HunterTSN 1,444 December 16, 2014 #126 Share December 16, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, "Thank you, I understand you wanting to protect your family. I'll try to be out of you mane as quick as possible" Zephyr said, thankful she hadn't been kicked out on the spot. "Would you mind if I could have something to eat?" she asked, her stomach grumbling in agreement. Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 16, 2014 Author #127 Share December 16, 2014 @@Gloomfury, "Gloom, if you want to track down a professional hitman just to impress a bunch of teenagers, be my guest," the leader offered "There was a full police report, but it was never released. The only conceivable place to start is breaking into the cop shop and rummaging through everything they have. You don't wanna do it, that's fine by us." @@HunterTSN, "Yeah, we were just about to sit down fer dinner," said Applejack, "After that, I'd like you to go into Ponyville and return this stupid vacuum cleaner fer me". Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloomfury 243 December 17, 2014 #128 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, "I do anything just to impress someone. I do them because I feel like it. And it can be that hard to get a police report." He drank the rest of his glass and tossed it high in the air, which made it shatter once it hit the road. "The thing that has me interested though is why would a professional hitman kill a teenage zebra from a small town like Ponyville." He then pulled out one of his cigarettes and lighting it in his mouth. He takes a long drag and blew the smoke out his nose. "It don't make since." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HunterTSN 1,444 December 17, 2014 #129 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, "Of course, should I clean up a bit before eating?" Zephyr asked, indicating to the bloodstains in her fur. Vibrant was a bit worried for Zephyr, he couldn't remember the last time the young mare had missed a mail day. The hairdresser knew Zephyr lived in a seedy section of Manehattan and, with the news of yesterday's murders going around, gang activity would be at a high. Sighing he flipped on the radio, it was another slow day at the salon and he needed something to get his mind off of events. Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 17, 2014 Author #130 Share December 17, 2014 @@Gloomfury, Tokey cleared his throat, and measured his tone carefully as not to speak ill of the dead. "D kinda... fucked the Semiazas," he said, kind of embarrassed. "Kinda... literally," another added, "a family Capo used have a daughter who lived here. Needless to say, she's in Manehattan now." "We could have helped him talk his way out of it," Tokey continued, "but then there was Ferrini's daughter..." "Lucini's daughter..." "And then all three at once," laughed Flamer. The greaser next to him smacked him upside the head. "He couldn't keep his forehooves on the ground," the leader finished, "Anybody in any one of the families could have ordered the hit. One day, some mud just walks off the train, gives D a bullet in broad daylight, and walks away like nothin' happened." @@HunterTSN, "Yesterday, Alonzo Ferrini, son of murdered Mafioso Marco Ferrini, announced a 20,000 bit reward for the live capture of his father's assassin. The bounty drops to nothing if, quote, 'one feather on her wing is out of place.' The Manehattan police department has not commented on this situation, but has asked that KHRS not release the name of the pegasus involved, maintaining their strict position against vigilantism. For KHRS, I'm Lucky Seven." Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloomfury 243 December 17, 2014 #131 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, Gloom chuckled. "Well that makes a little bit of sense. But I'm sure it ain't the Semi. They only kill for a good reason. The same could be said about the Ferrini's but there are some heads you like to act on their own, But then there's the Lucini's . Bunch of right pricks they are. They'd beat ya to a bloody pulp for bumping into them." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 17, 2014 Author #132 Share December 17, 2014 @@Gloomfury, One of the greasers lit up a cigarette. It made him nearly hack up a lung. "That's the thing," he pushed out between coughing fits, "The killer wasn't made. He could have been hired by anypony from any family, and the rest of the family would have known nothing." @@HunterTSN, After a brief prayer to Celestia, the Apple family dinner began in earnest. Contrasting the graceful music on the radio, the dinner was a very loud affair. Clinking and clanking was louder here than at any other than any table Zephyr had ever sat at. After they had all filled their plates with various meats, fruits, and veggies, Granny Smith offered to kick off the family conversation. "I see we have a guest at the table tonight," she began, addressing the pegasus, "Well howdee-doo? I'm Granny Smith. Y'all can call me Granny if you want." Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloomfury 243 December 17, 2014 #133 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, Gloom took the cigarette from the greasers mouth and tossed it. Then he gave him one of his. "It's smoother. " He turned to face the leader again. "Did the cops do anything? Were they fast to respond or were they dragging their hooves because it was a Zebra who was a killed?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 17, 2014 Author #134 Share December 17, 2014 @@Gloomfury, "Nah, the cops were cool for once. Don't get me wrong, they didn't like Tommy, but there's one thing a cop hates more than stripes, it's the burdens of the real world keeping them from their donuts," the leader answered, "It's the first time anypony's been killed in this town since the forties." Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloomfury 243 December 17, 2014 #135 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, "Well I guess that's good. More or less." He said as let out another puff of smoke. "I'll make a few calls. I'll have the name of the tosser who did the hit in about an hour or three." He then started walking. "But first. lets get that police report. Ya'll can tag along if ya want. But I ain't no babysitter." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 17, 2014 Author #136 Share December 17, 2014 @@Gloomfury, "Go right ahead," the leader snarked, "The fuzz already has it out for us. We'd have to be crazy to break into the station like that." The other greasers seemed to share the sentiment. "We'll defer to your expertise," said the one with the cigarette. Clearly, he had taken an English class recently. Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HunterTSN 1,444 December 17, 2014 #137 Share December 17, 2014 (edited) @@Mand'alor Dash, "Uh, thanks... Granny" Zephyr said awkwardly as she looked up from her meal. "My name's Zephyr, I'm a... used to be a mailmare up in Manehattan" the grey mare introduced herself. "This is great, did you make this yourself?" she asked the elderly green mare, trying to shift the conversation onto something that didn't involve her past. Edited December 17, 2014 by HunterTSN Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 17, 2014 Author #138 Share December 17, 2014 @@HunterTSN, "Yer darn tootin'," Granny bragged, "I mean, truth be told, I got all the ingredients from the market, but I cooked 'em all myself!" Applejack chuckled, "And y'all got the recipe from a magazine." "It's still a hard recipe," Granny defended, "With these old bones, most ponies couldn't even flip a pancake." A wide grin on Granny's face indicated pride in her work as she sipped a glass of water. Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloomfury 243 December 17, 2014 #139 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, "Suite yourselves." He said with a wave as he head for the town police office. Thinking he'l go the polite rout, he walked though the front door. He let out another bit of smoke as he went up to the pony at the front desk. " 'Scuse me, mate. By chance do you think I could get the report on the murder of a Zebra named Thomas DeNero?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 17, 2014 Author #140 Share December 17, 2014 @@Gloomfury, The mare at the desk put down her magazine, sat up and looked over Gloom's shoulder, and through the solid glass doors of the station. The greasers ducked behind a dumpster when they saw her. Unphased, she looked back at Gloom and offered him a curt "No" before going back to her magazine. Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloomfury 243 December 17, 2014 #141 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, Gloom made a face. "Ah come on, luv. I hear it might have been done by a professional. And being a professional myself bot me interested in this. So I might be able to find out who did it. All I need is the report so I can read it over and I'll give it back. No harm done. So what do ya say?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 17, 2014 Author #142 Share December 17, 2014 @@Gloomfury, Not keen on his use of the word "luv," the mare uncomfortably buttons up the top two buttons on her uniform. "Sir, we have a policy. No outside eyes on cases less than three months open," she explains, "And unless you're trying to confess to something, I'll let the 'professional' remark go." Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloomfury 243 December 17, 2014 #143 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, "I can confess to many things. But you wont be able to convict me. Like, I could say I've broke into the royal castle more then three times, I'm a member of the Semi family and I've killed more beings then there are ponies in this town. But without proof you can't do diddly. Also I'm not a registered citizen of Equestria. And even if you deport me back to the Griffin Kingdom I'll just come back. But will it help if I say that I am also a bounty hunter and I've done a few jobs for this county's government?" He said with a smug grin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HunterTSN 1,444 December 17, 2014 #144 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, Zephyr chuckled, the scene reminding the young mare of her own childhood before her brothers went their separate ways. "It must be nice to make you own food every night" the she said, glancing wishfully between her own cleaned plate and the feast in the center of the table. Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 17, 2014 Author #145 Share December 17, 2014 @@Gloomfury, The mare's jaw dropped. Scared for her life, she reached for the buzzer on her desk. "There's a raving lunatic in the station. Send help," she said quickly. "On our way," came the swift reply from the buzzer. Gloom could hear hoofsteps coming down the hall rapidly. @@HunterTSN, "Big Macintosh," Granny said, "Our guest is hungry. Would you pass her the meatloaf?" "Eeyup," he replied, reaching for the loaf in the center of the table. "So," Granny continued, "Zephyr, is it? What brings a pony like you to our little slice of heaven?" Applejack looked at Zephyr worriedly, and shook her head slowly. Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloomfury 243 December 17, 2014 #146 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, ((I feel like playing Fallout 3 now.)) Gloom sighed and gave her a disappointed look. "That's a shame, luv. I was gonna ask to treat ya to dinner. But don't count on it now." He turned his back to the mare and leaned against the desk. Then he smoked what was left of cigarette and tossed it on the ground. Even though she hoofsteps got louder he didn't seem worried or scared at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 17, 2014 Author #147 Share December 17, 2014 @@Gloomfury, "Freeze," an officer ordered, his gun leveled at Gloom, "On the ground. We'll talk about this when you're sober." A few other cops arrived to back up the first one, making sure to block off every escape. All of them had their weapons drawn. One slowly advanced on Gloomfury carrying a pair of hoofcuffs. Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloomfury 243 December 17, 2014 #148 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, Gloom chuckled. "I only had one pint today, my little piggies. But I can fix that. "He reached into his bag and pulled out a flask. He drank a bit of it and made a face that showed his sharp teeth. " Plus, you can't really arrest me for nothing. I was just telling this lass a little about myself. Then she just freaked out for no reason." He said pointing at the mare behind him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 December 17, 2014 Author #149 Share December 17, 2014 @@Gloomfury, "Beansprout," one officer said, turning to the mare at the desk, "What exactly did this stallion say to you" "He asked to see the case file on that zebra kid, then when I wouldn't give it to him he told me that he's a professional assassin who has broken into the royal palace and killed more ponies than there are in this town." "Okay," sighed the officer with the hoofcuffs, no longer trying to be subtle about it, "Let's see how you feel after a nice, long night in the drunk tank. No charges, no trials, no hassle, just a refreshing night at Chez Bacon to clear your head up. That sound good?" He moved up extremely close and motioned for Gloom's forelegs. Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gloomfury 243 December 17, 2014 #150 Share December 17, 2014 @@Mand'alor Dash, Gloom didn't move. "To correct the lass, I just said I was a professional. I didn't say anything about me being an assassin. In fact I'm actually a mercenary/ bounty hunter. And when I said I've killed that was true. But when your in the military its part of the job description." He looked up to the officer. " And like I said, I ain't drunk. So would you kindly give me two steps and undo these cuffs? I'll even do a drunk test." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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