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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Fallout Equestria: Survival of the Fittest

Stone Cold Applejack

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(Alamo then perceds to help Clover heal Puddin Cup thens turns to the mercs well, pay my friend here for the heals, but I got to head back to my tent have a nice day and don't get shot again, I might not be as willing to help you guys as I have today." (Alamo then walks out of the medical tent and head back to his tent to rest) "ROCM mercs means an army is sure to turn up soon." (Alamo then makes a quick stop by Chain and Banner's tent) "Hey keep an eye out for ROCM the wound group are mercs for them, so I expect more to show themselves soon, you know to offer us their "protection" from raiders, so keep an eye out." (Alamo then countines back to his tent_

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Banner: "got it we will be on duty after we serch the hospital" 

*Chain and Banner go to the hospital

Chain: "well there are 4 floors and I can already see some mutated ponys" *click click* "lets go in and get out"


they find:

3x single pads of glaze

4x syringes of A+ blood

3x used syringes

1x brand new bone saw


Chain: "this is in great condision" *mutated pony goes up to him* "well now its going to be in worst condishion" *chops the ponys head off*  

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(Alamo inside his tent) "If a group of mercenaries are who they say they work with then we might be facing an annexation or worse I military takeover, and I doubt our camp here is fit to fight an army, I hope they pay Clover, it expensive to treat a bullet wound, whiskey and beer are in short supply, and she could use the money to buy better armor, or tools." (Alamo thinks then preceds to eat his remaining meal that has gone cold)

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*going up the next floor*


2x dead rat meat

1x blood bags of O blood

1x pony health weekly

1x pony flesh


Chain: "its not rotten but still gross as hell" *throws it away*


*to the next floor*


2x rad-x

1x syringes with A- blood

3x heavy long rolls of cloth

3x sunset sasperila

2x splints

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"So how much is it?" Clyde asked. "Ummm 40 bits." Clover replied. "Bits?" Clyde said, raising an eyebrow. "Oh. I mean uhhh caps. 40 caps." Clyde reached into a pouch secured on some kind of belt and pulled some caps and gave them to Clover. "Thanks for patchin him boo." Clover looked up from counting the caps. "Oh. No problem." Clover said, before resuming counting the caps. "So are you just gonna wait here until he comes to?" Clover asked, still counting the caps. "We'll have to stay here until he gets up. After that head back to camp." "37, 38, 39, 40. Alright looks like you got just enough." Clover said, done with counting the caps. "Hey you." Haldane said getting up from sitting. "You know where that doctor is? I'd like to ask em somethin."

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Chain: "last floor lets go"

*Up to last floor*


3x piles of glaze

2x Gallons of vanilla ice cream

4x fresh rat meat

1x video tape


Chain: "oh hey its the collectors adittion of daring do the blue phionex with the bloopers!"

*they here a sound that they have not heared in a long time...a helecopter*

Chain: "what the heak is going on!"

Banner: "its getting louder...it landed on the hospital"

Chain: "great I guess we have to cheak it out?"

Banner: "of course we do"

*they walk up to the roof and see that it was some ponys that had a makeshift helecopter*

Chain: "will you kill us?" "however said that we need fuel do you have any?" "we do not but I bet somewhere in this place there is atleast a little" "alright can you show your self?" "alrigh-" *almost gets shot in the head* 

Banner: "time to die!" *with her sniper rifle she shots all of the ponys and Chain help kill them as well and Chain walks over to the helecopter*

Chain: "well theres almost no fuel but I bet if I study this for a while I can fly this back to camp" *3 hours later* "alright here we go!" *starts flying the makeshift helecopter that he found that quite a few things were wrong with it* "woah this is hard but I have not crashed yet so thats good"

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"Uh yeah. I could take you to him if you want." Clover said. "Alright. Take me to then." Haldane said. "Come one Clyde. Let Pudding get some rest." Clover walked outside, followed by the 2 mercenaries. Clover took them to Alamo's tent. She opened the tent flap and peeked her head in. "Hey Alamo. Those mercenaries said they wanted to talk to you."


(Sorry for rushing this post. I couldn't think of anything to put.)

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"Uh yeah. I could take you to him if you want." Clover said. "Alright. Take me to then." Haldane said. "Come one Clyde. Let Pudding get some rest." Clover walked outside, followed by the 2 mercenaries. Clover took them to Alamo's tent. She opened the tent flap and peeked her head in. "Hey Alamo. Those mercenaries said they wanted to talk to you."


(Its fine)

(Alamo turns his head from finishing his soup) "Well come on in, we can talk over the tent fire." (Alamo points at a roaring fire in the tent (which is more like a big teepee) Alamo sits on one of 3 mats laided out by the tent fire and waits for his guest to enter and ask him question)

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Chain: "I feel like one of those pilots in the wonder bolts"

Banner: "don't get coaky, and those are jets"

Chain: "fine but I think I see the camp in sight, what do you think the other ponys will think when we show up with this?"

Banner: "I think they would think we were insane to travel this way"

Chain: "well we will find out soon because were about to land"


(I thoult that the wonderbolts would have pilots around this time period)

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(Alamo starts hearing the sound of something not form the camp) "Well something gonna happen." (Walks past Clover and the group of mercenaries) "Well come along, I think that Chain and Banner, said they were going searching, and I'm guessing we're adding a new item to our little camp, and if it is Chain and Banner, well then the thing what ever it is, will be turned into a weapon, well tell me what you have to say along the way."

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(Alamo starts hearing the sound of something not form the camp) "Well something gonna happen." (Walks past Clover and the group of mercenaries) "Well come along, I think that Chain and Banner, said they were going searching, and I'm guessing we're adding a new item to our little camp, and if it is Chain and Banner, well then the thing what ever it is, will be turned into a weapon, well tell me what you have to say along the way."

"Oh shit." Haldane said. "That ain't that birdie is it?" Clyde asked Haldane. "Yeah. Looks like them sons of a bitches took it." Haldane said in an angry tone. "What's going on?" Clover piped up, confused to the situation. "In a short way your friends just stole a Vertibuck from the ROCM."


(Vertibucks are Vertibirds.)

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*helecopter lands on a baren piece of land and Chain with Banner leave like badasses*


Chain: "were home everypony! we got medical suppliys!" *he shouts trying to get the attention of the medical ponys when he see's a pony that looks pissed at the two of them walk up to them* "whats wrong we got things to help the camp?"

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"Well I doubt they stole a vertibucks unless they have a reason." (Alamo says as they walk up to chain and banner) "Well it appears to our friends here they think you stole a ROCM chopper, so now were gonna have to see what we can do with it to fix this problem we have on our hands now."

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"Well I doubt they stole a vertibird unless they have a reason." (Alamo says as they walk up to chain and banner) "Well it appears to our friends here they think you stole a ROCM chopper, so now were gonna have to see what we can do with it to fix this problem we have on our hands now."

"Was gonna ask you if you had any way to get us to the LZ quicker." Haldane answered. "The little birdie's full of weapons and ammunition. It was supposed to land somewhere and we'd met it, then they'd give us the shit." Clyde answered. "But looks like your friends got to it first." Haldane finished.

*helecopter lands on a baren piece of land and Chain with Banner leave like badasses*


Chain: "were home everypony! we got medical suppliys!" *he shouts trying to get the attention of the medical ponys when he see's a pony that looks pissed at the two of them walk up to them* "whats wrong we got things to help the camp?"

"Help the camp?" Chopper asked. "You might have just put this whole shit hole camp in jeopardy." Chopper said, glaring at the 2 ponies. "Are you aware that this bird is property of the military of the Republic?" Chopper angrily asked, pointing a hoof at the vertibuck.
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Chain: "what weapons and ammunition?"

Banner: *opening a trunk the helecopter had* "here they are, wait? how did you not see the giant trunk with this stuff? it was 3 hours!"

Chain: "I thoult it would be a trap or something, anyway we saw the ponys how had this and they were no ROCM ponys they stole it first can you blam us for that? I had no idea that it was ROCM chopper, theres no logo or anything"

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"Was gonna ask you if you had any way to get us to the LZ quicker." Haldane answered. "The little birdie's full of weapons and ammunition. It was supposed to land somewhere and we'd met it, then they'd give us the shit." Clyde answered. "But looks like your friends got to it first." Haldane finished.

"Well its seems this might be our bird now, Banner and Chain, not really the giving up type if they find useful Items to the camp they'll, probably use it or sell it, I don't know but you sort it out with them, and if I hear any shooting you bet your ass, im gonna be shoot'en at you fellas." (Alamo thens turns and starts walking back into camp to finish searching the dead bodys of raiders still riddled around camp he finds 2 near where everyone exited the camp at and finds (6 caps, 2 maize, and a full pack of mentants) "Well I guess you were trying to be smarter, we smart doesn't mean strong fella." (Alamo laughs then heads back to his teepee)

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Chain: "what weapons and ammunition?"

Banner: *opening a trunk the helecopter had* "here they are, wait? how did you not see the giant trunk with this stuff? it was 3 hours!"

Chain: "I thoult it would be a trap or something, anyway we saw the ponys how had this and they were no ROCM ponys they stole it first can you blam us for that? I had no idea that it was ROCM chopper, theres no logo or anything"

"Well who the fuck did you think was flyin it?" Chopper said. "A bunch of fuckin raiders." Chopper noticed Banner looking through the weapons stash. "Hey get off that. That's property of Armoured Escorts." Chopper climbed up on the vertibuck stopping at the cockpit. He noticed blood was on the sides of the cockpit. "You 2." He turned looking at Chain. "Are in a world of shit."

"Well its seems this might be our bird now, Banner and Chain, not really the giving up type if they find useful Items to the camp they'll, probably use it or sell it, I don't know but you sort it out with them, and if I hear any shooting you bet your ass, im gonna be shoot'en at you fellas." (Alamo thens turns and starts walking back into camp to finish searching the dead bodys of raiders still riddled around camp he finds 2 near where everyone exited the camp at and finds (6 caps, 2 maize, and a full pack of mentants) "Well I guess you were trying to be smarter, we smart doesn't mean strong fella." (Alamo laughs then heads back to his teepee)

Clyde followed Alamo out of the tent. "You don't seem to get it. That birdie belongs to the ROCM. And the weapons belong to us." Clyde explained to Alamo. "So what I'm sayin is. Yall can't have either. You keep that birdie the ROCM will come down here and take and Armoured Escorts would also come down here and take them guns."
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Banner: "well guess what you know how gives a fuck? not us!" she says to him

Chain: "if you dont harm the camp then we don't care, take are lives as long as these people are safe" he said with spirit in his voice

Banner: "I will burn everyone of you if you even think of killing any of are campers"

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Clyde followed Alamo out of the tent. "You don't seem to get it. That birdie belongs to the ROCM. And the weapons belong to us." Clyde explained to Alamo. "So what I'm sayin is. Yall can't have either. You keep that birdie the ROCM will come down here and take and Armoured Escorts would also come down here and take them guns."

"Listen buddy,(poking Clyde in the chest) you work for ROCM, the veribuck got high jacked by raiders, we killed the raiders, have your commandeer send another request saying it was high jacked, I doubt it will fall in the hands of The Heels, but your gonna have some trouble telling your friends what we have here, if you keep having that attitude with us, your on our camp and you are in charge in the ROCM territory's we are independent, have been and will always be, now leave town, before we have to force you out of town, go pick up your buddy's from the medical tent and leave, I don't ever and I mean EVER want to see any of you in this town again!" (Alamo storms off away from Clyde and heads towards the junk trader)

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Banner: "well guess what you know how gives a fuck? not us!" she says to him

Chain: "if you dont harm the camp then we don't care, take are lives as long as these people are safe" he said with spirit in his voice

Banner: "I will burn everyone of you if you even think of killing any of are campers"

"Will you shut the fuck up?" Chopper said, annoyed at Banner. "I don't have any power over what the ROCM will do about this." Chopper said calming down. "You won't be able to hid this incident. Once the ROCM notices a few missing pilots they'll come lookin." Chopper climbed down from vertibuck and walked away.

"Listen buddy,(poking Clyde in the chest) you work for ROCM, the veribuck got high jacked by raiders, we killed the raiders, have your commandeer send another request saying it was high jacked, I doubt it will fall in the hands of The Heels, but your gonna have some trouble telling your friends what we have here, if you keep having that attitude with us, your on our camp and you are in charge in the ROCM territory's we are independent, have been and will always be, now leave town, before we have to force you out of town, go pick up your buddy's from the medical tent and leave, I don't ever and I mean EVER want to see any of you in this town again!" (Alamo storms off away from Clyde and heads towards the junk trader)

"Hey fucker!" Clyde walked to the medical tent, where Pudding Cup was. "Puddin get the fuck up." he said shaking him. "Awwww what?" He asked yawning. "Contact the other mercs tell em they got the birdie." Clyde ordered. "They stole that fuckin vertibuck?" Pudding asked. "Yeah and they refuse to give us the guns from it." Edited by Semper Fi
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Banner: *points automatic ak47 at the ROCM* "leave now before I have to murder all of you!"

Jade:*wakes up* "whats going on here Banner? what are theses ROCM here?"

Banner: "we didn't mean to take a helecopter that belonged to them and now they seem to be going to get all of the ROCM after us, and we never said you couldn't have the guns...but from how your acting if you don't leave now then we will keep the guns but there would be a little less ammo if you catch my drift"

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(Alamo walked to the junk trader) "What have you found out of the battle?" 

The Trader:"I have found some of good things you might like and by the way thanks for the extra bowl you get to keep your discount, alright I picked up this scope good range of sight make your baby a night crawler and a sinper, whata ya say 20 caps and of course a bowl of your dinner?"

(Alamo laughs) "Deal!" (Alamo shakes the trader's hoove then put the attachment on his varmint rifle as he heads back to the veritabird) (Varmint rifle, nighttime scope)

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Pudding Cup got up from the table and walked to where his stuff was. "Alright gimme a minute." he said grabbing his SCR-300 field radio and beginning to set it. "...alright. There. Tell em." Clyde picked up the phone on the radio and spoke into it. "Hotel. This is Clyde.." he waited for a response. "Clyde. What's the problem?" A voice said. "There's a town down here that got the vertibuck and they refuse to give it back." He replied. "Alright I'll tell-" "No." Clyde interrupted. "Tell boss man to come down here. Alone. No one else. Tell him to not tell the ROCM or the other mercs. I'd hate for this to get more heated than it should be." Clyde said. "Ok Clyde. I'll tell em to come alone. No one else." The other operator said. "Alright thanks." Clyde put the phone back down and sat down. "I really hope this won't get out of hand. No one needs to die over this shit."

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Banner: "you better hope so and I already said that we were not going to try and keep the weapons we just want to keep the medical supplies but whats said is said"

Jade: *wispering to Banner* "I have a charm that other ponys cant beat I was a car sales man before"

Banner: "isn't that a little cliche?"

Jade: "well it happened"

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