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private A Quest into Tartarus (RP)


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OOC: It's ok don't feel guilty.

IC: When Blizzard heard that he was truly pissed off, "No, no, NO!!! That's it! I knew you we're screwing with us Eclipse you demon! Ok wanna play dirty and hurt my friends? Then I'm bouncing back!! Ice Clones!!" Blizzard Summoned at least 10-20 clones this time. "Kill 'em all don't let ''em get away!" His clones rushed into battle and fought the zombies in an attempt to find Eclipse. "I.B.D. Activate!!!"

Ice Bound Defense, one of his attacks that he was saving for a moment like this, he deployed a ring of ice around each of his friends to protect them. "This move has never failed! the I.B.D is impregnable now attack with everything we've got guys!"

(Ice Blizzard Enraged BGM)


Edited by IceBlizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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(its a trap!!!)


eclipse watched from almost the back of the group. then, he shed his zombie skin, and flew over the sinusoid. "hey, there." he said, as he grabbed him and threw him over the edge. sinusoid fell towards the battleground, and right before he hit the ground, eclipse opened a huge portal. it was as if the whole floor became a portal. everyone fell in. "see you suckers at the finish line." eclipse said as they disappeared.


caliber landed on the new ground. he looked around, to find there was still a few leftover zombies. killing them off, he looked at wilhelm. "ok, what just happened?"


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Looking around and seeing that everypony but Fey, who didn't seem to do much anyway, had jumped off, Sinusoid hesitantly follows down with his eyes closed. The second that he jumps over the edge, he realizes that a different procedure, unknown to him, would have been required for the sonic target to meet the source and still work correctly. He opens his eyes in an absolute, deathly panic, and begins yelling, "NO, NO, NO, NO! I MADE A MISCALCULATION! I AM GOING TO DIE!" Frantically trying to find a solution in a few seconds, Sinusoid realizes his fate, and waits to die. Expecting impact, he instead falls into the portal, too scared to be very confused.

I wrote this thing.

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*Silver Sword held Wilhelm close acting as a meat shield for him. Or in this case an impenetrable armored shield.* I've got you Wilhelm! I shall be your shield! My armor will protect you from any incoming enemy fire! Huh!?!? Sinusoid no!!! Quick everypony!!! We must find him!

The White Shinigami

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Blizzard's rage had stopped and he started to think, "Ow my head. Huh? Where are we now? Oh no what's happened? Where are we? We gotta---!" Blizzard cut himself off at that point and decided to chill out. "Deep breaths......Ok, now can somepony please tell us where in Tartarus we are?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The 4th layer...We are getting closer...be on your guard everypony! Where are you Eclipse!?!?!? SHOW YOURSELF!!! YOU WILL RUE THE DAY YOU TOOK PRINCESS CELESTIA'S AMULET YOU VILE FIEND!!! *Silver Shouted raising his sword to the sky* Stars in Cielo...Great ancestors...Hear my plee!

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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Blizzard was worried again because Eclipse could be anywhere at this point, "SS keep your voice down. Being loud will give away our position! It's best if we keep quiet, stay low, and move silently. Now is everypony here? We gotta srick together to have a chance against this guy Eclipse."

Edited by IceBlizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Blizzard was worried again because Eclipse could be anywhere at this point, "SS keep your voice down. Being loud will give away our position! It's best if we keep quiet, stay low, and move silently. Now is everypony here? We gotta srick together to have a chance against this guy Eclipse."

You have nothing to fear my fellow soldier. As I said this sword will slay any evil that may rear it's ugly and unwelcome head! With this sword, This shield and this armor I am nigh invincible! I fear no evil no matter how big or small! And together I know we can win!


The White Shinigami

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The eighth layer...We are close now...be on your guard everypony! Where are you Eclipse!?!?!? SHOW YOURSELF!!! YOU WILL RUE THE DAY YOU TOOK PRINCESS CELESTIA'S AMULET YOU VILE FIEND!!! *Silver Shouted raising his sword to the sky* Stars in Cielo...Great ancestors...Hear my plee!img-3599089-1-a94d5684730d916864f947a968

OOC: We're actually in the fourth circle. It's part of my scheme to make the RP longer. Anyway, to my time as a mini Boss!


IC: In front of the ponies, the floor cracked. Then, the floor tumbled out from under them, spilling them into a fortress of dark stone and bloodstained brick, set in the middle of a endless lake of lava and fire that seemed to defy all physical laws. From this lake came a creature to match: the mother of all siege worms. This one was easily a hundred times the size, and was colored to blend in with the lava. From its back, a pony rode, almost as if the siege worm was his mount. He taunted the crew below: "Foolish mortals! You shall be crushed by my army, and you will never make it to the amulet! Ahahaaha!" From all around the ponies came a army of walking dead, skeleponies like the one encountered with Fay, and manticores acting as heavy support. Meanwhile, the siege worm struck, spitting a projectile of acid at the team.


OOC: Wilhelm will be out for lunch while I control this group of monsters.


Think of it this way: This pony has a massive army, and a very powerful mini boss in its own right to ride around on. He's going to be important to Eclipse, so you should try and take him out.

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OOC: We're actually in the fourth circle. It's part of my scheme to make the RP longer. Anyway, to my time as a mini Boss!


IC: In front of the ponies, the floor cracked. Then, the floor tumbled out from under them, spilling them into a fortress of dark stone and bloodstained brick, set in the middle of a endless lake of lava and fire that seemed to defy all physical laws. From this lake came a creature to match: the mother of all siege worms. This one was easily a hundred times the size, and was colored to blend in with the lava. From its back, a pony rode, almost as if the siege worm was his mount. He taunted the crew below: "Foolish mortals! You shall be crushed by my army, and you will never make it to the amulet! Ahahaaha!" From all around the ponies came a army of walking dead, skeleponies like the one encountered with Fay, and manticores acting as heavy support. Meanwhile, the siege worm struck, spitting a projectile of acid at the team.


OOC: Wilhelm will be out for lunch while I control this group of monsters.


Think of it this way: This pony has a massive army, and a very powerful mini boss in its own right to ride around on. He's going to be important to Eclipse, so you should try and take him out.

Whoaaaaaaa!!! *Silver shouts as he falls but then lands skillfully*


*He then quickly blocks the acid with his shield*


You cannot penetrate my indomitable Shield of Valor impertinent fiend! What!? Merciful gods that thing is huge! O_O *Silver shouted when he saw the size of the worm* Celestia help us...


The White Shinigami

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With a velocity very different from all of the others in the group as they entered the portal, Sinusoid enters the area over the lake of lava at the same speed at which he fell. Being startled by the lava below him, he panics, creating a sonic explosion with his still active horn, which launches him sideways and onto the brick structure.

I wrote this thing.

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Blizzard was ready, "Haha! I froze that acid solid! And now that I have control this time I can do my attack easier!" Blizzard lets out his rage (albeit controlled) and summons over 20 Ice clones and orders them all to attack and explode if they were killed. He also equips everypony with an I.B.D. to protect themselves from the heat of the lava. "Gentlecolts *dramatic zoom in on his face* cool 'em off." His one-liner before he assaults the Manticores first to eliminate their best offensive liners.

(BGM for this battle)

Edited by IceBlizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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The brick wall explodes inwards, sending him into a group of skeleponies, who look down at Sinu, swords held indecisively, as if they're wondering whether to kill this strange pony right now or save him for later. Meanwhile, the siege worm strikes again, ripping yards of brick away with its tentacles and clumsily attempting to smash the ponies into pancakes. It soon devolved into madness, the ponies split up by the siege worm and carefully channeled into army groups. Wilhelm, holding on to SS's back, is barely conscious, but recognizes the pony in the back of the siege worm for one second. "Wha...no....no....Dusken Vendetta...." With those cryptic words, he promptly passed out. Meanwhile, manticores went down, albeit slowly. One toppled over, frozen, into the lava, and another got cut in half by a overzealous clone. However, the manticores assembled in a phalanx, and the skeleponies riding on their backs charged, scattering the previously organized assault.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Wilhelm you must get to safety! I have to take out that worm! *Silver said as he used his armored body to shield Wilhelm from the falling acid*
OOC: Break time. Night guys. I'm taking a break until tomorrow. Also you guys are posting really fast...way too fast...

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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eclipse watched from almost the back of the group. then, he shed his zombie skin, and flew over the sinusoid. "hey, there." he said, as he grabbed him and threw him over the edge. sinusoid fell towards the battleground, and right before he hit the ground, eclipse opened a huge portal. it was as if the whole floor became a portal. everyone fell in. "see you suckers at the finish line." eclipse said as they disappeared.

(Read as much as i could, and blablablah :P time for me to post!)

(That is playing in Fey's head right now... and mine)

Fey was far enough away from the group that eclipse didn't know she was there. "Well, it seems that i'm alone. Oh well. good riddance. Time to find that amulet my self" She walks over to the edge of the hole taking everypony to the Eight Circle. She took several steps back and gallops jumping towards the center, she spreads her self out slowing her decent. Once she got a decent way down she pulled a big thing of cloth and used it a parachute. Gliding down and lands hard. "Oh, look corpses" She drew her blade out and starts to kill them off. They apparently keep rising up again. "Well then... I wasn't expecting for them to keep rising up and fight. Cubie!" She took a bottle and threw it at a zomponies face. "Enjoy your meals" She resumes killing things as the Gelatinous Cube starts to eat zomponies, and growing larger as mins past by zomponies die again. All of them dead and Fey was panting. "And without you, My cute cube I wouldn't of made it out of that alive"

It slides over, about 30'^3, and glurups as Fey talks to it. Fey puts a hoof that has a magical enchantment on it to allow her to touch Cubie without being sucked in. She climbs on top of it and starts to ride it through the Eight Circle.

(Now with this in her head)


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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caliber began to weave about the army, slashing everywhere his sword would reach. he looked around, "hey, wheres fey?" he asked, as he slashed his way through the ocean of monsters. "i thought she was behind us!" he kept slashing, and the monsters seemed to multiply as time went on.


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Blizzard was confused, "I don't know! All I know, is that we are not where we were a few minutes ago, so we need to figure this out, and get movin' before we get overrun!" Blizzard held his own against the enemies but hoped that he and his team could find out exactly what happened.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Die foul demons!!! You shall never defeat righteousness!!! Justice never loses!!! Hope never dies!!! Now feel the power of Equestria's strongest blade!!! Taste the sacred steel of The Sword of Righteousness!!! *Silver shouted as he was cleaving through the hordes of the undead easily*

The White Shinigami

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Whoever was on the siege worm smiled with a mocking sort of air, and clapped slowly. "Bravo, bravo! Really, you have been excellent test subjects." What the heroes didn't know was that, in their massive drive forward, most enemies had simply stepped to the side instead of died, and those enemies now stepped around the back of the group, surrounding them in rows hundreds deep. Meanwhile, the siege worm hovered above their heads, ready to strike. It hissed, and then, drawing back, lunged-directly at Silver Sword.

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Mother of Celestia! Even I had no idea of just what untold horrors waited us in Tartarus! *Silver said as he quickly parried the worm's attack catching it's teeth on his sword holding the sword in place with both hooves while standing on his hindlegs*

The White Shinigami

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The pony on the back of the worm sighed deeply and stepped down, drawing a sword that could have been the twin of Wilhelm's as he did. "Worm, keep our dear hero occupied." In response, the worm pressed down further on the blade, cutting into its mouth but forcing Silver onto his back legs, neck presented temptingly. The pony drew the sword back, preparing to decapitate Silver.

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The pony on the back of the worm sighed deeply and stepped down, drawing a sword that could have been the twin of Wilhelm's as he did. "Worm, keep our dear hero occupied." In response, the worm pressed down further on the blade, cutting into its mouth but forcing Silver onto his back legs, neck presented temptingly. The pony drew the sword back, preparing to decapitate Silver.

What the!?!? Who are you!?!?! And what are you doing!?!?!? No matter my armor is impregnable!!! Whatever you try will be completely useless!



OOC: And now I'm really confused...Who the heck is this new character who just appeared out of the blue? Am I missing something? O.o

The White Shinigami

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"silver!" caliber said, surrounded by monsters. he jumped next to silver, and stabbed his sword straight up into the worms mouth. he was lucky the worms mouth was open, while silver was guarding against it. the worm flinched backward, caliber looked back at ice blizzard. "you can keep the army occupied, right?" he turned around to the worm, prepared to counter, rapidly looking for weak points. the roof of its mouth is an option, but...its too risky.


OOC: im pretty sure thats eclipse riding the worm

Edited by Peytonjay


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Sinusoid lays on the structure, surrounded by skeleponies but away from the fighting, with a few cracked bricks on his chest and his nose bleeding. To no one in particular, he repeatedly says "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." as his way of tolerating pain, as one hoof was singed by light contact with the lava. He continues to stay still while searching for the correct frequency, then begins to use sound to slowly crack the bones of the skeleponies.

I wrote this thing.

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"silver!" caliber said, surrounded by monsters. he jumped next to silver, and stabbed his sword straight up into the worms mouth. he was lucky the worms mouth was open, while silver was guarding against it. the worm flinched backward, caliber looked back at ice blizzard. "you can keep the army occupied, right?" he turned around to the worm, prepared to counter, rapidly looking for weak points. the roof of its mouth is an option, but...its too risky.


OOC: im pretty sure thats eclipse riding the worm

OOC: Did he ask you for permission before he controlled your OC though?




Thank you fellow comade! You have my utmost gratitude! Hi yah!!! *Now that he was free Silver swung his sword and began to whack the worm repeatedly and jump around alot. He was not slowed by his armor due to it's enchantment.*


The White Shinigami

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