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planning World of Warcraft: Aftermath of Corruption (Fantasy, non-pony, OOC)

Rebel the Wolfgirl

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"It has been one week since the Corrupted Blood plague invaded Azeroth and claimed the lives of thousands of people. The disease is now gone, but the scars have not yet begun to heal. Civilization begins to return to the formerly infected cities, with settlers and former dwellers alike coming in droves. Near the ancient city of Ironforge, a small group of survivors intends to aid the rebuilding of the city, still littered with the bones of victims. This is where our story begins."


Greetings everypony. 'Tis Renegade back with a new roleplay. This time, it's a World of Warcraft RP taking place in the aftermath of the Corrupted Blood incident from 2005. This will be a private RP with only 6 people being allowed in.




This RP takes place in a post-plague Azeroth, which has suffered a Class 1 apocalypse (Civilization has survived, although in an altered state). The city of Ironforge is starting to rebuild itself, although rather slowly. There are several factions fighting for control of the city:


  • The Council of Ironforge, a temporary government that controls the heart of the city.
  • The Cult of Blood, a crazed group of survivors who believe that the plague is a sign of the end times.
  • The Settlers Guild, a group that seeks to rebuild Ironforge as a democratic city-state.
  • Guild of the Alliance, who represent...well, the Alliance.
  • Agents of Chaos, a group of anarchists who want Ironforge to be a place of "true freedom".

Our characters can choose to side with any of these factions, or not to. The choice is yours.










4) Romance is allowed, but please keep it PG-13.


5) Cussing is allowed as well. Just keep it on the down-low.


6) Have fun.


7) No species outside of the playable races of WoW.


















Motivations for coming to Ironforge:


Affiliated with Any Factions?:






SLOT 1 - (TAKEN) Wei Yu Summerstep - played by Steel Accord


SLOT 2 - (TAKEN) Reinsam Wulfenberg - played by rolle


SLOT 3 - (TAKEN) Hurrig Firestone - played by VulpineTaco


SLOT 4 - (TAKEN) Kyrlia Shadowsong - played by Sylveon the Pink





Edited by Renegade the Unicorn


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Name: Wei Yu Summerstep


Age: 23


Species: Pandaren


Gender: Male


Appearance: He is of typical build for a Pandaren of his lifestyle. Rotund and chubby, but far from all of his mass is fat. He is very hygienic and keeps his beard trimmed and fur clean. He always dons a gi with an emblem of the Tushui on it, either wearing over it a Wandering Isle style robe or light leather armor as dependent on the situation. He carries a bo staff and a dao sword.


Or . . . http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/wyrmrest-accord/Weiyu/simple


Class: Monk


Bio: Wei Yu Summerstep grew up on the back of Shen-Zin Su with his brother Lu Kwei. They both trained under Master Shang Xi but in the separate schools of Tushui and Huojin. When the Alliance and Horde first made contact, both volunteered to represent their respective disciplines to their new friends. Before departing, they made a sacred vow before the spirits that they would one day meet again.


When Master Cloudsinger told her disciples of King Varian's command, it broke Wei Yu's heart.


Now what once filled him with hope and anticipation, the vow to see his brother again, instead replaces his hope with dread. For what would happen when they finally meet again?


To hopefully avert his fears, Wei Yu works to foster peace between the Alliance and Horde, this puts him in an odd position as he has defended the people and interests of the Alliance many a time but champions a decidedly unpopular political notion. So his reception amongst Alliance officials is very mixed.


Wei Yu's other major motivation is the perfection of his discipline in the Tushui way, through both his philosophy and physical skills.


Motivations for coming to Ironforge: To use his skill with the mist and herb to heal those still recovering from the plague.


Affiliated with Any Factions?: Not yet.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Thanks. Was Pandera affected by the plague?


Pandaria, and I don't know. "The blood plague" is something I kind of missed in-game.


What's more is that Wei Yu is from the Wandering Isle, he wasn't born on the mainland and feels no more a kinship to it than the Orcs do to Draenor. It's more a cultural heritage than anything real.

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First... I have a question, do you accept non-usable classes and races?


And second. I think this is a brilliant idea since the 'epidemic' was freakin huge. Glad i didnt go to the major cities back then. Really, no need for it.

Sorry, but rules are rules. I'll still accept any OCs you have, though.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Am I right in assuming this is an Alliance based RP?

Name: Dorkuraz Shadowspear

Age: 43

Species: Troll

Gender: Male 

Appearance: Full Tier 1 Set (Molten Core)

Class: Enhancement Shaman

Bio: Exiled from the Darkspear Tribe after being against pledging allegiance for the horde. Part of the Agents of Chaos. Has a habit to pick a fight with others over fractional issues.

Motivations for coming to Ironforge: Safe refuge from either fraction and single out representatives and sabotage any peace treaties.

Affiliated with Any Factions?: Nope. Very hostile either way.

Edited by Sylveon the Pink


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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Are trolls a playable race? 


And I agree with Accord.


Are Trolls a? . . .


Are you sure you've actually played World of Warcraft?



Motivations for coming to Ironforge: Safe refuge from either fraction and single out representatives and sabotage any peace treaties.


See this is my only bone to pick. If you want to play an exile from the Darkspear, that's fine. I just don't think Ironforge would grant asylum to a Horde ex-pat, especially when it's this vulnerable. 

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