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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Fallout Equestria: Survival of the Fittest

Stone Cold Applejack

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"I don't really know if I'm open to eating meat." Clover said. "And what was that part you said about caps?" Clover asked. "Why would you need those?"


(Stables don't use caps. They use pre war bits. Clover is new to the wasteland she doesn't know that caps are used as currency.)

"Alright friend I don't know how long you have been out of this stable of yours and, well pre-war cash is junk, but it'll get you one or two caps, and i'm talking bout bottle caps, root beer, and cola, they are more resistance to the radiated  weather so it more useful than pre-war money, weapons, scrap, food, is worth more than pre-war money what else do I need to explain? 

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"Alright friend I don't know how long you have been out of this stable of yours and, well pre-war cash is junk, but it'll get you one or two caps, and i'm talking bout bottle caps, root beer, and cola, they are more resistance to the radiated weather so it more useful than pre-war money, weapons, scrap, food, is worth more than pre-war money what else do I need to explain?

"Really caps?" Clover said to the pony. "Seems like a stupid thing to use as money." Clover thought. "What's out here?" she asked. "Like the other things out here besides ponies. Also I didn't catch your name. Mines Clover."


(Mutants, raiders, and crazed pre war robots.)

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Chain: *the pony infront of chain starts to get blury chain rubs his eyes and the pony was gone* "what in the world? I must be hungryer and sleeper than I thoult" *chain walks back to camp* I will not eat meat it is not right for a pony even if I starve *goes to a market and buys a 3 carrots for 15 bits and eats 1*

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Alamo camp cook, and medic (Looks at Chain eating a carrot) Well their one of our reps over their he can probably explain the world better then I can." Alamo say to Clover "Hey Chain we got a new one, fresh from the Stables, told you some still haven't came out yet, come sort her out let'er know whats new in the world!" (He shouts to Chain)

@yoshikupo @Red Sage

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@Castle @Red Sage


Chain: *swallows and walks over to them* "so your new to the world out here huh? bet you already know the world has gone to shit but how shity has it gone you may wonder well there are random raiders, gangs called Dragon Breathers, Magictech, and finaly there are the dreaded flyers...those good for nothing pegasy...oh and theres also gouls, giant insects, almost no water or food unless you start to eat meat and to get almost anything you have to get many caps some even want over a thousand just for a simple gun thats how shity the world is"

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@yoshikupo @ Red Sage


"To over priced unless the gun's in good condition, if it crap try and get them to lower the price a bit, I feel our other friend might be doing that now, but like I said you can either buy food like chain here did, or hunt with me, if we don't find meat we will most likely find the source they feed from cause even as it is my job to cook for this camp, I hate pulling out my money to pay for the food to feed this camp." (Looks at Chain) "Have you scouted for any building yet, might scavenge for a few things?"

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@Castle @Red Sage


Chain: oh right there was a few houses I wanted to cheak out but they might have some ponys in it or some other kind of other monster in it I am not saying I need help but I want it so I might not die...Banner will come with me though so it won't be to bad I will tell her now."

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@yoshikupo @ Red Sage


"To over priced unless the gun's in good condition, if it crap try and get them to lower the price a bit, I feel our other friend might be doing that now, but like I said you can either buy food like chain here did, or hunt with me, if we don't find meat we will most likely find the source they feed from cause even as it is my job to cook for this camp, I hate pulling out my money to pay for the food to feed this camp." (Looks at Chain) "Have you scouted for any building yet, might scavenge for a few things?"

"Wow sounds like this place is pretty damn hard to survive in." Clover said. "I don't have any caps or anything to trade with so-" Clover swallowed. "Looks like I'm gonna have to eat meat." Clover said nervously. "Guess I'm gonna have to go with you Alamo. So where are we going?" she said still a bit nervous.
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@yoshikupo @Red Sage

"Bring back something, you know I'd hate to have to make meat stew  but some ponys got to eat here so be sure to search them cabinets and fridges." (Looks back at Clover) "Well now we got to head for the wild, and now you  know about our beautiful planet looks like so were gonna take a look around and if you need anymore help you could always ask me or ask more members out our dinner pow wow, now lets get moving that sun doesn't stay up for long." 

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@Castle @Red Sage


Chain: "I will be going now" *Chain goes to get Banner and leaves* "well this is the place"

Banner: "well the place looks like crap but supplies can come from anywhere I guess"

Chain: "thats true but I hope its good supplies"

(Chain and Banner go into the first of five houses)

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(Out in the waste with Clover) "Alright so we are looking for tracks and plants" (Alamo stands stills to sense around him) "Dirt is off a bit might be the wind moving the sand or something is blocking the sand so, we head over there keep your eye out and help me search the plants over here I feel like we might find more than what it seems over here, careful of the pines, or else im gonna have to pull them out of you, and trust me even with my medicine, it will still hurt, now let us begin our search." (searchs 4 of the plants and the ground around them) 

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@Tyranosuarus in F18s


Banner: *before she left with chain to search houses* "weapon? we have a few ponys that sell weapons but silenced? that would cost you about 100 caps for a even remotely good weapon"


Chain: "Banner its time to go search the houses I found stop talking to that *looks at mirror* silver tounge" he says in a low tone

*they leave to go to the houses*


(this is in the past so that mirror is not just siting there) 

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(Out in the waste with Clover) "Alright so we are looking for tracks and plants" (Alamo stands stills to sense around him) "Dirt is off a bit might be the wind moving the sand or something is blocking the sand so, we head over there keep your eye out and help me search the plants over here I feel like we might find more than what it seems over here, careful of the pines, or else im gonna have to pull them out of you, and trust me even with my medicine, it will still hurt, now let us begin our search." (searchs 4 of the plants and the ground around them)


2 Fire root

Xander root

Hunter Sage (editable)

Hunter Sage root (editable)



"Huh...Alamo. I found this." Clover said raising up the Hunter Sage plant along with it's root. "Do we need it or should I just throw it away." Clover asked.


(Sorry I haven't gotten to ya Cas. I had to go somewhere.)

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2 Fire root

Xander root

Hunter Sage (editable)

Hunter Sage root (editable)


"Huh...Alamo. I found this." Clover said raising up the Hunter Sage plant along with it's root. "Do we need it or should I just throw it away." Clover asked.

"Yeah that will be useful make a stew if the others find some flour in those shacks of theirs it will last us the night, but either we can continue to look around for more, theses fire roots, i'll turn into herbal medicine, and those hunter sage plant parts and that xander root will be used to make the stew, so Clover, do you want to help anymore, or head back to camp? Well anyway you choose your options but since you came out here to help a sightly blind pony (hands Clover 5 caps) I'm not the richest but you'll get your share of the dinner for free, but these caps, can make your chances of surviving slightly longer." (Alamo then heads to another set of plants that is farther away from the camp to search them)

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"Yeah that will be useful make a stew if the others find some flour in those shacks of theirs it will last us the night, but either we can continue to look around for more, theses fire roots, i'll turn into herbal medicine, and those hunter sage plant parts and that xander root will be used to make the stew, so Clover, do you want to help anymore, or head back to camp? Well anyway you choose your options but since you came out here to help a sightly blind pony (hands Clover 5 caps) I'm not the richest but you'll get your share of the dinner for free, but these caps, can make your chances of surviving slightly longer." (Alamo then heads to another set of plants that is farther away from the camp to search them)


Hunter Sage

Some dead flowers

Xander root


"I'm gonna stay here. Help you help search a bit." Clover said. "Oh and thanks for these caps." Clover opened her saddle bags and put the caps in it. "Every little bit will help." Clover thought for a moment before speaking. "Hey Alamo. Where are you from?"


(The plants I add in are mostly made up. But I have made the things they do already. They're made up since this takes place in Marelanta.)

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"I'm gonna stay here. Help you help search a bit." Clover said. "Oh and thanks for these caps." Clover opened her saddle bags and put the caps in it. "Every little bit will help." Clover thought for a moment before speaking. "Hey Alamo. Where are you from?"

"I come from a tribe of survivors called Parameds, our origins were almost lost, but we know that our ancestors were doctors and nurses, who were supposed to be in the stables but survived by living in the ruins of medical buildings, were my father and his father before learn the art of healing and since we were always moving, we always needed to check each other and what was good for our health and bad for our health, I had the knowledge to know what food was good to eat and say what was bad, but I left to find new fruits of nature, and stew I made took my sight but didn't disable my senses,so I was blind wandering around until the camp took notice of my abitiles to make the best medicine and the food I could make out of the simplest of ingredients, so a true home I cannot say, but what about you, stable dweller what is your story?"

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"I come from a tribe of survivors called Parameds, our origins were almost lost, but we know that our ancestors were doctors and nurses, who were supposed to be in the stables but survived by living in the ruins of medical buildings, were my father and his father before learn the art of healing and since we were always moving, we always needed to check each other and what was good for our health and bad for our health, I had the knowledge to know what food was good to eat and say what was bad, but I left to find new fruits of nature, and stew I made took my sight but didn't disable my senses,so I was blind wandering around until the camp took notice of my abitiles to make the best medicine and the food I could make out of the simplest of ingredients, so a true home I cannot say, but what about you, stable dweller what is your story?"

"Well uh...I was born in Stable 67. I had 2 brothers named Silver Wing and Single Spade. Silver Wing was the oldest, he was also a pegasus and I was the youngest. I busted and served tables at the bar in the Stable. The Stable had a firing range in it. I remember my brothers always dragging me down there and teaching me how to shoot. At first I hated it but then it grew on me. Life in the stable had it's ups and downs, mostly ups. I left the stable because I felt like there was more out here for me than in there in the stable."
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(when Chain and Banner enter the first house)


Chain: "why is there a flame thrower mounted on the wall?" *cheaks it out* "looks like pony prints but...it does not shot even with gas in it I would just be scrap if I could not fix it (trys to fix it I am using an app that chances it) almost making it completely usless he fixes it "that should make it work but working good...it may not do"


they also find

2x caned corn

1x non purifed water

6x energy cells


(I am useing the app for all of this) 

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"Well uh...I was born in Stable 67. I had 2 brothers named Silver Wing and Single Spade. Silver Wing was the oldest, he was also a pegasus and I was the youngest. I busted and served tables at the bar in the Stable. The Stable had a firing range in it. I remember my brothers always dragging me down there and teaching me how to shoot. At first I hated it but then it grew on me. Life in the stable had it's ups and downs, mostly ups. I left the stable because I felt like there was more out here for me than in there in the stable."

"Well I hate to tell you, vault dweller it may have been better to stay in that stable of your's, because you've increase your death rate everyday, with everyone you meet, one of the wrong you meet step a bit closer to you than you want so keep your eye open, but give chances to people, not everyone helps a blind man like me, but even blind I still do more than what most cannot, now lets start heading back to camp, the sun is going to set in a few hours." (Starts galloping towards the camp)

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(second house and they find a ton of giant incects chain in a rush to kill them uses all the gas in the flame thrower)


Chain:well now I need gas


they find these things in the house


1x bag of meat

1x baseball bat

6x empty bullet shells


(they also get some incect meat)

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"Well I hate to tell you, vault dweller it may have been better to stay in that stable of your's, because you've increase your death rate everyday, with everyone you meet, one of the wrong you meet step a bit closer to you than you want so keep your eye open, but give chances to people, not everyone helps a blind man like me, but even blind I still do more than what most cannot, now lets start heading back to camp, the sun is going to set in a few hours." (Starts galloping towards the camp)

"Alright. I'll remember that." Clover said before galloping along with Alamo. "Well guess I won't have to eat meat. That's good." Clover thought. "So Alamo. That camp you live at. Who else is there besides you?" Clover asked.


(Remember Cas. Stables are vaults in FO:E.)

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"Alright. I'll remember that." Clover said before galloping along with Alamo. "Well guess I won't have to eat meat. That's good." Clover thought. "So Alamo. That camp you live at. Who else is there besides you?" Clover asked.

(Remember Cas. Stables are vaults in FO:E.) Castle: I know what they are just miswrote

"Well we have the average traders, the guns smiths and, junk traders, we gott'em all, but being apart of the camps comes with rules like no stealing, no killing, if you steal well you get killed, and if you kill you get killed and your stuff will be given to the spouse of the one you killed, I have no problem with it but I do have problems making sure that nobody steals with a mobile camp someone always forgets something and another finds and claims it's theirs but we deal with it, Banner and Chain are our guards and scavengers, they do their job well, so I can't complain anyone else tends to not discuss anything but business, so that why we are out here and the other traders are not, now let go inside, got to get this soup ready for the camp, hopefully Chain and Banner found something for it." (Alamo walks inside his tent)

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(and now here comes the third house here that looked like it was very clean well clean as it can be after this whole thing)


Chain:some how this house is weird...its just off


the crew find


4x nuke a cola

4x perseved apples

1x weak sledge hammer

12x empty energy cells

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"Well we have the average traders, the guns smiths and, junk traders, we gott'em all, but being apart of the camps comes with rules like no stealing, no killing, if you steal well you get killed, and if you kill you get killed and your stuff will be given to the spouse of the one you killed, I have no problem with it but I do have problems making sure that nobody steals with a mobile camp someone always forgets something and another finds and claims it's theirs but we deal with it, Banner and Chain are our guards and scavengers, they do their job well, so I can't complain anyone else tends to not discuss anything but business, so that why we are out here and the other traders are not, now let go inside, got to get this soup ready for the camp, hopefully Chain and Banner found something for it." (Alamo walks inside his tent)

Clover walked inside the tent with Alamo. "I'm not really a cook but I guess you might be able to teach me." Clover took off her Stable jumpsuit, which only consented of the shirt part. She picked up a hunter sage root and studied it. "So these roots. Are they any good?"
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Clover walked inside the tent with Alamo. "I'm not really a cook but I guess you might be able to teach me." Clover took off her Stable jumpsuit, which only consented of the shirt part. She picked up a hunter sage root and studied it. "So these roots. Are they any good?"

(walks over to a unlit cooking area (firewood with a pot over it that has no water in it) "Well were gonna need my cutting board so let me get it." (Alamo then walks over to a box near a sleeping bag and bag, gets a small knife, a wooden spoon, and a cutting board and the bag) "Alright lookie here apprentice, these hunter sage plant parts are good for improving the sight, kind of like carrots, but a little bit more perceive, anyways these fire roots i'll make into medical supply, this xander root will just be healthy for us, it adds a bit of flavor as well" (Alamo then starts cutting up both the xander root and the hunter sage roots, but throws aside a certain part of the hunter plant)

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