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Chronos looked at Steel "Me too," He said before his squire whispered something to him "But sir you haven't been in a proper duel in years." Chronos looked at his squire and said "yes that is true" His Squire shrugged and just looked forward as they both started to walk, back to Chronos' home.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Luna nodded, walking down the stairs. "We will have a full moon tonight. The weather ponies have declared a clear night, so my moon will be in full glory." She looked at Steel and Flux. "Meet me at the training grounds."


Lunar started setting uo the training area.


Celestia sighed, looking at Novel. "You are SUPPOSE to go straight to the training grounds. The only ponies here who have actually been in a battle besides me and my sister are Steel and Chronos. You need to train. All of you." She looked to Chronos. "You too."


Midnight started preparing the grounds.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Chronos looked at Celestia and said "I was going to check up on my son but..." before looking at his Squire "Do you think you can do it  without messing up..."  His squire nodded and continued walking. Chronos looked at Celestia and said "alright, I'll be right over there" He started to walk to the training grounds.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Aurora helps with setting up the training grounds. "Midnight isn't too happy about that. She can only come out when the moon is half to new moon status. It is part of our agreement. She is our combat expert."


Aurora, after helping goes to one side to practice.


Wielding moonlight in her main wing, she does a series of slashes as if fighting somepony. It seams that is why she is away from the group.


Her dual wielding style is old and true. A form not normally seen except by those with guard class training.

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Novel gulps. Well there's not much for her to train for, since it's all distance for her. But she should learn the other's styles too so she can form protective magic around them. She summons her staff (it amplifies her magic) and walks to the training grounds.

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Steel sighes flying to the training grounds he goes to the edge of the training grounds and laid down he had no plans of training he felt he didn't need to after all he was a master of small blades and he had mastered the long sword just recently he really wanted to go to his house and nap

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Luna went to the training grounds. "Alright, ponies, time to show me your skills," she said, conjuring up dummies for them to practice on. She wanted to see how well-trained they were already to see how much training they actually needed. "Lunar, Steel, you guys can sit back and relax. I know you two are the most skilled here."


Lunar stood back and watched. She knew there was no need to train. Luna had taught her everything she needed to know.


Celestia looked at the ponies. "First, we will see how much everypony knows already." She conjured up dummies. "Chronos, I know you have a lot of practice, but I need to make sure you aren't rusty. You haven't been in a battle in quite some time."


Midnight began training on the dummy. Even though she was already quite skilled, she was always wanting to train to get better.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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He looked at Celestia "Rusty? I was a general's bodyguard, the best of the best! It will take allot more then a couple years of peace to make me rusty"


Chronos unsheathed his sword and put his shield on his foreleg and looked at a dummy. He took a few steps back before charging at it. He bashed it with his shield, knocking it to the ground before stabbing it in the throat area. "The neck is always one of the most lightly armored part on all armors." He said to himself before 'finishing' off the dummy by stabbing it with the point/bottom of his shield. 

He then slashed the head of another dummy right next to him and kicked it down. He stabbed it in the chest area and looked down at it "If only these dummies fought back..." He said

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Flux effortlessly made the dummy combust into flames. "There, good as gone." She clapped her hooves in delight. "Was that good? Or bad? Or?" She nervously looked at her peers, desperate for a hint of approval. Usually when things burned, people were not happy with her.


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Aurora looks at the dummy for a second. Then with a flash of speed and in the old style she circles her target continuously slashing. The damage output was low but the sheer number of landed slashes made up for it.


That first dummy was a kill. The second one, however, Aurora knew that not in every fight would the target in question die. She showed this with a precise capture and withdraw tactic.


She wasn't physically speaking the entire time. The plans and tactics she offered was shown as she mentally spoke with her other half.


Ahe says, "I have one more skill to offer, but the light of the moon is needed for it to work right."

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Novel sighed and stared at the others. She managed to conjure 30 second shields around everypony (except herself) and summoned thorny vines to wrap and rip her opponent. Once the shield would drop she would heal everypony to the best of her powers, not straining herself one bit. Nopony noticed the spell book that hovered next to her, her crystal blue eyes now turning draconic in nature. The book had a moon on it and stars that danced around the cover.

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Luna smiled. "Very good, Flux." She looked at Steel. "Go on ahead. We'll have a time for everypony to get things they need from their houses."


Lunar blinked, watching the dummy burn. "Wow..." she murmered, staring at it.


Celestia smirked, using her magic so that the dummies turned into pony clones. They were equally matched to Chronos.


Midnight blinked, starting to spare with one of the ponies.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Aurora waits after her time at the dummies. She watches, out of the corner of her eye, as the time ticks towards when she would be able to truely cut loose her power.


Aurora watches the others. She knows that being not directly of Equestria means she has to prove herself useful to her team.

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"Thank you, your majesty." Chronos said before taking a few steps back, putting his sword like a lance and charging towards one. He jumped and stabbed the living dummy. He knocked it to the ground and used his shield to block the attack from another. He hit the dummy with his shield and kicked it to the ground before finishing it off by cutting it's throat. "do you still think I'm rusty, princess..." The first living dummy was standing up and Chronos turned and decapitated it.


Another one came behind him, Chronos turned to block the attack. When it hit his shield it was enough to knock Chronos to the ground. Chronos blocked the attack, part of his shield broke off. Chronos kicked the living dummy back and got up. He swung his sword and the dummy blocked it. Their swords slide and Chronos punched the dummy. The dummy was pushed back and charged at Chronos. He jumped to the side and slashed the dummy, cutting off its foreleg. He the turned to stab it through the side.  "I know all my weaknesses" He said before he looked at the three dead dummies. He used his magic to revive them for another go. "Come at me!" He taunted


(I guess by pony clones, they are clones of Chronos since you said the we equal to him?)

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Flux squealed with a high pitch at the sight of the living dummies. She backed herself into a corner and stayed there. " Anything that comes here BURNS!" She huddled in the corner, setting her traps, waiting for some moron stupid enough to trip them. She hated those things, they moved which really creep her out. 


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Flux squealed with a high pitch at the sight of the living dummies. She backed herself into a corner and stayed there. " Anything that comes here BURNS!" She huddled in the corner, setting her traps, waiting for some moron stupid enough to trip them. She hated those things, they moved which really creep her out. 

(Only Celestia's group has the living dummies)


Luna blinked, looking at Flux. "It's alright, Flux. Only Celestia's troops are facing the live dummies. You don't have to worry." She looked at Aurora. "You need to train, too."


Lunar yawned, looking around. She was bored.


Celestia clapped her hooves. "Good good, keep on fighting!"


Midnight said something under her breath, her front hooves beginning to glow. She hit one of the live dummies, it exploding on contact. She raced to another on, the glow changing color. She jumped up and struck a blow to the top of that one's head, it turning to dust. She landed, sighing. She summoned her moon blade as one charged her from behind. She swung around and cut it's head clean off.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Novel kept shield after shield to protect everypony. She also wrapped many dummies in vines to immobilize them for a moment before somepony else killed them. She tries not to use fire magic when in battle since it can get out of control. Ice magic she will use too when things get sticky, but she prefers the vines and the thorny ones are her favorite. Her draconic eyes can see almost everything, constantly scanning the battlefield for danger. Novel has great power but does not want to show all of it at once

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On one final dummy, aurora closes her eyes. She says, "I forgot about one other. My moonwing strike. The effect itself is durived from either the light of moonlight or the darkness of moonshadow. It uses whichever one is in my main wing or hoof, if flying, to affect its outcome."


Aurora charges her final dummy, her wing glowing with Pegasus weather magic. When the blade moonlight impacts, a flash happens. When the flash fades the dummy is encased in white ice-like crystals. The suns light reflects within the crystals turning the dummy into burnt cinders. Then the crystals shatter and fall to the ground melted as water.


"Well that's new...It must have been because of my ice crystal's reflective properties when mixed with the sun, that caused it." Aurora says a bit confused.

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Chronos waited as the three dummies charged him. He rose his shield and attacked in a large swipe with all his strength. The dummies were pushed back. Chronos then stabbed one of them in the shoulder before hit the one to the left of him with his shield. The one to the right tried to strike Chronos, but Chronos pulled one of the other dummies between them. The dummy was struck and killed. Chronos then stabbed the third dummy and pushed it off of his blade just before turning and slashing the last one.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Luna watched, noting all their strengths and weaknesses. "Aurora, you need to learn how to cope with your magic in the daytime, too. We will not be attacking just at night," she commented.


Lunar nodded, looking up at the sky. She looked at Luna. "Princess, it is almost time for the sunset. I will take over so you can rise the moon."


Celestia noticed the sky. She looked at Midnight. "Can you handle this for a moment so Luna and I can set the sun and rise the moon?"


Midnight blinked, looking at her. "Of course, ma'am!" she said, trotting over to her.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Chronos revived the living dummies and they didn't hesitate. All three charged him. Chronos gave a battle cry before charging at them, using his magic to hold his shield up and using his sword like a lance. His sword stabbed into the one of the dummies.

He used his magic to bring a short sword to him from some point in time, since his sword was stuck in the dummy. He then slashed one dummy and hit the second one with his shield.

He stabbed the dummy he hit with his shield and turned to punch the last dummy, who he finished off with his shield. Chronos returned the short sword to the exact point in time he took it from and managed to pry his sword out of the dummy.


He sheathed his sword and put his shield on his back and said "This will never gets old"

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Yes, mother. You know where i was raised. The moon only shines and we smile. I will practice more tomorrow. If y'all could give me a little room, i will test my main ability." Aurora says.


She takes a few steps away from the group to give her about 45 ft of space in all directions.


Then she closes her eyes and focuses.

"Lunar Reflection!" Winds pick up and with a flash the area within a 30 ft diameter of her is covored in the white ice-like crystals. The last rays of the sun reflect through and around them to create a very bright and almost celestial glow. Those of evil nature would probably back away from this reflected light.


Aurora walks threw the field. It keeping centered on her. "Interesting, this feels the same as when I let the moon's light reflect it. However it is coming from the twilight sun. It seams all of my reflective abilities use the light of the sun in the same manor as it does with the moon."


Aurora shatters the field. "That was a learning experience. Sorry if my field was too bright. The moon version is softer on the eyes."

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Luna nodded, opening her wings. "It is quite alright. Now, if you don't mind, I will leave you in the capible hands of my dear Lunar as I go await to rise my beautiful moon." And with that, she flew off.


Lunar looked at Aurora, smiling. "You are very skilled, my dear."


Celestia took flight.


Midnight looked at Chronos, smiling slightly. -He may be older, but he sure knows how to fight...- she thought.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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