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open Expedition into Uncharted Land

Nameless Knight

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@@The Shadow Stallion

"Met everyone of every sort. I've never met a "warrior librarian." You sound like something out of a Daring Do book" Like I have room to talk. "No offensive of course. Sounds honorable, more so than me. Normally if I find anything I sell it off to the highest bidder who's clearly not some evil jackass. I hold onto the dangerous stuff of course" Dangerous stuff... Yeah... I went pale and my eyes glazed over. The image of the guards flashed in my mind... The- I snapped out of it. It couldn't have been longer than second.

"Yeah, all the dangerous stuff. I've run into some things no pony should have"

I blew it off like it was nothing. Maybe he didn't notice...

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Yes, and just as I was gaining my sea legs." Chronos said, before sitting down. "So, why did you come on this journey?" Chronos asked. He took the kite shield off his back and looked at it, on it was his coat of arms. On the top of the shield was inscribed in small lettering 'A thousand years of service'.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Blackheart noticed the strange behavior, but dismissed it as a condition the other pony might have. He didn't want to seem rude, this was one of the longest conversations he had held since he was rescued from the dark. "Yes. I've come across quite a few accursed artifacts myself. It doesn't get any easier to deal with them." Blackheart said. "Well, I'm going up to see if land is in sight yet, surely now we must be nearing the end of our journey and the beginning of an interesting adventure." Blackheart chuckled as he started to leave. "Oh um yes. In case I forgot to mention, my name is Blackheart. I think introduced myself." He said with a small frown. His memory was terrible especially when talking about history and his passions. "Well goodbye for now, I will speak with you later I hope." He finished with a smile as he went up to the deck.


Blackheart went to one side of the ship and peered over into the blue waters.

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@@The Shadow Stallion,

"Be careful 'round those. They'll mess you up ... I'd imagine we're close to land by now. Name's Atlas by the way. See you then" I waited for a moment for him to get out of sight before I frowned... It had been weeks since I'd had a relapse... That wasn't a bad one though. It almost always happens when I talked about "dangerous artifacts." Why'd I ever smash that thing on a rock... I could have just held onto it... No. Don't think like that or you'll just get worse... I picked up my book again and read trying to force the memory of my atrocities away. How was that pony doing? I peeked up at him... Still out cold... Huh. I went back to reading...

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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My head throbbed as I awoke to find myself in a strange room. It was a migraine like I had never experienced before, and that was something since I frequently get migraines as a side effect from my lack of control over my magic. I sat up slowly as to not make myself even dizzier, sudden movements when I was like this would only make things worse. The room was spinning all around me, and the motion of the boat added to the personal hell I was already experiencing. I had no idea how long I had been out, or where exactly I was, judging by the accommodations I can assume I'm not in a cell it seems. Though the cot wasn't exactly the most comfortable that I've experienced, then again it beats sleeping on the floorboards like I've been doing the past three months. 


Strange rooms, dreaming of childhood friends, migraines,  it wasn't exactly the best combination of things right now. Especially now that my little stowaway operations seems to be compromised, that damn pegasus, just who the hell does he think his is tackling an obviously sick pony. Then again, he didn't report me right away to the ships captain so I guess he isn't the worst pony I've ever met. Though it's hard to score number one on my own personal list, that spot has been taken long ago, and of course out of everypony I know I had to dream about her... 


I pushed that thought aside, for now I had more problems to deal with other my past drama. Like for example, how the hell am I going to get out of this situation. Looking over to the side, I saw the pegasus responsible for my condition. He sat there reading some weird book, totally not paying attention. If I had ever the chance to escape it would be now, even with my condition it was the worth risk I couldn't go back to Equestria, not for awhile at least. Especially not when that she-devil was on the hunt... 


I attempted to quietly slide myself out of bed with major success, not even a creak of the floorboards or from the cot. As I go to take my first step, the motion of the boat and my dizziness prove to be a fatal combination. I quickly lose my balance, and fall over yet again with a loud crash as I knock myself against a night stand.


The only words I could make before @@Firehearted, could look up from his book was  "Oww..."


I need to get off this damn boat already. 

Edited by EternalNight
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"You could call it.." He notes the phrase that's upon the shield.

"A double reason..." He ponders a bit about such phrase,

"Anyway, I'm on company company business..some employees before hand had been sent to this island. We've yet to hear from them." He says.adjusting his vest slightly.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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*CRASH* Now what?


I looked up to see Mr Invisible. "Well, well. Not very sneaky are you?" I didn't even bother making a move for him. "I wouldn't try running. By the time you got to the door I could pounce on you again and drag you back... Eat this" I pushed the ginger into his chest. "It's ginger. It'll make you feel better" Now then... "You've got some answers to give. In my experience someone cloaked is either about to stab somepony in the back or is trying to go unnoticed otherwise... So why the hell where you invisible? You clearly don't want to get caught with whatever you're doing 'cause you tried to get out of here"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"You get right to the point don't you?" I said trying to grin though the enormous pain of my throbbing migraine. "Sorry to burst your bubble though but I'm not anypony special, I'm just your typical seasick stowaway on a ship to Celestial knows where."

I took a bite of the ginger, it tasted awful.

"Uggh..." I recoilded in disgust.

The taste filled my mouth with an unpleasant sensation, but it noticeably began calming my stomach down. I picked myself off the floor and sat myself down on the bed, trying to ignore the taste in my mouth.

"Man, ginger is awful... You got anything to wash this down?"

Edited by EternalNight
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"Eeyup. When I'm dealing with someone who is under suspicion I do that"


Did he really just ask that?

"No. No I don't. Be glad I had the ginger at all...  What's your name? Why did you stowaway on this boat? And do you have an experience in the wilderness?" Getting right to point.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Not so sure raw ginger is something to be glad about, but suppose it beats the scraps I've been eating.... You sure do ask a lot of questions though friend, it's rather overwhelming, especially someone in my condition. I just woke up from blacking out covered in my own vomit yet you still think it's a good idea to interrogate me?" 


I rub my head, the ginger may have kicked in but it's done little to solve this headache of mine

"I'll be frank with you, I don't care one bit about your questions right now, all I care about right now is stopping this throbbing migraine of mine. You ever stuck your head in a vice grip?  I haven't but it sure as hell feels like I'm doing that right now. If you want me to even attempt to give a damn about your little "interrogation" you can start by getting me my medicine, it's about the only thing useful I brought with me. It's in my bag in the cargo bay, towards the back, I stashed it underneath a few  loose floorboards I marked them with a small "x" so I wouldn't forget. There's probably a stack of books back there as well, if you see them you're in the right spot. If you can bring me my bag and I'll let you pick my brain, that sound fair enough?" 


It's a bit risky telling him where I stashed most of my gear, but at this point I have nothing to lose. I'm not going to be able to do anything like this, my only hope is to get this guy to bring my medicine and I'll go from there. 

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I gave a surprised look. He's got some balls. Or he's an idiot. I don't really care.

"Who said I was interrogating?" I walked to my pack still talking. "If you want me to interrogate you that can be arranged" I pulled my sword from its sheath and spun it a bit before putting it back. Sure... I'll interrogate him. Maybe make him think I'm a lunatic. That normally works... Put a few nice lies in there too. If he doesn't crack I can blow it off as a "test" easy. I don't trust him one bit.


"You're in no place to negotiate... I don't give a flying feather about your migraine, my leg is hurts like hell and I've got no cure for it. How do I know if you won't run off when I get your "medication." Once again I can interrogate if you want" I produced a devilish smile. I pull out my sword again and began to swing it about recklessly.


"вонзание отвори і розщеплення вам у двох, Ставка ви хочете, ви спали, але це не сон!"
(Stabbing holes and splitting you in two, Bet you wish you were asleep, but it's not a dream!)
I began singing fast paced in Old Griffon butchering a number of words but to the untrained ear you could never tell.
"Blood dripping everywhere and choking, the smell of hair"
A few words he could understand so he gets the message.
"Ми опинилися в пастці в циклах і кінець ніколи не ясно!"
(We are trapped in cycles and the end is never clear!)
I put my sword to his throat and began to sing in a whisper. 


"Your head turned up toward sky and gaping struggling to keep a scream" That'll do. "What to talk now, дрібнота?" (Small One)

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Company? Oh, wait I know what you mean... your a merc; a sellsword as I have heard someponies call them." He said, setting the shield down in front of himself. "I have fought along side some before, but I never really felt safe around them, it felt like they could betray for some coin" He said before looking at Bulawayo and finishing "no offence to you though, you could be different..."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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I don't know whether I have gone insane or if that ridiculous display was hilarious but I suddenly started chuckling to myself. There was no way this guy was serious, why waste all that energy on that little display when could have just killed me right there? My instincts were telling me he was bluffing hard, and after years on the streets of Hoover I could tell when a pony was out to kill me. I gotta give him credit though it was rather original, I even legitimately feared for my life there for a second too. I think I like this guy...


"Well, I have no words for that.... Display." I said with a smug grin


I brushed the sword away from my throat.


"I guess I got you all wrong, the names Cosmo. I thought I'd seen it all on the streets of Manehatten, but you just proved me so wrong!! How in the hay did you ever come up with something like that?"


I recomposed myself. "Well I guess that doesn't really matter I suppose... Anyway, I've got my reasons for stowing away here, reasons I'd rather not get you roped into. All you need to know is I'm not here to harm anypony, I just need a little... vacation from Equestria for awhile."


The laughing made my head even something worse, but I tried to smile through it but I'm sure the pain was showing my eyes.


"What's your deal?" I asked whincing in pain.

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I huffed and dropped the act.

"It seems I had you wrong... I assumed you were some idiot brute... I still don't trust you" And why should I trust him? "That was Пісня Смерті, the Song of Death. Old Griffon song they used to sing whenever they were about to kill someone, a 'witch', traitor, anyone... I thought you may crack but seems not" Reasons? Sure. "Reasons you say? What kind of vacation 'cause this is going to be the hardest vacation of your life. I hope you don't get gutted once we're on shore" And I did. 


"My deal? My deal is some pony comes up cloaked for no good reason and barfs all over the deck. Somethin' ain't right there. You've got two options: I let you on your merry way and wait for some crew member to catch you or you're mine until we get back to Equestria. Your pick"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Our guild is not the common sell sword. We enforce a strict policy we call our Loyalty Pledge. The policy states: any reprimand from batering contracts will result in immediate termination." He states.

"I promise. I mean noone any harm." He adds giving a smile.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Look my reasons are exactly that, mine, besides you don't wanna involve yourself with me like that unless you like making some unique friends." He didn't need to know about my past anyways, besides why should I tell him anyway? He doesn't even trust me one bit, granted neither do I but still I find it rude.

"Besides the invisibility spell was so that I could enjoy some fresh air, thought it would help my stomach but well.. You know the rest. I didn't want to risk getting caught out of my hiding place." I chuckled a little bit trying to hide the embarrassment.

"Where is this ship headed anyway?" That was the biggest question I had since getting on here, and there was little on the boat to determine where it was going, the only thing I ever saw were those books... Wait that can't mean...

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"If you don't want me to turn you over, you'd better tell. You get in trouble with someone? If I ain't that big I can probably get it cleared, let's just say I know some ponies. I don't normally extend this offer to complete strangers but you seem to be in a jam and till you're out you don't seem like you'll talk... I'll go get your meds too"


"I have no heavenly clue where we're headed. All I know it's got knowledge and exploration to be done with is enough for me"

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"I'm not in trouble with just anyone, more like EVERYONE. I doubt there's a knight who doesn't know my name by now... Look for obvious reasons I can't tell you everything, but I'm wanted for well... A lot of things. I was just trying to make a living, and well... Its hard making a living in Manehatten unless you're already rich. I was doing some work and well somethings got out of control and now I'm on the run with nowhere to go, so I jumped aboard this ship in hopes to start a new life, and well hopefully end up something more than a street urchin this time."


I look at the pegasus sternly. "Don't think I need you pity, its the last thing I want. I just want, to get away from it all. My life in Equestria is all but ruined now, I just needed to leave..."


I sigh to myself. "That answer your question? I'm just a petty thief who gets himself way in over his head. Nothing special."

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"Sorry to say but you've got my pity" I really did feel bad for him. "Well you won't get your new life where we're headed. You're best shot is to stick with us until we got back to Equestria then make a break for the border..." 


Was I really about to do this? I didn't even know his name...


"Tell you what... As I said, I know ponies. I can get a good word for you into the Royal Guard and if you haven't stolen anything that big I may be able to get you a royal pardon from a couple high-ups I know. If that doesn't work I can call a favor with a Griffon Baron in the Griffon Kingdom and get you a place to stay in one of their keeps. To me you're somethin'. I know ponies who have gotten themselves killed on the path you're on." I've got too much blood on my hooves as it is. "If you're as you seem "becoming an urchin" won't work and you'll just go back to thievery"


Yep, I'm helping him. 


"Name's Atlas by the way"

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Good to know that you at least have some sort of honor." Chronos said before a crewmember came over to them and said "Uhh, were going to make it a little sooner so the captain wants everypony to start getting ready." Chronos stood up and put his shield on his left foreleg. "Alright" Chronos said before walking to the lower deck.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Blackheart had heard over his shoulder that the journey was soon to be over. Luckily, Blackheart always carried his equipment and supplies with him in his saddlebags underneath his cloak, so he was already well.. ready. Blackheart went to the front of the ship and gazed ahead, soon the stories of this uncharted and mysterious land would be revealed. He was certain that there were artifacts to be found and that he would find them, as was his duty.

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"Pleasure to meet you Atlas, I can't thank you enough for giving me a chance, you won't regret this I promise."


I shook his hoof trying to remain composed as possible. On the inside I was beyond happy, this was the chance I had been looking for all this time, if what this pony says is true then I could kiss the streets of Manehatten goodbye. The only thing that worries me is the challenges he mentioned ahead but I guess I'll face those when the time comes. I push the thought aside and decided to let my mind wander on the possibilities ahead of me, it was almost too good to be true...

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Chronos got down to his cabin and pulled the Mail Coif over his head. He put his helm on and grabbed his sword and attached it to his belt. He put on his surcoat. It was grey with his coat of arms on it (a purple and blue shield with an eagle on it) He then looked in the mirror and said "and the others said I needed a squire..." He then turned around and went back to the upper deck.

Edited by Times Hay

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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 "I still haven't gotten your name" Why in the name of Celestia was I doing this? I don't even know his name and I've practically offered up my entire network to him... I don't even trust him all that well! Ugh... 


"You still need your meds or no?" 


I sure do hope we got to land soon.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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