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open Attack on Equestria

Lightning Crasher

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Twilight looked at the new human and answered his question, "I used my magic to give it power, but since then its been going crazy." Twilight looked over to Tech, "but, if this colt could figure something out that would be great, and of course you as well." as she looked back at John.


James stood up, "John, Apparently they do need help over here, Somebody took someone named Spike," he said as he brought his weapon back to the front. "Well, to all you ponies out here, as god as my witness, we serve you until this mission is complete." he said as he knelt by Pinkie pie to try and comfort her.

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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@@Lightning Crasher,


Storm was hugging Pinkie Pie, trying to comfort her as well.


John looked surprised, and then determined. "How is the machine's charge maintained?" He asked the purple pony, "Does it use some sort of ambient 'magic' energy in the air, or do you charge it directly? Speaking of ambient energies... Do you have any sort of device that can collect ambient 'magic' or something? Something like that could likely help me to repair my computer which would bring up the rate that I could work this problem out by at least 35%, if not more."

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Twilight looks at John, "Well, i used magic from an object which was connected to another world, but, i don't believe its the object," Twilight looked at the device and asked,"Do you mind if i take a look at that, I might be able to charge it for you?"





Lightning gained enough energy to get himself moving, he made his way inside the library when he finally started to wobble again finding Rainbow near to where he was standing he leaned on her, "I'm sorry Rainbow, I seem to be attached to you." he said in a joking manor.

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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@@Lightning Crasher


John held out his arm computer towards Twilight for her to examine and possibly charge, "Sorry that I can't hand it over, but it's a bit attached to me right now..." He joked, since the small computer was currently mounted to his suit and it would take a bit of time for him to detach it.




Rainbow smiled and shook her head, "No problem. I'm always here for my friends, and it's totally understandable if they need to lean on me..." She gave a confident smirk, "I am twenty percent cooler after all."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Tech says, "technology is what i am good at. You probably need a signal realignment."


He looks to Twilight and says, "Equinox is an alternate universe to Equestria. There is probably a version of me in Cloudsdayle right now working at the weather factory."


He looks to the space marine and says, "I am making a list of worlds that have connected. That is why I asked."


He then looks to the human with a computer and says, "May I try something with you computer? We may be able to use my hoof compad and your computer to get the portal device stabilized. What do you think twilight, magi-tech."


He then says to all, "I have one set of interdimentional cords that have no name. So it safe to assume spike is somewhere within those cordnants."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Twilight looked at the device, "That's OK, as long as i can see it." Twilight concentrates her magic on the device and her horn starts to glow, after a few seconds a light started to flicker on the device on Johns arm. "You should be able to get something out of it now."


Lightning, still leaning on Rainbow, Looks at her, "So, that makes me twenty Percent cooler to," he says giving a smile back at her.


Lightning had feelings for Rainbow, but didn't know how to express himself, and gave it away almost every time he was around her.

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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Tech lifts to his eyes his left hoof. Using his technopathic ability, he realigned the device on his hoof to an interdimentional signal and it lights up. He says, "Tech to Triton. Come in Triton."


Triton says, "We read you loud and clear boss. System test confirms that the transporter worked. But because of interference, only you were transported. Shela is runing a diagnostics now."


Shela pups in, "Queen Equinox's forces have been trying for the past hour to take over the fortress. Request permison to attempt again the interdimentional jump sequince."


Tech says, "Permision granted. Realign to signal delta one beta."


After tech says his words there is silence. A few moments later the portal twilight has opens but nothing comes out. It then closes and a bright flash becomes visible from the evefree forest lighting up all of ponyville.


Tech looks to the others and says, "my rainbow fortress is now in the everfree forest. It will remain hidden there until we need it. Twilight And all our friends are invited to see my pet project. Also it seems the signal adgustment works."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Lightning Crasher@@Midnight_Aurora


John tapped the device a few times and it booted up, "Alright, up and running." He turned towards Tech, "Could you send me those Co-ordinates?" John shook his head, "Nice to work with a fellow tech-guy by the way, we really don't have enough of those back in the corps..." He chuckled, "James barely knows how to turn his suit on." John said, teasing his superior good-naturedly.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Twilight looked at Tech, "I'm impressed with your knowledge of all this, and i accept your invite, although right now, I'm more interested in getting Spike back."


James over hears John's remark, "Soldier, at ease your mouth there, Don't get ahead of yourself. Although i still need to learn my suit, I'll agree with you on that."

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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@@Lightning Crasher



John snapped a quick salute, "Sorry sir, I guess it just feels easy to let my guard down around these... Ponies, I think the blue one named Storm called them. Huh, nothing like the Ponies we know, huh commander?" He said, grinning a bit towards the end. "Almost like we're in a cartoon."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Tech says, "sure, there right here. do you have a translation guide. I wrote the cordnants in Equinoxian. Will need to translate them so you can read them."



Tech hands to John the cordnant sheet with all connected worlds. It looks like only one world doesn't have a name. It also looks to be computer code. So it should be easily translated.


Tech looks to Twilight and says, "That is another reason why I had my fortress come to Equestria. If the elements are held by the same beings as In Equinox, Then I may be able to finally finish my Rainbow Core. What do you know of the elements of harmony? We can use my TC units for scouting out this world spike was taken to. I am willing to help as long as we can be allies."


Tech then thinks for a moment and then says, "I think it is Time for you and the Elements to know why I was coming here in the first place."

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The Mane Six stand there eagerly waiting for Tech to explain his situation, Lightning was still leaning on Rainbow, now fast asleep.


James looked at John, "It's OK, just remember we still have a rank structure here, and your right these ponies are not like our world, but I as well are pretty relaxed here." James looks at all the ponies and noticed that one of them was asleep. "What is wrong with that pony, is he dead?" 

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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@@Midnight_Aurora@@Lightning Crasher


John got to work immediately, scanning the document into his computer and writing up a quick 3D mapping app to represent the information on the sheet. "I should be done soon, thanks for getting my computer online Ms." He said, nodding towards Twilight. "This would've taken a lot longer to do otherwise. And thank you for the coordinates."  This time John nodded towards Tech. He would've used his hands to gesture, but the one available hand he had was busy typing away on his computer.


"Oh, and if you could maybe zap my little friend over there, that would be amazing." John requested of Twilight, gesturing towards the AI assistant he'd managed to haul through the portal. "Whatever affected my computer seems to have caused him to have a force-shutdown as well..."




"Not dead, just exhausted. That little lightning show was pretty energy-draining for him." Rainbow replied, glancing at the sleeping stallion.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Twilight looks at the floating machine, "I can try," Twilight begins the same spell again and directs it to the machine. "Hopefully that worked." she said as the machine started to make random beeping noises.


James walks over to Rainbow, "He must pretty exhausted," James pokes at Lightning hoping to get a response, but he was fast asleep. 

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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Reven watched as the human turned invisible, well to everyone else he did, to reven it didn't really work seeing how his helmet just scanned the area to locate his biometric ID


"Optic camouflage, Imperial guard doesn't have that, I'm guessing your not from the same place as I"


Reven sighed and started to scan the shelves, finding a book of interest. A book on the history of Princess Celestia. He opened and started to read through, being carefull not to damage the book.


"Twilight, if I may ask, why haven't you sent for Celestia's Aid during this time?"

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Twilight responded to Reven's question, "I need to learn how to protect my friends as well as the ponies of Equestria, being that I am a Princess." Twilight looks back at her friends, "and if anything becomes to difficult, we do have the elements of harmony."

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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Tech explains all about Equinox. Its similarities to Equestria and its differences. He explains about a portal that the forces of Queen Equinox had found abd where is led. He explains about the rebellion and his reason for wanting to come to what he continues to call Origin Equestria. He also explains and names each of the mane six's counter parts by name. He says, "Dimstar is twilight of my world. Rotten Apple is the AJ if my world. Spiderlock is the Fluttershy of my world...." To each he names their Equinoxian counter parts. He then says, "Queen Equinox is the Nightmare Moon if my world. The portal they found leads behind what you know as sugarcube corner. They entend to use it to take over Equestria and boost their own strength by converting Equestria into a forces boosting breeding grounds.


I came here to prevent them. I intend to use my TC Units or Triton clones to keep Equestria safe. However without the Rainbow Core that is not possible. I can only have 2000 TC Units active because the Current Core is not able to sustain the Fortress and its 10000 TC Units. To complete the core, I require the 6 spirits if harmony and their Rainbow Power, the power of the Sun, the moon and a blessing of the Crystal Heart."


He then explains about the main weapon of the Equinox forces, Equinox Gas. He explains that the Crystal Empire is immune to it and how the gas works and what happens to those affected by the gas.


He explains about his rebel allies. He speaks mainly about Motorloo and Rotten Core. The Equinox equals to scootaloo and applebloom. He then explains about Sweets, the Equinox equal of sweetie belle and what has becomes if her, aka the Pegasus device mk 3.


The only word in Equestrian terms to describe what he is speaking is dark or Grimdark.

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Reven continued to look through the book, learning all he could about Princess celestia, looking to twilight for a brief second he replied.


"But surely for someone as old as her she would have knowlage on this matter, it would be wise to seek her advise, even if you too are a princess, she might have access to information that you do not"

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The Mane Six listen carefully to Tech's story, "I don't know if I can allow you to have the elements of Harmony even for a little bit, as of now, that's the only defense we have in our world." Twilight remarks as she looks around the room, "Don't take it the wrong way, you are all here to help, but we have to defend ourselves as well." 


James looks over to Twilight, "Well if anything happens to attack, you can be sure me and John will back you up as well."

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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When he finishes his explination of his side of things and is able to catch his breath, he looks around to see who stayed awake long enough to give him a response. He decides it is best to await their reply Before speaking again. He is also holding a canister of Equinox gas as an example of what their main weapon is.


Tech shakes his head, "that is the thing, I don't need to keep them only scan them. It is their energy signatures I need. I even need a bio signature from both Celestia and Luna. The blessing of the Crystal Heart is just a catalyst to hold it all together.


As for defending Equestria, that is why I am here."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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John was ignoring the conversation for a bit to check up on his assisstant.


"Stein, confirm status?" John requested.


"All systems are operational." The robot responded in a digital monotone, "Fully functioning, battery levels are at maximum charge."


"Alright, the batteries weren't drained, so there must have been some sort of EMP interference when we traveled through the portal..." John decided. "Scan Omnitool database and update memory logs from time of shutdown until time of reactivation." He ordered, holding out the computer on his arm.


There were a few beeps and whirs before the computerized voice sounded off again, "Scan complete, memory banks updated. Re-initiating Core AI functions." The robot opened a panel at it's base, unfolding from just an orb into an actual robot.


"Stein, how are you feeling?" John asked, continued to tap away at his keyboard.


"Like saying 'I told you so'." The robot responded dryly, now using a more 'human' sounding voice. "So you finally got rid of that scrap-metal waste of space?"


John shook his head, "You really shouldn't talk about your brother like that..." He said, disapproval lacing his tone. "Gir, eject and activate." John commanded, speaking into a small microphone on his computer.


Stein seemed to glower at that, "He's not my brother... Just because you created us both, doesn't make us brothers."


The backpack he was wearing ejected a smaller robot out of the bottom, who's eyes glowed red as it stood up and saluted. "Gir is online master!" It's eyes then faded to a blue color. "Where are we? Are there any waffles?"


John paused for a second before continuing to type.. "You know, I created you... And yet I still don't know how you can eat those, being a robot and all..."


(OOC: References for the bots.










In case you never watched Invader Zim...











Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Reven finishes the book and places it back on the shelf, turning to face the others.


"If anything happens to attack I will be more than willing to throw myself against it"


Reven looked towards Tech and the canister of gas in his hoof.


"Prey tell what is the effects of contact with this gas?"

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@@Midnight_Aurora, @


Tech explains all about Equinox. Its similarities to Equestria and its differences. He explains about a portal that the forces of Queen Equinox had found abd where is led. He explains about the rebellion and his reason for wanting to come to what he continues to call Origin Equestria. He also explains and names each of the mane six's counter parts by name. He says, "Dimstar is twilight of my world. Rotten Apple is the AJ if my world. Spiderlock is the Fluttershy of my world...." To each he names their Equinoxian counter parts. He then says, "Queen Equinox is the Nightmare Moon if my world. The portal they found leads behind what you know as sugarcube corner. They entend to use it to take over Equestria and boost their own strength by converting Equestria into a forces boosting breeding grounds.

I came here to prevent them. I intend to use my TC Units or Triton clones to keep Equestria safe. However without the Rainbow Core that is not possible. I can only have 2000 TC Units active because the Current Core is not able to sustain the Fortress and its 10000 TC Units. To complete the core, I require the 6 spirits if harmony and their Rainbow Power, the power of the Sun, the moon and a blessing of the Crystal Heart."

He then explains about the main weapon of the Equinox forces, Equinox Gas. He explains that the Crystal Empire is immune to it and how the gas works and what happens to those affected by the gas.

He explains about his rebel allies. He speaks mainly about Motorloo and Rotten Core. The Equinox equals to scootaloo and applebloom. He then explains about Sweets, the Equinox equal of sweetie belle and what has becomes if her, aka the Pegasus device mk 3.

The only word in Equestrian terms to describe what he is speaking is dark or Grimdark.

Twilight thinks about that information that Tech has just explained, "So, this Queen Equinox isn't a very good pony i figure." Twilight looked over to Rainbow, "You better wake up Lightning, He needs to hear all of this. You never know if we might need him."


Lightning was fast asleep, talking in his sleep, "Rainbow, I don't want to go flying right now, I just want to relax." he said as he gently rubbed his head beside Rainbows.

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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Tech says, "It differs based on who is effected. I gain a massive amout of technical knowledge and my technopathic abilities because of it. However my Wings and my weather control powers were lost due to its cost effect. The wings I have now were a gift from the time I was working for Queen Equinox. However the gas makes the affected mostly go insane."


He looks to Twilight and says, "Take Nightmare Moon and grant her total power and control of everything. That Is Queen Equinox in a nutshell. So yes a very evil pony."

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@@Lightning Crasher


Rainbow paused, "Huh, I didn't think I dragged you out to fly that much..." She mused.


Pinkie giggled, "Why don't you kiss him awake?" She suggested, causing Rainbow to splutter.


"W-what! Pinkie, why would you say that!?" RD exclaimed, her muzzle going red.


"What? I've woken Stormy up like that before..." Pinkie replied, gesturing towards her coltfriend.


Rainbow glared slightly before shaking the sleeping stallion's shoulder. "Lightning, time to wake up." the pegasus said firmly, though gently. "We're not going out flying right now... At least, I don't think we are."

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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