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Ask me, AmberDust!


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Left! Surprise! I'm a gauch sinistra southpaw.


heh heh a person who answers questions like that is left handed, i am left handed as well! anyways what is your favorite breakfast?


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heh heh a person who answers questions like that is left handed, i am left handed as well! anyways what is your favorite breakfast?

Homemade waffles. They're a rare treat, for sure. I also like when my family goes to McDonalds for Breakfast...not that we couldn't make better. Its just a fun experience. :P

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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waffles are good specially with honey, what youtube video would you recommend?

Just one video? Uhh...I don't know. But I know I'd definitely recommend the youtuber Wheezy Waiter! Here's a sample:



He's hilarious and often insightful and helpful! But mostly hilarious.

  • Brohoof 1

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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Hey AmberDust! Looks like I've got another... um, slew? Barrage? Salvo? Session? Yeah, um... session of questions to ask! So without further ado, let's get to it!





1) Favorite song and/or music artist?

2) Favorite book and/or author?

3) Favorite Christmas song?

4) Are you allergic to anything?

5) About how many hours of sleep do you get?

6) Which came first, the chicken, or the apple?

7) In case of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice?

8) Have you ever tried to use The Force before? (be honest) If so, how did it go?

9) Favorite/least favorite childhood nicknames?

10) Okay, the next few questions are gonna be in a this-or-that format. Ready?

11) Pyro or Scout?

12) Farts or burps?

13) Broken arm or broken leg?

14) Cinnamon rolls or muffins?

15) Chimmy Cherry or Cherry Chonga?

16) Michael Jackson or Justin Bieber?

17) Most interesting vehicle you've ridden in?

18) Your OC looks cold. Want a hug?

19) If you could have subdermal body armor, would you?

20) What is a question you absolutely do not want to be asked by a random person, such as myself, ghosting around MLP Forums and only asking this questions because some sort of random question is needed?

21) Ok, sorry about that. We still cool?

22) First thing that comes to mind when I say "sand"?

23) Worst song you've ever heard?

24) Tag-backs or no tag-backs?

25) If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

26) Were these questions good, good, or good?




(I'm a horrible person... XD)

  • Brohoof 1


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Hey AmberDust! Looks like I've got another... um, slew? Barrage? Salvo? Session? Yeah, um... session of questions to ask! So without further ado, let's get to it!



Oh, joyous day! Let's get started!





1) Favorite song and/or music artist?


I don't really think i have a favourite. It depends on how I'm feeling!

I've been listening to a lot of "The Shins" lately.


2) Favorite book and/or author?


Mort, by Terry Pratchett. Probably. MGuards! Guards! and The Truth were really great, too....and Going Postal....

All by Sir Terry Pratchett.



3) Favorite Christmas song?


There's one album I have at home with a really great version of "The First Noël" on it, but I can't find it online anywhere! The CD is at my house, in another city, but I'll listen to it over Christmas break, for sure.


4) Are you allergic to anything?


I'm allergic to nine things, but none are food and none will kill/hospitalize me.

Still sucks though.


5) About how many hours of sleep do you get?


Not enough. I go to bed at a reasonable hour, but sometimes, for days or weeks at a time, my body will wake me up at 3:35...then 4:30...then 5:30...then 6:30.

But that doesn't happen all the time. I tend to have a hard time falling asleep, too.


6) Which came first, the chicken, or the apple?


I'm gonna have to say the apple came first.


7) In case of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice?


I'd rather have other people wielding the weapons elsewhere, with me behind a thick, thick wall.

I'm not terribly comfortable with guns, so maybe a pole-arm, if I HAVE to choose. :P Something semi-ranged.


8) Have you ever tried to use The Force before? (be honest) If so, how did it go?


Never goes quite as planned, but I don't see it as "The Force" so much as Witch powers. If Matilda can do it, why can't I?? :lol:


9) Favorite/least favorite childhood nicknames?


My brothers were fond of "Smeagol" and "Gollum". :P I never really actively disliked any of my nicknames, though. I thought they were funny. Only the nicknames my dad used were ever annoying. :lol:

On a side note, my sister rarely ever calls me by my full name. It's always been a nickname, despite the fact that she basically named me in the first place.


10) Okay, the next few questions are gonna be in a this-or-that format. Ready?


Yes! I'm good at these! (Or something.)


11) Pyro or Scout?



(I know nothing of TF2, Its TF2, right??)


12) Farts or burps?




13) Broken arm or broken leg?


Eeeg...I'm gonna say arm, since broken femurs are horrifying. I have rather...visceral reactions to this type of thing.


14) Cinnamon rolls or muffins?


Cinnamon rolls! Homemade, preferably. They're tasty and soft and waarm. 11 seconds in the microwave* for leftovers will give you the perfect temperature, guaranteed!




*(at my house)

15) Chimmy Cherry or Cherry Chonga?





I have never eaten a chimmichanga.


16) Michael Jackson or Justin Bieber?


Michael Jackson.


17) Most interesting vehicle you've ridden in?


Most interesting? Hmm...

I've been in a really cool ship before, but only when it was docked. :/ I guess instead my answer would probably be a snowmobile, since not everyone has seen/used those. Super cool.


18) Your OC looks cold. Want a hug?




19) If you could have subdermal body armor, would you?


Sounds kinds painful, and possibly cold. I guess that depends on what its made of? Is it bone? scale? Maaagic??

Either way, I don't really need it...but it'd certainly be cool. :)


20) What is a question you absolutely do not want to be asked by a random person, such as myself, ghosting around MLP Forums and only asking this questions because some sort of random question is needed?


How can I possibly answer this? :lol: Are you just gonna turn around and ask me? I don't know. I probably wont know it until I hear it.


21) Ok, sorry about that. We still cool?


We cool. :P


22) First thing that comes to mind when I say "sand"?




I was on flightrising.com earlier, and I designed a dragon that was sand-coloured. That's why.


23) Worst song you've ever heard?


I dunno. Friday? Usually, if the song is really terrible, I wont listen to the end and will eventually forget about it.


24) Tag-backs or no tag-backs?


Tag-backs, but with a buffer time first.


25) If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?


Ohoho, this question is far too sweet. I'm sure everyone has pondered it once in a while...but despite this, I can't pick just one. The options are far too great...

I could go overboard and ask for massive cosmic powers, the likes of a god.

I could go for the far less dangerous, everyday-useful route and ask for teleportation.

I could go the mischievous, curious route and say "shapeshifting"

I could go the geeky, fantastic route and start fictional dimension hopping.


All of these would be fantastic, but it all depends on how well I can handle the responsibility...especially for that first one. 


But being a magical girl would be awesome, too. :P Who doesn't want to shoot lightning at their enemies from a tiara??


26) Were these questions good, good, or good?


I'll have to say...good?








(I'm a horrible person... XD)


Nah, its cool. Its not like I should be studying for finals or anythi--ooohshit.

(Just kidding, I'm as prepared as I'll ever be.)

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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if there's any costume party or halloween what would be your costume and why?

I absolutely love wearing costumes! My next project is to make a Sailor Jupiter cosplay, so that'll be my answer for today--although I'd also like to try my hand at Katara, and Pokémon trainer Hilda is always fun!



Well, Sailor J is my favourite of all the scouts, and I cosplayed her once before, but it wasn't that nice, so I want to try again and redeem myself. :lol:

I usually choose a costume based on how much I like a character, and how much I resemble them. I have really long, dark brown hair, so I usually look for that in a cosplay. :P

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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Hey Amber! Looks like I'm back with another fusillade of questions. Aria ready?





1) So, first off, how's it going? Everything ok on your end? Anything interesting going on for Christmas or what not?

2) Have you seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens? (If you have, don't spoil it... I haven't yet)

3) Excited or dejected at the possibility of a Mane 7 in Season 6?

4) Have you listened to the new album "A Pony Kind of Christmas"? If so, favorite song from that album?

5) Favorite continent?

6) Favorite season? (spring, summer, autumn, winter)

7) Up, down, left, right, forward, or backward?

8) Derpy Hooves, Ditzy Doo, or Muffins?

9) Silver, Sonic, or Shadow?

10) Any personal records or achievements you'd like to talk about? Now's your chance to brag!

11) Would you briefly describe one Christmas present that you bought for somebody this year?

12) Okay, down with generic questions. Time for the weird ones. No particular topic, I'm just making these up as I go. Ready?

13) Would you briefly describe something that you improved on this year; something that last year's you didn't have?

14) Anything you're aspiring to accomplish next year?

15) On a scale of 1/10, how would you rate your attractiveness?

16) When I say the word "family", what are the first three things that come to mind?

17) Play outdoors in the snow or sit indoors with hot cocoa?

18) About how much snow do you normally get, anyway?

20) Do you burp a lot when you eat?

21) What's the most annoying sound you've ever heard?

22) If you *had* to have a body part removed and replaced with robotics, which body part would that be?

23) Do you crack your knuckles a lot?

24) Would you  describe the clothes you are wearing as you are answering this? (don't have to if you're uncomfortable)

25) Would you rather eat soup off a plate or eat pizza from a bowl?

26) Favorite fanfiction you've read?

27) Favorite MLP fanfiction you've read?

28) Are you getting tired of me asking questions?

29) Would it be ok for your OC to cameo in one of my fanfictions?

30) What did you expect for the last question?





And that's about it. For now. But I'll be back! Muahahahahaha...hahahah...ha...ha...*gasp*...hahaha...huhu...ha...yeah.

  • Brohoof 1


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Hey Amber! Looks like I'm back with another fusillade of questions. Aria ready?


*Looks at clock*

I should be in bed, but this seems much more fun. Let's go!





1) So, first off, how's it going? Everything ok on your end? Anything interesting going on for Christmas or what not?


Everything's great! The semester's over, and I"m back home! Christmas will be Christmas as usual.


2) Have you seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens? (If you have, don't spoil it... I haven't yet)


Nope. Not yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


3) Excited or dejected at the possibility of a Mane 7 in Season 6?


I hope it won't happen. It's not necessary, and her reform felt very forced. 


4) Have you listened to the new album "A Pony Kind of Christmas"? If so, favorite song from that album?


Haven't heard it, sorry.


5) Favorite continent?




6) Favorite season? (spring, summer, autumn, winter)




7) Up, down, left, right, forward, or backward?




8) Derpy Hooves, Ditzy Doo, or Muffins?


Ditzy Doo


9) Silver, Sonic, or Shadow?


Uh. I;m not the right person to ask that. :P


10) Any personal records or achievements you'd like to talk about? Now's your chance to brag!


I haven't done much that I'm THAT proud of. :lol: I'm an amateur artist, slowly improving.


11) Would you briefly describe one Christmas present that you bought for somebody this year?


A cute Chinese ceramic tea set, for my sister! It's white with a bamboo handle and pink flowers painted on. I hope she likes it!


12) Okay, down with generic questions. Time for the weird ones. No particular topic, I'm just making these up as I go. Ready?


As spaghetti.


13) Would you briefly describe something that you improved on this year; something that last year's you didn't have?


Again, art skill. I have a little more experience now--not to mention the ability to live away from home.


14) Anything you're aspiring to accomplish next year?


Art skiiillll! I need to improve if I want to catch up with my classmates.


15) On a scale of 1/10, how would you rate your attractiveness?


Uh. Maybe a 5. Maybe 6. But I wouldn't know.


16) When I say the word "family", what are the first three things that come to mind?


Love, home, comfort! (food?)


17) Play outdoors in the snow or sit indoors with hot cocoa?


Both. They're much better together. :)


18) About how much snow do you normally get, anyway?


A LOT. But not much in December, tragically. Its as though the season has no poetic sense at all!

Most of our snow comes in January, February, and March.


20) Do you burp a lot when you eat?


Depends. What am I eating? :P


21) What's the most annoying sound you've ever heard?


I think you asked this one already. NEXT!


22) If you *had* to have a body part removed and replaced with robotics, which body part would that be?


Aw, cool. Are they modern robotics, or futuristic? Having a cyborg eye would be seriously handy.

Although, I'd rather not. 


23) Do you crack your knuckles a lot?


Tonnes. Plus my back, neck, arms, toes...


24) Would you  describe the clothes you are wearing as you are answering this? (don't have to if you're uncomfortable)


Pajamas. And in fact, I'm very comfortable! :lol:   See what i did there?


25) Would you rather eat soup off a plate or eat pizza from a bowl?


Soup off a plate, simply because my love for soup far surpasses my love for pizza.


26) Favorite fanfiction you've read?


I've only ever listened to two Fanfictions, and the more entertaining of the two was My Immortal. :lol:


27) Favorite MLP fanfiction you've read?


I've only ever listened to that one about Discord and the chaos garden. Very cute. Rather sad.


28) Are you getting tired of me asking questions?


Nah, but i could choose better times to answer them. ^^'


29) Would it be ok for your OC to cameo in one of my fanfictions?


Sure! I'd love that! What's this fic about?


30) What did you expect for the last question?


I didn't expect at all.








And that's about it. For now. But I'll be back! Muahahahahaha...hahahah...ha...ha...*gasp*...hahaha...huhu...ha...yeah.


Thanks again! Now, time for sleep...

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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Sure! I'd love that! What's this fic about?


It's a Fallout: Equestria spinoff project called Domain. Still a work in progress. If you're interested, I can shoot you a link. 

  • Brohoof 1


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Hi Amber, (is it okay I call you that?)


I celebrated Christmas for the  first time! The start of the day was a little rough...everybody left home around afternoon... but later they came back, around... 6p.m.

We watched some Christmas movies together and ate cookies(sadly enough, they were just bought from the store. I hoped to get home made ones, but oh well. Just as good, I guess...)

I placed some Presents in the middle of the night under the small tree that we had.(I personally  bought different presents that fit with the person I bought it for.)

The next morning, there were many presents more than the ones I bought!


There were things under the tree that I really needed and wanted! Everybody liked what they got and smiled a lot, I wished everyday could be like that.


And the most suprising thing is: When I woke up, a necklace was right beside of my bed out of nowhere! It seemed to be a necklace that someone close to me lost and couldn't find for a long time!(I bet Santa was behind that one.)


I know this is an "ask me" thread so I am not going to write this all without a question, here goes.


Amber, I thank you for all your advice and inspiration you gave me, it would be sad if I would just say bye and that's it. Never speaking to you again... I don't want that to happen... but it happens every single time... actually.. that bye isn't even concluded... everytime I meet someone... we talk for like a week.. and then they never send something back..


There also no one who sends me messages or anything when I log in on the website.

The only notifications I get are status updates of the same guy over and over.. almost like spam... not saying any names though (Ahum... Kyoshi.. kahum....)

Everytime I make an new friend, they are only interested to talk with me for a few days and then I hear nothing anymore from them again. Every single person.

I slowly feel like I am being left out of the fandom... I still like to watch the show, but... it's like I am no part of the community

I have no group I belong to or something... 


My question is: am I.... fading out of the herd... or was I never even part of one to begin with?

  • Brohoof 1



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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Hi Amber, (is it okay I call you that?)


I celebrated Christmas for the first time! The start of the day was a little rough...everybody left home around afternoon... but later they came back, around... 6p.m.

We watched some Christmas movies together and ate cookies(sadly enough, they were just bought from the store. I hoped to get home made ones, but oh well. Just as good, I guess...)

I placed some Presents in the middle of the night under the small tree that we had.(I personally bought different presents that fit with the person I bought it for.)

The next morning, there were many presents more than the ones I bought!


There were things under the tree that I really needed and wanted! Everybody liked what they got and smiled a lot, I wished everyday could be like that.


And the most suprising thing is: When I woke up, a necklace was right beside of my bed out of nowhere! It seemed to be a necklace that someone close to me lost and couldn't find for a long time!(I bet Santa was behind that one.)


I know this is an "ask me" thread so I am not going to write this all without a question, here goes.


Amber, I thank you for all your advice and inspiration you gave me, it would be sad if I would just say bye and that's it. Never speaking to you again... I don't want that to happen... but it happens every single time... actually.. that bye isn't even concluded... everytime I meet someone... we talk for like a week.. and then they never send something back..


There also no one who sends me messages or anything when I log in on the website.

The only notifications I get are status updates of the same guy over and over.. almost like spam... not saying any names though (Ahum... Kyoshi.. kahum....)

Everytime I make an new friend, they are only interested to talk with me for a few days and then I hear nothing anymore from them again. Every single person.

I slowly feel like I am being left out of the fandom... I still like to watch the show, but... it's like I am no part of the community

I have no group I belong to or something...


My question is: am I.... fading out of the herd... or was I never even part of one to begin with?

I'm so happy for you! Its wonderful that you were able to have a merry Christmas, and that everyone around you enjoyed it and played along, too. Hopefully this will be the beginning of some nice new traditions! :')


As for your question--I don't think you have anything to be worried about. You are a part of this fandom just as much as anyone else here! You probably just need a little break from mlp. I know that I find myself weaving in and out of fandoms all the time--but that doesn't make me any less of a fan. It's just good to enjoy something different every once in a while. Take a break from one thing, then come back to it later with fresh eyes and renewed enthusiasm! Works for me every time. :) I could even recommend a few other shows for you, if you want. :lol:


Happy New Year!

  • Brohoof 1

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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I'm so happy for you! Its wonderful that you were able to have a merry Christmas, and that everyone around you enjoyed it and played along, too. Hopefully this will be the beginning of some nice new traditions! :')


As for your question--I don't think you have anything to be worried about. You are a part of this fandom just as much as anyone else here! You probably just need a little break from mlp. I know that I find myself weaving in and out of fandoms all the time--but that doesn't make me any less of a fan. It's just good to enjoy something different every once in a while. Take a break from one thing, then come back to it later with fresh eyes and renewed enthusiasm! Works for me every time. :) I could even recommend a few other shows for you, if you want. :lol:


Happy New Year!

Thank you for being so kind to me.

It always cheers me up when somoeone tells me that things aren't as bad as they look.

I don't know how I can repay your kindness. I guess, all I need is just someone who lends me a hand/hoof every once in a while.


Maybe you are right. Maybe I should take a break.

Sometimes you do need pauses. You can't work, play or even sleep forever. Everyone needs a break every once in a while. There are only a small amount things that don't need a break or a pause. But a small break from the community can be what I need right now, so I can come back later, fresh and hyped up again.


I don't know how I can ever thank you for the advice that you have given me.

  • Brohoof 1



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I see that you like helping people with OCs. Would you at all be interested in joining my friend's OC Creation Team? I've been trying to help get the ball rolling by posting a theme each week to give the members a challenge if they wanted to try it. This week's theme is "Geek Week." The goal of the group is to come together to work on OCs and to help each other improve on the characters, but we also create new OCs on our own and share them with each other.

  • Brohoof 1
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I see that you like helping people with OCs. Would you at all be interested in joining my friend's OC Creation Team? I've been trying to help get the ball rolling by posting a theme each week to give the members a challenge if they wanted to try it. This week's theme is "Geek Week." The goal of the group is to come together to work on OCs and to help each other improve on the characters, but we also create new OCs on our own and share them with each other.

That sounds like a lot of fun! :o Is there a thread for it somewhere?

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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That sounds like a lot of fun! :o Is there a thread for it somewhere?

Oops, I forgot to post the link. We do most of our discussion on Skype, although it's been a little quiet this week. Do you have a Skype account? If you don't, it's really easy to set up. (We mostly just use the chat, which is free, no video or voice)


Here's the link to the thread before I forget again: https://mlpforums.com/topic/144752-oc-creation-team/

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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Oops, I forgot to post the link. We do most of our discussion on Skype, although it's been a little quiet this week. Do you have a Skype account? If you don't, it's really easy to set up. (We mostly just use the chat, which is free, no video or voice)


Here's the link to the thread before I forget again: https://mlpforums.com/topic/144752-oc-creation-team/

i have a skype, but I don't really use it much. :P Things always end up chaotic and incomprehensible when groups plan tings on skype.

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am writing an story right now, it is about an war 2000 years ago in equestria. 

My story is about 4 friends who are the elite group in Luna's rebellion.

They are insanely strong and fight through the most fatal wounds. They aren't like normal ponies.

I wanted them to lose the war since that also happened in the original story but I also wanted them to survive.


In an part of my story, there was an battlefield where the main characters battle and one of the friends get hit by an arrow.

The arrow goes through the heart, but like I said, these warriors are no normal ponies so he even survived but he the arrow was poisoned and the characters are immume to side effects like tiredness, paralyzes and other effects but not immume to the killing effect so if the poison stays in him to long and spreads, he would die.

The character inmediatly realises that there was poison on the tip of the arrow and pulls his heart out inmediatly to stop the poison from spreading, while one of his friends who has the power to destroy and capture spirits and souls uses his powers to keep the soul in the body so he doesn't die, but his friend can't do that for long since it is difficult to keep an soul in a wounded and dying body. 


But now I am not sure how to make this person survive. I thought of using his magic to connect his veins and use his magic to pump the blood through his body but than the character has to use his magic all the time and no one can do that.

Do you have any suggestions? Or do you not like the story at all?

Actually, the story hasn't been very extreme until this point.

Edited by eps-3-freak
  • Brohoof 1



Even without a history, I still have a storybook of my own.

I am going to be myself.

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I am writing an story right now, it is about an war 2000 years ago in equestria. 

My story is about 4 friends who are the elite group in Luna's rebellion.

They are insanely strong and fight through the most fatal wounds. They aren't like normal ponies.

I wanted them to lose the war since that also happened in the original story but I also wanted them to survive.


In an part of my story, there was an battlefield where the main characters battle and one of the friends get hit by an arrow.

The arrow goes through the heart, but like I said, these warriors are no normal ponies so he even survived but he the arrow was poisoned and the characters are immume to side effects like tiredness, paralyzes and other effects but not immume to the killing effect so if the poison stays in him to long and spreads, he would die.

The character inmediatly realises that there was poison on the tip of the arrow and pulls his heart out inmediatly to stop the poison from spreading, while one of his friends who has the power to destroy and capture spirits and souls uses his powers to keep the soul in the body so he doesn't die, but his friend can't do that for long since it is difficult to keep an soul in a wounded and dying body. 


But now I am not sure how to make this person survive. I thought of using his magic to connect his veins and use his magic to pump the blood through his body but than the character has to use his magic all the time and no one can do that.

Do you have any suggestions? Or do you not like the story at all?

Actually, the story hasn't been very extreme until this point.


Hmm...I fell like you're going a bit overboard with how strong they are. Anypony shot through the heart would die, no matter how strong...especially if they literally rip their own heart out afterwards! Ouch! Instant death!

I suggest you tone down their power a bit--have him get shot in the shoulder, or stomach, instead. It's a near-fatal injury for most, but the magic could keep him alive. Perhaps he could be rushed off to be healed before the magic wears off?

Hopefully that was helpful. ^^'

  • Brohoof 1

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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Hmm...I fell like you're going a bit overboard with how strong they are. Anypony shot through the heart would die, no matter how strong...especially if they literally rip their own heart out afterwards! Ouch! Instant death!

I suggest you tone down their power a bit--have him get shot in the shoulder, or stomach, instead. It's a near-fatal injury for most, but the magic could keep him alive. Perhaps he could be rushed off to be healed before the magic wears off?

Hopefully that was helpful. ^^'

Making them some weaker will limit them to the damage they can take but it could give more of a thrill in a fight.

I was planning to make the character who got shot the literal "heartless guy" but you might be right.

I only need to find an point in the body that could be fatal but not so important that he would die if he got rid of it to stop the poison.

Hmm... I'll think this over. Thanks for the help.

Edited by eps-3-freak



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