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open Attack on Equestria

Lightning Crasher

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As the Main Six stood in amazement at what stood ahead of them, the figure looked over to them. "I see this place has lifeforms after all." The figure started making his way to them.


"Stay away from them!" spike yelled as he jumped in front of the Mane Six.


"A talking dragon?" The figure picked up Spike by his tail and looked at him closely, "This is truly an amazing place, wait until command hears about this."


Twilight Sparkle yelled at the figure, "Put him down this instance!" The rest of the Mane Six jumped to the ready, "Yeah, where not going to have you hurt Spike!"  Applejack said as she began to charge.


The figure jumped at the sign of the ponies attacking him and retreated to the Portal, "Just so you know you won't be getting your friend back anytime soon." he then disappeared into the portal with it closing behind him.


"Poor Spike, he's probably scared, i hope he's OK." Fluttershy said as she sat down in place.


"Well, sugar cube, we don't want to start a panic," Applejack said as she walked to the door, "I think we should look for some help round here, There should be somepony who can help in this situation."




You arrive in the middle of a field overlooking Ponyville, not knowing the exact time frame or dimension you decided to make your way to the town.




After your travels through the Chaos Rift you appear suddenly out on a mountain overlooking what appears to be a village below you about a couple of miles away. 

  • Brohoof 2

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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Tech looks arround. "Hmm...that dementional transporter should have transported the fortress as well. no time to think about that, I need yo figure where I landed."


Tech heads towards town. He looks for a place of importance and sees the library. He heads towards it.


When he gets there he knocks on the door. "Hello, is this a library or can somepony direct me to such a place?"

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@@Lightning Crasher


Pinkie followed Applejack, though her normal bouncing walk was a bit more less enthusiastic than usual.


Rainbow Dash glared at the place where the portal had stood before turning to Twilight, "Can't you just open that portal thing again?" She pounded one of her forehooves into the other. "We can't just wait here while they do Celestia knows what to Spike!" 

Rarity had fainted onto her 'Drama Couch' after proclaiming how her 'Spikey-Wikey' being dragon-napped was 'The. Worst. Possible. Thing.'




Storm Shine was sitting at home and reading a book.


--Also Meanwhile--


"Your mission is to go through the next portal sighting and scout it out! Hopefully the inhabitants aren't hostile, but be prepared for worst-case scenerios!"


John saluted. "Sir yes sir!"

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Twilight looked over the portal, "From the looks of it," she looked closely at the controls and other equipment connected to the portal machine, "Its burned up, there is no way I'm going to be able to get this thing up and running again, and even if i did get it up and running, who knows where they took Spike." Twilight pounded her hoof into the ground. 





Lightning was sitting on a cloud doing his Weather Observing, when he happened to look down and noticed a new looking pony in town near the library, he decided to fly down and see what this new Pony was up to, not looking like any of the other ponies around town he decided to take a little precaution with this new Colt.

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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@@Lightning Crasher


"Well there's gotta be something you can do!" Rainbow yelled, frustrated. "We can't just give up on Spike!"




Storm looked up from his book as a few of his feathers twitched nearly imperceptibly. "Something's not right..." He murmured, bookmarking the page and placing the book onto a nearby table. Storm flew out of his home and around Ponyville, attempting to figure out what this new combination of feathers represented.



(OOC: For those who don't know, Storm has a 'Storm Sense' that mostly uses his feathers rather than his body like Pinkie's 'Pinkie Sense' does with her.)

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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The hulking mass of metal and man know as Reven of the Adeptus Astartes Ultra Marine Chapter looked down at the terrain, noting the small settlement below.


"No Sign of pollution, or Imperial presence. Possible Xeno World. Better Proceed with caution."


He reached to his side, finding his chainsword there but not his bolter pistol.


He sighed then began to run down the side of the mountain, reaching the bottom in minutes, and then continuing to sprint to the small settlement he had spotted.

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"Well, I agree with Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said, "we need to save Spike, he's going to be scared out there all alone."


Twilight began to sigh, "I know, I miss Spike just as much as any of you," she began to make her way to the door, "but with the portal broken their isn't anything we can do right now. I agree with Applejack, we need help in this matter."




As Twilight made her way to the door she heard a knock from the outside, "I wonder who that could be at a time like this." she opened the door to notice a Colt standing in her door way, "I'm sorry, i don't recognize you. Are you new around here?"




Lightning noticed Twilight standing in the door talking to the new Colt and decided to see what was going on, he wasn't one for meeting new ponies, but if Twilight was talking to them it couldn't be to bad.




As you enter the town you notice that the inhabitants are neither human or Xeno related.  

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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Tech looks at Twilight and says taking a defensive, "Dimstar?!"


He thinks, 'She looks like her. But there are differences. I should still be causious her necromancy is powerful.'


Tech also notices the other Pegasus show up. 'Just great, two against one. This is definitely not a good day.'


Tech looks like any other pony will the a dusty grey coat. His eyes have black rings around them. His wings look to be made of some unknown metal and appear to function like normal wings.


His stance is that of one who has seen many a fight and allot of death. His wings are fanned slightly as if he can use them to fight or defend.


He seems very wary of Twilight at the moment but her called her by a different name.

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Reven entered the town and noted the weird Xenos walking around, he was tempted to draw his Chainsword but waved off that thought, instead he continued walking thought the town, until he spotted a group gathered outside what appeared to be a tree house, he walked up to the group, he easily stood four to five feet higher than these Creatures, but he wasn't about to let his guard down.


"What Planet Is This Xenos?"


He stared at the group, the red eyes on his helmet boring into each and everyone there.

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Twilight comments with a confused look, "Dimstar? I have no idea what your talking about, I've never even heard of that." 


Applejack looks around Twilight, "First we have some strange creature appear, and take Spike, and now we have a new pony appear, something just ain't adding up." Applejack looks behind the new colt and notices the huge figure standing behind him, "Rainbow, we might have a problem on our hooves here."


Lightning was confused at the new pony and noticed the giant that came out of nowhere, he decided to make his way past the colt and into the house, "I'm sorry, but i need to get by you here." Lightning squeezed by the new colt and made his way into the library noticing the atmosphere of the room wasn't very pleasant.


(OOC: Had to edit my post for Onyx, I need to wait on Storm to post before I move on)

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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"You look similar to Dimstar. If you aren't her then tell me who rules here and where might I be. My fortress' dimensional transporter must have malfunctioned. My name is Techno Blitz Head Tech of the Equinox Rebellion."


Noticing her confusion he rests his wings and lets the Pegasus pass when he asked to pass. His stance shifts to one who is at ease but still cautious.

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@@Lightning Crasher,@@Midnight_Aurora,  


Storm decided to go see Pinkie, remembering that she had told him that she would be at Twilight's for the day. So he flew towards the library.




Rainbow nodded, "Yeah something weird's going on alright, but we can figure it out after we pound that weird creature for taking Spike!"



(OOC: Sorry about that, I don't know what my brain was doing there. Edited. :P)

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@,@@Midnight_Aurora, @,  


Twilight responded with a little curiosity in her voice, "Where are you? Well your in Equestria, and the ruler here is Celastia," noticing the huge figure behind Tech  she asked, "and by any curiosity, is the guy behind you with you?" she answered the big figure, "you are in Equestria, although i don't know who are."




Lightning entered the building, he noticed that every pony was on edge, "Did I arrive at a bad time, what in Celastia is going on and what is with the big thing outside, he don't look like he belongs here and what do you mean some weird creature took Spike."

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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Tech spun and his wings went to his defensive posture. "You hold semi-advanced technology. But if you mean harm, I can happily say your armor won't get you far. He is not of my world."


He then glances back with one eye and says, "Is is an honor to meet you being of origin Equestria."

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Storm landed near the library and saw a new pony and some other creature he could potentially make friends with... So he did what was normal for him


"Hi there, welcome to Ponyville! You're really big, do you eat a lot? Do you like Parties? We should definitely throw you a Welcome to Ponyville party. Will you be my new friend?" Storm asked, leaning down to look at the odd creature from where he was now standing: on it's head.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Overhearing Storm on the outside of the house, Lightning looked outside, "Storm you might not want to do that, he looks a little mean." 


Twilight thought to herself, 'Origin Equestria?', "Thank you? Its an honor to meet you too." Twilight had no idea what the Colt meant but she decided it couldn't be bad if he tried to protect them. Watching the Colt stand ready to attack the figure was something that she didn't expect with everything going on. 


"Well Twilight, if that new Colt is going to stand against it, I reckon we help him out? Applejack said as she made her way outside, "You coming Rainbow, at least if we can't get the one that attacked Spike we can on this thing." 


Lightning watched as Applejack  walked out the building and decided to follow, if anybody was going to get hurt he wanted to make sure it was him before any of the Mane Six.

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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The Space Marine looked down at the group, think over the words the purple Xeno had used.


"Equestria. We haven't heard of such a Planet? Who is this Princess Celestia, A pretender who clings to false power."


He watched as one of the Xenos took what appeared to be an attack stance, he laughed.


"We would not Recommend that course of Action Xeno"

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@@Lightning Crasher,  @


Storm chuckled, "Lightning, you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover!" He replied before leaning over to look the creature in the face. "So, how about it Mr. Large-Creature-Guy?! Wanna be friends!?" He asked excitedly. "We could throw you a party! There'd be streamers, and cake, and party games, and muffins! Mmm.... Muffins..." Storm drooled a bit, momentarily caught in a daydream about muffins.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Twilight Walked out the door, "Princess Celestia is no pretender, she is the strongest in all of Equestria and will back it up one hundred percent!"


Lightning jumped in front of every pony, "I still don't trust him Storm, he don't belong here if he's calling Princess Celestia a pretender!"

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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@@Lightning Crasher, @,  


"You can't blame him for not knowing who Princess Celestia is!" Storm replied, patting the creature's head, "It's not his fault he was thrown through some weird inter-dimensional portal-thingy... So of course he doesn't know anything about us or our Princesses. I'm sure he's pretty confused about us, just like how we're confused about what he is!"

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Reven looked down at the Eccentric Xeno and let out a light chuckle.


"You Are Quite Entertaining Little Xeno, What is your name?"


Reven then looked to the Aggressive pony and drew his chainsword, he started it up and the blade started to spin, the engine inside drowning out any noise that could be made.


"We will not Continue to tolerate your Aggression, or your belief in this false god of yours."

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Storm held a hoof out to Revan, "I'm Storm Shine, but most ponies just call me Storm! What's your name Mr. Dimension Traveler?" He asked curiously.


Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash glared at the creature that continued to call Celestia a 'False God', "Whaddya mean 'False God'!? Princess Celestia is our Ruler, she raises and lowers the Sun for crying out loud! And what the hay is a 'Xeno'!?"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Lightning stood next to Rainbow and glared at the creature as well, "Yeah, i don't know what a xeno is, but we are ponies, we don't take kind to be laughed at or having our ruler being called a 'Fasle God'. Lightning stood about ready to go into a attack stance but waited for the first move from the creature.






You arrive to Ponyville to make a new start, knowing that the ponies there usually don't judge others, so you figured you could make a new life. Once arriving you notice a group forming outside a library and a very tall and strange creature.

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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Tech says, "Techno control."


The saw blade he has suddenly stops moving as it seems to no longer gain power.


Tech then says, "Your at a disadvantage against me. Technology is mine to control. I am a technopath. I am a being who can control technology with only my will. I have just severed the power link to your blade's systems."


Tech's wings are in a defensive posture not an attack posture. Under his wings is what looks to be two hand guns of unique design.


The space marine also notices that the joints of his suit are locked in place, as Tech smirks.

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Reven turned of his Chainsword and attached it to his side, and then stood there hands in front of him, ready to attack.


"So your false god can raise the sun, my kind can destroy whole planets, reduce them to lifeless husks. And our Emperor could destroy you with a single strike of his sword! If he hadn't been injured during the horus heresy!"


He stepped closer towards lightning.


"Your god is nothing compared to the imperium of man! I could crush you with my bare hands! For I am an Ultra Marine! A Son of the Emperor! Bane of chaos and all Xeno Filth through out the galaxy! I am Brother Reven of the Adeptus Astartes! And I fear no foe!"


As his suit locked up he begins to laugh!


"You think that will work! I am Perfection in living form! I fight Chaos on a daily basis! This suit is mine to control!"


The Suit starts to screech as metal is pushed against more metal, the Space Marine forcing the joints to move at his command as he uses his raw strength to unlock the joints.


"Your powers are nothing compared to what I face every day! Your weak! And insignificant!"

Edited by Onyx Guard
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