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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Fallout Equestria: Survival of the Fittest

Stone Cold Applejack

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(walks over to a unlit cooking area (firewood with a pot over it that has no water in it) "Well were gonna need my cutting board so let me get it." (Alamo then walks over to a box near a sleeping bag and bag, gets a small knife, a wooden spoon, and a cutting board and the bag) "Alright lookie here apprentice, these hunter sage plant parts are good for improving the sight, kind of like carrots, but a little bit more perceive, anyways these fire roots i'll make into medical supply, this xander root will just be healthy for us, it adds a bit of flavor as well" (Alamo then starts cutting up both the xander root and the hunter sage roots, but throws aside a certain part of the hunter plant)

"Oh ok." Clover said looking at Alamo preparing the food. "Looks like my luck came across me again. That's actually how I got this." Clover showed Alamo her cutie mark of a 4 leaf clover. "Really helps me in cards."


(Doesn't that sound weird. Cutie mark in Fallout Equestria. But what else would I call it you know.)

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"Oh ok." Clover said looking at Alamo preparing the food. "Looks like my luck came across me again. That's actually how I got this." Clover showed Alamo her cutie mark of a 4 leaf clover. "Really helps me in cards." 

"Well you got some luck, finding me, and finding food, I don't believe in consequences, but you would make me , believe, anyways we're gonna need one last thing besides the water, i'll be right back." (runs outside the tent and after 2 minutes comes back in with a few leafs) "These are the flavor of the stew, can't tell you what it is, would ruin the surprise of the taste, but it tastes like a certain soda." (Puts the cut up root plants and xander root into the pot with the leaves) "Now we wait for Banner and Chain to bring back some kind of water, pure or non-purified they uselly find something, well now the we are waiting for them anything else you want to ask?

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"Well you got some luck, finding me, and finding food, I don't believe in consequences, but you would make me , believe, anyways we're gonna need one last thing besides the water, i'll be right back." (runs outside the tent and after 2 minutes comes back in with a few leafs) "These are the flavor of the stew, can't tell you what it is, would ruin the surprise of the taste, but it tastes like a certain soda." (Puts the cut up root plants and xander root into the pot with the leaves) "Now we wait for Banner and Chain to bring back some kind of water, pure or non-purified they uselly find something, well now the we are waiting for them anything else you want to ask?

Clover thought for a moment before speaking. "Well do you think there might be any room for me to stay here?" she asked with a grin.


(2 options. A there is room for Clover to stay which will start the wasteland wandering later or B there isn't any room and Clover will have to wander the waste to find another home. I'll let you decide.)

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(Chain and Banner find shop that was inside the house it was full of many things but it looked ransaked as if someone just moved things around)


3x wiskey

2x sunset sasperila

3x purified water

4x freash dasieys

8x 9mm ammo


Chain: we have got alot of things here and I hope the luck still continues

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Clover thought for a moment before speaking. "Well do you think there might be any room for me to stay here?" she asked with a grin.

(2 options. A there is room for Clover to stay which will start the wasteland wandering later or B there isn't any room and Clover will have to wander the waste to find another home. I'll let you decide.)

"Well I guess you can stay here, but you're gonna need to buy something." (hands 10 more caps) "Alright go to junk vendor, tell'em I sent you, if he question's you just say "Cooked water" he'll know I sent you and give you a discount, not everyone will give you a discount tho so ask him for a small box and a sleeping bag, without it your sleeping on the ground can't help you much more until after the other's get here with the damn water, where are they anyways?"

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(meanwhile on hoth I..mean the last house we find Chain and Banner ambushed by flyers)


Chain: "oh I see you guys want to kill us well you better run while you still can!" *says about to fire his lazer pistol at one flyers head*

Banner: "yeah lissten to Chain!"

Chain: "don't tell them my name!" he angerly wispers to Banner

Flyer: "oh your name is Chain? time to fly!" *they start to fly out a window but Chain and Banner start shoting them but one gets away*

Chain: "crap" pulls out varment rifle and go's throw window starts to aim with his magic and shots his wing he plumets to the ground "hope he's dead"


the gang loots

2x wiskey

5x purified water

3x small 9mm pistols

8x glowing carrots

1x power armor helmat


Chain: "this looks like a Dragon Breathers"

*they head back to camp* 

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"Well I guess you can stay here, but you're gonna need to buy something." (hands 10 more caps) "Alright go to junk vendor, tell'em I sent you, if he question's you just say "Cooked water" he'll know I sent you and give you a discount, not everyone will give you a discount tho so ask him for a small box and a sleeping bag, without it your sleeping on the ground can't help you much more until after the other's get here with the damn water, where are they anyways?"

"Alright thanks for the caps." Clover opened the flap to the tent and walked into the camp. "Alright so find a junk vendor." Clover looked around and spotted one. She walked over to him and gave him the 10 caps. "Uhhh Alamo told me to come see you for supplies."


(Alamo I'm gonna need you to RP as the vendor.)

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"Alright thanks for the caps." Clover opened the flap to the tent and walked into the camp. "Alright so find a junk vendor." Clover looked around and spotted one. She walked over to him and gave him the 10 caps. "Uhhh Alamo told me to come see you for supplies."

"Alamo, the camp cook, ha ha ha why would he send you, he need a another pot, a wooden spoon, what does he need? (The vendor looks at Clover thoroughly) hmmm perhaps I miss spoke, your a bit to clean to be a regular wastelander so, if Alamo sent you what kind of water does he want?

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(Chain and Banner come back to camp and as usual the venders and other ponys come straite to them)


Chain: "yeah yeah we got water and food for everyone just get back I got something to do" *he leave Banner to do the rest and as he heads to the center of town with the Dragon Breather tied up to a chair that it self had tied up to it fire works pointed up* "time to have this pony go boom" he says with a wicked smile

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"Alamo, the camp cook, ha ha ha why would he send you, he need a another pot, a wooden spoon, what does he need? (The vendor looks at Clover thoroughly) hmmm perhaps I miss spoke, your a bit to clean to be a regular wastelander so, if Alamo sent you what kind of water does he want?

"Oh I'm not a wastelander I'm from Stable 67, not to far away from here." Clover said to the vendor. "And he didn't really send me here for wa-" Clover paused mid sentence realizing that this might have been a test. "Cooked." she said. "Cooked water." she said with a slight grin.
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"Oh I'm not a wastelander I'm from Stable 67, not to far away from here." Clover said to the vendor. "And he didn't really send me here for wa-" Clover paused mid sentence realizing that this might have been a test. "Cooked." she said. "Cooked water." she said with a slight grin"

"Haha your right so Alamo did send you, it explains why you have few caps so, im guessing your gonna need some of the basics sounds like your fresh out of the stables, can't ever dream of being inside of those ground prisons, anyways tell me what ya need, you name the junk, I got it somewhere in here, and when you leave tell Alamo that I want an extra bowl of soup, caps ain't the only thing helping me pass the day!

(Alamo hearing a few people rush to the center) "Well Chain and Banner are back hopefully they found some water and their gonna be happy about the soup. (Starts to walk to the center)

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Chain: "lets move this outside shall we? *the group of ponys take the chair to the front of the camp everyone can see it from here* "so how wants to kill this pony? he has injured some of are camp and so he needs a punishment" *gets out a lighter* "how wants to light it?"

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"Haha your right so Alamo did send you, it explains why you have few caps so, im guessing your gonna need some of the basics sounds like your fresh out of the stables, can't ever dream of being inside of those ground prisons, anyways tell me what ya need, you name the junk, I got it somewhere in here, and when you leave tell Alamo that I want an extra bowl of soup, caps ain't the only thing helping me pass the day!

"Well he told me to get a small box and a sleeping bag. Do you think you have any?" Clover's stomach growled again. "I hope Alamo's almost done with that soup. I'm starving." she thought. "So is that 10 caps gonna cover the cost of it or do I need more?" she asked looking at him to see if he was gonna try anything funny.
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"Well he told me to get a small box and a sleeping bag. Do you think you have any?" Clover's stomach growled again. "I hope Alamo's almost done with that soup. I'm starving." she thought. "So is that 10 caps gonna cover the cost of it or do I need more?" she asked looking at him to see if he was gonna try anything funny.

"Don't worry 10 caps its fine ,I would charge you more if you were Alamo cause I want a extra bowl of soup, well anyways, let me go take a look around." (the junk vendor walks into his tent and later comes out with a open root beer crate, with the sleeping bag in it.) "Its all there, just be sure to tell Alamo, that I want an extra bowl or he losing his discount."

(Alamo walk to Banner) "Did you find some water got the soup ready, no meat, all plants."

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@Red Sage @Castle


Chain: "like I said how wants to kill this motherfucker?" a little filly comes up to chain and takes the lighter then before he lights the chair up says "this is for my mom!" lights it up and the fire meanwile


Banner: "oh alamo yes we got water and wiskey some nuke a cola and food with some gu-" *an explosion of fireworks apperes in the sky*

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Banner: "oh alamo yes we got water and wiskey some nuke a cola and food with some gu-" *an explosion of fireworks appears in the sky*

(Alamo hears the explosion) "Well there goes another spirit, to the sky, anyways I'm gonna need a few bottles of water to fill the pot to feed the camp the camp, and I would like some of the plants you found for future camp dinner, don't need all just need some, spare me what you can but, we have other ponies here that needs food as well, no people means no business for the camp."

Edited by Castle
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Banner: your right but I think you mean pony anyway *gives Alamo 4 purifed water bottles* I also have this but *gives 1 non purifed* it may have some radiation to it


Chain: *goes back to camp saying to Banner*  "man sometimes I feel sad for those guy I mean that guy went crazy with power...I neeed some sleep come in when you want Banner


(they are close friends I could take farther but not right now) 

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Banner: your right but I think you mean pony anyway *gives Alamo 4 purifed water bottles* I also have this but *gives 1 non purifed* it may have some radiation to it


Chain: *goes back to camp saying to Banner*  "man sometimes I feel sad for those guy I mean that guy went crazy with power...I neeed some sleep come in when you want Banner

"Well I'll have Clover come get ya when the soup is ready, so don't sleep to hard, or else you won't have none of mine hunter-xander soup, you'll need it for your guard duty's tomorrow' it'll help out that eye sight of yours so you can see with those Bi-nocs, so get some rest" (Alamo walks back to his tent, but senses a few ponies following him) "I'm making dinner fellas but you got to wait a little bit longer we got an ample supply for the camp's pow wow of soup but you gonna have to hold your tongues way from it until I make it, alrighty." (Alamo walks into his tent and pours the water into the pot fill of vegetables, and begins to sir it)

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Banner: "I'll wake you up when its time Chain" *she wonders off to a random house and loses her good act* "all right what do you got fuckers?" she says to a group of ponys "shouldn't we ask you that?" one says "fine here you got a baseball bat a sledge hammer and 3 9mm pistols with this power armor helmat" "alright we got you a plasma rifle a scilecer and some gas" "like I would do that deal throw in 35 bits or no deal" "fine here you go" *she leaves the house and drops the new things off at her and Chains home 

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"Don't worry 10 caps its fine ,I would charge you more if you were Alamo cause I want a extra bowl of soup, well anyways, let me go take a look around." (the junk vendor walks into his tent and later comes out with a open root beer crate, with the sleeping bag in it.) "Its all there, just be sure to tell Alamo, that I want an extra bowl or he losing his discount."

"Alright. I'll tell em. And thanks for the stuff." Clover walked back to where Alamo was. "I got the things, looks like the 10 caps cut it, but he said to give him an extra bowl of soup or he'll cut off your discount." Clover said. "Is this about done? I'm getting really hungry."
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"Alright. I'll tell em. And thanks for the stuff." Clover walked back to where Alamo was. "I got the things, looks like the 10 caps cut it, but he said to give him an extra bowl of soup or he'll cut off your discount." Clover said. "Is this about done? I'm getting really hungry."

"Its almost done just need to mix up the spice then bam it done." (Drops the leafs from ealier into the soup and mixs) "Oh course he want an extra bowl thats always comes with the charge of discount, fair exchange, I am his most valued customer, well its done so help me deal the food outside." (Alamo picks up the pot, pours a bit into 2 bowls, then turns and carrys it out of the tent to the middle of town) "Dinner, fresh and hot, eat now or wait until the sunset of tomorrow!"

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Banner: "Chain wake up dinners done" *Chain grones* "and I got us some more things" *still groning* "one of thems a plasma rifle"

Chain: "ok I'm up lets go eat and mabey shot that rifle one time

*they go get the soup chain eats it because this time there is no meat in it he really won't break being a vegatarian*

Chain: "not the best but still better than what I have before and now...*pulls out plasma rifle away from everyone aiming at nothing in the wasteland and shots it* "oh man that feels so good to fire these guns! but now I want to go to bed" *go's into house with Banner and sleeps*

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"Its almost done just need to mix up the spice then bam it done." (Drops the leafs from ealier into the soup and mixs) "Oh course he want an extra bowl thats always comes with the charge of discount, fair exchange, I am his most valued customer, well its done so help me deal the food outside." (Alamo picks up the pot, pours a bit into 2 bowls, then turns and carrys it out of the tent to the middle of town) "Dinner, fresh and hot, eat now or wait until the sunset of tomorrow!"

Clover walked out outside and went to the center of town with Alamo. "That soup kinda looks good." she thought. "Hey Alamo. That soup looks good. You mind if I get a bowl of it?" she asked. "You don't have to give me a whole lot. Seems like these ponies need more than me."
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Clover walked out outside and went to the center of town with Alamo. "That soup kinda looks good." she thought. "Hey Alamo. That soup looks good. You mind if I get a bowl of it?" she asked. "You don't have to give me a whole lot. Seems like these ponies need more than me."

"Well if you wanted to eat go get your bowl I made in the tent, I make my bowl first to make sure I have some before its all gone, well go on back to the camp and get your bowl it will be as war as it gets from there trust me and tell  Banner or Chain one of them needs to keep an eye out for the camp tomorrow I feel something ain't gonna be quite right." (The junk vendor comes up with 2 bowls) "Alright you finally came down here."

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NightShade glanced out of the small wrecked building she called home.


The building she was in was a ruin from the fallout event that happened several generations ago. The building only had a quarter of its original roof causing most of the building to be open to the elements. The corner NightShade was huddled in was barely dry, a small puddle was where she normally drank from however the recent rains had caused her to stand up on her bedding to make sure she didn't get wet hooves. 


NightShade tummy rumbled reminding her of the need to eat, she would have to go scavenge again before long unless she wanted to starve to death. The young mare didn't go out of this building most of the time causing her to stray away from any large groups of ponies that entered the city, she never ventured outside since their were lots of evil ponies, she had only known a single good pony which was her mother.


She started to cry when she thought off her mother and took her mind off it by taking a drink off the liquid pool which was a strange murky color. After her drink she picked up a tattered saddlebag and slung it over her head, she stepped though the former entrance which had long since rotted away and then quietly walked down the street, the nearest building she had stripped of food long before. 


The young mare had just walked into the next street when she spotted a nearby corpse, the pool of blood under it confirmed it was fresh, however she decided no-pony was nearby and stealthily crept over to it, she rummaged though what was left of its inventory finding a small stash of mint-al's along with a empty canister. She decided to fill the canister with the ponies blood before putting it away in her saddlebag. She learned this after watching a large group drink from the same liquid after a brutal fight in the middle of the street and assumed this was natural behavior.


She finally stepped from the street into a new sheltered building finding a store cupboard that was hanging off its hinges, most of the items had been looted but she managed to find a tattered book inside. She levitated it with her unicorn magic before placing it on the floor, she then opened it which displayed pictures along with text she didn't understand. It was written in the equestrian language however no-pony had ever taught NightShade to read but she liked the book for its pictures and decided to take it with her.


She then steeped outside looking at her book not concentrating on her surroundings forgetting the first rule her mother taught her about the wasteland 'Never, forget you're surroundings'. She was harshly reminded of this as she heard a 'Swoosh' sound making her ear twitch. before a searing pain hit her hoof causing her to drop the book and stumbled back inside the house.


She wasn't alone. 




Dented Canister- Full

Tattered Saddlebag

Mint-Al's 10 left

Edited by Night_Shade
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