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Diamond Tiara looked at him funnily, an odd combination of confusion and disgust. She didn't make mix-ups; all of her papers were checked, then double checked for their accuracy. Everything she published was the absolute truth, and she made sure of it.


"I don't think there's anything wrong with my production team." she said defensively with a low grumble, but she still moved over to Ice Blizzard's side anyway.


"What is it?" she asked impatiently, all the while hoping that the rain would cut out at any moment so she could go back to never talking about this again.

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With a wave of his hoof Ice Blizzard made a hoof-sized ice sculpture of Diamond Tiara in his hoof, and showed it to her, "Here what do you think? I usually give away ice sculptures of those whom I meet for the first time. And you're new to me, so here ya go. And don't worry, she's not gonna melt. It's special carving ice that I use for these things. Here take her." he said with a smile.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Night Tracer pondered her question, "Had to make it hard, didn't you?" He laughed, "Probably just for who I am as a pony, my talents, my personality, I've been blessed..." He smiled. He was ungrateful for his past but not for his present. He was blessed for now and would like to remain that way. He then proceeded to ask her a question, "Do you ever want any children, of your own? How about a, um, partner of any sort...?" He cocked a brow.


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Diamond Tiara looked at the ice sculpture. It was a pretty good replica of her perfect face, and she wanted to keep it. On the other hand, that would mean showing this other pony some form of gratitude, which would definitely give him the wrong impression; that she actually enjoyed talking with him. She weighed the two options in her head on a mental scale, and, to her immense disappointment, vanity won out in the end. She took the ice sculpture.


"Eh, fine," she responded with exasperation, sticking the ice sculpture in her purse until she could take it home later. "But don't think this makes us friends or anything." she grumbled under her breath before she turned back to him. Having gotten what she wanted, she walked back to her spot and sat down again, hoping that Ice Blizzard would take the hint and be silent too.

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Blizzard was happy when the filly accepted his sculpture. "Ok, then." She did seem a little...off, but whatever, wasn't his problem. He walked back to his corner of the room, made a chair out of ice, sat in it with his grandfather's book in his lap, and without another word, started to read.


"She seems like she's nice. But she's not as social as other fillies I've met before. Maybe I can show her some kindness, and she'll open up."


He looked outside. It was still raining heavily, and it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. "Aw man, it looks like I'm gonna be stuck here for awhile with this girl. Ugh. Fun..." he continued to read.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Wilhelm went back to his seat and took out his fork, ready to eat. To tell the truth, he was very hungry; he couldn't remember the last time he ate, for some strange reason. Perhaps it was that the person writing him was too lazy to say he had dinner? Nevertheless, he was all ready to eat- until he happened to look at Annette's salad. There was some strangeness about it, which he believed merited an additional look. He politely asked the waiter if he could have the salad, and when Wilhelm received it, he poked a fork into the leaves to spread them apart.


Seeing a reddish-purple liquid pool at the bottom, he sniffed at it and took a moment to contemplate the scent. When he realized what it was, however, he put the salad back on the waiter's tray with only a veneer of politeness. Slowly and calmly, he asked the waiter "Tell me, why would you serve a salad that appears to have wine spilled on it? No matter how fine the vintage- very, if my nose dost not decieveth me- why would you do such a thing? Never mind; it is doubtless not your fault. Get me the..." His voice trailed off as he glanced at Annette. She told me she doesn't want me to do this much on her benefit. I don't need to impress her with how much clout I have, or by me berating the chef for messing up... by Faust, it's inconsequential, when a pony thinks about it. Was I really willing to bawl out a chef for a simple accident? Moreover, was I willing to disappoint her to make myself feel more important? Well... No. Not now. Ugh, I can't even make sense of my own train of thought... back to the topic.


Wilhelm sighed and waved a hoof in the air idly. "Never mind. Just take the salad back, and ask the chef to make another." He attempted to crack a smile. "Preferably without the extra addition of wine this time." He waved off the waiter back to the kitchen, and opened up his still-steaming pasta with his remaining fork to cool it down. He debated remarking on how delicious it looked- because it did-, but instead decided to simply begin splitting the pasta into halves, one for him and one for Annette, since her salad was ruined.

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Diamond Tiara sat in her spot, waiting for the rain to tide over. But, the fact that the stallion was there bugged her now, on a personal level. She tried to contain it, absent-mindedly playing with the ice sculpture while she did so, but it was like an tiny black spot on an enormous white sheet; obnoxious, and easy to spot. The fact that he treated her so casually and was sitting there reading like nothing was wrong only served to drive the nail further in.


She wanted him gone, no matter what.


"Just so you know, you're really annoying. And, I hate this ice sculpture, too" she mentioned, reasoning hurting his feelings was the best way to get rid of him. It worked with the blank flanks.




Celestia glanced off to the side then, her eyes avoiding Night Tracer's. It seems that these questions would be bringing up a great deal of things that she didn't want to answer.


"I can't deny that i've entertained the idea of having somepony close to me," she said finally, with a sigh. "But, aside from the incredible difficulty that most stallions find in approaching me. I also have to worry about the danger that such an action would present. As an alicorn, I have the power to defend myself, but what about my mate? And our children? Could I protect them as well? Could they ever be happy as somepony close to a princess of Equestria?"


She paused, still looking away from Night Tracer.


"I'm sorry," she said after a moment, "but these are all questions which concern me. I was not lying when I said Luna made an enormous choice in choosing you," she said finally.

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Blizzard simply rolled his eyes. He continued to read his book without looking up, "Hm. Fillies these days. Have no real appreciation of art. But annoying? How?! I haven't done much of anything. What is she trying to say? Does she think that she can just talk to anypony she wants in such a way? Well, I'm sure as hell not having it...."


He had actually seen this before. Foals trying put others down to build themselves up. He looked up to her, "Annoying? Wait a minute, wait a minute. What have I done to annoy you?" he asked with a confused expression.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Night Tracer looked at her empatheticly, he had no idea how much her position had affected her day to day. Things he could do without ease, she could not. It was saddening. He hadn't ever fully grasped how much her position defined who she was, even though she didn't want it to. "I never knew the magnitude of the situation..." He trailed off. "Celly, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to--, It was insensitive for me to act the way I've been acting. Making you be yourself physically, versus be yourself emotionally. Which you've done... but, perhaps it would be nice for you to change the ways ponies look at you." He smiled at her, before frowning again.


Something struck him as odd with what Celestia said. Something slightly off. It was her comment about him and Luna, "Do you not think you made the right choice?" He questioned with concern."Do you think, I'm the right choice?" He referred to her comment with having him being with Luna. 


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zenru finally made it there, and saw the leafy-looking pony. deciding that it would be best to not alert her, he gently moved forward, and very softy said "are you okay? i heard screams...."


he hoped that she wouldn't just dash off again. after all, she seemed interesting enough....


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Diamond Tiara stared at Ice Blizzard with incredulity, because this should be the most obvious thing in the world. How could he not understand what the problem was? The answer was obvious; he was the problem. Regardless, she had found her weakness, so Diamond Tiara dove right in. So far, her plan was working


"Everything." she said simply, glaring at him icily. "The way you move move, the way you talk, the way you're reading that stupid book. It's so aggravating; go do something else." she said finally, never taking her eyes off of Ice Blizzard.




Celestia paused for a second, turning the question over in her mind. It was true that, despite her first impressions, Night Tracer had turned out to be a kind and caring stallion. But, that still didn't answer the question. Had she made the right choice in choosing him? In accepting this idea? In letting her sister stay with this stallion?


"To be honest, I do not know yet." she said simply, wanting to get the truth out of the way as truth as possible. "That is something that only time can tell, i'm afraid. "But, I can tell you this." she added, emphasizing the word as much as possible, ". Since we have gotten to truly know each other, I have not regretted a single moment between us. And, thought I cannot vouch for her, I don't think Luna has either. You are doing well, Night Tracer," she finished, her eyes radiating approval.




The mare with the leafy green mane and tail heard the swordspony approach before she saw him, as the rain was much too thick to do the former. Instead of talking to him however, she choose to continue to look up at the sky, towards the distant stars. Most nights, they were her only source of comfort.


"Why me?" she said openly as the rain poured down around her. "This is the second time you've come back for me. Why?"

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Blizzard was appalled. Never had he seen a filly treat another pony with such disrespect, especially somepony older than her. "The heck is wrong with this girl? Has she never been taught any manners at all? This is messed up. But how to go about it....?"


He figured that if he wanted to talk to an ill mannered pony, he should continue the conversation until he managed to get through their skull with proper wording, "Is that so?" he said with a raise of an eyebrow, "If I'm your problem, you're gonna have a real fun time growing up in this world. Hm. You seem to find a problem within everything. You know there's only one kind of job that ponies like that could do: Being a critic. There's all kinds, food critics, art critics, but I cant stand 'em. If there's one quality I hate about ponies, are those who are overly critical."


Blizzard laughed a snide laugh, "But then again, what am I saying? I mean, you're just a kid. And even though I believe you have no place to be as critical as you are as a child, I can't expect you to listen to me nor understand what I just said. So why don't we just sit ourselves down and go back to minding our own business? Ok? Thanks."


And with that, he put his book in front of his face and continued to read once again. True, Blizzard did have a soft spot for foals, but being disprespected was one thing that he was intolerant of. Especially being disrespected by an overly critical filly. But one thing was for sure, he wasn't about to leave that spot until the rain let up, no matter what came out of Diamond Tiara's mouth.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Diamond Tiara blinked hard for a second, unsure of just what had quite happened to her. Then, it came to her, like the snap of a band-aid. She had just been insulted. Badly. She stood stock still, the rage slowly taking control of her actions, until...


The ice sculpture that had just been made for her went flying back towards its owner, shattering on the wall near him.


"Lead writer of the Gabby Gums and The Chatty Cathy! Future heir to the rich estate, the most powerful business in Ponyville! Runner of more personal projects than you have hairs on your head!" she shouted, anger clouding her actions as she glared at him. She didn't care; no one got to put one over on her, especially somepony she'd just met.


"I am not a child!"

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"Okay, let's go around the hall, then," Rain Shadow replied cheerfully as she followed Lektra. She was so excited; it had only been minutes at this party, and she had already made a potential friend in all of this confusion!


She moved with her, secretly glad that most of the attention was being absorbed by her new friend for now.


"So...Lektra Bolt of Bolt solutions, right?" she recalled. "What exactly does your job entail?" She guessed manufacturer of some sort, but there was only one way to find out.

I was handing out business cards and making small talk. Not really paying attention too much. I was here to make business contacts. Maybe it would be different if I had come with a date, but I didn't so this is what I would be doing for the remainder of the party.


"Well, my slogan is 'Enchanted solutions for improving your life' and I design machines to make lives easier. For the most part, anyway. Not all my enchantments are stable, and some can go awry." I explained as I passed out more business cards, floating around on my hoof jets. "In fact I have a machine in my shop that needs to be kept under a sleeping spell by Twilight weekly, because I don't know what else to do with it. It's kind of gained sentience and I don't really want to just disenchant it. That would be like killing it."


Some were already leaving. Was it time to go already? No way. It was late sure, but was the night ending? I'd stay a bit longer until the crowds started to leave, and get to know this mare some more. But first I had to make sure everypony had my business card, even if some chose to toss them out.


The twins were wandering around the Hall looking for their sister. It was actually easy to find her, as just about everypony had her business card. They finally found her. "Big Sis!" Called out Flash as he and Speed glomped her. She would have toppled over if not for the armor protecting her.


"Andwhoisthis?" Asked Speed, referring to the mare Lektra was with.

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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So she was an engineer then. Sorta. Rain Shadow was actually curious as to how that sort of thing worked, as she had never seen magical engineering before, and no one in the changeling society ever used magic in that way. She wanted to ask about it, as well as about the machine that somehow had been brought to life, but Lektra looked a little busy, passing out fliers to anybody who needed them, (and, apparently some that didn't.) so she kept her mouth shut for the time being and just followed along with her, waiting for the proper time to strike up a conversation.


It seems she had the chance to speak now, though, if the filly who was looking at her expectantly was any indication. Rain Shadow tightened up immediately; she wasn't all that good with foals.


"Hi, i'm Rain Shadow, Lektra's...friend?" she said looking at the mare expectantly. "Friend." she said, deciding for herself through vocalization. She held out a hoof for a hoofshake.


"I'm just here to get to hang around and know some ponies. And you two would be...?"

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Blizzard nearly jumped out of his skin when the filly yelled. He also, had never heard such assertion from someone younger than him. However, he also knew that he had made a big mistake: Assumption. He should have never assumed anything about her, but unfortunately he was blinded by what he thought was disrespect.


It actually seemed more like an upbringing. The way she acted, and carried herself she seemed...different than Ice had expected. Now he was stuck for a moment, "Aw crap. I messed up, real bad. I can't act like this. Especially towards someone younger than I? That's not what I'm about. I gotta make this right."


He closed his book, and spoke sincerely, "Ok...I...I messed up, alright. I never should have made a judgement call. That was wrong of me, and I'm sorry." He started to think back to his past. About when he was younger, and always assumed that richer ponies were just windbags, "When I was younger, I knew a few ponies in my class that were rich, and I always assumed that they were just snobs, yet a few of my friends in my class said they were nice. I just never belived them and...I second-guesses myself. It turns out I was just hung-up on a stereotype that I've grown accustomed of comprehending. And the worst part, is that it seems as though I've carried that into my current life, and it's my fault for still thinking that that stereotype applies."


Ice felt very guilty. He had to make an assumption off of a stereotype, and be inconsiderate towards a filly. And as it turns out that that was a mistake, "I was wrong for calling you a child before. Your dad is the richest guy in Ponyville, and you already have a decent newspaper column running. Granted, I haven't read any of what you've printed out, but regardless, that's still impressive for somepony to accomplish at such a young age. Somepony who's able to do that is practiacally a fully grown mare."


He got up, and started to slowly walk to the door, "I apologize for making you angry. You are not a part of that stereotype. You're better, and more mature than that, Diamond Tiara. You can stay here and wait out the storm. I'll go find somewhere else to hide from the storm and think about my actions."


He hung his head in shame as he walked towards the door. The rain continued to pound the ground outside like thousands of marbles along with the occasional lightning strike.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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zenru walked near, and sat down maybe a few feet from her. he was giving her space, while at the same time, getting a little closer.


"why you? i ask, why not?" he countered her little question. "everyone is absolutely equal, no matter what others, or the individual at hoof, may think."


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Diamond Tiara watched as Ice Blizzard walked out the door with satisfaction. Or at least, it should have been, but instead, disturbingly, she felt guilt stabbing at her. There was something telling her that this was wrong, and that she shouldn't be letting this pony walk out into the middle of the storm. That she should ask him to come back in.


Diamond Tiara felt almost physically sick from the idea, but it pulled at her stronger and stronger the closer the pony got to the door, until she finally relented.


"...Okay, okay, i'm sorry. Geez, you can stay." she said, rolling her eyes in the back of her head. She then went back to her spot and sat on the floor, tail wrapped around her as attempted to avoid all eye contact with Ice Blizzard.

The mare with the leafy green mane and tail paused in her star-watching. Then she looked down at the swordspony, a slow, tested action.
"You say that, but you don't mean it," she said, emphasizing her words with a shake of the head. "You'd give up a random ponies life before you'd give up those of your families, and you'd give up my life before those of somepony like the princesses. You can say otherwise, but you know it's not true. The truth is what you see in front of you; I'm worth nothing, and your noble ideas are a sham."
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Blizzard's ears perked up when she said he could stay. He was glad that she had a sense of forgiveness within her, but debated whether or not he should acknowledge it.


Instead, he simply walked back over to his chair, and sat down with his book, and waited for the rain to stop. Some time had passed as he sat there, and he was starting to feel a bit empty with somepony there and not talking. He felt a bit hungry for some reason at that moment. Guess it must be that midnight snack kicker. Luckily, he had brought with him 2 apples, and kept them safe from the rain in a container. He took one, looked over to Diamond Tiara, and thought she might be hungry, "Hey, Diamond Tiara, you want an apple? It seems as though the rain's not gonna stop soon, so we may be stuck here for awhile. You want one?" He asked casually.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Diamond Tiara the request plain and clear, and her ears even flip-flopped in response to the request. However, she kept her head down, choosing not to act on it. At least until her stomach growled, betraying how hungry she was to both Ice Blizzard and herself. She needed the food.


She turned toward him, eyes strained, but otherwise unreadable. "Yeah, i'll take an apple." she said with a sigh, still not feeling too good about the prospect of showing kindness, or asking anypony for help.

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"worth nothing, you say?" zenru narrowed his eyes. "...do you realize that everyone is here for a reason? that everyone has a purpose that takes their entire life to fulfill?"


he inched closer. "that it doesn't matter that some ponies have a higher status? that some ponies prefer blood over water? personally, i would try to save both you and my friends. and there are those who consider you important. the wolves of this forest certainly seem like they would choose you over me, or instance. but...can you not be a stranger? will you be a friend?"


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Blizzard walked over to her, and gave her the apple. He then walked back over to his chair, and thought, "Hm...Seems as though she's nice to hang around. I better keep this going if I don't wanna end up passing out via boredom until morning...."


He quietly moved his chair a bit closer towards where DT was sitting, and tried to make light conversation, "So, um...what do you like? It seems to me that you have the makes of a potential businessmare when you get older, but what do you like to do for fun or as a hobby?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The mare looked at the swordspony with defeat. She had already been down this road before, and each time it had left her disappointed. Whatever the swordspony thought he knew, he was wrong. They always were.


"You don't know what you're asking for," she said defensively, though there was little effort left in it. "You should leave while you still can. There's nothing I can give you... except suffering."




Diamond Tiara bit into the apple, and despite her initial reluctance, she found it too good to pass up. She'd hadn't touched a thing since work had started, and she was famished.


She crunched noisily into the apple,making short work of it. When she finished, she decided to talk, choosing to omit any details about her pasttimes with the CMC.


"When me and Silver Spoon go out, we usually go and we have milkshakes. Or we help her work on her tea business. Usually, though, we just walk." she said flatly, taking the last bite of her apple.

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zenru went for a gentle smile. "nothing but suffering? but, you've already given me some more then just suffering. you've given me an interesting encounter, and a nice curiosity aspect. will you give me a name, as well?"


he could tell she thought lowly of herself. and that was no way to live. not even for the smallest insect. 


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She decided up her speed a little more so she could be able to talk to RD without having to shout. "So who's that other Pegasus in the race with us? Because she seems to be really behind" she said, looking behind her at te Pegasus that seed to be catching up with them.

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