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open Persona: Shadows of the Crystal Mirror

Eternal Night

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Sun. Aug 16 -Morning
(sorry forgot the date the first time)

Canterlot University, widely known as the most prestigious center of higher learning in all of Equestria. From its pristine centers of learning to the beautiful and iconic campus there is arguably no better place to further ones education. You along with hundreds of other freshmen are eager to persue your dreams. After checking in and moving into your dorms, you along with the rest of the freshmen class begin flocking to the historic auditorium near the center of campus for orientation.

Edited by Eternal Night
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Dawn smiled as she walked through the halls of the university and looked around in amazement. She had heard rumors about the college, but she had never imagined that she would be able become a student there. If everything went according to plan, she would get her desired diplomas and do what she loved for the rest of her life. She knew she wanted to do music when she was young and knew she wanted to play either piano, flute, or ocarina when she was about eight.

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"Can't believe mom wanted me come here."  D-pad said to himself "I couldn't just go to high school like everyone else.  All because of that dumb I.Q. test i get the highest score so I was recommended to this school scholarship and all.  At least I was able to bring lots of my games here so i shouldn't be bored.  Oh well I'll just go through the motions and should be done before I know it."  After packing his saddlebag with a portable gaming device he left his dorm room to head to the historic auditorium.

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Chain walking to the auditorium was left with his thoughts, mostly he was thinking I cant belive that I somehow got a scholarship here and right after I finished high school, well thats what happens when you take all of the most advanced classes of magic and other subjects and finish at the top of the magic classes. Chain was so in thought that he hit the wall next to the auditorium door and ponys start to ether snile at him gigling or they look at him wondering how Chain got here if he misses a door.

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D-pad saw the brown unicorn bump into the wall of the auditorium. He laughed to himself and passed him without a word 'this place can't be so hard if someone like that can get in.' He thought to himself. 'Now only if he can get in the door.' He took a seat in the back hoping not to interact with ponies who didn't share his intersect in games. He noticed it didn't start yet so he decide to kill time with the strategy game he brought with him. 'Best work the thinking muscles read their moves and trap them before they realized it.

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Scarlet Rose.


Scarlet shook her head and rolled her eyes as she stepped through the University grounds. This was always a problem with beginning at some place new: being grouped together with the idiots and the fools... Couldn't just once she be surrounded by cool, intelligent folks, rather than unfunny jokers and dolts without a sense of decency?


"Ugh. Typical..." She muttered, shooting a withing glare at another nearby first-year and sending the poor colt hurriedly away. "How long do I need to wait 'till these buffoons start dropping out? So much arrogance and ignorance everywhere I look..."


She sighed a little, frustratedly. Reaching a hoof to her scarlet mane, she adjusted the red rose that was perched there slightly.


'Just need to find someone decent - smart, cool... someone worth talking to. Find a few of them and we'll run this place in a few weeks, easy.'


The white made paused as she approached the auditorium, pausing for a brief moment to grade condersedingly at a pony who seemed to be trying to access the building through the wall. She tutted, shook her head in annoyance and continued inside before anyone suspected her of having anything to do with the fool.

Edited by Cinder

Never quite forgotten.

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Dawn entered the auditorium and sat at the bottom of the bleachers. She didn't really know anypony in the university and wanted to see if she could make at least a few friends. The alicorn made sure that her cloak was on so that no one could see her wings, and looked around. She noticed a few ponies that seemed to be in her class and figured that she could talk to them afterward.

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D-pad glanced up from his game and noticed somepony at the front wearing a cloak 'that's odd you don't often see somepony wearing a cloak unless the weather was gonna be bad and the weather schedule didn't show any rain for today. She may be hiding something under there. It none of my business but still better safe than sorry I'll just keep an eye on her while I'm here.' He then noticed it was his turn in the game 'oh right move him to the left. Just cause I'm watching out doesn't mean I have to stop playing.'

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Chain blushes in embaresment and goes inside the doors as the orientation starts by having the school staff talk about how privlaged we should feel to be here. Chain saw that only the back seats were open hate sitting in the back chain thoult and sat down in the seat that he wanted because it was in the middle where he could see everything there was a pony sitting next to him though that was playing a game, Chain did not say anything to him just payed attention to the orientation but it was hard not to look at the ponys game

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D-pad noticed the pony he saw earlier sit next to him he said "hey didn't walk into a wall earlier? If so good to know you can walk through a door with only some trouble guess you not completely hopeless." He laughed to his own joke to himself still keeping a careful eye on the cloaked pony to make sure she doesnt do anything that could cause trouble he just didn't like it looked like she was hiding something.

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Chain blushed in embaresment again "I was thinking about stuff alright...oh and you should move the warrior to the right not the left" Chain said to him because he studyed the game "well I think anyway" Chain said because he did not know everything about the game then started to focus on the speakers again how talked about more things like the no bullying thing they had.

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"Hey everyone has there own style you go your path i got mine.  Don't know why your listen to that speech all schools say the same thing just give me my map and class list an i'd be fine.  Never had to study to get here anyway.  Name's D-pad what's yours don't want to call you, well... you the whole time we talk.  Also look just trapped them all, see (the game screen shows several standered hoof-soldier of his team surrounding the other team with artillery behind the the his hoof-soldiers) no where for them to run."

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Fortunato sat in boredom as the commencement ceremony dragged on, and on. It was the same thing every fall, an hour of "motivational" speeches followed by the nonsense that was university policies. It was an utterly pointless event, the staff knew it, the people involved in the ceremony knew it, and the students especially could care less.


"Why do they even force me to come to these things..." He sighed to himself. "Is it really necessary for teaching staff to have to come to these things?"


Forunato's eyes wandered around the room trying to alleviate some of his boredom. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a younger student playing a game on a handheld, instantaneously jealous of that kids foresight.


"Man that was a great idea, why didn't I think of that?"


Not that it really mattered much now, the ceremony wasn't going to drag on for too much longer anyway. Soon he was going to have to chaperone a bunch freshmen around campus and hand out their schedules. It was an odd thing for a larger institution like this to do, but this was one of the many things that made this university standout from the rest.


Fortunato kicked back in his seat a but and shut his eyes, by the time he woke up hopefully the ceremony would be over.

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"huh did not see that coming. oh and my name is Chain brace nice to meet you D-pad but don't take this the wrong way but you don't sound intrested so why are you here?" Chain asked "I came here because i wanted to know more about magic mostly fire, I have a plan for it in the future" Chain said

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"Well Chain I'm not interested to be here I'm only here cause of some dumb I.Q. Test i took last year I was the highest in my grade so they decided to send me here but before I could say no my mom said yes and here I am so my friends are in some high school and here I am separated from them. Honestly they were the only reason I cared to go to school. Also what surprised you and why fire magic I hope you don't go all arsonist on the school. I mean I don't want to be here but not enough to do that."

Edited by supersonicfan91
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"no I'm going to mass produce metal objects and magic can jump start it alot, have my whole buissnes plan set" Chain said to D-pad when he noticed the oriantation was done and they started to hand out things "well time to go I guess good luck on that game and I hope you can find something you like about this place" Chain said in his nicest manner as he walked away

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Dawn noticed a few other kids looking at her, and tried her best to ignore them. As long as she kept her cloak on, they wouldn't find out about her secret. Ever since she had gone into those ruins in the Everfree forest, she was... different compared to what she was before. She just hoped that this would end soon so that she could go to her classes.

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D-pad saved his game and put It up and flew down to get the papers they was handing out. And in the back of the line for the tour of the grounds for two reasons one so he wouldn't have to listen to the history of every blade of grass they had here and two to keep an eye on the mare wearing the cloak still suspicious about her cloak why should she need one in such clear weather. 'Wow I sound like a stalker' he thought to himself 'good thing I'm just try to make sure nothing happens after this I problem won't see her again anyway so I'll just deal with it for now.

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well lets see...yep everything seems good...wait whats this magical artifacts? another magic class I guess Chain thought I wonder what afticacts will be there and since it is my first class I am going to find out very soon. chain finished his thought and headed to his class

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'well it looks like i got the class Magical artifacts first.  well i am not really gonna learn anything useful in that class but better listen to pass the classes as long as i don't have to use magic i should be fine.  oh well i guess that mare isn't doing anything bad.'

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Dawn looked over her schedule and found that she had classes dealing in magical artifacts as well as elemental magic. She also noticed she had a music class last so that would probably her chance to relax. Like D-pad, she had also joined the tour group and figured that her classes would start the next day.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Chain started to map out the best ways to each class with his map "there and there" he said to himself "and its only 1:00 pm screw it I'm going to front grounds it is like a park, might make a few friends if they don't know the hit the wall thing" he extended then headed to the front grounds 

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'wow second worst tour ever the worst being the history of scrapbooks tour my mom brought me on.  oh well lets see the map to get to the dorms from here i have to go through the front grounds park area.  ok then no big deal its not that far.'  D-pad thought as he started to head to his dorm room

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(Please see my OOC post that will be up in a moment.)

Fortunato sighed in relief as the campus tour finally ended. The tour lasted a little longer than he had hoped, and was admittedly more stressful than last years. The attendance rate was extremely high this year as the amount of scholarships increased dramatically and along with it, the number of problems. The ceremony was utterly unprepared for this number of students and as such they began to scatter about. A lot of students actually got completely seperated from the tour itself. It was an utter disaster to say the least.. and it only made his current job all the much harder.


Fortunato after sleeping through almost the entirity of the ceremony was tasked to find a student by the name of Scarelet Rose. He had to inform her that her room accommodations had been entirely screwed up, and that she needed to move her stuff to the correct dorm. She was originally supposed to be in his tour group "group 11" (his favorite number) but after that huge mess every pony was just scattered around doing their own thing. Not knowing what the mare looked like, he tried to find others in his group that could probably tell him.

He wandered around aimlessly until he came across an odd made wearing a thick cloak with group tag "11" pinned to her chest in the midst of what seemed like a still ongoing tour group. Fortunato thought it was odd that this mare was wearing a cloak in the middle of summer, and found it odder still that there was a tour group still going on long after it was scheduled to end.

@@Drago Ryder,

He tapped the mare on the shoulder.

"Excuse, but I'm looking for someone. You think you could help me?"

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Dawn was brought out of thought when she heard somepony talking to her. She turned to see Fortunato and smiled slightly. "Sure, I can help you. Who are you looking for?" She asked, The alicorn wasn't used to talking to other ponies, but she figured that she could change that given time. "My name is Dawn, by the way. Mind if I ask who you are?"

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