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private Ashes to Ashes


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Recap/Roleplay Info


* Themes: Supernatural/Battles/Suspense/Drama/Slice of Life
* Participants: ~Chaotic Discord~, Illiad Easle & clockwork24

* Average Post Quality: Medium to high levels of grammar, sentence structure, etc
* Average Post Length: One paragraph minimum, 2-4 paragraphs average to high-end 

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As Celestia's golden sun began to reveal itself over the horizon, it cast long other-worldly shadows and a pale orange glow over the twisting sands of the Sal Palomino Desert. Vast, barren and boasting high, humid temperatures year-round, most ponies wouldn't conceive of living here, let alone setting foot on the shifting sands at all. Making up almost half of the most southern portion of Equestria, only the Frozen North had population numbers as staggeringly low as this detestable place.


Yet among these elongated shadows was one belonging to a pony. A pony who not only braved the desert landscape, but practically thrived in it.


Charred Remnant, better known as Charred or just Char to those few ponies who knew him, was a young adult stallion with a crimson coat and a sandy red mane cut. A lone-wolf with a chip on his shoulder, few people knew of Charred, and even fewer people knew enough about him to fill more than half a page. What was known of this stone-faced desert pony was that he traveled, quite a bit in fact, and all on hoof. From across the desert to the green plains of mid-Equestria, Charred made his way around, albeit no one really knew to where or why. When in a town, no one had the nerve to ask him, and those who did never got a straight answer anyway.


Charred made his way over a field of sandstone rocks jutting out of the dunes, coming to a higher hoofhold. Looking up, he examined a massive outcropping a few hundred yards in front of him, large enough to block the sun on the horizon. Rather, it was one among a series of massive rocks, blockading a few blocks of desert in either direction. Charred scowled. Wherever he was going, this was one more thing in his way.


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It's so freaking hot in here, why does the sun have to be so close, and so hot?!

I roll over on the floor of the shallow desert cave that Clockwork and I found for shelter from the midday sun, I try, in vain, to sleep away at least part of the day, but everything, even the water, is just so hot. My khaki coat and brown mane lay matted across my body, trying to cool me down enough to sleep till night comes and we can travel again.

Oh why did I even agree to go out here?

My cloud diamond rolls out of my pack to sit in front of me,

'Because Clockwork's your best and only friend besides me and you thought he would get himself lost or killed if he went out alone?'

Yes, my diamond talks to me. No, I'm not crazy, yet.

It was a rhetorical question Selene, 

Yes I named it, if it can talk back to me it deserves to have a name, especially if it can visit my dreams. Maybe I am a little crazy.

'Oh, I remember you said that once, I'm sorry for disturbing you.'

It's okay Selene,

I turn to look over at Clockwork, sleeping soundly, How can he even sleep in this heat?

Then an Idea comes to me, after all, it was his idea to come out here, he ought to do at least a little bit of the suffering.

[Empathic Pull: Tired From: Clockwork]

The effect is immediate, I can feel some of my energy drain away, lulling me into an easy sleep as I hear Clockwork begin to stir.

Don't let him hit me.

'Ok, that was mean though.'

I know but he'll get over it, eventually

I fall into a dreamless sleep.


//I hope that that is up to the standards you want, I can add more details later when ponies actually interact.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


The unicorn's head snapped upwards with a snort, his peaceful slumber stolen from him.

Really Illiad, really? Ugh, I was right in the middle of eating the roof of that one sweet shop in Ponyville...

Blinking the sleep out of his eyes whilst rubbing a hoof through his matted mane, Clockwork slowly re-gained his bearings as he looked around the inside of the cave.

Aside from his rude buddy sleeping soundly on the sandstone floor, the remnants of a small fire sat at the cave's mouth. Walking over, he nudged a couple sticks back into the main pile, and ignited the fire with a flash from his horn.


Choosing to let his brown friend sleep, Clockwork walked around the fire to the edge of the cave, gazing out over the serene dessert.

No, desert, not dessert. Man I'm hungry... Speaking of which, might as well get breakfast on.

Turning to his saddle bags and rummaging through them, he brought forth some cookware and non-perishables, starting to fry 'em. The smell of food filled the cave, and the yellow unicorn's stomach grumbled.



Edited by clockwork24


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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Quickening his pace in order to leap up the rocky slopes, Charred jumped from ledge to ledge, ascending the face of the small desert cliff. Once up on top of the thing, his normally sullen eyes gazed around the area in apparent interest, as if he were looking for signs of something. When it became clear the cliffs were nothing out of the ordinary, he regained his status quot composure, and casually walked towards the opposite edge by which he climbed.


"Just another bland rock." He said aloud to himself. "Then again I've walked this wasteland one too many times. Not sure why I expected anything different."


The desert-savy stallion, seemingly unfazed by the fact that he just climbed a large rocky outcropping in the middle of the desert, began to descend down the opposite cliff. On the distant horizon was the vanishing purple sky from the previous night, now being overtaken with sun. Somewhere beyond that horizon had to be something of interest, or at least he hoped. The Sal Palmino Desert had no more secrets to hide from him. He'd been here too much of his life, already. If he was going to find something new to hold as his goal, it'd be beyond the borders of empty sand and rocky cliffs like this one.


It was at this point that Charred was torn from his thoughts. First, a peculiar smell not belonging to the desert landscape hit his nostrils. Next, the echoing of very faint voices, or perhaps it was only one voice. The stallion stopped dead in his tracks and looked downwards. Nothing but the swirling dunes.




Huh. Either the desert was playing tricks on him, or there was actually someone else stupid enough to be hanging around in the desert.

But really, what surprised Charred most of all was that he had somehow forgotten this rock, and that it held a cave in its' base. Clearly this was not his day.


Charred continued to descend the rock face, silent as a mouse and listening for further voices.


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//Dream sequence start

It was supposed to be a dreamless sleep at least.

When I open my eyes I see a familiar room, my dream room, where Selene will often bring me when she wants to interact with me. I pull myself off the floor, happy to notice that the room is much cooler than the real world. The room is a perfect cube, with every side a slightly bluish white. I look towards the center as Selene slowly materializes, a swirl of dust from all about comes together to form her body, a smallish filly, vaguely reminiscent of Princess Luna, were she much younger, but also slightly me-ish, in that her mane is thoroughly 'floofy' as she calls it, much like my own mane on a good day.

Good morning Selene, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?

She looks bashfully towards the ground

'I know you really wanted to get some sleep Illiad, and if it were most anything else I would let you, but...'

I find a confused look to wear

What do you mean? what's going on?

'Well... There is somepony new outside of the cave, just above us and coming closer, they're curious, but that could change. You know how ponies can get a bit unstable if they've been out here too long.'

I ponder this for a moment, as this could be a potentially dangerous situation.

Well, keep a watch on this pony, but don't wake me until it gets right about to the entrance of the cave, ok? It may just wander off if we don't do anything to attract it.

'Ok Illiad, I will wake you when the pony gets closer.'

The room fades slowly to black as I resume my dreamless slumber.

//End dream sequence


Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle @


Letting the food simmer, Clockwork turned and headed past Illiad and to the back of the cave, where all their meager supplies lay. Levitating two bundles of leather out of the pile, the unicorn set out to unwrap them, letting the rising sun glint off the metal of his two twin blades. Identical notches were etched down the center of both blades, disappearing into their respective handles. He pressed the flat of one blade up to his cheek for a moment, savoring it's cool contrast from the hot desert air.


Stepping back, he tested the weight of the first, then the second, and gave both a few practice swings, slicing the air like there was an invisible enemy. Flipping them around so both hilts were aimed at each other, Clockwork nudged some internal mechanics with his magic, causing the pommels of both to spring open. He locked them together, and pulled, extending the handles into a three-foot bow staff with the blades at either end. spinning it in the air like a baton, he caught it again and gently leaned it against the cave wall.


He looked over at his companion and shook his head, before walking over and giving him a nudge.


"Illiad, for the love of Luna, please get up. Breakfast's almost ready, and to be honest, I want to get the heck out of Dodge. This part of the desert gives me the creeps."


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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The ground of the desert approached him faster and faster, until his hooves made contact with the soft sand. Now descended down from the cliff-face, Charred stood there silently for a few moments, eyes focused on the horizon and towards his destination, whilst his ears stayed alert to noise within the cave. Should he spend the time and energy in meeting these strangers? What they were doing was none of his concern, but then again, they'd likely see him walking off across the second half of the desert terrain through the mouth of the cave and might confront him, anyway. Being social was at the bottom of Charred's totem pole of talents, but there weren't random strangers in the middle of desert every day. Curiosity was getting the better of him.


Besides, if he didn't like the way the conversation went, he could just walk out. No one could match his durability whilst in the this harsh terrain.


Sighing and beginning to wonder if he was starting to lose his grip and actually crave social interaction after weeks on end by himself, Charred casually walked around the perimeter of the rock and made his way into the mouth of the cave. The cave ceiling shrunk down as one entered, as did the sand, causing the cave depth to lower below the desert by several feet. Sliding down this short slope of sand, the desert stallion briefly closed his eyes, waiting for his vision to adjust to the sudden darkness.


"A ways from home out here, aren't you?" Charred began, blunt and to the point as always. The sunlight from the mouth of the cave darkened his red coat and gave him a more sinister appearance. Golden orange eyes still half-open in a perpetual unamused expression, he examined the two stallions and their supplies. Well, at the very least, they looked too trim and tidy to be bandits or anything of mild concern. What could they be doing out here?


@@Illiad Easle


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'Illiad, I suppose you should wake up now, Clockwork wants you and... Oh. That pony, it's a he by the way, has arrived in the cave.'

Great, I just went to sleep and I have to wake up again already? Fine.

I slowly rise from the sandy ground, turning to face the curious, yet suspicious, newcomer. Blinking the remaining sleep from my eyes I try to get a better look at the silhouette framed by the cave entrance.

'I don't think he's a threat at the moment, he lacks the motivation to attack and his stance indicates that he would rather leave than fight here.'

Noted, I still want you to keep a watch on him.

I lift the diamond with my magic, and imbue it with a simple spell to cast light throughout the cave, fully illuminating the new pony's rugged features.

"By the looks of you, I'd say your the one further from home than I, but what do I know. My name is Illiad, this unicorn next to me is Clockwork. We're on our way down south to catch a boat to the Zebrican Isles."

I turn around as the diamond slowly floats, point up, to the top of the cave, casting it's light throughout the cave, illuminating it as if the sun were shining overhead. I walk over to my pack to check my supplies, "And what about you? What are you doing out here? If you don't mind my asking."

I open the saddle bags, mentally checking off the items as I pull them out.

12 Mana potions, assorted snacks, 2 weeks rations, 10 spell gems, bedroll, bag o' bits, easel, canvas, paintbrushes, paints. Looks like it's all here.

I turn to face the newcomer, "You don't mind if I take your picture do you?"


Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@@Illiad Easle


Quickly looking up at the strange stallions entrance, Clockwork mulled over his next actions as Illiad introduced them both. To be honest, he hadn't expected to encounter anypony this far out into the desert, and it sort of threw him for a loop. He glanced over at his weapon leaning on the cave wall, and slowly moved in-between it and the strange earth-pony, blocking it from view. Clearing his throat, he spoke in a slightly guarded tone. For all he knew, this pony could be some sort of desert pirate or worse, based of his haggard appearance and lack of belongings.


"Yes my good pony, what brings you out here? We," he said, motioning to himself and Illiad, "are but simply travelling, hoping to rid ourselves of this suffocating heat as quickly as possible. I notice that you carry no belongings. Are you perhaps camped not far from here?"

Or is there another reason...?


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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Charred briefly eyed the strange, illuminating gem floating about in the air with no noticeable change in expression. Upon the pair of questions, he squinted slightly, eyebrows furrowing, as if puzzled or even annoyed at the question. He walked over towards the side of the cave, climbed up upon a large rock that sat by the cave entrance like a canker sore in a pony's mouth, and sat down on the top of it. He stared beyond the two ponies, towards the back of the cave.


"I haven't had a home for a long time, now." he said flatly. "Even when I did, it didn't escape the plains of this desert."


The arid pony used a hoof to brush the front of his short red-brown mane, shaking loose some of the sand from the desert wind.


"As for your question, if you must. I doubt you'll find another pony who will recognize the artwork, anyway. I hope you're a quick artist though; it's by a sheer whim that I decided to come in here and see who was camping out in the middle of a sand-ridden wasteland. I'm traveling myself, albeit to a different place."


Before this point, Charred's cutie mark had been inadvertently blurred from the sun shadowing his figure. Now that he had bypassed the sun beams and laid upon a shaded rock to the side, it was far more clear. Ominous and bizarre, many a pony had seen it, all of them overcome with a feeling of worry or unexplained dread, none of whom ever found out the reason why.


@@Illiad Easle


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'He seems curious, he must have quite a bit of practice to hide his outward emotions so well as to seem so aloof and uncaring.'

I agree, there seems to be much more going on than I originally anticipated. He also remains confident, so I don't think he judges us to be a threat at the moment.

I turn to face the new stallion as I pull my easel and canvas from my bag, setting them up right between us.

"I'll see if I can do it fast for you,"

I look directly at the canvas, adopting a contemplative look from the local facial expression orphanage.

"Hmm... let's see, I will put you in a more dramatic pose... more in the light... with a good background..."

I look back at the new stallion's cutie mark, intrigued by it's odd design, somewhat complimentary of the odd pony.

I pull my sketchbook from my bag and quickly sketch it down before returning the book to its place.

I turn back towards the easel, "I've got it now, through in something burning... a recently defeated foe perhaps?"

I lift the canvas from the easel, orienting it in landscape I put it between me and the mouth of the cave.

"Well, here goes."

I rapidly and repeatedly smack myself in the face with the canvas. Just barely avoiding puncturing the cloth with my horn.

I stop after a full minute, looking at the canvas I smile, and turn it to face the new pony.

"What do you think of this?"



"I know right, it's a bit different from my usual work but I think it turned out well."

I look at the new pony with a more critical eye.

"It just occurred to me that I don't recall you giving your name, would you care to rectify that situation?"



Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@~Chaotic Discord~@@Illiad Easle


"Well, as much as this conversation intrigues me, I've been sleeping on solid rock all night."


Clockwork levitated his weapon next to his side and walked to the mouth of the cave, giving the strange visitor a wide berth.


"Illiad, strange pony whose name I still don't know..., I'm going to be right outside. Uh, call me if we get attacked by chimera or something."


He gave out an artificial laugh with a large grin, looked confused for a second, and pulled out a pack of paper seemingly out of nowhere. Quickly flipping the first page over and scanning it's contents,  he inadvertently revealed the word 'Script' scrawled on the cover. After a moment, he shrugged, put the paper away, walking outside the cave, and out of sight.


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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'Charred Remnant.' The desert red pony said coolly, sliding off the rock with his hooves and ascending the lip of the cave, towards a different trajectory than the clockwork pony. Upon getting there he turned around again to face the remaining stallion still in the cave.


'I think I've wasted enough time as is. Now that you have your artwork, and you two are up and about to go yourselves, I'll be taking my leave. I need to reach the Badlands before two more sundowns. You should get out of this desert within that time as well, Sandstorm Season starts next week, and even I know better than to take long walks on the dunes during that time of the year. Nothing known lives here during those two months.'


Without another word, the desert pony walked off with a somewhat quickened pace, soon becoming engulfed in the desert haze and the thin blanket of blowing sand until he was completely out of sight. Soon enough the two remaining stallion friends were alone once more, them against the ravages of the desert terrain. Alone, or so was believed, anyway.


Having crawled up from the far northern edge of the outcropping, a looming stalker of the desert terrain was drawn in by the sounds of voices, and the smell of ponies. Observing one of the three ponies having left the relative safety of the massive rock, the predator set its three pairs of eyes on a singular pony standing around outside, just below. Despite its massive size, the hulking beast gripped the dry rocky cliff-face, and began to descend towards its' chosen prey at a nearly perfect 90° angle, without making a sound.


Iron-clad claws beneath two sets of matted paws flexed eagerly. A thick tail with a soft hiss swayed about behind, rearing up and holding itself upright with sheer muscle strength. A second head with two rock-hard horns bared with ferocity. And it pounced.


What followed this elongated silence was the sound of a truly heavy mass smashing into the softened ground, sending a shower of golden sand in all directions. But when the beast realized the soft and tasty pony wasn't in its' claws, the cumulative sound of a bleat, hiss and roar echoed throughout the desert, and with unmatched speed, the beast emerged from the wall of falling sand and flew forwards to tackle clockwork.


The Desert Chimera, the more ruthless cousin of its' forest-dwelling counterpart.


@@Illiad Easle


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'Illiad, Clockwork needs your help, RIGHT NOW.'

I put down the canvas, pulling the diamond from the ceiling of the cave as I rush towards the mouth.

Why? What's going on?

'I just felt something, a large beast, filled with hunger. I hope it isn't but it might be a desert chimera.'

That would be the grit icing on this sand cake of an adventure now wouldn't it?

I emerge from the cave, quickly turning towards the huge hungry mass.

Well, this is just great.

I quickly assess the situation, seeing that the beast is about to attack Clockwork, swift action is required. Swift, stupid action.

I teleport myself between the beast and my friend.

Selene, I need a shield now.

'On it.'

The diamond spins for a moment, forming a cloud of dust before becoming a tower shield about as high as me.

I face the beast, "Cometh at me Broham!"


Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@~Chaotic Discord~


Clockwork's pupils diluted to pinpricks as the beast set upon him, completely frozen by the moment of complete surprise. Illiad sprung in front of him, saving his hide with an impromptu shield. The strange combination of a goat and lion smashed into and through it, driving Illiad backwards several feet until hi was barely in front of him. The shield held, but it looked incredibly straining to his quick-thinking friend.


"Illiad, I..." Clockwork shook his head and stumbled to his feet, snatching his twin swords out of the sand with a burst of magic aura. He quickly looked around, and then upwards, focused his energy, and teleported, appearing ten feet in the air above the chimera. He let out a war cry as he fell, drawing the beast's attention away from breaking through Illiad's shield. His connected blades spun end over and as Clockwork fell, moving faster through the grip of his telekinesis on the handles. Another mental flick, and the blades now spun like a drill, potentially impacting for major damage.


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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