing to the base."

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"no guess we just got a little too close to a Raider outpost he probably thought we were going to attack him since this is a gunship Vertibird not a supply one" Snowflake pauses "actually either way he would probably of tried to shoot us down. lets get the hell out of here before I have a repeat of my last Vertibird flight"

"Nice flyin'" Clyde complimented. "But please for the love of Celestia land this son of a bitch soon. Startin to get sick of bein up here in the air." Clyde complained. "So what does the ROCM do?" Clover asked. "Like what's their goal? What do they seek to achieve?"
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"our goal is simple just to enforce things the way they did back in the pre-war before everypony becomes mindless savages so basically territorial control but we are also trying to protect the innocent from people like Slavers and Raiders.... especially Heels" snowflake turns around with a grin on his face "judging by your faces you guys have weak stomachs trust me spend a few days flying in one of these and you will never get nauseated. also taking some Buffout might help a bit" Snowflake turns back around and continues flying 


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"our goal is simple just to enforce things the way they did back in the pre-war before everypony becomes mindless savages so basically territorial control but we are also trying to protect the innocent from people like Slavers and Raiders.... especially Heels" snowflake turns around with a grin on his face "judging by your faces you guys have weak stomachs trust me spend a few days flying in one of these and you will never get nauseated. also taking some Buffout might help a bit" Snowflake turns back around and continues flying 

"Also they rely on mindless bureaucrats to mindlessly take back the wasteland, 10 miles of wasteland will take 6 to 10 months to be called fully controlled and don't get me started on their old world ways, can't stand that the most about the ROCM "By taking control of the wasteland we are one step closer to a world it once was." (Alamo says sarcastically) "Bull shit, its the same old same old stuff." 

Edited by Castle
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Snowflake says in a sarcastic tone "yes yes because a world of savageness sounds way much better then one of order" Snowflake sees the base in the distance "ah good we are approaching" Snowflake activates the radio "Sir we are arriving I will bring her down at the eastern landing zone"........ "yes sir" Snowflake flies towards the eastern landing zone and lands the Vertibird out side the Vertibird are 10 ROCM Rangers armed to the teeth along with the General. Snowflake cuts the engine on the Vertibird "well Gentlecolts shale we?"


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Snowflake says in a sarcastic tone "yes yes because a world of savageness sounds way much better then one of order" Snowflake sees the base in the distance "ah good we are approaching" Snowflake activates the radio "Sir we are arriving I will bring her down at the eastern landing zone"........ "yes sir" Snowflake flies towards the eastern landing zone and lands the Vertibird out side the Vertibird are 10 ROCM Rangers armed to the teeth along with the General. Snowflake cuts the engine on the Vertibird "well Gentlecolts shale we?"

(Alamo walks out of the veritibird and stands with his rifle on his back in front of the nearest guard and inspects him) "What a body guard, I've seen raiders more fit (turns to the guard) listen buddy I recommend eating a bit more beans and a orange, you need protein and vitamin D, you'll never make it in the desert without it, (goes into the veritbird cabin and gets a paper and pen, and writes a note, and hands it to the guard) "Go tell the camp chef I recommend him using this soup." (hands it to the guard and slaps him on the back to send him on his way then, turns back to the others) "What I just saved more lives in this camp than most chefs before me."

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Banner: "lets go and do what we need to do and get out, I hate being watched by people with powerful weapons but this reminds me of a story of my great great grandfather he had a wife a child and a job his  life was good but one wrong step and,bang right in the head by a gang, he lived in manehaten so no surprise there but his wife...got revenge by joining the cops puting her self in danger caring for the child and destroying most of the gangs I love her even now"

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Clover walked out of the vertibuck along with the 4 mercenaries. "Hey you 4." A ROCM trooper said running up to the mercenaries. "Your boss is here. Says he wants to see you all. He's waiting for you in Maj. Silver Rush's office." Haldane nodded to the trooper. "You heard him. Get your asses moving. Now!" Haldane ordered. "Gotta go. Duty calls." Clyde said grinning before following the others to the large building in the center of the base.

Edited by Semper Fi
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Chain: "thats what we all want to know here, I mean I got ponys that need me and everypony else with me"


Jade: *at the middle of camp* "ROCM...you better not do anything to them" *another pony go's up to Jade* "I know they need to come back, Chain and Banner need to know we need more scrap for buildings and Alamo needs to know we have a new member in the camp about to be born"

Edited by Santakupo
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"General sir I have retrieved the supplies, the Vertibird, and the Wastelanders like you asked" "good work soldier. Jonson get your squad in the Vertibird and retreieve all supplies" "yes sir" "so you are the Wastelanders Corporal Frostflame told me all about, you all don't seem so tough but who am I to judge welcome to Fort Cadence I'm General Dahlquist"


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Chain: "Cadence...like the princes?" Chain asks thinking why would they call it that

Banner: "your right to be one not to judge"

Chain: "she wiped out a ton of the wolf pack with a flamethrower and a bit of dynamite not to metion save my life while doing it" he said proud of Banner

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"Where's the Major's office?" Haldane asked the desk the secretary, who was filling out paperwork. "Up the stairs. 3rd door on the left." She said without looking up. "Thanks." Haldane said. They walked up the stairs and down the hallway to the 3rd door on the left. Haldane opened the door and the mercenaries filed in. The pony they were meeting was sitting in the Major's chair. "You're here. Have a seat. There's something we need to talk about."

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"What'd you like to see us about sir?" Pudding Cup asked taking a seat. "Listen." He turned the radio on the desk on and turned the volume up. "Heel forces have moved closer to the east to ROCM territories and have currently set up camps along I-485. RO-" The pony turned the radio off and turned back to his mercenaries. "The Heels attacked an ROCM outpost last week. Killed just about everyone there." He surveyed the mercenaries for a moment. "You know what this means don't you?" He asked. "Heels have declared war on the ROCM."

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"the deal is we need more guns the Corporal here says your group of Wanderers are actually honorable and you wish to stay independent from us here is the deal. you work for the ROCM we keep you supplied with aid and ammo and we will let you stay independent if you refuse I'm not sure how much longer your little camp will last there might be an "accidental" attack I mean you guys do look similar to the Raiders. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?"


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