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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Mars felt something cold, wet, and small land on his back causing him to panic and fall out of his bed almost screaming. "Who!? What?! Whenwherewhy!?!" He yelled as he stood up. He looked down and saw his bunny, marcus, who had escaped when the door to Mars' living quarters was destroyed.

"Marcus...where have you been?" He picked up marcus and hugged him. "I missed you, little buddy." Mars looked at the door, which was still destroyed. "I need to get a new door." He picked up marcus and left the house to go look for someone who would fix his door.

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Jade Lotus


A pegasus walked onto the grounds of the Arena, a conical hat over her head that covered her face from the sunlight. A useful thing, given all of her daylight travelling. It also gave her a bit of an aura of mystery, causing passers-by to look at her and mutter in low voices.


She had heard of the Bangcolt Arena from hearsay around Equestria; it was said that ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and all other creatures would gather here, to display feats of strength and skill on the field of honour.

It was enough to get her attention. She found directions to this place, and finally arrived. Just from looking around, she could see a colourful array of characters decorating the outside.


It was almost exciting! She began wondering who she'd run into first...

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rain Shadow slapped hooves with the younger one,who she was pretty sure was called Flash, then stood back and let the conversation between Lektra and her family continue, listening somewhat intentionally. Between the words that Lektra had spoken to her, and the fast paced nature of her sister's speech, however, she was having a hard time concentrating. What exactly had Lektra meant when she said spell? She didn't mean...


Nah, she concluded in her head, around the same time the conversation. Even for unicorns, seeing through a changeling disguise was incredibly difficult unless you were intentionally looking for them. She was safe. She had to be.


Her thoughts safely quieted, she turned her attention back to Lektra's conversation, or the gist of what she could hear of it, anyway. She didn't think it was really all that proper to talk about how much money somepony had, but she figured she'd brush it aside today, for the sake of an extended conversation.


"So, you're a competitor here too, huh? And you won all three of your competitions? That's really amazing; you must be some kind of a fighter." she said apprasingly, all the while hoping to Queen Chrysalis herself that she never fought her in the tournament. Nopony or changeling would ever say that fighting was her strong suit.




Diamond Tiara knew that Ice Blizzard was hyping the story; nearly every pony that visited her dad and interacted with her fed her these stories, with the same tone. But now that she had seen the bat, she had to admit that it was effective. She was very interested in hearing more.


She looked up to the bat, dangling peacefully from the ceiling, before pulling her attention back to Ice Blizzard, her face the best impression of an expressionless mask.


"Uh, sure, it's kinda cool." she said casually. Her face then shifted to one of barely perceptible curiosity, as she had a question to ask.


"So, who's Eclipse again?"




Fate. Fate was decided by things bigger than herself, and completely outside anyponies ability to alter it. Terra had found this out a long time ago, and she had burnt it into her mind. It was something she'd never forget.


"Is fate what you think this was? I believe it was a coincidence, or an accident that was never supposed. Or a tragedy. This world was supposed to be my burden to bear alone, and now you're about to share it as well. You have no idea what pain you're going to cause... and neither do I." she said, breathing heavily under the stream of rain that continued to pour down. 




@The Down Trotten 

Applejack was at the back tables, serving some drinks to very rude and possibly underage stallions, when the tavern door opened. She whipped her head around, coming onto a surprisingly welcome sight.


"Yeah, but you're paying for it this time, Electron!" she shouted over the noise of the packed tavern as she moved closer to go meet him. When she got there, it didn't take her long to spot the mysterious newcomer. She didn't skip a beat, though; she held out a welcoming hoof, like she did each and every pony who walked into her tavern. Well, the friendly ones, anyway.


"I don't think i've seen here before, stranger. The names Applejack, and welcome to the Apple Tavern. First drinks free." she added putting on an impressive smile for the newcomer. It was all in the presentation.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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@Corona de Adamas

Running in behind him h, he tried to dry himself off as much as he could. Didn't want to dirty the establishment too much Jackie... Interesting name for a pony.. wonder who she is... Can't say I've heard of her... don't think I've heard of her  He waited at the entrance, feeling almost like an intruder into someone's home 


EWS laughed cockily, "This newb is Rhetoric. He's new around here, and I'm just showing him what this city is about and whatnot. Not like I got anything better to do." he said, slowly walking over to teak a seat at the bar counter. "Double-R! Over here. Come take a seat, and a drink. Hahaha!"


Ice gleefully continued his story, "Ahem....Eclipse was a real piece of work for us to handle. He was actually highly skilled, and very powerful with magic. So much so, that none of use could take him on our own.


"Yeah, Eclipse was not fun to have to handle. I mean, the guy was riding freakin' worms with thousands of teeth that were the size of sword blades! The worm itself was bigger than anything your mind could fathom! It seemed as though like it was a test of our strength, skill and wit. It took us three days to travel ONE yes, ONE stage at a time. And let's see, 9 stages of Tartarus...by 3 days a stage..it took us 27 days to go all the way down there and beat him! That's almost a month! It took us a whole month to get through there, and trust me, Crusher up there..." he said while pointing to his bat for a moment, "He's only the tip of the iceberg, ba-dum-tsh, when it comes to what else I've seen down there, it was crazy!" 


He took a pause for a moment to let Diamond Tiara respond.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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He paused, his hoof was dirty and wet. he couldn't shake the mare's hoof with that could he. Smiling weakly he quickly garbed a bar rag and wiped his hooves, then shook her hoof "Charmed, pardon my... unsavory condition, its been a long road" So this is Jackie... one of the elements of Harmony... huh not sure how to feel about that... He bowed polity to her and took a seat at the bar "If the first drink is free, you wouldn't happen to have a good moonshine would you Miss. Jack? I need something warm in my belly before my antics tomorrow, and I don't know about either of you but's been a long day." 


_________________________________________________________________________________________ https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bedlam-ballroom-able-cane-r8724


The sound of a soft clack could be heard on the cobblestone. A snout sniffed the air and a sigh was heaved "And yet another town, another day ended." With the masses of ponies here, and surely some of them ruffians, he could get a few sweeps closer to his never ending goal. but it was late and even his old bones needed some reprieve. But what to do in such a ridiculous town as this?

But then, he thought to soon. The sweet drones of the cello could be heard drifting over the night air and into his now happy ears. Nearly swaying his way to the sound, he entered the concert hall. Oh the sweet sounds of music, still soothing after all these years. He scanned the crowd and area, a few tables were placed and couples were sitting at them. Now that was how he could make the evening sublime, some feminine company. And some how as his luck would have it there was a young mare sitting by herself. Smiling faintly he walked over, leaned his cane on against the table and sat. He didn't say a word, he merely nodded to the Mare, and turned to the music. Waiting to see what the response would be, if any. 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@The Down Trotten

Nightingale was sitting back, watching the two lovers as they made their way to the dance floor. She was just as caught up in the music, though, if not more so; the power of Octavia's music was almost like a drug to her, pulling her in like a tide.


She wasn't far gone enough to miss the stallion that sat down at her seat, though. She took in everything about him from the moment she sat down. Personally, she somewhat liked what she saw. Especially the coattails. Stallions just didn't wear those anymore.


She didn't pay much attention to him, just spoke to him over her shoulder, casually.


"Octavia. Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever heard?"

  • Brohoof 1
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 He listened some more before he answered, rather allowing the music itself to explain its own beauty  he never the less spoke "it is indeed beautiful, but music like wine, is best with age." he paused to listen again "Give her twenty years of life behind her and it will be all the more beautiful..."  He picked up two of the complementary wines from a passing by waiter, idly handled one to his table partner and sipped.

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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zenru was once again almost at a loss for words. "im sure i could bear whatever burden it is you speak of." he said gently, "share that burden, because help from others is a great thing."


he smiled, and continued. "im sure you've shouldered whatever burden that is for long enough. its time to share."


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Aknor rubbed his chin as he though of what to say, admittedly he spent hardly any time doing anything other than working or training. He did however, love to look at the stars as he slept. He had no idea what any were called but it just looked nice. He'd mentally draw lines between the stars on a bright night and make a picture in his head. "I guess I like to stargaze a fair bit. I do tend to spend a fair bit of spare time staring at the night skept and looking st all the wonderful arangements and intensities of stars in the sky." He decoded that he'd goven a good awnser in his own books and that if she wanted to know more then he'd talk more but didn't in case he went off on a tangent about the sky and ended up making her fall asleep.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Moonshine? I got ya covered. Just give me a second." she replied. This guy wasn't all that bad, she thought as she walked back over to counter. At least, compared to what she thought would be Electron Wave Storm's usual cast would be like. She fished down under the counter, and quickly retrieved the bottle, and two glasses. Luckily, there was a lot of it to go around.


She was busy pouring the drinks, when something hit her with a little less force than a bolt of lightning. Did that stallion just call her miss? She looked barely older than he was...


She quickly dismissed the idea as unimportant, though. He didn't seem to mean any harm by it, at least, and maybe he was just being respectful, she thought as she finally made it back to the table where Electron and Rhetoric were sitting.


"That's two glasses of Moonshine." she said as she poured. "And Electron, I better see you pay for yours." She gave mock stern expression, not really putting much emphasis into the threat. Considering he re-built this place, it would only be right of her to extend a little trust to him.


"Will that be it for you two?" she finished. Knowing at least Electron, that probably wouldn't be the half of it.




It was more blowing this out of proportion, and considering that Ice Blizzard was talking about going to Tartarus, that was exceptionally difficult. But, Diamond Tiara was still legitimately interested in this story, so she tolerated it. She had to see how this one played out.


"So, if Eclipse was so big and bad, how did you beat him?" she asked curiously, hoping secretly that it involved death explosions. Lot of explosions.




@The Down Trotten

Though her facial expression didn't change, Nightwing Gale smiled. She had assumed that all the ponies in here would be false to their status in some manner or other, but it seemed like this pony actually lived it. How interesting. And fun.


"You're right; neither of us quite know what she'll become. But still, there's no time like the present, is there? And she's still so beautiful..." she said, still turned around so she was facing the music, not the stallion.


"It's Nightingale, by the way. Enchanted."




Should she...? Terra truly didn't know whether she. In her opinion, this stallion was completely crazy, out helping a stranger in the woods in the middle of a rainy night. But, it had been so long...


She sighed, and began.


"I was born on this planet thousands of moons ago, before the three tribes even walked this earth. I don't know how or why, but I am cursed. I cannot die, no matter how long I live, or how hard I try. Time itself passes me by, as does all things, including those around me. That is my story." she said simply, waiting for his response.




Sleight Mist cut back a sigh of relief as she watched Caliber relax. At the very least, he would have a peaceful night.


Before she could relax herself, however, something strange happened. It began to hail. Sleight Mist stood up, immediately alert as she walked to the door. Something wasn't right. Weather ponies shouldn't be out at this time, which meant...


She slowly moved towards to the door, and the hail stopped suddenly, raising her suspicions even further. She pulled it open without hesitation, and, suspicions confirmed, her eyes narrowed savagely.


"Hey sis, I saw you walk out from the training facility." Rain Mist said, grinning cockily. "You up for a rumble, short horn?"




Trixie had never been a stargazer. The stars were impressive, but they had always seemed to do nothing but irritate her. They shone so bright, even though they never went anywhere. They did nothing to earn their praise.


But, that had little to do with advancing the conversation, and she had worked so hard to get it started again. So, she decided to play along, nodding as if she were interested.


"They're wonderful, aren't they?" She agreed with a nod of the head. "Unfortunately, you couldn't see that many stars in Canterlot where I was born at. Too many lights." It was true, in more ways than one, she thought as her mind briefly flashed back to her brothers and sisters.


"So, I never took you as a night pony." she said, advancing the conversation further. "Do you work during the late hours, too?"

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 He listened some more before he answered, rather allowing the music itself to explain its own beauty  he never the less spoke "it is indeed beautiful, but music like wine, is best with age." he paused to listen again "Give her twenty years of life behind her and it will be all the more beautiful..."  He picked up two of the complementary wines from a passing by waiter, idly handled one to his table partner and sipped.


EWS threw a few bits on the table to pay for his drink, "Yeah yeah yeah. I got it. And I think I'm good." He took a look around the place. "So, Double-R. How do ya like this place?" he asked as he drank his moonshine, "As far as I can tell, this is a waaay better place to be than out in that storm..." he said as he pointed his hoof to a window being pelted with rain.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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He downed the first glass, with hardly a grimace  "I'm afraid Miss Jack you may have to leave the bottle... and if I may, I'd like another one in advance" he fished around in his saddle bag and pulled out what must have been his last measly bits and put them on the table "Thank you kindly, your hospitality is most welcome in this weather."


He sighed and turned to Electron "To answer your question simply? yes this is a nice little bar, down to earth and warm. But however fortune may fall, I have to be out here tomorrow, and am finding myself wishing I was familiar with the area,,, and maybe even the ponies there in."  he reached for the bottle, he hadn't planned on getting drunk but now,,,, the possibility was tempting 






"Bedlam, though what you call me is your business, charmed." he sipped his wine again, and by now was no longer staring at the music but rather her. Resting his off hoof on his cane, he began the delicate dance of conversation "Pardon me Madam, but my night had other things in mind then the simple beauty of music. Tonight I desired the company of something greater, truly a higher state of art, a mare such as yourself." He paused, put his wine aside, and placed his hoofs on the table ​"Would you allow an interruption of the sweet melody to part take in the art of conversation?" 


It wasn't rejection that he was risking, he was used enough to that, it was his judge of character he was risking as he took the first step. 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Blizzard laughed, and pulled Diamond Tiara over to his side. He got onto his knees to draw on the floor with ice. He drew one pony with an evil look to represent Eclipse, several enemy-based drawings that were in front of Eclipse, and 5 very handsome ponies that represented the heroes, "I was hoping you'd ask that! Ahem...so there we were. The 5 of us against Eclipse. The pony who had stolen Celestia's relic and had rallied several giant worms, bat, and...ugh...creatures against us. It was like a small war. So...Wihelm out point man, had given us a strategy to follow. And just like always, me and Caliber never slow down to think! We rushed right in and started to freeze and cut our way through the grounding forces," he drew two arrows that went from him and Caliber, directly into the army.


"Silver Sword was on the left flank!" he took a moment to speak normal as he drew an arrow that extended from SS to the left side, "...Flank as in side of an opposing force, not flank as in where your cutie mark is.." he then continued with his theatrical voice, "Silver was taking out the enemy forces from the left side, striking them where they least expected!" 


Ice started to get more enthusiastic with his story, "And last but not least, Wilhelm and Sinusoid used their projectile weaponry to attack the enemy from afar!" from the last 2 ponies who didn't have arrows, Ice drew two 3-D arcing ones that extended from Sinusoid and Will, to up and over the diagram, and down unto the army, "It was awesome! Wilhelm had these huge rocket launchers that went pew..baaam! Blew everything up! Caliber was slicing the dudes up into discs," he then got up from where he was sitting and backed up for some space, and started to jump and dodge the enemies he was describing the exact same way he used to, "I was all like, 'huup pew pew freeze sucka! You ain't goin' nowhere!' I was sockin' 'em up like they were puching bags! And then...oh boy, after Silver Sword crippled their defenses, it was a straight movement to Eclipse's position. And Sinusoid stayed back to keep the spare enemies off of us. Soon after, we were right in Eclipse's face, but he wasn't giving up yet. We all had to tactically fight him as he used spell after spell of magic. I mean he literally had spells that could counter anything! But then....we all managed to make a group strike!"


He then jumped and body slammed a nearby shelf of spa supplies, "Body slam!" the shelf fell over, and Blizzard ended up with a spa "leg-warmer" on his nose after recovering, but didn't remove it. He went back over to DT, and continued, "SO after we cornered him, we got the relic back, and the son of a gun teleported out. and a few months later, Caliber caught up to Eclipse and took him out. Luckily, Celly gave us pendants for us to use. All we did was say out, and boom, we were back in the throne room, sort of in one piece, braved through Tartarus, in just under a month...ugh..."


Ice was so tired from speaking at that point, he fell over onto his back with the leg warmer still on his nose. He was awake, but tired from talking, "So...whaddya..think...?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Another jug? I got ya covered." Applejack repeated. She was a little surprised that he was the pony who requested it, since from her eyes, he didn't seem to be all that much of a drinker. Or somepony who did anything rough. One of them scholarly  types, she thought as she went back behind the counter in order to get another jug.


As she pulled it up and over the counter, the idea of issuing another drinking challenge surfaced in her mind, but she stashed it away. She remembered what happened last time, and she had no real desire to get reaquainted with the floor again. That, or have it completely destroyed again, she though as she went back to what she was doing. She moved the jug of moonshine back over to the table where Electron Wave Storm and Rhetoric were sitting.


"If that's it, y'all two have fun." she said openly, preparing to leave.




Diamond Tiara stared at him, confused. That little display he had put on had been a bit over the top and dramatic, even for foals. But, now that he had finished the story, and she had all the details, there was one thing about this whole situation that bugged her.


"Wait. So he just teleported out? And you just let him go? Why didn't you kill him? I mean, if he was such a bad pony, somepony should've done it, right?" she asked insistently. Really, they had seemed to have failed their mission, making this entire situation seem pointless to her. It had been a waste of time, no matter how many cool bats you brought back from Tartarus.




 Well, that's really interesting, isn't it, Nightwing thought as she reclined back on the chair. It wasn't so very often that stallions talked to her, save the ones that she had goaded into trying to kill her, and here he was, flirting unabashedly. This was new, the prospect entertaining. Maybe even worth a few minutes of her time.


"Five minutes." she said, mostly to herself. She turned around to face him, sacrificing precious musical quality as she did so.


"I'm all ears. Surprise me." she said, her amber eyes glowing in the half-light of the Hall.

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Taking a deep breath, Tyra began forcing herself toward Lorec in a laborious trudge. He was going incredibly slowly, but so was she. They were both weakened from this fight, and it wouldn't be long until it was over.


At this point, Tyra was starting to think that winning would not matter; she wanted the two of them to come out alive and happy.


With her axe blade dragging along the dirt and creating a small scraping noise, she laboured forward, eyes locked on the misshapen minotaur.

Slowly picking up speed as he had began a crescendoing charge, Lorec roared fiercely as he he was dragging his blade across the ground, the same as Tyra. No worse for wear than she was, it was probably already apparent that, given both of their conditions, Tyra may very much have won this battle.


But even with his body nearly broken, he would not stop until he could no longer swing his sword.



Lorec, at the peak of his charge, began twisting in the middle of it, spinning and bringing the dreaded blade upward in a forward, uppercutting slash towards Tyra, wanting to use the centrifugal force as a counter to his inability to swing the sword properly as of now.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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I'm all ears. Surprise me." she said, her amber eyes glowing in the half-light of the Hall.


He couldn't help but smile, she had given him the reigns of the conversation, no the whole interaction, and no matter what he did, as long as it wasn't dull, would be considered acceptable. Normally he would simply abide in a pleasurable chat, but he could tell she wanted something more. Or at least wanted to be entertained. Tonight I shall enjoy myself, tomorrow, dirty work.... 


"Then I shall not waste time with idle chatter then, we shall skip the conversation and enhance your listening experience." he stood up and walked to her side, offering her hoof "You have a dancers grace, so mi lady, shall we dance?" 


Perhaps it was a bit bold to cut to such things so soon, but the lady did ask for a surprise and he did not like to disappoint.

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Blizzard was breathing heavily. He had to regain his breath after that performance, "He...used...his magic....and teleported...at the....last possible...moment...Fortunately....Caliber....caught up to him....about a year later....and killed him....he's gone....but the fact that he got away wasn't....a big deal to Celestia at the time..because the important thing....was that we got the ....relic back......we....we heroes....." he said with a stupid smile on his face.


@@The Down Trotten,

Electron nodded, "Thanks, Jackie." He then turned to Rhetoric, "So Double-R if you're interested, there are also apartments for fighters to stay in if you're actually thinkin' of stayin' here," he said cockily.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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 Pouring another glass for himself, he cleared his throat "Well actually, I was hoping that you two could answer some questions for me. Miss Jack, if you have business to do feel free to take your leave. But if you could stay for a moment I'd certainly be grateful." he passed a smile to both of them 


"But to answer you Electron, yes I plan on staying, and I plan on being a fighter, need to sign up tomorrow. Now I heard a rumor that even the Princesses part take in these fights? Surely this isn't true, and surely they don't just fight any cocky two bit fighter who challenges them, right?" by this point his glass was empty again and he was refilling 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Slowly picking up speed as he had began a crescendoing charge, Lorec roared fiercely as he he was dragging his blade across the ground, the same as Tyra. No worse for wear than she was, it was probably already apparent that, given both of their conditions, Tyra may very much have won this battle.


But even with his body nearly broken, he would not stop until he could no longer swing his sword.



Lorec, at the peak of his charge, began twisting in the middle of it, spinning and bringing the dreaded blade upward in a forward, uppercutting slash towards Tyra, wanting to use the centrifugal force as a counter to his inability to swing the sword properly as of now.


Like Lorec, Tyra let out a fierce roar of her own as she approached her opponent. She felt ready to collapse into unconsciousness at any moment, but she would see this fight to the end first.


Seeing the blade slowly but heavily swinging toward her, she used all her might to swing her axe over to clash with it again. Hopefully it would strike in time, and not knock her out...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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A unicorn with a dark coat of red, and blue hair, walked around the city. He had no idea what he was to expect in a place like this, but then again, those who were already inside have no idea what's coming either. 


From the darkness of the stormy night walked a certain pony sent to hunt down souls. Not just any souls; souls that belonged to the Soulkeeper from Tartarus himself!


Anything that would rebel would be in for a rude awakening. With his scythe and spear at the ready, prepare yourself city of Bangcolt, for the soulhunter, Axton Gile!


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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A unicorn with a dark coat of red, and blue hair, walked around the city. He had no idea what he was to expect in a place like this, but then again, those who were already inside have no idea what's coming either. 


From the darkness of the stormy night walked a certain pony sent to hunt down souls. Not just any souls; souls that belonged to the Soulkeeper from Tartarus himself!


Anything that would rebel would be in for a rude awakening. With his scythe and spear at the ready, prepare yourself city of Bangcolt, for the soulhunter, Axton Gile!


Jade turned around and noticed a peculiar unicorn walking around. Something about him...didn't seem right. Like he was not of this world.

A walker among the spirit world, perhaps? Such a thing was not unheard of where she came from.


A scythe was set on his back, often considered the symbol of harvesting souls in Equestria. She was curious; what was this stallion's purpose of being here?


She began walking toward him, to see what was up...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade turned around and noticed a peculiar unicorn walking around. Something about him...didn't seem right. Like he was not of this world.

A walker among the spirit world, perhaps? Such a thing was not unheard of where she came from.


A scythe was set on his back, often considered the symbol of harvesting souls in Equestria. She was curious; what was this stallion's purpose of being here?


She began walking toward him, to see what was up...

Axton didn't notice the mare walking up to him. All he was focused on, was obtaining his souls and obtaining his money. He looked straight ahead, and kept on going.


He had no time to get distracted, and wouldn't normally approach anypony strange, having to focus on his mission. And mares were the last thing he wanted to be followed by right now.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton didn't notice the mare walking up to him. All he was focused on, was obtaining his souls and obtaining his money. He looked straight ahead, and kept on going.


He had no time to get distracted, and wouldn't normally approach anypony strange, having to focus on his mission. And mares were the last thing he wanted to be followed by right now.


Jade approached the stallion, who seemed rather uninterested in her. This intrigued her even more; ponies who caught sight of her would usually direct their attention to her. Foals would even approach her out of curiosity, to ask who she was or to look at her sword. Of course she would happily show them from a safe distance.


She cleared her throat and began to speak, in a light but non-native accent. "Excuse me, may I ask what you are doing?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade approached the stallion, who seemed rather uninterested in her. This intrigued her even more; ponies who caught sight of her would usually direct their attention to her. Foals would even approach her out of curiosity, to ask who she was or to look at her sword. Of course she would happily show them from a safe distance.


She cleared her throat and began to speak, in a light but non-native accent. "Excuse me, may I ask what you are doing?"

Axton kept on walking. He felt as though that he didn't have time to talk when there were souls who were destroying the lives of innocent ponies everywhere. When the mare came up to him, he didn't respond. But he did feel as though that he might as well pass the time until the next time he snagged a soul.


While looking forward, he replied simply, "Jobs. I got jobs to handle."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton kept on walking. He felt as though that he didn't have time to talk when there were souls who were destroying the lives of innocent ponies everywhere. When the mare came up to him, he didn't respond. But he did feel as though that he might as well pass the time until the next time he snagged a soul.


While looking forward, he replied simply, "Jobs. I got jobs to handle."


"You certainly seem like you have a lot on your mind," Jade deduced, still following after him, "Whatever this job of yours is, it must be taxing."


"Are you a traveller also?" She asked, still not looking up from under her hat, "I am from the mountains of Neighsia, myself. I came for the tournament."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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