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Drago Ryder

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Aurora looks about and then says, "I am ready to go when you are. The faster we make our move, the less the enemy has time to respond."


She moves as if to follow the one wanting to go to the hospital. Shr keeps herself on high alert for any enemies in the area.

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Seeing the others quickly agreeing with him, Cura replied, " Alright, though on the way there we're going to pass near the center of town so stay close to me and stay out of sight." As he finished, he began to trot off deeper into the ruins of Ponyville. He did so cautiously however, sticking to the alleyways as much as he could and when they ended, would quickly peer out, checking for the machines that continued to patrol the vacant streets, before galloping as fast as he could to the other side before checking again and signaling for the group to follow. Using this method, Cura had managed to almost reach his destination when a problem rose up as he turned into another alley. One of the cottages had collapsed, burying the alleyway and the hidden entrance to the aid station beside it under a small mountain of rubble. Though luckily, it appeared the cottage aside from it had still and better yet, the rubble had create a way for them to enter without leaving the protection of the alley. He briefly hesitated, a small amount of dread rising in him before he began to make his way to the cottage, mindful of his step lest he cause this one to collapse as he entered what looked to family room; though Cura, focusing solely on finding a through the cottage, ignored the scattered and destroyed furniture as well as the dusty picture frames that hung along the walls, the sole clues to who may have once lived within this cottage. Exiting the family room, he made his way through a hallway littered with dust and scattered personal belongings, trying not to think of what happened to those who may have once lived here.

Turning the corner, Cura exited the hallway and stepped into the remains of what may have once been a kitchen, though with a massive hole marred with scorch marks in one of the walls, and finally laid his eyes on a place he had hoped he would never see again. Across the street, separated from all  lay the building once know as Ponyville General hospital, though Cura quickly dived back as he noticed what looked like at least a ten androids that stood in the street between them and the hospital. Turning back to face the group, hoping that they had all followed him this far, he said, " We may have a small problem. It appears what may be at least ten of those blasted machines are between us and the only way to the aid station. Anypony have any ideas?"  @, @@Drago Ryder, @@bronislav84,      

Edited by Blacklight

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Aurora sensed them with her new receptors. She says, in a whisper, "Their the standard units, Drones. They don't seem to be that powerful but something is off. I feel another on the edge of my sensory range. It is much bigger then the drones."


She moves as silently as she could hoping she could get a better look without alerting them. She knows that they can't detect her sensors, when at such a low setting.

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From what Tempest could see, the group of androids consisted of three Pegasus units and six earth pony units. "They don't look that much different from the rest of the ones we've fought."He said. The bat pony then noticed a cup a few yards to the right of their location sitting on a table and formed a small aura sphere and shot it, making the can hit the ground. Two of the earth pony units headed to the source of the noise and into an adjacent alleyway. Tempest knew that they may have to fight, but he didn't want to see anyone else get taken by those... things. If the situation wasn't bad enough, a large android about seven feet in length and black in color dropped into the road between the ponies and hospital. Tempest noticed its draconian shape and a thought crossed his mind that bred fear and sorrow within him. "No. That can't be her. She wouldn't have gotten caught." He muttered to himself, as his breathing became more rigid and his body quivered.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Aurora comforts Tempest. "Then we can test the release point of the spell our friend knows. If it works, we can free her. I am willing to try. Maybe we can also contain her."


She looks to Lektra and asks, "Think you can use the spell on the big one Lektra?"


As she says her words, her pack has been busy. She has just increased in mass and size by double what it once was. The noise nearly undetectable from the gears if a Machine. Aurora looks to be geting ready for a fight.


(Alicorn Buster Armor activated. Also can handle draconic life forms.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Clayton noticed Tempest's change in demeanor and put a hoof on his shoulder. "It'll be ok, Tempest. Well find a way to save it, if there is someone in there." The unicirn had seen the way that thing from earlier had contorted its body and knew no pony could've been in it.

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As soon as the yellow aura started surounding the dragon machine, Aurora sprung into action, attacking the 6 ep types and the 3 Pegasus types. "Delta-Harmonic Destroyer!"


From her enlarged forehooves and the six stones in her chest a burst of pure magical and electrical energy shoots out and impacts in a 25 foot cone AoE burst. (75% suit power remaining. Must recharge at 25% to continue using repulsers and Harmony Beam/Destroyer.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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The dragon began to feel a slight buzzing its mind and shook its head. "Warning. Hack attempt detected. Setting up firewall." It said in a somewhat feminine voice.


Tempest activated his suit of armor and energy swords as his aura surrounded him. The robots begin to move away from their position and look through each window, trying to find whoever was trying to break into the system. "They know." He said, as the purple energy blades extended.

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Aurora desides to make use of her new burst attack. As she begins to charge her attack, the remaining MECH Drones can detect a high energy output increase coming from the oversized mechanized unit. Aurora, through her sensor grid, targets all MECH units that aren't currently disabled within a 20 foot radius area centered on her. It only will take a moment for the ability to fully charge.

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The dragon growled as it shook her head. She then looked at Tempest and it's whole body seized. "T...Tem...pest." She said, before her glowing green eyes shut off and her body went limp


The bat pony's eyes widened and his whole body shook. "No." He whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm sorry, Gale." He didn't even notice the earth pony bot sneaking up from behind him and struck the back of his head, sending him into unconsciousness. A red warning light flashed within his armor as it powered down, but didn't retract itself.


The android itself began to drag the bat pony away and broke into a all out gallop.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Clayton smirked as he levitated the six guns he had gotten in a semicircle around him and took potshots at any android that got to close. "Is it just me, or is this to easy." He said.  "I mean, we are a bit outnumbered, but they seem to be dropping like flies." The unicorn then took out his scythe and slashed at a pegesus bot that had wandered to close to him.

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Dashia bolts, with full thrusters, after the ep unit who has Tempest. She says, "take this you walking pile of scrap." She comes down with thrusters slowing before it and moves to buck it, as it attempts to act. If the buck hits, she drains nearly all but it critical power from the ep unit and gains 10% power into her core.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Well when I had asked them for a plan of action I didn't think they just go in guns ablaze. Cursing under his breath, Cura leap from his cover and began making a beeline for the aid station, trying to avoid as many of the androids a possible, especially the draconian one. Now every robot in the town's going to be after us now, which means we have maybe ten minutes before we get overrun. At least Lektra's doing a number on the dragon. He noted as he watched the draconian android become surrounded by her magical aura, causing it to begin moving erratically. Eventually, it finally collapsed as Cura reached the aid station, though he could have swore it said something as it crumpled to the ground. adrenaline coursing through him and a he prepared to though he could had swore it said something as it did. Whatever it was, it was enough to grab the bat pony's attention as stared at the body, unaware of the machine sneaking up behind him. " Look out!" Cura cried, but it was too late as the machine stuck the bat pony in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious, and began galloping away. No! Taking to the air, Cura took off after the robot, determined not stand by as another pony was taken in front of him. However, the pegasus mare was faster, managing to close the distance quicker than anything he had ever seen and attempting to deliver a punishing buck to the bot. Though he wasn't able to see if it connected as he focused on flapping his winger harder to close the distance.  

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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The android didn't have much time to react and the attack hit it's mark, sending the robot into a wall and dropping Tempest to the ground. It's eyes were glowing faintly but it wasn't moving.


The same could also be said for the bat pony. His breathing was faint and his mind was shattered. He had failed to protect a friend and it had cost her so much. "Why. Why couldn't it have been me?" He thought to himself.

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Aurora goes over to him. "Look Tempest. A friend is a friend. If you fail to stop what happens to them, you then help them. come on a friend needs your help. That ep unit isn't going anywhere. It's critical functions are all that's left. I drained it of its power disabling it."


She picks him up and goes back to the dragon machine. She seats him down and says, "Your friend needs you now more then ever. Help her and she will help you as it has been before."


Aurora now protects both for when the machines come. "Come and get me you scrap heaps! I can take you and make you puddy under my hooves!"

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As Aurora's words echoed through the town, a group of four pegesi androids flew out of the air and charged at the group. The mainframe had detected a break in the system and sent them to the last know location.


Tempest felt warm as he laid next to Gale, but something felt wrong. Metal blocked her normally soft scales and his mind was in a freefall. As he opened his eyes, everything was burning around him and he knew why. He had failed to protect those he cared for. Friends, family, all dead to the chaos the androids had brought. The bat pony had failed on multiple occasions, and it weighed heavily on his mind. "I will find a way to end this." He muttered.

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Aurora grins and says, "You want them. Then come and get them. I will tear you a new one."


Aurora took a swing at the first one to come towards her charges. She decided to make use of her alicorn buster's strength servos. Does she hit, who knows but she lets nothing near the two. "Mess with my friends and I will kick your metal flanks from here to the moon!"

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Finally reaching the unconscious bat pony, Cura attempted to gentle remove the helmet as he dropped his saddlebags the ground. Unfortunately, it appeared the helmet refused to come off. Giving one more attempt to remove it,  he found it stubbornly remained put. Gently placing the bat pony's head back into the ground, he searched for the helmets releasing method, only to find nothing. I'm losing valuable time, There's got to be a way to get this helmet off! he thought urgently as he tried to think of a way to remove the helmet. After a few seconds a solution suddenly struck him. The goggles! Spinning around, dug into his saddlebags and quickly retrieved the goggles, his vision filling turning to a slightly blueish tint as the HUD came online. Scanning on the armor, Cura finally found what the release mechanism, a small button along the left side of the bat pony's neck. Upon pressing it, a small hiss came from the helmet  as it folded onto itself and retracted into the rest of the armor. Finally! He thought in relief as he scanned the pony's head, the goggles quickly locating and labeling his injury, as box with the words blunt force trauma as the goggles focused on the back of the head. Gently rolling the bat pony onto his stomach, Cura moved the goggles to his forehead to examine the injury with his own eyes. On the back of the pony's head a noticeable amount of swelling was beginning to form, with blood slowly leaking out of the wound.

Small amount of bleeding along with swelling in the wound, he should be fine. The swelling should go down in a few hours if I can find something cold to place on the wound and with some stitches the bleeding should stop. Though unfortunately, he going to have at least a minor concussion. He was still lucky since it appeared the helmet absorbed most of the force. Pulling out one of the first aid kits, a bottle of disinfectant, and a roll of bandages, Cura began treating the bat pony's wound. Creaking open the first aid kit, he pulled out some of the gauze and using the disinfectant, he cleaned as much blood as possible out of the wound. Discarding the bloody gauze, he paused and turned to Lektra and shouted, " I'm going to need five minutes, can you get me that?" 

@@bronislav84,@@Drago Ryder,  

Edited by Blacklight

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Aurora says, "I got ya covered. Do what you need to. I won't let anything get near these two."


Aurora continues to attempt to knock away and out cold more machines. She keeps them away from the three. She also decides to target the few close together fliers with her Delta-Destroyer.


The energy builds a bit. "Come on almost there just a little closer."


As soon as the 4 get closer to her, She rears up and points her oversized hooves in their direction. "Got ya!" She releases another large beam of eenergy towards the 4. If it hits, it deals large amounts of damage.

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Two of the androids dodged while the other two exploded as the beam struck their energy core. The EP android then noticed a large piece of debris and bucked it at Aurora while the pegesus mech flew behind it. If it worked, they would have a few more ponies to add to the system and would be able to reinstall the dragoness.


Tempest shivered within his nightmare as ponies screamed and were killed without mercy. He heard a explosion somewhere in the distance as everything faded into darkness. He could feel the pain of others that he knew were probably dead. The bat pony felt himself become weighed down and found himself falling through his mind. To where, he didn't know, but it's not like he could stop this nightmare even if he could.

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Clayton noticed the pegesus bot and shot six energy rounds at it, hoping to take it down. He then looked around to make sure that no other androids were coming. "This is getting insane. We need to get out of here while we still can. I don't know about the dragon, but we can at least carry Tempest and still move at a good speed." He thought. When the unicorn went to shoot at the earth pony mech, he heard a dull click. He holstered his weapons, figuring they would recharge and drew his scythe.

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As the battle raged on around, Cura Breeze focus was solely on his patient as he finished disinfecting the wound. Ok, now for the hard part, the stitches...Discarding the rest of the bloodied gauze, he reached into the first aid kit and withdrew a small needle along with a metal thread that was specifically enchanted to aid in the healing process and using his wings, quickly threaded the thread through the needle. Now came the hardest part as he began the intense process of carefully stitching the wound close. As he worked, sweat slowly falling down his brow has he used his wings to stitch the wounds close. He progressed steadily, barely noticing the debris flying pass him as he focused solely on the job at hand. Finally, after what felt to Cura like an eternity, he finished the last of the stitching as he cut the thread using his teeth. Not exactly the most sanitary way but it'll have to do for now. Tossing the needle and the remaining thread back into the kit, he prepare for the final step. Ok, now just need to bandage the wound and we'll be set. He thought as he grabbed the roll of bandages laying next to him and quickly wrapped the wound. As he finished, He swiftly packed up his supplies and rising back onto his hooves he turned to the others and said, " One of you need to help me get the bat pony inside the aid station, we'll be better off in there."

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Aurora waited just before it struck. another cuts it in half revealing a pegasus unit behind it. She spins around to swing at the Pegasus unit behind the debris. She says, "Try again! This suit can take far more then that!" She looks to be trying to keep them away from the dragon and tempest. "Get Tempest inside. I can handle a few rust buckets."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Clayton grit his teeth and looked at whatever androids remained. "The others can handle this." He thought, as he headed for Cura. The unicorn then levitated Tempest off the ground and looked at Cura. "Come on." With that, Clayton entered the aid station and set his friend down on the ground. "What are we going to do about the dragon?"

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