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open Ponyfinder: Age of Adventure -Group A-


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OOC Thread

Rules and Considerations for Roleplay, as made by Star Sabar, will apply to Group A and I will be discussing how combat will work with my Co-DM.

Please Made Sure to Read:

1) I will be rolling a lot of checks for characters in the background. I won’t ask for Perception checks for your characters to spot anything or ask for Sense Motive checks when speaking to someone and etc. I will roll the checks and describe the results in my posts when they come up. This hopefully will quicken play a lot. When I do I will format it like the example following:

[Rainbow Dash - Perception Check - Success] The snap of a twig alerts Rainbow Dash to the fact that she is currently being followed by a suspicious looking pony.

[Fluttershy - Perception Check - Failure] However Fluttershy remains oblivious to this fact.

2) When you actively want to attempt a skill check, such as Disable Device to unlock a door or influence someone with Diplomacy, please put the skill you’re attempting by your description of attempting it; example below.

Seeing that the door was locked, Rarity removed her lock picking tools from her saddlebag and begins attempting to unlock the door. [Disable Device]

I will then follow up with a check result like the ones presented above.

3) If you have a rules question, don’t hesitate to post it in the OOC thread or send me a PM. I’ll try to respond as soon as possible.

4) I’m still figuring out how I plan to do combat, but I will hopefully figure that out when it comes to it.

5) Fair warning, Meta-gaming will be heavily punished. Essentially make sure what you’re doing is what your character would do with their current knowledge and fits their personality and try not to influence your actions with what you know as a player. I probably didn't need to put this here but I figure it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Starting Cities: Canterlot, Manehattern, and Cloudsdale (pick one for where you pony will be)
Additional Note: Since we are starting everyone at level 5, it can be assumed everyone' characters are already adventurers of fair skill and decent reputation who have already completed or been a part of other adventures. Of importance, is the plot hook of a 'Quest Board' I will be using for convenience and to allow players options in the direction they want to take the campaign.
I have an overall plot line planned for this campaign, but starting out I think more general or basic small adventures may be a good way of getting everyone on the same page and learn the system. I will ask though that while every character is starting separate and in different cities you all will need to pick the same 'quest' that will lead everyone to meet up eventually and become an 'adventuring party'.
Thank you for reading this and for your patience in waiting for this to get started. Please remember to have fun and know that if you have questions for would like to discuss things privately my PM box is always open or you may speak with me on Skype. Also for question or more general discussions go to the OOC thread.



Morning, June 18, Equestria

3 days until the Summer Sun Celebration

It was a normal day for many in Equestria, though for some things would be getting a lot more interesting. In each of the major cities, there was a central board in which ponies or other creatures might find bounties, job placements, and assignments offered by the city guard for all those willing to brave the dangers such offers and bits could bring.
Often times, they were small offers while others were grand yet beyond the ability of all but the most elite of adventurers. Whether it was offers of guarding traders going beyond Equestria and into Saddle Arabia, the Griffin Kingdoms, or the Badlands to that of taking care of monsters threatening the borders or settlements. Even that of more personal ventures such as private investors seeking aid in finding lost ruins or some long forgotten place. Admittingly, some days could also be more then a bit bare with no current offers available.
For many adventurers, they were taking a break to see what the cities of Equestria had to offer in ways of relaxation or entertainment. Today though was special, since it was three days before the Summoner Sun Celebration and there was many things that needed to be done in preparation so the central boards were filled with offers from ponies trying to seek aid from any willing. Even the city guard were making quite the offers for additional protection, information, and assignments in preparation of such an important event.
Perhaps something interesting might be found, that it would be an interesting day.

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Morning, June 18th, Equestria, Centerlot – Daawnily’s personal housing.

For many, waking up in the morning is a rather boring, mundane and unpleasant task – for some it’s a painless routine, for the owner of the bed in which a white haired pegasi was laying it was somewhere in between. With a sound of the alarm spell finally kicking in full force, the mare would carefully remove the blanket and stand up on her hooves. Looking around her surroundings she would walk through one of the doors into her bathroom, doing her morning chores of hygiene she would then descend from the second floor of her house to the first one, heading to the kitchen and starting to prepare her breakfast, whilst she would be sorting everything else out.


Minute after minute, a usual morning would commence on a routine, but there was something special about today and several days following today. Summer Festival was almost here and with it, there were many things to do, official business of order – in a way her own business.


Finishing the breakfast, the mare would flick the switch of a light installed in the main room, she would carefully take a letter opener and would open an envelope sent to her from the order yesterday at evening, just a few minutes before she headed to bed it would arrive, disturbing her peace.


While, a mare of action it would be unwise to go into details of important mission on a sleepy head, so she chose to wait until the morning and here she was, slowly taking out the letter concealed inside the envelop, sitting down in one of the soft armchairs and starting to read the letter itself.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Early Morning, June 18th: Canterlot, Equestria – The Marketplace.

The clop of hooves broke the sounds of birds and their songs as dawn came upon the kingdom of Equestria.  Canterlot, yet rising but not truly awake, began to stir to life.  Ponies began popping out one by one to open their shops and prepare.  The tourists had already begun arriving in the nights prior, bringing a busy season for the local markets.  Shop owners and artisans would, as days before and to come, market their goods in hopes of tying fond memories of the summer sun to their wares, bringing warmth to ponies' hearts and bits to their coffers. 


Only 3 days left. 


The sun lazily lit up the blue coat of the earth pony stallion, full saddlebags and large body shifting with each step.  The winding bend brought his grey eyes overlooking the last hill en route to the train station, taking a moment to get lost in the breathtaking scenery he continued his approach toward the incoming train.  Another assignment with that group, whose name he still didn't even know, had ended with uneventful observation of some dignitaries from Cloudsdayle while they racked up what must have been a couple hundred gold debt through a night of drinking and carousing with free-spirited and, presumably, available attractive mares and stallions.  Unable to derive any evidence of secret dealings or illicit behavior, he returned and after intelligence gathering and combat training exercises, to his surprise, was informed he did not need to drop off his field equipment (not even the Magic Scanner or the Defensive Shield Magitek).  There was, however, an extensive and colorful letter from Tesla detailing an impressively comprehensive list of potential damage and malfunction vulnerabilities that might exist in daily Appaloosian and train-pony life.  Each instance on the list was accompanied by a suggested disciplinary action should "the resource fail to avoid this identified risk".  


The more benevolent of these suggestions could best be described as "discomforting".


Arriving on the station platform, he went through the non-existent line and gave his ticket to the counter pony who looked as thrilled to be working at this hour as any (normal) pony would.  Wordlessly, the two made their exchange and parted ways.  The train rolled to a stop, the very familiar sound of the rail wheels grinding to a halt on the track as it slowed in its approach.  The stallion, when his unusual cutie mark appeared, had realized that his destiny lay out there where his destined desire to acquire and experience all there was to experience as best as he could.  In Appaloosa, this was not made easy; most ponies were born there, raised there and expired there.  Not to say Appaloosa lacked anything, Jar himself still lived there and for all his wanderlust few things topped the warmth of coming home after being away for a long train route or an operation.  The chance to explore and see all of Equestria in front of him, he studied vigorously and found a train conductor pony, Crosstie Junction, willing to let him tag along and learn a few things when he wasn't working the apple fields.  His curiosity and eagerness quickly matured into expertise and a rewarding job.  


He stood in front of such a train, an Ironhoof Commercial P2 model if he wasn't mistaken, and boarded the train bound for, eventually, Appaloosa. Two guards, no doubt wrapping up their graveyard shift, caught his attention or rather their mention of something did.  


"...hoping that won't be the case, but you never know." The other continued, "Yeah, hate to consider it but these things do fall in the cracks sometimes. No extra detective ponies means just that, even if that means cases don't get solved for a while, or maybe ever", the younger unicorn mare shook her head and sighed, "It's a real shame that some ponies just have to go without, especially when it comes to justice." The middle aged earth pony stallion snorted "what are you, a super hero pony? We can only help out with what we can, try to think about what you can help with.  Gives you a little perspective, at least I think so" he nodded as if affirming his own thoughts and his partner rolled her eyes and sighed, "let's get some breakfast, 'Mr. Hero'." 


The train left the station 10 minutes later as Jar watched it from the platform.  Already missing that view from coming upon Appaloosa, he moved over to the postings board and took a look.

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Morning, June 18th- Canterlot in her personal library


The summer sun celebration! One of the very few times of the year that she actually can be home without being questioned. Novel is taking this time to organize her shelves, her shadow ferret Fenton helping along the way. It felt nice to be surrounded by the aroma of old books. Even though she is home she keeps her Kirin form hidden, choosing to look like the ponyfolk that are around her. Novel tends to blend into her surroundings at night or in the dark, her mane the only thing that stands out. Her coat is a deep dark blue with white, purple, and light blue mane and tail. She also tends to get lost in her work, despite being observant. The only time she is oblivious is when she is completely focused on one thing, which so happened to be her shelves. She is purely delighted to be able to add her own herbal research to her private shelves in her study that is down the hall and closed off from normal library traffic. But she rarely has customers or visitors to her decently sized sanctuary

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Skysplinter Alchemics (Remedies and Adventuring Tools for All Ponies)


Skysplinter was smiling to himself as he sorted ingredients into bags, rushing in preparing the final preparations until his shop opened. There was already a herd of ponies roaming the streets, the festival preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration still being thrown together. Heck, he himself had been commissioned to provide the drinks for one of the parties? In hindsight, perhaps that was a wrong number, because the ponies on the other end of the phone kept wondering if he used 'real' ingredients in his drinks, but he still got the job, and, hey, a bit of rimroot never hurt anypony- in fact, he was considering brewing in some alchemist's kindness just to keep the drunken ponies a bit more sober during the party. Preventing wedlock through keeping ponies sane, entertaining them, and having the chance of having things blow up in his face- an alchemist, as he had found as soon as his apprenticeship ended, was the best job in the entire world!


As the shop was literally minutes from opening, he turned to his latest creation, having spent the last few hours concocting it, and added the final ingredient, hoping that the potion in question wouldn't be too tempermental...


[Craft (Alchemy) + (-125 gp (already subracted from character sheet))]

[Outcome = Polypurpose Panacea]

Edited by Asdrubael Vect
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Morning - June 18th - Canterlot, Train Station

"This is beautiful! Canterlot capital of Equestria! said Gaizi as he exited the train. Gaizi being a foreigner to this city. he has never seen a place of such beauty. he as already been on adventures before, but he wanted a vacation so he came here his chosen place. It was a city sitting upon a mountain where ponies could experience many interesting sights and interesting places within. " I am starving I have heard there is a Sapphire Fosters here maybe I should ask for directions."

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The earth pony let out a sigh, whatever "detective pony" gig the mare and stallion guards were talking about must have not been posted yet.  Another possibility was they weren't looking to hire just anypony for sensitive detective work, even in light of such a busy workload.  Either way, he would keep his ear to the ground on developments with that.  He put his back to the wall and plopped down, letting our a yawn and his sturdy earthbound body finally accepting the consequences of getting so little sleep last night.  He closed his eyes and opened them again a few moments later.


Still awake, still morning and still tired.


Staring absently around, he noticed a jovial Purrsian get off the train and not spare a moment before exclaiming how excited he was to be there.  Jar was giving serious consideration that the fella' might burst out into song to further elaborate on the nature of his excitement.  Shrugging with a smirk and ready to move on his way, the stallion stopped to consider: with so much of the detective ponies and guards wrapped up with the big picture of the Summer Sun Celebration, this could be an opportune time for pickpockets to make short work of a well-intention out of towner.  Turning, his smirk changed to a hapless look.  He would do his part and offer the stranger some help, hospitality is the earth pony way, after all. 


"Hey fella, you're from out of town, right?  Need a hoof finding anyplace in particular?" Jar asked in a deep baritone.  He looked the cat over with a mix of sincerity and friendly concern.

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Morning - June 18th - Different Parts of Canterlot

@@Spell Shock,
For Daawnily the letter itself would be of a familiar envelope and paper, that of the main branch of Celestial church, yet there was no name offered for who it was from and the writing was not that which she had seen before. The letter itself was rather short, yet held a glimmer of interest as she would begin reading it to herself within her home. It did not offer much, but it bear the Celestial Seal of the church.
Miss Daawnly, I request your presence within the Canterlot Research Guild at about 2:00 pm. I have a mission I would like you and a few hoof chosen others. I cannot go into details of what this will involve but the church has agreed to fairly compensate those willing to be apart of this mission. Also apologizes that I cannot reveal my identity at this time, I hope you will still give this letter's invitation consideration despite this. Thank you
@@The Jar,@@OmegaPony,
The train station was quite the busy place this time of the year, with the Summer Sun Celebration only a few days away. Admittingly, more ponies and other creatures were entering Canterlot then leaving given how the city was the capital of Equestria. Yet there were those who took advange of the holiday to visit friends and family elsewhere away from the city.
Of note there were those that paused to take notice of the purrsian, since they were considered reletively rare and exotic outside of Saddle Arabia and other desert lands. Actually, given the difference between the two the feline would actually consider Equestria more presently gentle in temperature then he was used too. Thankfully it would seem that a certain detective pony would be first to greet him, allowing him to not need to seek out another for directions.
There would be a knock on the kirin's door, before a letter would be sent through the mail slot built within it. This may not suprise her at first, but once she went to take a look she would see it was a more fancier mail, though it had no defining characteristics that could offer clues to where it had come from or who it belonged to. Perhaps sadly though, whoever has brought the letter had not considered seeking entrence and giving her the letter personally.
Despite the fact his store had not yet opened, there would be a knock upon the door. A steady and perhaps even rhythmic rapping. Yet after a moment such knocking would stop as it would seem whoever was on the other side of the door was now waiting for a reply.
((I apologize for the short replies in some cases, there wasn't much I could consider for those within their homes or shops.))

Edited by EquestrianScholar
  • Brohoof 1
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Novel heard the knock, surprisingly since she is so engrossed in her work. Slowly she walked over, sensing the one who delivered it did not stay for long. So she took her time. The envelope is beatutiful, and she is a bit afraid to open the envelope. She opens it with care, reading the contents with curiousity. She rarely gets mail of any sort.

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Skysplinter decided, whoever it was, that the knockers could survive the, say... thirty seconds until his shop opened. He took the potion and shook it a bit, mixing up the ingredients and placing them down on the counter before walking over to the door.


"Three... two... one!"


With a flourish, he flipped over his CLOSED sign to proudly proclaim OPEN, and, spinning, unlocked the trio of locks to his lab before opening the door. "Hello, there! You've come just in time. Come on in! What can I help you with?" He stepped back to let the figure (which he was just now getting a good look at) through into his shop. And, well, house and lab as well. 

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Morning, June 18th, Equestria, Centerlot – Daawnily’s personal housing.

Looking over the letter one final time, before putting it away – Daawnily would sink into her thoughts, who could be the mysterious person wishing to contact her? Would they be dangerous, or is it someone really paranoid? She didn't really quite knew what to make of it, but giving all her thoughts a last glance, and a wink – she would stand up and start packing her belongings before setting out to the guild.


It wasn't even the matter of money as it was a matter of curiosity, beside if someone needed her help, she is the one to do the helping job. 


Daawnily would set her course towards the Research Guild. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@The Jar,

“Yes I am, and in the last city I was in they had my favorite restaurant. It is called Sapphire Fosters, do you know if there any here,” Gaizi would ask the earth pony, before jokingly adding, “though instead of a hoof it would be a paw.” As he says this the purrsian would hold up a paw and smile, yet an embarrassing gurgle of his tummy would show why the feline was asking.


Looking around once more he would say to the stallion, “If I could sing I would do so, but I'm not very good at doing such at the drop of a hat. That and getting something to eat is more important.” Gaizi would hover in the air a bit as he talks, the purrsian's agile movements perhaps noticeable by the pony.

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A wry smirk came across the earth pony stallion's face, this feline sure is a plucky one.  Ah thought most Purrsians were merchant folk, business types and the like.  Ah guess you can't judge other folks like that, just like ponykin. "Sapphire Fosters, eh? Let's see.."

Jar did a quick mental map, turning his head to ensure the geography matched what he was envisioning it to be and trying to recall what he could of the local landscape. [Know: Local*]



* = Inspiration with no cost, ** = Inspiration with cost)), 

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@@Spell Shock,
She would, if heading there directly, make it to the Research Guild early by a fair amount. Thus leaving the mare to the decision to continue on her way or perhaps make a stop elsewhere. It could admittingly be a bit slow going anyway, since so many ponies were out and about in preparation for the coming celebration.

There was much that still needed to be down, and the path to her destination actually would require Daawnily to make her way through what some would call the heart of Canterlot with bustling shops and many of the city's more elite members. Yet the mare's distinctive silver robes did allow for others to take notice and step aside so she may go why without trouble with many ponies offering a smile as she moved by.

It was a very well made envelope, as was the paper, with the seal of the Celestial Sisters holding it closed. It would seem official, though there was no name offered as to sender nor the address of her residence which could suggest it was hoof delivered outside of the normal delivery schedule.

Dear Miss Novel,
I offer an invitation that join me at the Canterlot Research Guild at about 2:00 pm. I have something what could make use of a talent such as yours, for one as... interesting as you. You will hopefully not be the only one coming, as I have chosen others to join, but I cannot go into details of what will be required of you here in this letter. I can promise that you will be fairly compensate if you agree to be apart of the mission planned, and that you will have allies to rely on. Now you may wonder as to my identity, sadly though I cannot reveal that at this time, though such may be learned in you agree to be a part of this venture.

The one outside the door would offer a smile, seemingly not at all annoyed that he had to wait. It would seem the visitor to the alchemist's store was that of a pegasus or earth pony, since he did not have a horn, yet on which it was hard to tell since he wore a thick dark cloak. What Skysplinter could tell though is that he was a tall stallion with a teal coat with cobalt mane and tail, his eyes matching the coat to a strong degree.

Looking to shop owner the stallion would say offering a hoof to shake, “Hello, I am Comet Blaze and I am glad I was able to make it in time. Are you perhaps the alchemist the Skysplinter, the owner of this shore and adventurer in his own right?” He seemed a cheery sort, though the reason he was here was not yet made known, as he stepped into the store with a nod and shuts the door behind him.

@@The Jar, @@OmegaPony,
[Mason Jar - Knowledge (Local) Check – Success] It was a well know and popular restaurant found throughout Equestria in many major cities as to a few of the smaller cities and towns. It would be no surprise to learn it was a favorite of the purrsian since it was for many others. It was also nice because it wasn't quite as expensive as most places in Canterlot to eat and was known for a more friendly atmosphere and staff.

In truth, Sapphire Fosters was no more then a few blocks away and a quick ride by cart if one didn't want to walk as it could be found more within the center of the city with many other stores, cafes, and restaurants. Really it wouldn't be too hard to find though given how busy everything was because of ponies getting ready for what would take place in but three days. With the conversion between the two most who had stopped to notice Gaizi would continue on their way though a foal would ask an older mare, “Mom, why is that cat so big and has wings?

I'm not sure dear, but lets not bother him,” would come the soft reply as the mother would say offering an an uncertain smile before offering, “Sorry about that, my son a curious one. He meant no harm by his words.” She would begin guiding the foal away from the two so as to go about what she was doing before.

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Nodding off toward the direction, "It's just a short walk, few blocks that way.  Once you're at Hoofingtons, just hang a left and ya should see it."


The earth pony lent a sympathetic look, "If ya'd like, I can walk ya there."


Noting the foal with a disarming look, the stallion fought a chuckle when the child asked such a blunt question. He would just let the stranger tactfully handle it and merely nodded to the mare.

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Daawnily, being a mare of… many actions, not always many words would just silently cruise towards Research Guild, only sometimes stopping if others needed her direct help, wellbeing of those around her had a small edge of priority over her current task, but even still she wanted to make haste. Minutes are precious, always are in her line of work – so if someone wanted to contact her, it was either very timely manner, or something entirely different. In the first case, her haste would be justified.


I wonder what kind of scales the festival will be this year – she thought to herself on the back of her mind, she would always be busy around this time of the year. Celebrations, especially big in scale always left those in need of medical attention in generous amounts.

Edited by Spell Shock

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@The Jar

"All things considered the foul meant no harmed, Gaizi thought before smiling and with a lifted paw he says,"Wait!" He would walk up to the two, he would chuckle before giving a playful boop to the foal's muzzle and continues as he looked to the mother, "Its okay, there is no harm. I am a friendly sort, and I have had similar reactions."


The feline would walk back to the pony who offered to helped him, and says, "Sorry about that, I just wanted to let them know their words didn't bother me." He would consider the pony's words before smiling and offering, "That is fine, if you could show me I would like that. Also, what is your name? My name is Gaizi Softpaw."

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Novel looked the note over and over again, puzzled. She was tempted to complete a scanning of sorts on the letter to see whom it was from. But she decided she did not want to know. The secrecy of the letter did concern her a bit, but she could not help but be intrigued at the fact of it is taking place at the research center. A chance to peek inside again after many years would be wonderful! And she has a reason to go now! But whom could require her "talents" and what "talents" do they speak of? To her, she sees herself as the ordinary bookworm who enjoys the occasional crafting of potions and dabbling of magic. But she sees herself as ordinarily skilled in that subject due to her or having anything to compare to. Eager to meet the pony who delivered the letter and seems to know a little bit about her, she gathers up a few things into her knapsack and heads towards the guild.

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The earth pony watched the conversation unfold, the Purrsian certainly liked his intentions to be clear.  As the two started trotting the way there, the feline offered his name and asked for the stallion's.


"Ah'm Mason Jar, but just Jar will do.  Good to meet ya, Gaizi Softpaw", the street sign switched, now showing the 'Do Trot' symbol with the two continuing on.  "I can't honestly say that I've seen a lot of Purrsian folk but I only come out to Canterlot every now and then on business."  The stallion let slip a genuine smile, had he really just become one of those ponies who casually accepted the baggage of a second life in espionage? Even his willingness to accept folk for who they claimed to be had been impacted, he would be lying to himself if he denied that his newfound instincts were whispering urgings of caution regarding this out of place Purrsian. Was that battle a worthwhile sacrifice for the good he (believed) he was doing for Equestria?


Turning quickly on his last statement, "Ah'm a rail pony, ya see", those half-truths were coming easier with practice, it seemed. Smiling to the new feline acquaintance, "how about yourself, Gaizi Softpaw?  Ya some sort of merchant?" despite his concern for presenting a Purrsian stereotype, Jar could not prevent himself from trying to deduce the answer based on the evidence (in this case, the Purrsian) in front of him.

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@@The Jar,

“No,” Gaizi would say has be shook his head before the feline would admit with a smile, “Unlike many of my race, my job is much funner.” Flying up into the air and agile grace moving behind before gliding back in front to continue, “I'm treasure hunter, isn't that so much more awesome?” He holds up a bracket exotic design and red gem before offering, “I got this during my first expedition!”


With his paws back on the ground Gaizi would say as they continued to walk, “I admit to being nervous though, since I have never been here before and I have heard many ponies aren't nice. You're nice though, so I like you.” The feline would smile brightly, before rubbing shoulders with the pony and finishes with the words, “Maybe, we can even be friends, Mason.” 

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@@Spell Shock, @@strideralchemy,

The way to the Research Guild would be take some time, given how activities of the day were. One the way there would be some commotion, since it would see there had been an accident on the main road leading to the guild so that both mares would need to either wait or take a different route.


[Lunar Novel – Knowledge (local) Check - Success]

[Daawnily – Knowledge (local) Check - Success]

Both would know of a back way, if they decide to go around the accident, in which one goes down a ally next to the Clover's Odds and Ends Shore. From there way could go behind the Comet's Astrology Shop, in which they could then continue to the Research Guild.


Daawnily would also know of another route, though it would take a bit longer to use as it required passing by near where the bulk of the preparations would be taking place, yet would also get the mare to where she needed to go.


@@The Jar, @@OmegaPony,

The two would continue on there way, not having anything else really preventing them from reaching their destination. Sure, there was a few ponies here and there who paused to consider the purrsian but no one would allow themselves the distraction for one. It was a busy city, with ponies going to and fro about their day and within a few moments the two would find Sapphire Fosters.


It was a decently large restaurant, having both a buffet and meals that would be ordered apart from this. The staff was friendly and the prices were only 20 bits for the buffet with other prices in that general range for menu items. There would be a fair number of ponies already there, often it was busy until morning and night food from breakfast to dinner. There would be one pony at front ready to help, though the two would have to wait on another.

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Novel goes down a ally next to the Clover's Odds and Ends Shore. From there She would go behind the Comet's Astrology Shop, in which she could then continue to the Research Guild. She moves very quickly, excited to finally reach the Research Guild and see it in it's full glory. Knowledge galore! And her's to explore and read to her heart's content. Imagine all the knowledge contained within those wall. She can hardly wait and eagerly trots inside


((I apologize, my mistake))

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Usually, Daawnily wouldn't mind taking any route to her target, but today she decided – since she has been stuck with her wings for ages, in the form of a pegasi she might as well try and use that! She would try to utilize her flying to navigate herself faster either past the problematic spot or to the shortcut she remembered, stopping perhaps only if someone would need medical attention and she could see them from her point of view.


Want to use skill check Fly, which I have +7 to! 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@Spell Shock,@@strideralchemy


((If Daawnily is taking a different route, who is Novel talking too? If perhaps this is only a case of holding back a bit on such until a skill roll is made.))


Daawnily Fly Check - (Barely) Success

She would manage to fly, though the city is dense enough that she would have a few close calls of hitting into things.

@Spell Shock@strideralchemy,

The two mares would eventually find themselves in front of the Research Guild, having taken different routes, but would see each other as they both walked up to the building. The guild itself was a large building, with a more round section dedicated to library study and another would be an observatory for looking up at the sky once night had fallen.


Anypony who knew anything about the Research Guild would know that within one could find sections dedicated to the study of alchemy, magic, and religion, as well as different sciences such as math, biology, social studies while also allowing for invention among other interests. If there was one thing the guild prided itself in, it was that of allowing others to study most any subject, unless restricted or forbidden by the laws of Equestria with only rarely researchers allow within the Canterlot Castle and Temple Complex to gain access to such things.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Daawnily would look at the other pony going towards the guild, wondering if she was here on a task as well. She wasn’t born yesterday and knew that, when someone called for people in… her sphere of work even, usually there would be more. Or maybe she was just visiting, that was also a possibility.


No matter the inner thoughts the mare was having, she would start thinking and trying to recall where exactly the meeting was supposed to take place in the guild, standing near the entrance in the meantime, awaiting for her memory to click in place. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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