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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Fallout Equestria: Survival of the Fittest

Stone Cold Applejack

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Clover remained frozen, shaking with fear. The splatter from the bullet got blood on Clover's face. Tears started to fall from her eyes once again. "I should have not came here." she whispered quietly. "I should of just stayed in the Stable." she said a lot. She slowly stood up. Her legs were still shaking from fear. "I want to get out of here."

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Banner: "stop saying things like that you need to be strong if your strong nothing can break you...I was once just like you but then somepony gave me this speak...that somepony was Chain I have always had his back and viceverca please this is the here and the now we have to help Chain please take my hoof and lets get throw this" *she holds her hoff out at Clover*

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Banner: "stop saying things like that you need to be strong if your strong nothing can break you...I was once just like you but then somepony gave me this speak...that somepony was Chain I have always had his back and viceverca please this is the here and the now we have to help Chain please take my hoof and lets get throw this" *she holds her hoff out at Clover*

Clover wiped her tears away and spoke to Banner. "Alright. You're right. I need to be strong." Clover took Banner's hoof. "Ok. Go back to Chain. I'll stay here and look for the ladder and medical supplies." Clover nodded and walked up the stairs to the second level of the store.
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Banner: "don't get killed!" Banner yelled at clover as she went back to chain and the watch tower "hey Chain you ok up there...Chain are you ok...why are not answering me?" Chain was baraly awake

Chain: "I am not going to lie I need help badly I am about to go down wheres the ladder?"

Banner: "Its on its way! dont worry!"

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Clover arrived on the 2nd floor. "Ok. There definitely isn't any ladders in here. But hopefully there's some medical supplies." she said to herself. Clover walked to the counter and went behind it. She searched the cabinets above and found.

Packs of cigarettes



"Argh. No." Clover shut the cabinet without taking anything. She walked away from the corner and searched the shelves. She searched one after another finding nothing. "There's no damn medicine at all in here." she said before searching the last shelf.

2 spools of guaze

"At least it's something." She said, taking the guaze. Clover put the guaze in her saddle bags and ran back downstairs.

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Banner: "I found one of these health potions and a lot of drugs on the bodys of these guys here you go!" *she throws up a health potion to the badly damaged Chain*

Chain: *he now looked a little grey* "this will not last long but its still good thank you Banner!"

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Clover entered the back room of the store. Sh scanned the area looking for a ladder or anything that could be used as a substitute. She spotted one behind some boxes and trotted to it. "Oh thank Celestia." she pushed the boxes over used her magic to levitate the ladder. She galloped out of the backroom. She looked through the window to make sure the coast was clear. It was and she trotted out of the store and into the street. She galloped as fast as she could to where Banner was at. She ran until she spotted her. "Banner...I got...the ladder...and...some guaze...to help..

stop the bleeding." she said in between breaths. She put the ladder down and gave Banner the guaze before sitting down to rest.

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Banner: "Thank you Clover" *sets up the ladder and go's up it* "thank celestia I am here...now this is going to hurt like hell so drink the last of that potion" *takes out the bullet with her magic*

Chain: "that did hurt like hell but it was better than having one taken out with pliers man those things suck"

Banner: *Applies guaze to Chain as Chain slowly regains his color* "we did it!"

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(Alamo walks in dazed by the fire fights that happened on the other side of the camp) "We've secured the south, we got some prisoners and alot of wounded, what the deal over here? (Looks at Chain regain his color) "They'll live to see another day. (Looks at Clover) Welcome to our world, our Paradise, there are many like it but this is our's." 

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(well if no one else is going to post I might as well)

"so I guess we sould go attack the other assholes here as well huh?" Banner says "ye really should you gals going to come with us? if so just follow us got it" *chain and Banner go to the nearest gun shot fire*

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(well if no one else is going to post I might as well)

"so I guess we sould go attack the other assholes here as well huh?" Banner says "ye really should you gals going to come with us? if so just follow us got it" *chain and Banner go to the nearest gun shot fire*

(Yeah was waiting for you guys to respond) "Alright we got prisoners so let get the others, there are a lot of angry campers out there!" (Runs out with Chain and Banner) "What happened while I was in the south? (Alamo questions Chain and Banner as he runs with them)

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Chain: "well I almost died but Banner got me supplies fast so I didn't"

Banner: "but Clover got the supplies I just protected Chain I gave a speak to Clover that I sayed Chain gave me when I had trouble in the wasteland"

Chain: "I never gave you a speak about that"

Banner: "well he needed help and I made him think more of you"

Chain: "don't do that again"

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Chain: "well I almost died but Banner got me supplies fast so I didn't"

Banner: "but Clover got the supplies I just protected Chain I gave a speak to Clover that I sayed Chain gave me when I had trouble in the wasteland"

Chain: "I never gave you a speak about that"

Banner: "well he needed help and I made him think more of you"

Chain: "don't do that again"

(Alamo shakes his head as he runs with the 2) "Some times I don't know how you two get together when you always end up not agreeing on something but anyway Clover will have to be trained, one of you will have to train her, in actually killing and fighting, she told me she knows how to shoot but I don't think she has shot "Live targets", and we need to hurry up and kill any raider's left a lot of campers are mad at the prisoners we took in the south part of camp and I think they'll murder them, without proper judgement!"

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Banner: "guys I just wanted to tell you...I got a ton of guns from those dead guys I have a sniper rifle" *pulls out sniper rifle* "time to kill more of these fuckers" 

Chain: "well I see a few we should kill them or inprison them if you want Alamo" he says

Banner: *shoots one of the raiders in the face* "what did you say?"

Chain: "we should try to capture a few ponys not just kill them"

Banner: *Kills another pony*

Chain: *face hoof*

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Banner: "guys I just wanted to tell you...I got a ton of guns from those dead guys I have a sniper rifle" *pulls out sniper rifle* "time to kill more of these fuckers" 

Chain: "well I see a few we should kill them or inprison them if you want Alamo" he says

Banner: *shoots one of the raiders in the face* "what did you say?"

Chain: "we should try to capture a few ponys not just kill them"

Banner: *Kills another pony*

Chain: *face hoof*

"Damnit Banner listen!" (shoots a raider in the knee) "This is not shoot to  kill its shoot to injure, we all are not monsters here, we are intelligent beings!" (Ducks behind cover and starts shooting over the cover) "Keep an I out for any camp survivors, your in charge of protecting them." 

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Banner: "ok fine I shot to protect are guys" *go's into building*

Chain: "I guess its just you and me now and my plasma rifle which will hit there atoms and tear them apart but one shot can't kill them so yeah" *shoots one and another and another all of them fall down in pain* "see?"

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Banner: "ok fine I shot to protect are guys" *go's into building*

Chain: "I guess its just you and me now and my plasma rifle which will hit there atoms and tear them apart but one shot can't kill them so yeah" *shoots one and another and another all of them fall down in pain* "see?"

"Well you can stick with that plasma wooh-how of yours but, I'm a classic, bullets can be made easier and better and faster, than any slime ball can but, it has it shares of ups and downs as well!" (Alamo shoots a raider attempting to rush him) "He was going to die anyways, when is Banner gonna bring back up or sneak around these assholes!"

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Banner: *meanwhile* alright theres the group of ponys I got a sniper rifle from one of them time to shot them in the legs she thoult *many shots fired almost all hiting the legs but one hit someponys heart that was a camper* "oh my celestia oh celestia he was put on the ground when I was about trying to shot one in the leg" she says worried

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While the group was fighting off the raiders Clover was behind a wall, to scarred to do anything. She worked up the courage to peak around the corner to see what was happening. Dead ponies littered everywhere, ponies howling in pain, fires were raging. It was like there were in hell. Clover slid down the wall and put her head in her hooves.

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"Their falling back!" (Alamo says as raiders retreat out of the camp) "Lets make sure they say out for a long time!" (Alamo rushes over his wall, and starts shooting down some of the runners) "Stay outta here you pricks and don't think of ever coming back, cause if I see anyone of you, I will kill you!" (walks back to the others)

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Clover looked back up. "That's it? They're gone?" Clover asked. Clover started to grin. "I lived. I thought we were gonna die here for a minute." Clover's grin was wiped away from the scene that surrounded her. The town was in ruins and dead ponies were littered everywhere. "What do we now? The town's destroyed." Clover said looking up at Alamo.

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Clover looked back up. "That's it? They're gone?" Clover asked. Clover started to grin. "I lived. I thought we were gonna die here for a minute." Clover's grin was wiped away from the scene that surrounded her. The town was in ruins and dead ponies were littered everywhere. "What do we now? The town's destroyed." Clover said looking up at Alamo.

Well, not everyone is dead alot of the town's ponies made it to the south where we held raiders off, but this side of town (Alamo looks around) it will never be the same we gonna have to bury our ponies and burn their's, I don't like the thought of it but we have to do it and then we will leave this area, so are you really gonna stay with us or are you gonna run on back to your stable, because we leave tonight before the sun rises for dawn!" (Searches some of the raiders and finds) (15 caps, 13 5.56mm and 2 lockpicks) "Well we will need these more than you guys (Starts pulling the bodies he searched into a pile outside the camp)."

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Well, not everyone is dead alot of the town's ponies made it to the south where we held raiders off, but this side of town (Alamo looks around) it will never be the same we gonna have to bury our ponies and burn their's, I don't like the thought of it but we have to do it and then we will leave this area, so are you really gonna stay with us or are you gonna run on back to your stable, because we leave tonight before the sun rises for dawn!" (Searches some of the raiders and finds) (15 caps, 13 5.56mm and 2 lockpicks) "Well we will need these more than you guys (Starts pulling the bodies he searched into a pile outside the camp)."

"I wish I could go back to my Stable at this point but they have a rule there. Once you leave you can't come back." Clover said. "And it-" Clover was cut off by a town guard running up to them. "Alamo. We need your help. A group of ponies showed up, said they needed a doctor."
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Banner: *gets to her friends* "hey guys  I just got done with sniping and I got all of the campers I could find away from danger and found this pony" *she brings out a pony thats tied up* "he is part of the wolf clan but he was shoting at the raiders and from what I can tell he has had no drugs in fact he surindered when I got to him he was very calm about it"

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"I wish I could go back to my Stable at this point but they have a rule there. Once you leave you can't come back." Clover said. "And it-" Clover was cut off by a town guard running up to them. "Alamo. We need your help. A group of ponies showed up, said they needed a doctor."

Damn, alright i'll come with you , Clover you can come with me to learn so medical tips or you can stay here and help Banner and Chain see who our new wolf clan buddy is but you got to choose, alright lets go!" (Alamo says to the town guard, and runs off with him toward this group of hurt ponies)

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