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private A World Beyond Sight: The Uncharted

Vemillia Nightshade

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(Sorry if my wording was off, but Bright asked for the four :P)


Bright took the card, and laid down his pair. Waiting for Violia's turn. Bright started to think of all the fun that's going on here, and he couldn't help but smile at it all. Cuddle wouldn't admit, but she felt little again, Bright seemed to bring out the child in everypony.


@@Vemillia Nightshade

Edited by Overlord0909

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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(It's no big deal. Derps happen.)


Violia giggles and she felt like she was experiencing a childhood she otherwise didn't have. It was really nice to have fun for the first time since her birth. Either way, it was her turn. She looks to Cuddle. "Got any nine's?" She asks to her. She could sense that they both were having fun. Their energies feeling more happy and playful.



  • Brohoof 1

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Cuddle giggled. "You are going to ask the pony with the least amount of cards? Oh well." She makes a fishing rod being cast motion with her front legs. "Go fish." She sat back down with her dignity.


Bright did the same motion laughing. "Woah! This is fun! He he he he.." He giggled as well. (I think we are going a little too far... I haven't anypony post since the last page. XD We're just too deticated it seems!)


@@Vemillia Nightshade

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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(Yeah after my post, let's let others have a chance to post. It was good filler though.)


Violia giggles at Cuddle and Bright's antics before she drew a card. It was certainly nice. She then heard the hoof steps from another pony getting on the ship. It must of been the driver. As she figured, the driver was running a bit late. It's no problem though. It's just good to see that they will be on their adventure now.


@@Overlord0909 @@Tao

  • Brohoof 2

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Looking down and carefully picking her way through the undergrowth Cobalt notices that it's only getting darker the deeper she goes in. Surprised by this not thinking the forest could get that much darker than it was along the edge she stops and looks around. She wasn't too far from her last landmark so she wasn't lost yet. However she way starting to feel uneasy as if she was being watched by somepony or something.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                Sig by Destiny


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Running a bit behind, a golden hued stallion ran a bit pass a few ponies to the ship in top speed! Some of the paper work has come in late from the Crown in letting the ship go to start the trip. Yet Oakheart now late and knew how some ponies got in falling behind.


Trotting up the plank to the ship, the last of the few items in being loaded as he grinned in seeing his group of passengers. “Ello Folks! Sorry in running behind but the paper work was late from the Crown!”


Smiling, the Caption of the SilkWind look at his boat in pride of having done many a travels at sea but this one looked to be a bit different

  • Brohoof 1


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Bright was the first to speak up. "HI!" He ran over to Oakheart with a huge smile. "What is your name? Mine's Bright Shine! I'm from Coltsmane, ready to make a ton of new friends!" He hopped up and down.


Cuddle gently pushed Bright aside, and said. "So. You ready to deal with some of the most interesting ponies of all time?" Cuddle grinned. "I see you're a traveller. Cool."



  • Brohoof 1

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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Violia smiles and watches as Bright was the first to greet the driver. She didn't mind his tardiness too much. It allowed her to have fun with Bright and Cuddle. Not mention, they could all do something while they wait as the boat moves. She was sure that everypony that was coming would be here on the boat by now. She closes her eyes and sighs, as it seems they will be getting a move on at this moment. That sigh being one of relief, not to say it wasn't fun waiting.


@@Snowflake Frostflame @@Overlord0909 @@Tao

  • Brohoof 1

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Snowflake still on the prow of the ship finishes whistling his song.... Snowflake didn't like the sea... sure it was beautiful but it was also a death trap..... a trap that not even his magic would be able to free him from.... he also didn't want to come down from the prow he doesn't know if he can trust the others especially after how disgusted they looked when they knew what he did.... but then again maybe they'd accept him.... "no not taking any chances.... the last thing I need is them doing is back stabbing me and turning me into the guards...."

  • Brohoof 1


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Bright heard Snowflake murmuring to himself, and came up to him quietly, then said. "What did you say Snow? I couldn't hear you because you were most likely talking to yourself, about a thought that was going on in your mind, and you were just speaking out loud..." Bright soon shut up, and hummed happily to himself walking awkwardly away. He looked back though, and smiled. "Snow. I know that you feel like an outcast. Trust me, you are not the only one. We all do in some way. Which makes us all the same. Sorry, don't just trust me. Trust us all." Bright turned around, sharing his elder wisdom.


@@Snowflake Frostflame

Edited by Overlord0909

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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Snowflake turns around and starts walking down the prow "sorry its just when you get betrayed like I did you tend not to trust anyone.... I was betrayed by another Shadow Bolt.... and my sister......" Snowflake stops for a few seconds  "died because of it.... I'd rather not get into details... all I will say is she was an assassin merc like me"

  • Brohoof 1


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Bright sighed. "Though I do not agree with violence of any kind, or hate in general. I dislike both of those things because of the outcome." Bright suddenly looked older and wise. "Despair. If we all became saddened by losses and other weights, we won't be able to move. Distrust is an add on to sadness. If you don't look for the light, all you'll see is dark." Bright brightened up right away though. "But, only you can decide what is best. I believe in your decision no matter what. Because that's what a friend like me does." He smiles, and turns to leave. "Snowflake. Nobody is set in stone. Remember that." Bright walks away, bouncing now in a child like manner.


@@Snowflake Frostflame

Edited by Overlord0909

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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Violia uses her magic to pick up the mess of cards on the deck and she neatly places them in the cardbox. She doesn't know when bright wants this back so she could hang on to it for a bit. Besides, she does hope to give it back soon, but maybe they could play more games later on when things calm down. Violia looks out to the sea wondering if what lurks in the waters, let alone what maybe on the island. It made her almost want this boat to start up sooner. While she'll not show it, she was actually a bit excited to see new things. This will be a good way for her to learn more about survival. Then her mind travels to the herbs she collected at the shop. They'll be good for quick first aid. Maybe she could be able to help the ponies she is with if they get injured or hurt. You never know when you go on expeditions like this.

  • Brohoof 1

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Snowflake noticed the guards Celestia said she'd send along come aboard the boat... it was a usual group 5 guards and an officer.... Snowflake didn't like the guards but at least this time they were on his side for once.... Snowflake jumps off the prow onto the boat and stares out at sea

  • Brohoof 1


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Bright was so excited to finally get along, and when he saw the guards, he ran up to them and tried to talk to them. "Hi there!" Bright gave a big grin to the guards and the officer. They just stared wherever they were staring still. Bright scratched his ear and cocked his head to the side. "Am I not talking loud enough..." He says to himself.


Cuddle saved him by telling him. "Guards don't talk to anypony. It's to intimidate everypony." Bright almost was about to say something, Cuddle then said. "You wouldn't want to ruin their job life, would ya?"


Bright shook his head. "No, no, no no no... I'll stop bothering them!" He rushed off. Cuddle smiled. Bright is such a little colt sometimes.

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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Oak Heart just smiled,  checking in the crew and making sure all was good on the SilkWind for the trip.   Yet the map was a bit strange in how old it looked and some of the  writing was in cryptic.  This style had not been seen in a few passing generations if anything which left the Caption a bit of more uneasy in doing this trip with these ponies.


"I've taken some missions from the Crown before but not this type in all secret and such.  Wonder what be might on this Island?" Oak thought,  eyes all knowing but the caption just wanted to be underway.

  • Brohoof 1


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Violia saw the captain was ready and she watched as things cooled off. It was time for the real adventure to begin. The excitement and tension in the air was thickening. They were now on their way to lands unknown. Hopefully the ride there will be smooth. The worst thing that can happen on a boat is being hit by the storm. The seas would get rough and even dangerous. Violia shook her head of such a thought.

  • Brohoof 1

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Feeling a bit unnerved by the feeling of being watched Cobalt slowly backed up before turning and heading out of the forest in a fast trot. She had no idea if it was just a friendly animal or something worse and she didn't feel brave enough to stay and find out. At least not on her own, maybe if she had been with somepony else.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                Sig by Destiny


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Cuddle looked at the sea. Looked clear... At least to her knowledge. She's only been on short boat trips,and has kayaked across a river or two. But nothing as big as this journey was... That she hasn't slept through. Then she thought: Why change that?" And plopped down for a nap.

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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They soon were on their way and as the time past they were already fairly far out on their way at sea. Being surrounded by water was a nice thing, but drinking it wasn't.

Violia watched as they traveled to the unknown and she hopes they find some sort of island. Her mane and tail whips in the wind as they move farther away form their home and closer to whatever maybe waiting. It makes her sometimes wonder if she is destined to be a traveler, to be without a true home. Though she has made herself a home in the deep Everfree, it sometimes reminds her of the home she lost. She is still an outcast no matter what Celestia or anypony says otherwise. She could make friends, but will it change what she is? Nope. She knows there are ponies still out there that would resent her for existing. She has been without a family of any sort for so long, it's hard to even imagine what it's like to be loved at times. Bright has helped her feel a bit better with that... but she wonders why she was destined to be without a mother or father. What did she do to have this happen to her?


@@Snowflake Frostflame @@Overlord0909 @@Tao

  • Brohoof 1

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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Snowflake notices the movement of the ship.... "good lets get this over with.... if there isn't anything I hate more then flying its sailing....." Snowflake wanders around the ship bored out of his mind.... the guards gave him a few glares but he ignored them... after all they were under direct order to protect him and his allies.... Snowflake noticed many things about the ship.... it was an Equestrian Navy Galleon .... the type of ships they used to protect the Frigates, Corvettes (not the car), and Main Battleships... strong enough to handle a few encounters but can easily be destroyed if outnumbered.... even with Equestrian Navy and Royal Guard aboard the ship Snowflake had a bad feeling about this voyage....

  • Brohoof 1


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Bright Shine jumped for joy the whole time, laughing and playing iSpy with my little eye the whole time through the voyage. "I spy with my little eye... Something blue!" Bright says excitedly.


Cuddle, almost got to sleep this time as well... "Oh I don't know... The water? Sky?" Bright giggled.


"It's closer then you think." Bright responded. After a second of Cuddle giving a confused expression, not really in the mood for this, Bright decided to answer it. "I spy with my little eye... The colour of your eye!" He jumps for joy, and commented on her excellent guessing skills. Cuddle groaned and felt the ship move more jerky then usual. She thought nothing of it.

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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Rune had kept to a room most the start of the trip from the rocking back and forth of the ship and waves and a bucket to well, catch what had been her lunch. Even as a warrior who had fought back changlings and dragons on the field of the battle! The ocean had been her sicker than a dog and whiney as a any female which was not a trait for the Caption.


Smokey had just given her the space after nearly zapping the tracker to the after life! He for now just thought to keep to himself and walk around under the eyes of a few of the guard. Still they they had kept his two guns only to give em back once they got to this island but the hush husheness got the staillion thinking a bit more and more.....


Coming on Snowflake in his walking, he took to the lazy smile he used but his amber eyes keen in walking to speak to the Shadowbolt, “Hey Snowflake, is it me or does this feel more like we are forced into this mission? I feel more like a captured horse than a free on and it makes me think what had happened if some of us had said no to this bucking thing.....What would have Sunbutt done?”


Oakheart only kept to the wheel, eyes on the horzine of the water of the deep blue water, feeling that uneasy a good sailor learned when dealing with a mare like the ocean.....

  • Brohoof 1


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"She'd probably have me arrested if I said no.... I'm not the most popular stallion in Equestria.... but most likely would of let you guys go" Snowflake looks around and sees no guards "but what I'm concerned about is being rewarded properly.... I'm giving up an entire island to my enemy along with my services in exchange for money.... I don't trust these guards, I don't trust our allies.... I don't even think I can trust your comrade...." Snowflake looks around and sees a guard making his rounds.... "if you wish to discuss this further meet me in the ships barracks where we were told to sleep.... bring your friend too...." Snowflake walks off and heads inside towards the ship's barracks

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame
  • Brohoof 2


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The sea has been rather calm as they have shoved off. Though Violia cannot shake this energy she is sensing. In the far reaches, it feels like there is some sort of magic. She cannot put her hoof on what. She could see a darkness in the sky far out there. It wasn't natural darkness either. To most ponies, they would not sense or see what Violia sees. Violia has an odd gift for magic, one that not many unicorns would be able to comprehend. She was her own enigma with her gifts... though they are a curse to her.


Violia sighs and thinks to herself. It seems like all she has done since they have moved was mope mostly. She has been doing that for most of the start of this adventure. She only has had a bit of fun in intervals but that is until the next new thing happens. She then remembers the cards. She smiles some thinking about the game of go fish she played. How much it made her happy. She figures she needs more moments like that... it's just that she is a bit scared to talk to the others. She doesn't mind so much anymore of they approach her... but she is still a bit shy to start a conversation with them.

  • Brohoof 1

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


"In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist


"I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist

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