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open The Fall of the Crystal Empire


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Novel bites back a snap, fearing her books being touched by another's hooves. She takes a deep breath and sighs "older than I can even imagine" she says, her senses feeling an unwanted presence, though she knows they are alone since Steel and Lunar left.

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Crystal was tense at the words 'your empire' and from the outside, it seemed like he was hiding something. Surely his expession showed that he was lost in thoughts, thinking about something perhaps. But the feeling he was having made him feel heavy and curious.

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Chronos heard the explosion and jumped. He jumped out of bed and put on his helmet. He grabbed his sword, and ran out of his room. An Explosion meant only one thing to him, a siege. He ran down the hall to Celestia's Quarters. He then saw Flux, screaming that she had made an explosive... Chronos sighed in relief and said "just a false alarm" under his breath. He started to walk towards Flux "Did you just say you made an explosive!?" He asked as he walked towards her and sheathed his sword.

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"How did you know?!" She stopped and took a step back and faced him. "Yes, yes, I did! It's the first useful thing I've done here!" She did a little jig and realized it hurt like buck so she stopped. "And I think I hurt myself." She added on a dull note, finally noticing.

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" It wasn't that hard to find out, I heard an explosion, oh yeah and you are yelling it at the top of your lungs" He said before noticing her wounds. "Let me help you" Chronos put his hoof on Flux's shoulder and his horn began to glow, the glass shards levitated out of Flux's cuts and her wounds closed up. Even the blood returned to Flux's veins. He took his hoof off her shoulder and said "I love having my very own personal rewind button" He joked. "But word of advice, Don't go yelling about how you made an explosive, unless you want to be tackled and apprehended by guards." He said before chuckled.

Edited by Senatus Romanus
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Seth blinked, noticing her reaction. "O-oh, was I not suppose to touch these? I-I'm sorry," he apologized, quickly taking his hoof off the books.


Luna bliked, tilting her head. "What's wrong, dear Crystal? Is everything alright?" she asked, noticing his slight tensness.

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Steel shrugged "I don't know probably lay back and take a nap up on the tower and focus on gathering data" steel said -a secret study huh wonder way she wants it to remain secret - steel thought

Grell nodded "it would be nice to sleep again wouldn't it" grell said

Leif kept playing on his flute he seen canterlot in the distance

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Crystal shook his head. "No, it's nothing." He blinked, and also saw Canterlot in the distance as well. "'Bout time." He muttered, however he was excited to see Canterlot, he have traveled there a few times, but that was basically for trading or army ceremonies, this time however, he was going to explore the castle.

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Lunar nodded, smiling.


Midnight nodded, kissing his cheek. "I love you, babe..." she said, nuzzling into him. She was so happy that this training didn't put a damper on their relationship.


Luna blinked, seeing Canterlot. "We're home!" she called out, smiling as she trotted over towards Lief.

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"Thanks!" She said with a smile as she checked out where her numerous cuts were. They were gone as if they were never there in the first place. She was as good as new. "That's was amazing. Must be pretty useful to have a 'rewind button'. How'd you do it?" She cocked her head to one side.

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"All I did was made you younger by a few minutes. So technically, it never blew up in your face.  Luckily it doesn't affect your memory, though." He said before using his magic to pick up all of the glass shards and teleported them away. "So if you truly believe that the explosive can help us, let's go tell Celestia of your discovery." He said to Flux and smiled under his helmet, gesturing in the direction of Celestia's quarters.

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Novel is on edge, why does she have this feeling of being watched. Novel smiles at Seth "it's alright. They are very fragile which is partly why I have them hidden so nopony disturbs them or damage the bindings" novel looks around "that and I keep my journals here

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"Yeah, I was about to do that. I heared she's in," She smiled. " I really hope this discovery will help us in the war. I mean it doesn't mean like much but at least it's a distraction."


She trotted over to find Princess Celestia and knocked on her door. She was glad she hadn't found her in her excitable mood like just now or the princess might have thought she was mad.

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Chronos followed Flux "If it doesn't kill the foe it will at least make them scatter like rabbits. The sound of an explosion could make even the bravest soldier flee from the the source." He said as Flux knocked on Celestia's door. He leaned up against the wall "Heck, you even scared me for a moment, I thought Sombra struck first and started to siege the castle."

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Leif nodded putting his pan flute up his raven on his shoulder he watched as it came into view he had never been to camtelot he wasn't mich for anything that didn't envolve copious amounts of nature

Grell smiled " I love you too" grell said

Steel smiled he was surprised that lunar didn't question the gathering data part he could tell tjay novel felt like she was being watched - very perceptive although not catious enough- ste thought the spider moving up the wall onto the celing

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Something is not right, something is in here and she needs to know what. Novel snarls and looks around, trusting her instincts on the feeling of an unwanted presence in her study. She looks at Seth "Something is not right here" she says, looking around "I sense another presence, though it cannot be of ponykind since we are the only ones here". Novel looks at every inch, looking for something to cue her in to what is wrong.

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The spider had spun a web I'm the coroner and was on it doing nothing it looked inconspicuous just chilling on its web steel had directed it to do so -very perceptive indeed- steel thought -she may just find it but that won't matter it's just a spider to anyone unless they made it or use it-

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Luna smiled, walking up towards the castle doors. She then tirned to look at Leif. "We have a special wing to the left of the castle. That's where the refugees can go." She then looked at Crystal. "And you may follow me."


Midnight looked at him, smiling. "Let's go home," she said.


Lunar yawned, nuzzling into him.

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Crystal was slightly puzzled. -'Shouldn't I follow the rest of the crystal ponies?'- he thought and sighed. He rather much take a walk around the castle rather then follow anyone. Perhaps it was going to be a meeting? But if it was Leif would follow as well, right? Crystal sighed and began following Luna.

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Leif followed Luna after directing the refugees once settled they where to go out and do odd jobs if they had to buy they would earn bits and help pay for them staying in equestria he wouldn't stand for any slacking

Grell nodded "hold on and close your eyes" grell said

Steel smiled and pulled her close as they walked

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Luna walked down the hall, sighing.


Midnight nodded, grabbing onto him and closing her eyes. She took a deep breath. "Ready when you are."


Lunar blushed, smiling. She snuggled close, walking up towards the castle doors. "We're here," she said with a smile.kkk

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(Now I see why Swinton falls out of every conversation... I will use drastic measure! the mention button)




"hmm... Let me try" Chronos said to Flux before knocking on Princess Celestia's door "Your Majesty, are you in there? Flux has some good news" He said.  He took a step back and waited for Celestia to reply... if she is even in there. He removed his helmet and looked at Flux.

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(Oh nuu!)

Crystal walked beside Luna awkwardly. He didn't know what quite to expect. "Where are we going Luna? Am I in trouble?" Crystal began to panic and worry. However it didn't bother him so much besides that the cut from the crystal rim of the strange book had gotten darker, and wider, about covering 25% of his left hoof. Crystal was surprised, he didn't seem to feel any pain, so he ignored it and continued worrying about what was going on.

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(oh crap. I'm sorry. I've been super busy between getting the new house ready and getting ready for a con this coming weekend. I must have skimmed past it on accident :( )


Celestia blinked, hearing the knock. She got up, walking to the door. She opened it, blinking. "Oh, hello. What van I do for you?" she asked with a smile.


Luna shook her head. "We're gonna take a look at that book. And cut." She walked into the war room, holding the door for Crystal and Leif.

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Leif followed his raven on his shoulder cawing and taking flight disappearing down the hall


Steel nodded and took flight "follow me" he called to luanr


Grell began casting the spell the doors rose form the ground again and he walked through them after a few minutes the doors ride out side the castle and grell stepped through " alright midnighg were back@ grell said

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