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open Remains of a Forgotten Past RP

Lemon Slices

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"Surprise me, Alchemist." Foxist said, with a devilish grin like her.

He was paying attention at the situation. He remembered of talking with her about the note he found, but he just wanted to relax a bit and see what lots of ponies could call Black magic.

He realized: Wait, she's an earth pony! And she can do magic! Why hadn't I noticed it before? Calming down, he thought again: "Yeah, sometimes nature surprises me a lot."

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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((OOC listen to this as you read this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt1ggasRAz8


The alchemist knew exactly what she was going to do slowly she stared to walke towards him,

when she reached him she started to walk circles around him touching him with her tail,


all the while chanting she knew what this spell would do to him and she decided  it was the perfect spell for a tragic soul such as him

first he would notice a heaighting in his senses, then soon every touch would be pure pleasure to him.


she let the spell entrance him then she started to her part touching him with her tail tracing her hoof along his jawline

soon he would barley be able to stand, she countined on with a smug look on her face.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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"Wh-Why?", he said.

Was a mix of pleasure and pain. His senses were somewhat overreacted to everything.

"N-No. Stop it pleease..."

His skin below his fur, if somepony could see, was getting white.

So he was going to use a final spell of defense.

A temporarily blinding light, similar to flashbangs. He never thought about hurting her, and wouldn't be in that time.

And even he using the spell, his magic was almost unefficient. So he realized:

"This is draining me and hurting me... I just... cannot... Why?"

He fell asleep on the ground, as soon as the spell was succesfully cast.

In his thoughts, somepony with mind-reading powers could notice his question: "Why?"

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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The Alchemist blinded by the flash fell back on her rump, when she could see agin the first she saw was the still form of

Foxist she let out a gasp "he must have had a counter spell or something to counter act anything invadeing his senses!


she walked over to him "oh my love im sso sorry. with that she put her cloak over him an curled up next to him softly crying herself to sleep.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Seven minutes later

"Where am I? Is the sun high yet?"

Foxist knew that the sun wasn't existing anymore. Was a terrible joke.

He put himself up and saw the Alchemist sad.

"Hey, don't worry. It was just a test, wasn't? I have pretty problems with this fox-body."

He realized that she doesn't knew nothing about he was saying, so he told her about his history.

After tolding his history, which took five minutes

"In short, I was happy, a spell changed my body, I had to deal with the untolerant society and got in Everfree. Got it?"

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The alchemist stood up wiping the tears of her face, " oh well thanks for exsplaing that to me.

she looked around then she put her cloak on and said "well after that im pretty hungrey so lets go find some grub!


with that she trotted into the house flicking him with her  tail as she passed by,

Edited by thatonepony12


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist saw the mare trotting, but actually, he wasn't paying really attention. Lost himself in thoughts.

"At least the enchant made me feel better now."

He saw something like a dark magic ball far in the horizon. It catched his mind.

"Wait. I'll gonna eat a little, then see what's going on. Ahn? Where she... ALCHEMIST, WAIT!"

When the mare and the fox was right in the house, Foxist was at the entrance door, while Alchemist was in the kitchen. He noticed that nobody was in the living room.

So he got in the kitchen.

"So... What he have here... Ahnn.... Flowers, mushrooms, yeah, we can make a salad."

So he got in the chest where some bowls of woods was there and picked two with magic.

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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The Achemist walked up to the sink to get them some water to go with there salad, she turned on the sink then realized something she had to go bad she looked at Foxist and said "hey um all be right back i gotta go use the little fillys room all be back


she trotted outside looking for a place to relaf herself when she a not to badly burnt bush,

when she was done she started to walk towards the house when she noteiced a pony shaoed figure by  the shed  seh walked up to him but immedtly knew something was wrong


the smell of rotting flesh was overpowering "hey she called are you all right. the unknown pony turned and look at her and let out a loud moan he started to run towards her. she pulled out her  musket and fired BAAM!


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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The Shot barley hitting Blackfire as she tried to get the words out "wait its me blackfire is that you achemist" she just barley got out as she feel to the floor from the shot. She only laid there looking up at achemist hoping he would spare her life " its me blackfire"

Edited by Blackfire
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Foxist heard the musket and jumped out of the kitchen window.

"I heard... Some words. A explosion. Some moans. What could it be?"

When he found his beloved one, near the dead zombie pony, and the burnt flesh smell, he got scared.

"Just wh... what the heck is going on?" Foxist saw, scared, the dead pony in the land. "My dear, did you made it? Please tell me what is going on here" He said to Alchemist, while charging energy in his horn.

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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"I don't know what happend one minute I was flying in cloadsdale making sure the weather patrol did a good Job with the clouds then the next I am capture and a bag over my head and taken to this place an was left here to wander with no food or water I was just lucky to find the old Tac 45 laying around but it feels like I have been here for days" Blackfire said faintly

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Foxist breath deeply.

"Calm down, Foxist."

He saw the situation. The bullet passed through the zombie flesh.

"Oh, Blackfire, thank Celestia you are okay. I heard about you, but never saw you before. I am sorry you are with us. We are trying to realize what's going on in this land. I came here while sleeping, and Alchemist came while... What was you doing?"

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

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The Alchemist looked at the new pony tac 45? what is this tac 45 you speak of? she said "i created the first firearm in equestria

! she said as she waved around her prized musket

 but then in gentler tone she said "are you alright did i hit you? i was trying to hit that zombie over there. she waves her hoof in the diraction of the dead zombiepony


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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"Black Fire, you seem hungry. Go get some food in the kitchen. I will walk by this lands."

Foxist got in front of Alchemist.

"I am going to trot a little while. There is something over there" pointing to a great globe of purple magic in the horizon" I will get back soon. Go and show to our new guest the building. And please, do not follow me."

He got trotting towards the magic globe.

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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The Alchemist watched him go then she thought of something, she ran after him when she caught up to him she pressed her musket into his paw and said "i love you.


then she trotted back towards the house hoping that blackfire would show her more of his tac 45 she loved guns and she hoped his would be able to shoot more then one bullet at a time


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Aero had finally woken up at this point, being someone who normally slept in. He walked out of the house after noticing everyone else was gone. He noticed Blackfire and The Alchemist in the distance and started to lazily trot over to them. "hey, I'm awake now!" He yelled as he was about halfway to them.





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The Alchemist walked up to Aero "hey your awake so much has happed since you slept  Foxist is now my special somepony and theres zombies. "so yeah that about sumes up what happened while you slept.


she looked towards the bubble of magic on the horizon, " he went towards that and told me not to follow him.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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(ooc Blackfire is a girl Alchemist) Blackfire noticing the excitement as The Alchemist told Aero what had happened and how Foxist was his special somepony and how he had shot the Zombie in the face. "hey I am going to lay down for a little bit and then I will tell you how I got here but I am worn out as a baby filly " she said as she found a place in the corner and layed down

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Foxist, with sadness, looked to behind.

"Will we get out of this place?"

So he felt the cooling wind run in his fur. He looked forward.

"Dark magic ball, I am going to you!"

Foxist trotted as much as he can towards the magic ball.

Seven minutes later

Foxist, finally, was near the globe of magic.

But something very strange happened when he got close.

Something that looked like his flashlight blast spell blinded him for a while.

When Foxist recovered himself, the globe wasn't there. Instead, a little note in the ground.


Note content:


You aren't ready to met me yet.

You and your friends are very slow.

Instead of trying to find me, why not trying to discover the mystery?


"There is something in the other side!" Foxist said, trying to read.


Note content:

Happiness Awaits

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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Blackfire awoken from her nap and noticed and looked around "where is Foxist" she wispered under he breath as she had forgotten that she had gone to investigate that magical orb on the horizon. She frantically looked for the others to try and tell them that Foxist wasn't here and it had be well over 5 hours since she had layed down to take a nap "where is everypony"

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Foxist got back to the house, seven minutes passed after meeting the dark globe.

Here was the Alchemist and BlackFire, and Aero. They were talking, but when he got back, they became serious.

So he said: "I have news."


"Everypony, here is a note that I found instead of the magic globe. Somehow [the globe] disappeared when I got nearby. But I got clues. I am going to show to you right now."


Foxist coughed a few times, and continued. Every thing he was telling was appearing like living memories in his head:


"First, why Equestria is burnt? We can see that the interior of this building looks like untouched by the fire. Second: I and Alchemist got trapped in the moon for a while. I found the note. The note said something about escaping and something that he fears. Now, I found this other note. Do you know what this mean?"


Everybody kept silent and serious. Aero lift his hoof, but Foxist continued, asking him to put it down:


"Everypony that was in Equestria died. The only reason that I can find is that somepony with high-magic level had teleported us through the time when whatever the moon-portal builder was worrying about was gone. And now, this other note..."


Foxist showed the pink-colored note to everyone.


"This note, in other words, mean that there are still survivors from this thing. And that survivor I met by the note probably thinks we are idiots. I think I am close to find what is going on."

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

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"you mean there are more ponys than just us out here?" blackfire questioned "because if there is other pony's out there they might know what the hell is going on here  i for one want to know " She stated as she got up and grabbed her Tac45 and made sure it was tightly in its holister and started to walk towards Foxist

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(OOC: Sorry it's taken me a while to post! It seems like the rest of you pretty much have an opposite timezones to me, since the vast majority of these posts were made while I was asleep, and several more were made while I was reading through it all catching up. It doesn't sound like I'll be active and posting when the rest of you are, so hopefully this doesn't cause any problems.

And for simplicity, let's just say Shadowhide quickly introduced herself and went to sleep, and then woke up and listened to Foxist's report. It'll be silly to say she just stood at the door this whole time or slept through everything because I wasn't online to post anything.)


Shadowhide listened to Foxist give an overview of what he knew. The news that Equestria has been burnt and everyone there died was a huge shock. 'So, if Equestria is dead, does that mean we no longer have a home to go back to? In that case, what is our goal now? If returning to the home we know isn't an option, then we seem to have run out of appealing options...'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Foxist let a rare tear drop.

But he grew strong again and said to Shadowhide:

"Hey, if there is no hope, we are the hope. let's stand still! We aren't dead! There is still things we can do. Let's find out all the mysteries left. We still don't know what or who burnt Equestria. It seems that you are a detective (cutie mark) so you can come with me. Alchemist " he did a laugh "you have to come too. How could I escape from the sticky situations without you? And Aero " he got to Aero "You come with us. I can see your wing is growing better. When you finally can fly, your accessibility will be the key. And Black Fire" he got to Black Fire" while Aero can't fly yet, you are our scouter. Everypony got it?"

Foxist put his hoof forward. he knew that if would he feed his friends with his hope, they could go to the unburnt part of Equestria.


Back to the time when he was in the Moon, Foxist saw that most of Equestria was burnt, not entirely. He didn't told his friends about it, but Alchemist know about it too. After all, she was in the moon too.

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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Shadowhide nodded to Foxist, feeling rather invigorated by his speech. 'All great points. We should also search for more survivors in our travels. And you're right, I am a detective.' Shadowhide turned to face everyone, her expression becoming more serious. 'I promise you, I will help us get to the bottom this mystery. Because, I am going to make whoever's responsible for burning Equestria pay!' If she can't motivate herself with getting back home, she'll motivate herself with getting revenge instead.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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