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open Califoalnia Dreamin'

Rainbow    Dash

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" Luna Dammit! I guess that's a no than!" Yelled Otto. "Well I guess I'm going to search this place for it." He thought to himself. Otto began searching the house for the key. He looked everywhere on the first floor. But Nothing turned up. " well I guess level 2 is where it's at." Otto walked up the stairs and knocked on Pheonix's door. "Hello, you in there?"

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I get up and decide to leave my room, looking for something to eat, as the long trip here was hard work and left me with an empty stomach. as i leave my room i notice that void must have picked a room while i was in mine. as i passed it i heard the metallic clanging noise that sounds just like what the sound or armor in an old knights and dragons movie would make. i dismiss it and continue to wander around the house. 

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@@Brock Obama,
**There was no basement,  Otto was yelling at a wall**

Pipeline unpacked his stuff, putting his clothes into some drawers and his other paraphernalia under the bed. He trots downstairs and gets a snack out of the fully stocked fridge. On the fridge there was a note held in place by a little flower magnet. It read: Hope you are liking the house so far, I left a fully stocked fridge and pantry. Im guessing there will be six of you, so I kept it stocked for a week. Im hoping you have money to get the rest yourself....Mahalo~. 
Pipeline puts the note back onto the fridge and opens it up. He pulls out a banana and trots over to the recreation room. He finds himself a spot to sit on and makes himself comfortable.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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As Otto was was walking To his room, a bright light blinded him. Otto woke up in his bed. He fell asleep while packing. He was holding his picture tightly in his hoof. " I still have to pack" so Otto began putting away his things again. " I still have that interview tomorrow so I'd better wrap this up."

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after seeing pipeline pull a banana out of the fridge i decide to fallow suit, seeing as i also needed a snack. after grabbing one i trot back up to my room, the first one on the left, and closed my door. i thought for a moment about how i should come out about my lifestyle choices, seeing as it effects me entirely, on most days. i open the banana and take a bite out of it, and i suddenly decide i would just go for the straight forward aproach. they would see soon enough.

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Otto finished unpacking and left the room in search of food. He opened the fridge and took out a apple. "This must be from sweet Apple acres. I remember that case." Otto took a bite out of the apple and soon devoured it as if hadn't eaten in weeks. Luckily Pipeline didn't see him. "Well Im going to the beach to hang out. I'll be back in a bit."

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@@Rainbow Dash,@@Brock Obama, @@Handsome Changeling,


i hesitate severely but after some self pepping i finally gain the courage to walk out of my room wearing pink and blue knee high stalkings, and a pink and blue pleated skirt to match. i am also wearing a few hair extensions to make my mane look just a little bit longer and makeup to make my face look more feminine. there was blue eye shadow and mascara. this was my lifestyle choice that i had feared showing everyone because they may not be as accepting. i walked down into the main living area, my heart pounding.

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Otto was at the beach just staring into the ocean wondering about tomorrow. " I wish I hadn't messed up that case..... Now I'm stuck here..... Well at least the beach is beautiful. Otto gets up and decides to walk back unaware of the events there. "I just don't want anymore drama.... I don't care about friends, I'm happy alone. Haha I think I want a taco. Otto opens the door and enters the living room. " Oh hi there Pheonix. What's with the getup? Are you a clown? Well if that's the case I heard a pony in ponyville is a great clown, maybe if you visit there you'll be great friends!"

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i was obviously dressed in half drag, but comments like the one from otto are exactly what i had feared. without saying a word, i turn my head away from him, my tears beginning to smear my makeup i half run half walk back to my room and slam the door, flopping face down onto my bed, with my left hoof covering my eyes, preventing makeup from dripping everywhere. @@Brock Obama,

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Otto surprised at this was a bit concerned, but decided to leave him alone. " Whatever I said must of hurt him really bad. I should apologize. But first TACOS! Otto went to the fridge and grabbed a frozen taco in the microwave." 2minutes. Alright! But seriously I wonder what's wrong with Pheonix though.... Maybe he really likes his performances. No that's not it.... There's only one other explanation. Uh oh. Oh man I really hurt his, no urgghhh." The microwave beeped loudly startling Otto. " So much for no drama...." Otto takes the taco out of the microwave and eats it half heartedly contemplating how he messed up. "I've never been good with ponies feelings....." Otto decides to go to sleep but as he passes pheonix's room he hears sobbing. Otto lays on his bed and covets himself with a thin blanket. " Well I'll deal with this tommorow." Otto slowly drifts off into sleep.

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i fell asleep, still dressed in half drag on top of the covers on my bed. normally i would be laying in my bed all night but instead i cried myself to sleep because exactly what i had feared had happened. i opened myself up to these new people and first thing i hear towards me is 'clown'

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Otto wakes up in the middle of the night. " Uh I. Tired." Otto hears the rhythmic waves of the ocean and starts contemplating the previous day's events. He know he should go to sleep, but can't stop thinking that he did something wrong. He decides to walk downstairs for a midnight snack. But suddenly Otto slips and falls crashing down making a loud noise. "BUCK!" He cried out in pain. Otto layed there for a bit until he felt better and got up. "owww. Someone must have heard me." Ottos glasses layed shattered on the floor. "Damn I have to get these fixed too? *Sigh*" Otto sees that he slipped on some torn clothing. "This must have torn when she went crying." Otto proceeded to go back to bed, because his hunger was gone. It seems nobody headed or even cared. Otto layed down and went to sleep again.

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@@Brock Obama,

**none of my clothes were torn**

i lay sideways in my soft bed asleep above my blankets that i had put out on it, instead of the covers. my face is pressed into the soft fabric as i slowly breathe, dreaming sweet soft dreams to escape what i thought was ridicule and harsh judgement. 

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Otto wakes up again. But contemplates about his fall. At closer inspection the cloth he saw was just a rag. It was from a blanket. He thought about were it could have come from. "Must be nothing. Oh man it's 3:00 AM! I have to get ready for tommorow! My interview is at 7 and I gotta catch the bus!" Otto quickly began getting ready. He took a shower and then put his best suit and tie on, combed his hair and took his suitcase. Otto walked out and left the house. But he came back in and went up to his bedroom collecting some papers and what looked like some diplomas. He than took the torn picture and looked at it and put it in his pocket. As he walked down the stairs he dropped the photo by accident next to the exit. However Otto didn't notice.

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Pipeline ate the rest of his banana, not paying attention to the others. He rolls his head over and looks outside.
"Maaaan.....those waves out there look righteous." He mutters. Pipeline gets up and looks at the time.
"8pm, huh?" He trots up to his room and gets ready for bed. Tomorrow he had a photoshoot for the cover of a surfing magazine. He was told to get plenty of sleep, because he had to be at the beach at six in the morning.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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i wake up the next morning, still dressed in half drag, looking more mare than stallion. i walk downstairs, with my makeup touched up on and i decide to eat a little breakfast. two small blueberry muffins satisfy my petite appetite and i begin wondering what i should do to find a job.

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Otto enters the large skyscraper to find a futurist ice building in front of Him. Otto was amazed, no impressed of this place. "I have to get this job no matter what!" "What was that?" Said a red haired mare. " oh who are you?" said Otto. "I'm Zoey I'm mr. Faze's secretary. He wanted me to escort you to his office. He's heard a lot of great things about you!" "Oh well, thanks uh, Zoey." The two enter the elevator together and press the 88th floor button.

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Void sat up with a wide yawn from his bed and rolled off it with a *THUD*
"OOof.... Ouch"
Void muttered in anger a bit as he then stood up fully and stretched for a bit
"Awesome, breaking bones and I just got up" 

He joked with himself and then trotted down the hall and proceeded down the stairs and saw Phoenix? The pony, was for sure Phoenix, Void didn't want to be rude so he was more delicate
"Hey Phoenix, your looking different, not in a bad way of course" Void smiled after saying this

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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I look over at void and stare at him awkwardly. It felt so strange to finally have something semi nice said to me. "Thanks" i say to him with a slight involuntary smile. Perhaps thinbs could turn arround. Perhaps some ponies can be accepting of me. I couldnt help but smile

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Not like I was going to insult you heheh, I ain't a bad guy, anymore anyway.
"No problem, were all friends here right"
I wondered why Phoenix was dressed like this, I contemplated if I should ask, yeah, no harm in asking right?
"So if you don't mind me asking, why are you dressed like that? Not to be rude of course"
Okay I regret asking already, it feels rude

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,

I don't quite know how to answer his question so i stand there for a few awkward quiet moments thinking about it "it just feels right, i guess" i answer to him in a slightly higher pitched voice than before "i know it's bad sometimes to act like you're something you're not.. but i like to dress and act like this"  

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That comment made me feel a little uneasy, it's bad to act like something your not, my whole species is based around doing exactly that...Well it's not too bad.
"Oh come on now, it's not bad to act like something your not, nothing bad about it, if you enjoy acting and looking like that, why is it bad eh? If it feels right, don't stop heheh"
My answer was as honest as I could be, it' kinda hard to be honest though about delicate subjects but meh it's okay

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,

 i look down at the floor trying to be honest with myself "i guess" i say to him. "i guess it's okay to be who you truly are on the inside." i reassure to myself, smiling slightly. "thanks, for helping me realize that" i say, looking up at him. "so what are you up to?" i ask, trying to change the subject. 

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Actually that is a good question, what am I up to? I guess I need to think of a job...
"I am just pondering jobs for ponies with near no talent heheh, IE me, in fact I am STILL wondering on jobs, I am assuming you are  thinking on jobs too?"
I asked intrigued with a slight grin on my pink muzzle


My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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"yeah, i am thinking of a job" i answer. "need some way of paying the rent" i say with a slight giggle "but what do you mean you have no talent?" i ask him. everypony has to have a talent. only non-ponies would have a talent at this age, especially. but i suppose i have no room to judge. 

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