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private Frosty Psychosis RP (1x1 Dark Romance RP with Rascal Jones)


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Sai let her face transform about halfway, leaving everything just under the bridge of her nose to look like her changeling self. 
Her lips formed into something that could be considered a smile, but her fangs protruded. She lifted Frost's limb to her nose, delicately sniffing to find the best place to get the best access to his emotion, she found it quickly enough and then poked out her tongue to wetten and soften the skin just a tad, and then bit down into his flesh. 

It wasn't a hard bite, she wasn't aiming for his bone or wanting to rip flesh of his arm, but she did suck through her teeth from his arm. Changelings fed on emotion, something that could be considered magic when you took it out of something and feed of it. It was possible to drain all the emotion of someone or something, but Sai had never reached that level of hunger before, and she hadn't now.

She didn't spend long feeding, just enough to get her meal, and then she redacted her fangs from Frost's flesh. She licked the wound twice, to help clot the blood that always came out from a feeding, and to help the wound heal much faster than normal. 
She then removed her hands from Frost, and wiped away any of his blood on his face. 

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Frost winced a little as Sai bit into his wrist and drained some emotion from him. Once she was done, he reached up to wipe the blood from her face, but stopped when she wiped it away herself. He glanced out the mouth of the cave, taking notice of a dropship flying by in the distance.


"It's a few days from here, but with luck, they'll have the meds you need. Want to go for it, Sai?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"They won't have the meds I need. I got mine from a shady doctor, and he only had the stuff that was useful to me. I may have been given P.T.S.D medicine, but that stuff is redone every 10 years, in order to effectively give out the best medication to soldiers with problems. In this decade, people aren't having hallucinations or seeing voices, they're just really depressed and have bad nightmares, ten years ago was when everyone was having those things, and that's the medication I need."

Sai didn't really want to try, she didn't want to to traitor, and it would mean attack innocents that had no idea of her plight. She could live without her meds, it would take a great amount of readjusting, but she was doing that anyway. It was really only at night when it was a problem anyway. 

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"Then we'll find another way to help you through it." Frost said, replacing his armour and checking the vegetables. Not quite ready, but given a few more minutes. It was hard for him to fathom why she wouldn't want to go for the Ranger team. It made sense that they'd have valuable resources that the Citadel took for granted. But he didn't like seeing Sai sad, and right now, going after Rangers would probably just make her sad.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Sai realised that she was still sitting next to Frost when he spoke to about finding another way. It was an oddly kind thing to say, and it made her remember that she was sitting next to, and had just fed off, someone she called a creep yesterday. 

She shifted herself away from him, and then got up and moved back to her position on the other side of the fire. Once again the pile of burning was in between them, and the warmth radiated on her cheeks once again. 

"I can ride through it if I have to, it's just the night when things started to get troubling." 

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Frost nodded. The nights did indeed get troubling if the previous night was any indication, but how was he going to phrase it without setting off her warning bells?


"Yeah, nighttime is pretty rough out here. And last night, you knocked yourself out. Not sure how, as I wasn't there to see it. I just found you and made sure nothing else got you. So, would you like to come to my place? It's a secure little bunker where predators can't get in. You'd be safe there. If you wanted to."


Frost's tone was gentle and warm, and he had an expression to match. It was almost like he was displaying some actual caring this time.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Sai was tired, she was pretty much full from feeding off of Frost, and she never ate in the mornings because she always ended up going back to bed afterwards, it was kind of a problem that she had rectified by not eating in the morning. 

She considered Frost's offer, it kind of set off some warning bells in her head, but there weren't to many going off. And a bunker that was relatively safe from the outside world would be good, when she got inside a room in the bunker she could just lock herself in and then not have to worry about Frost, and he was a source of food so that was a good thing to think about. 

The odds weighed better in his favour, so she was okay with it, but only slightly, since the stallions odd behaviour was weird to witness. 

"I'll go, your a good source of food." 

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Frost shrugged and picked up the stick with the vegetables. He could eat on the way. "Well then, perhaps we should get going. More time to settle in if we arrive sooner." He said, holding out a hand to Sai and smiling warmly at her.


It wasn't just that he wanted her. For some reason known only to Frost, he needed her. His entire existence meant nothing without her. Obsessive? Yes. But being over 100 years old and driven mad by his quest for power, this was very kind. Possibly even going out of his way to be kind.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Sai got up from her spot, without using the hand offered from Frost. Currently he was food and the chance of a nice to room to lock herself in, which is was probably a great upgrade from creepy old man. 
Though she did bend back down to grab his folded librarian coat, and handed him that instead of her hand. 

Sai then used her magic to turn down the fire till it was dead, just so they didn't start any forest fires or get themselves killed by rangers. It seemed as though everything was in order, and Sai just waited for Frost to take the lead and take them to his bunker. 

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Frost just shrugged and slung the haori over his shoulder, making his way out of the cave and onwards to his place. He kept an eye on Sai in case she had an episode on the way, but otherwise made no moves on her. So far, he was behaving himself. Whether that was a good sign, though, was up to Sai.




"Home, sweet home."


They arrived at a seemingly run-down bunker, but the turrets followed Sai, showing that they were active and scanning for signs of hostility. When they got to the doors, Frost flipped a switch and a keypad slid out of the wall. Older tech, unlike the newer holographic pads, so it seemed Frost hadn't scavenged newer tech. Not that he'd know how to integrate it into the base anyway.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"And you say that your not an old man, that tech is kinda old compared to what everyone else on this planet has. If rangers ever found you place, and made it past the guns, they could easily hack through that thing."

Sai hadn't said a word on their way over to Frost's base, mainly because she didn't like to talk and walk at the same time, an old defence mechanism that never left her. But maybe it was a good idea to bring up old defensives against her madness. 
But poking fun at Frost's lack of new and better tech was a good reason to break her silence, since he was bound to start talking again for his base tour he was bound to give to Sai. 

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Frost chuckled. "Ok, so I'm a little old-fashioned. Nostalgia is good for managing the, ahem, 'creepy old man'. Besides, I'm sure I can handle them if they got past the guns." He said as the door opened.


Inside was a fairly spacious main room. By the looks of it, it used to be the area where Rangers reported in after a mission before arranging transport back to the Citadel or another assignment. He gestured down one hallway. "Mess Hall and kitchen is that way. Not that you'd need it, but it's good to know where it is anyway."


He gestured down another hallway. "Barracks are a little ways that way. It opens up towards the back."


But, he neglected to point out the room behind the desk to their left, which was soundproofed.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Sai looked down each hallway that Frost pointed at, thinking to herself that this activity reminded her of the normal stuff you would do on the Citadel, maybe if you were introducing a roommate to the house or home, or something similar. 

There wasn't much inside the base to make it look like much of a home. There was a nice rug on the floor in front of a desk in the main room, the desk was covered in papers and books, a potted plant and an old computer, and even a small fan, which Sai wasn't really expecting to find, but then this was a crazy librarian's home. 
The hallways looked bland, and everything still looked like a base, which Sai wasn't expecting at all. 

Though Sai did want to go check out the barracks, maybe she could hold herself out in the female section of the bunks, though she didn't have any idea about where Frost slept. Knowing that meant that she could sleep as far away from him as possible. 


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Frost went on to explain details about the base, showing her everything he thought she'd need to know. But he didn't point out weapon lockers. By the time he'd explained everything and shown her where his room was and said she could pick a room, it was almost night.


"Time goes fast, it seems. Join me for dinner, Sai?" He asked, gesturing back towards the mess hall. He was trying to be nice, but odds are that it wasn't in his favour just yet.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Sai had already picked a room when Frost had taken her around the base, it was the first one in the row of barracks, which meant that she was the furtherest away from Frost's room and closeted to the exit out of the barrack area, perfect place to be in. And it wasn't far from the medical bay, which for some reason left Sai feeling a little better. 

Though Sai looked at him weird when he offered to dine in the mess hall. She had already fed on him today, that was her first thought, and changelings only needed to feed once a day. Though Sai could feed only once every two days or so, the disease that had affected her as a young one was with her, it had just reduced greatly when she had gotten older. 

"I already fed on you Frost, won't be needing to feed from you tomorrow either. My metabolism is kind of fucked up anyway, day after I'll need to eat again."

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Frost wouldn't admit he was a little disappointed at Sai's answer. His pride wouldn't allow him to do so and admit that he wasn't quite as charming as he used to be. Still he didn't let his expression change as he flashed a kind smile to her.


"I see. Well, I shall leave you to it, then. Let me know if you need anything." He said, turning to head back down to the kitchen.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Sai walked away back to her room, checking out the medium sized bed in the corner, a small bedside table with a standard issue lanp on top, and a trunk at the base of the bed for clothing and personal possessions of soldiers. 

Sai checked the trunk, and found it empty, which she was glad for. She took off her boots and cloak, and pondered whether she should put her cloak in the trunk. The thing really needed a clean, so she left her room to the laundry room right outside her door and across the hallway. 
She placed her cloak in the washing machine, taking a few minutes before she figured the machine out and had her cloak going through the wash at the correct setting. 

She went back into her room again, and placed her boots right next to the doorway, placed together all night and tidy. Really she was just trying to make her little area feel more like home, since her home had been taken away from her. 
She gave herself to be sad for a moment, and then sat on the bed, and then she eventually laid down on top of the blankets. 

She ended up staring at the wall for an hour or two, thinking about what she had missed back home. She wasn't paying attention to what was happening outside her closed door, but the lights had certainly dimmed out in the hallways and Frost had certainly finished his dinner by then. 


Sai got up, she was a little thirsty, she hadn't had a drink all day, and the little bit of blood she accidentally had when she fed on Frost didn't count as fluids. 
She walked out of her room, and she felt a little apprehensive about leaving what she had made safe in her head. She could feel the shakiness starting around in her insides, almost like her organs were vibrating inside of her. 
She made herself take a deep breathe, she was just anxious since she wasn't in a place she knew that well, that was all. And Sai headed down to the mess all. 

In the hallway though, the light flickered, and Sai had to stop herself. It was just like that moment yesterday, that was all she could think about, how her magic had flickered and her light had done the same. 
Only this wasn't an already dark abandoned base, this was a place that was lived in, that was relatively safe. She didn't need to worry, she didn't need to fear, she could ride out her demons throughout the night. 

That was what she was telling herself, before the lights went out for her. Her eyes instantly adjusted to the darkness, she could always see very well in the dark. 
She stood still, wondering what was going to happen, she could see anything moving, but she had the sickly feeling that there was something inside the hallway, something watching her, like a predator before attacking their prey. 
Sai started to breathe heavily again, going through her stages of personal panic once again. Tears started to prick her eyes as her breathing turned into more a shivering mess of trying to get air into her lungs, but she was still frozen in her spot. 

Until she saw the monster, a decomposing body slowing walking through the entrance of the mess hall towards her. He looked mostly like a skeleton, with bits of meat and rotten skin still hanging on to it's bones. 
Sai stood still, shaking and trying to not cry, just so she wouldn't gain the attention of the thing, but it didn't matter as it looked right at her anyway. 

Sai ran, almost like a blur towards her room, and slammed her door shut to make sure the thing couldn't get in. It was her room, nothing could get in, as long as she didn't open the door, it couldn't get in, no way. 
It was a mantra Sai used to tell herself when she was a child, her room, nothing could get in, and it had worked for her then. It should work for her now.
She stumbled towards the bed, now just full on crying and shaking as her nerves were shot and she was just too panicked. She got under the covers, sat at the head of the bed, and pulled the blankets all around herself to make her feel safer. Just a crying mess in the bed, with her eyes closed and shaking almost uncontrollably. 

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Frost was awake in an instant as he heard a door slam. Reacting instantly, he grabbed his katana and ran out into the hallway, still wearing his kimono. He peered down the hallway and around the corner towards the mess hall, but didn't see anything. Then he began checking each room to see if there was anything in there. Finally, Sai's room. Bracing himself, he walked in and was immediately greeted by Sai yelling at him to close the door. He did as was asked, but he was still in the room with her.


"It's ok, Sai. You're safe now." He said, setting aside his sword and sitting on the bed with her, holding her close and stroking her back to comfort her. He wasn't sure how to help her through this waking nightmare, but the least he could do is be there for her. The kinder side started to surface again, which brought out it's own problems that he'd deal with in the morning. For now, he had to help Sai. "Nothing will hurt you in here. I promise."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Sai was still a crying, shivering, mess, but at least she felt more grounded with the added heat of body warmth coming from Frost, and the small calming movements along her back made her heart slow down only a little bit. 

She curled up in the Body keeping her safe from the darkness inside, and her head was swimming from the rush of the aderlanine leaving her. Could almost feel the water running over her brain again. 
But she has hazy, not entirely comprehending what was going on exactly, just feeling fear and the overwhelming tiredness that always followed the crash. 

Her voice was barely a whisper when she spoke, and she was having trouble keeping her sobs at bay enough to just whisper to Frost. 

"Don't... Don't go out there... It's dark, so so dark, dark will get you... Don't leave, don't leave till... till the sun... till the sun comes up."

She curled further into Frost, gripping at the clothes he wore to make sure he didn't leave. Whatever was outside her door had terrified her senseless, and she didn't want that on anyone, didn't want the monster outside to get anyone. 

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Guessing that he wasn't going anywhere until morning, Frost moved the blankets from around Sai and carefully maneuvered himself into bed. "Don't worry. I'm staying here with you until you feel better. But we should get comfortable-" He said, cutting himself off when he noticed that Sai was falling asleep. With that in mind, he laid down as Sai fell asleep, still clinging to him. 'Better try to be gone by morning...' He thought before closing his eyes and falling asleep himself.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Sai woke up slowly in the morning this time around, her senses didn't ring any warning bells that the cave yesterday gave her. She was warm, not cold, in a comfortable position, as sleeping on rocks yesterday wasn't very good, and all round she felt much more comfortable. 

Sai was slightly curled about something, her feet and legs were a little more stretched out than they were last night, but her head was still resting on something that might not have been her pillow. She slowly cracked open her eyes, light blinding her mostly before her eyes could adjust. 
Without moving her head, she instantly noticed that she wasn't alone. The extra heat that was keeping her warm against the coolness the air was giving out didn't came from her own body heat trapped in the blanket, but from the extra body in the bed with her. 

Sai remembered what happened last night, the terror and fear she felt, and how Frost came in to help her. It was a kind gesture, and Sai was glad that he did came in to save her, and she remembered pretty much begging him to stay still the sun was up. It was the fear, and really the urge to have comfort in that fear, begging him to stay. She knew it wasn't real, but she never took the chance with her hallucinations. 

Though, Sai didn't move away from the source of warm, just stayed in her position. She could admit to herself, she got really selfish when it came to this, warmth in the mornings was sometimes to come by, and she could practically feel the cold about to seep through the blanket covering herself and Frost. 
She tried to make sure she hadn't changed any of her normal sleep behaviours, just in case Frost was awake and would notice, or in case he did wake up and found her awake. But Sai couldn't help the smallest of rumbles that came from her belly, maybe the stressful night in terror had made her hungry again. 

Edited by Rascal Jones
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Frost stirred a little when the sun's rays started to peer in through the window. At first thinking that he overslept and Sai would want him gone before she woke up, he just couldn't bring himself to leave her without making sure she was ok. Though he couldn't help but chuckle a little when he heard her stomach rumbling. He held her a little closer, keeping her warm with his own body. The single boldest move he made was to kiss her forehead.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Sai let herself be held by Frost as he woke up, and stayed as still as she could when he held her a little closer to himself. The extra press of warmth was nice, since her toes were starting to feel cold, her upper half seemed to be getting all the warmth for both half of herself. 

Though when Frost kissed her forehead, she just knew that he didn't think that she was awake yet. She had to think for a moment, that was a nice little thing, and it didn't feel creepy at least, but she had to tell him that she was awake. She meant she couldn't go back to sleep, but Sai had no idea why that thought was in competition for common sense. 

Sai was still in her fake sleeping position, but she made sure that her voice was loud enough for Frost to hear.

"Thank you... for last night."

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Frost was a little surprised when Sai revealed she was awake, but it was when she thanked him that he was visibly surprised, but he gave a smile all the same. "You're welcome, Sai. I, uh, sorry about sleeping here, but I just couldn't leave you like that." He said, gently stroking her back and looking like he wanted to kiss her again. Though he wasn't going to do it unless she gave consent.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"It's okay, I was terrified last night, didn't want you go to. I always have it in my head that what I see is real, and I want no one to face what I see."

Sai had to admit it, she didn't want Frost to get attacked by the monster outside her room, she wouldn't have wanted anyone to go through that. But she knew that it wasn't real, and that nothing was going to hurt her or anyone around her, but when Chair had come out of her head before, that knowledge she had in herself faltered. 

And then her belly rumbled again, her body betraying her want for calmness in the current moment. She didn't want to move, but she could half feel that she was hungry, and food was holding her in his arms. 

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