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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Fallout Equestria: Survival of the Fittest

Stone Cold Applejack

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"Well if you wanted to eat go get your bowl I made in the tent, I make my bowl first to make sure I have some before its all gone, well go on back to the camp and get your bowl it will be as war as it gets from there trust me and tell Banner or Chain one of them needs to keep an eye out for the camp tomorrow I feel something ain't gonna be quite right." (The junk vendor comes up with 2 bowls) "Alright you finally came down here."

"That's what you were doing? How did I not catch on to that?" Clover walked back to the tent, slightly embarrassed. She opened the tent flap and saw here bowl on the table. She walked to the bowl and began to eat.



While the town was lining up for food a large force of raiders were heading towards the towns. Crazed, deadly, armed raiders.


(I'm working on a name for them.)

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"That's what you were doing? How did I not catch on to that?" Clover walked back to the tent, slightly embarrassed. She opened the tent flap and saw here bowl on the table. She walked to the bowl and began to eat.

(After handing out the almost all the food) "Last call, anymore!" (No response) "Well I made the last call." (Alamo brings the pot back to his tent and sees Clover eating) "Well I see you didn't waste no time to eat, got a last batch a little bit cool but still warm, so what do you think Stable dweller, what do you think of our little wasteland paradise?"

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*Chain was getting night mares about being raided in the camp and at the end he and Banner got killed...he could identify the raiders as flyers*

Chain: *woke up in the middle of the night* "oh thank celestia it was just a dream...but now I cant sleep might as well see whats out there in the night hopefuly I can get to sleep after that" *Chain goes to the watchtower* "lets see whats...out...here" he says closing up on a big darkness in the distance and uses his magic to nightvision the binoculars "well there goes my sleep...and everyone elses" *picks up megaphone* "wake up! raiders are comeing and its a huge group!" *looks back at them* "there the wolf clan! wake up now!"

Edited by yoshikupo
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(After handing out the almost all the food) "Last call, anymore!" (No response) "Well I made the last call." (Alamo brings the pot back to his tent and sees Clover eating) "Well I see you didn't waste no time to eat, got a last batch a little bit cool but still warm, so what do you think Stable dweller, what do you think of our little wasteland paradise?"

"It's the first place I've been to so I can't compare it to anything. But I'm glad I stumbled across it because now I gotta place to stay." Clover said smiling.


The large group of raiders were right outside the town ready to make a move. "Ok on the count of 3 we go." A Wolf Pack Clan leader ordered. "1...2...3. Go!" The raiders charge into the town, opening up fire on every pony they see.


(That's there name The Wolf Pack Clan.)

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"It's the first place I've been to so I can't compare it to anything. But I'm glad I stumbled across it because now I gotta place to stay." Clover said smiling.

"Well then i'm gonna eat." (Alamo after eating for a bit hears Chain call about flyers) "Clover you better get ready to fight it seems our camp scavengers started some trouble!" (Runs tp grab varmint rifle with ammo) "I've got to protect the ponies that don't fight, go see Chain in his tower and see how you can help, but don't die or else you won't have anymore soup!" (runs out and heads for the middle of the camp)

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Chain: *starts shoting the wolf clan with his plasma rifle up on the tower* "I need back up here!"

Banner: *seeing some of the raiders starts to shot them with her varment rifle and 9mm pistol at the house and slowly snipes eveyone shoting them in the head* "oh this feels good" she wispers to herself

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"Well then i'm gonna eat." (Alamo after eating for a bit hears Chain call about flyers) "Clover you better get ready to fight it seems our camp scavengers started some trouble!" (Runs tp grab varmint rifle with ammo) "I've got to protect the ponies that don't fight, go see Chain in his tower and see how you can help, but don't die or else you won't have anymore soup!" (runs out and heads for the middle of the camp)

"Losing soup is not my biggest fear at the moment." Clover said to herself before running out of the tent. "Oh shit." Clover said looking at the town. Dead bodies were lying on the streets, gunfire could be heard, the building in down at the end of the road was on fire. Clover snapped out of her trance and began to gallop as fast as she could to the watch tower.
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NightShade crashed back though the building a red stain beginning to dribble down her flank covering up her cutie-mark which was a two pink flowers attached to a stem and leaves in a spiral matrix. Several more shots came though into the building missing her completely. She ducked down into what she thought was the kitchen and hid under a worktop, several more shots fired though into the kitchen causing a large portion of the ceiling to crash to the ground. It covered over NightShade's hiding place rather well.


Several seconds passed by and she heard a grunt outside "I think i already shot whoever it was, psycho just caved in half the house so they are probably dead or really injured and I don't want something falling on my head to go investigate". Then the footsteps retreated however the gunfire only intensified.


NightShade stayed still waiting for everything to be over, her flank stung like hell and these ponies were definitely not friendly. NightShade's eyes rolled back and she lost consciousness as she bleed out.


NightShade regained consciousness not knowing what had happened, the gunfire had ceased and she pushed the plaster causing it to break in several places, she got up out of it however she had made a large noise to do so. Nightshade glanced at her flank which had since stopped bleeding, she still needed medical assistance with the bullet still inside her, she wondered where she could go and get help from, performing her own surgery was a very dangerous and bad idea.


She pushed several lumps of marble off her causing lots of dust to rise from the floor, she let out a loud sneeze causing her to realize she wasn't alone in the wrecked house since she heard hooves steps coming her way.   


(one of you can come find me now, i would rather not get shot up by a raider)

Edited by Night_Shade
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(Alamo shoots raiders searching the camp) "Where the hell did they fuckers come from." (Alamo says to himself) (knocks on doors through out the camp and makes sure people are safe in their homes and see a house caved in) "That ain't good!" (Runs into the house and sees the raider) "Fuck! (The raider turns and shoots at Alamo, who gets cut by the bullet and shoots and kills the raider) "Hello anyone in here, I am Alamo you might recognize me as the camp cook!"

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Banner: "I bet Chains at the watch tower time to get there in style!" *with dynamite she had from the search and the flamethrower she makes hell on equestria for all how get in her way on the way she go's in the same house she made the deal with the ponys and saw they were dead and some ponys was looting there bodys* "that stuff is mine!" she shots them in the head and loots


1x sledge hammer

1x baseball bat

1x power helmat


and lot of ammo


*she starts going to the watch tower again the same way as before*

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(Alamo shoots raiders searching the camp) "Where the hell did they fuckers come from." (Alamo says to himself) (knocks on doors through out the camp and makes sure people are safe in their homes and see a house caved in) "That ain't good!" (Runs into the house and sees the raider) "Fuck! (The raider turns and shoots at Alamo, who gets cut by the bullet and shoots and kills the raider) "Hello anyone in here, I am Alamo you might recognize me as the camp cook, im not a threat to you!" (This was a mistake I posted twice sorry about it)

Edited by Castle
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NightShade crashed back though the building a red stain beginning to dribble down her flank covering up her cutie-mark which was a two pink flowers attached to a stem and leaves in a spiral matrix. Several more shots came though into the building missing her completely. She ducked down into what she thought was the kitchen and hid under a worktop, several more shots fired though into the kitchen causing a large portion of the ceiling to crash to the ground. It covered over NightShade's hidingplace rather well.


Several seconds passed by and she heard a grunt outside "I think i already shot whoever it was, psycho just caved in half the house so they are probably dead or really injured and I don't want something falling on my head to go investigate". Then the footsteps retreated however the gunfire only intensified.


NightShade stayed still waiting for everything to be over, her flank stung like hell and these ponies were definitely not friendly. NightShade's eyes rolled back and she lost consciousness as she bleed out.


NightShade regained consciousness not knowing what had happened, the gunfire had ceased and she pushed the plaster causing it to break in several places, she got up out of it however she had made a large noise to do so. Nightshade glanced at her flank which had since stopped bleeding, she still needed medical assistance with the bullet still inside her, she wondered where she could go and get help from, performing her own surgery was a very dangerous and bad idea.


She pushed several lumps of marble off her causing lots of dust to rise from the floor, she let out a loud sneeze causing her to realize she wasn't alone in the wrecked house.


(one of you can come find me now, i would rather not get shot up by a raider)

Clover was walking quietly through the alley way between 2 buildings. She was scared. More scared then she had ever been in her life. She rounded a corner but stopped mid way when 4 shadows appeared. Clover pressed against the wall and held her breath. The shadows grew closer and closer until she could hear there hoofsteps. The shadows ran by, revealing it was a family. "Hey over here. Hurry before someone finds you." Clover loudly whispered to them. The family started hurry towards her but were cut off from gunfire from down the street. Tears started to stream down Clover's eyes. She bit her hoof to stop herself from crying. Clover's ears pricked up on hearing something. It sounded like hoofsteps. "See what they got." No doubt that it was raiders coming to see what they could get from their victims. Clover knew if she stayed in that alley they might venture into it and find. She began to look around for a new place to hide. She noticed the broken shop window of the building beside her and jumped into it. She ducked down and hid.


(There you go Shade. I'm in the same building as you.)

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*after being a general bad ass in battle she go's into a house the same one that the other ponys are in for cover*

Banner: "If there are ponys in this building how want to kill me try and do it now but you will be burnt before your very eyes!" she shouts when she see's the shadows of other ponys


Chain: "anyone I need help! bring medical supplies fast!" *he says looking at a bullet wound*

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Clover ducked down behind covering while the raiders searched their targets. She was holding her breath, trying to make as little noise as possible. "Nothing. They got fucking nothing." one of the raiders said. "Lets go then. See if we can find anything else." the raiders trotted off, leaving Clover by herself. Clover started to stand up and leave but crouched back down when a voice from outside called into the building. Clover was hesitate to answer at first but she decided to trust her gut and answered. "I'm here." she called back. "I'm not one of them. Who are you?"

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@Red Sage


Banner: "Hell to the no...Clover is that you? because a lot of these fuckers are after me and gas does not last forever and I am saving my last dynamite on killing the fuckers attacking Chain and if you not Clover could you help me anyway?" she said swiching between nice and brutal in her words

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@Red Sage


Banner: "Hell to the no...Clover is that you? because a lot of these fuckers are after me and gas does not last forever and I am saving my last dynamite on killing the fuckers attacking Chain and if you not Clover could you help me anyway?" she said swiching between nice and brutal in her words

"Uhhh yeah it's me. Clover." she answered. Clover was relieved it was a friendly pony. She walked out of the building and greeted Banner. "Thank Celestia it's one of you. Listen I'd like to help but I wouldn't have any idea what to do." Clover said, trying to hide that she couldn't bring herself to kill another pony.
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Banner: "well how you can help me is take care of anypony trying to stop me from getting to Chain have these" *she gives Clover a baseball bat and sledge hammer to clover* "Its kill or be killed out here...but do you have the guts to kill another pony? if you do no problem if it is a problem aim or hit them in the legs got it?" 

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Banner: "well how you can help me is take care of anypony trying to stop me from getting to Chain have these" *she gives Clover a baseball bat and sledge hammer to clover* "Its kill or be killed out here...but do you have the guts to kill another pony? if you do no problem if it is a problem aim or hit them in the legs got it?"

Clover swallowed at the sight of the bat. "I couldn't kill another pony. I'm sorry but I can't." she gave Banner the bat back and dropped her head in sadness. "I'm sorry. I just can't bring myself to kill somepony." she said with a tear streaming down her eye. "Maybe coming up here was a bad idea." she thought.
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Banner: "fine I will go with or without you this is your last chance just catch up to me if you want to help me to get Chain" she said sternly and then left seeing the watch tower in sight "fire in the hole!" she throw the dynamite killing everypony in there but destroying the ladder to get to Chain


Chain: "what happened!?"

Banner: "I killed them all but I need a ladder now"

Chain: "great"

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"Wait." Clover said to Banner, but was to late as Banner had already ran off. Clover was about to follow Banner but she was frozen with fear. "Come on Clover." she thought. "They may need your help." Clover closed her eyes and took a breath before she ran to Banner. She ran as fast as she could until she saw the camp guard. "Uhhh Banner is it? I can help you but I can't kill another pony. Is there anything you need help with?"

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Banner: "yeah I blow up the ladder get me another one and for defence for the love of celestia use it a baseball bat" *hands the same baseball bat to her she did earlyer "just go get it you don't have to kill anypony I will defend this area right now just go get the ladder"

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Banner: "yeah I blow up the ladder get me another one and for defence for the love of celestia use it a baseball bat" *hands the same baseball bat to her she did earlyer "just go get it you don't have to kill anypony I will defend this area right now just go get the ladder"

"Ok. Get a ladder. Got it." Clover said nervously. She nodded to Banner and galloped off as fast as she could. Clover's heart was racing. The sound of gunfire was still going fresh. Clover was on the south side of the town when she came across a store. She walked to the door and pushed upon the door. "What the hell?" Clover pushed the door but it wouldn't open. She looked down and saw the pad lock on the door. "Alright I can do this. Just need something..." Clover turned to look for something she could use to pick the lock. She looked on the ground and saw something shining. She picked it up with her magic and saw it was a piece of metal. She levitated the metal over to the lock and started to the process. "Come on." she turned the pick to the left and the lock popped open. "Yes." she said about her success. She pushed the store door open and entered the building. "Alright. Find a ladder."
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Chain: "you forgot to tell her to get medical supplys Banner!" he sayed after Clover left

Banner: "you never told me you were injured!"

Chain: "well I am and the ladder can wait but I need that stuff now!"

Banner: "fine I will go with her" *Banner goes the direction Clover went and came up on her how just unlocked a door* "hey Clover we need medical supplys as well also look to your left!" she said seeing an enemy to his left

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"What?" Clover said before looking left. A pony tackled her to the ground and smacked her with the butt of their rifle. The pony held Clover down. Clover struggled to get free but the pony holding her was much stronger than her. "Banner! Help me!" Clover screamed. "Ain't no one gonna help you." the raider said. "It's just me and you." the raider chuckled. "And no one else."

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Banner: "well guess again" she shots the raider in the face with a 9mm pistol as brain bits and blood over both of the ponys "these ponys try to over power anypony you need to watch out and if there was one there are others and those drugs can be preaty nasty with there affects on a pony"

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