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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Jade blushed bright red at Axton's reaction, glancing down at her hooves meekly. "I apologise," She repeated, "I have never heard of such a drink before leaving home." She entered the tavern with Axton, and took a seat next to him. Her hat, attached with a string around her neck, was slid off her head and onto her back, revealing her amber eyes and dry fuchsia mane.

Axton looked up at the mare. She looked nice. Very beautiful with such pretty eyes, "Not bad, not bad...." Suddenly, he felt a weird feeling in his body. As if someone with a corrupted soul was nearby. He held his head as if he had a headache, "Ah...dammit. I sense evil in the vicinity...ergh! I feel his soul would be valuable if taken...but...I don't want to cause a scene here..."


"Enemy spotted..." said the voice in his head, "Take it...TAKE IT NOW."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton looked up at the mare. She looked nice. Very beautiful with such pretty eyes, "Not bad, not bad...." Suddenly, he felt a weird feeling in his body. As if someone with a corrupted soul was nearby. He held his head as if he had a headache, "Ah...dammit. I sense evil in the vicinity...ergh! I feel his soul would be valuable if taken...but...I don't want to cause a scene here..."


"Enemy spotted..." said the voice in his head, "Take it...TAKE IT NOW."


Jade blinked slowly, tilting her head. "What is not bad?" She asked, not sure what he was getting at.


She perked up as she saw Axton seemed to be having head pains. "Are you okay? What are you talking about?"

She looked around the bar, looking for anypony standing out. "Evil? Where is this evil?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@, @@Unicorncob


As the sun began to rose and Kevin left, Fluttershy decided she would walk home alone... It was barely day and hard to see so Fluttershy took steps cautiously and slowly so she wouldn't risk getting herself into any trouble. Although her more pressing thoughts were, "I hope the animals didn't miss me over night."


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Jade blinked slowly, tilting her head. "What is not bad?" She asked, not sure what he was getting at.


She perked up as she saw Axton seemed to be having head pains. "Are you okay? What are you talking about?"

She looked around the bar, looking for anypony standing out. "Evil? Where is this evil?"

Axton had beome a tad flustered. His curse was starting to take its effect as a few small flames started to ignite on his arm, and travel up to his body, and when he spoke, his voice became a tad deeper. He tried to play it off as if his curse wasn't activating, by quickly covering the flames on his arm, "N-nothing Jade..." his voice then got a bit deeper, "I'm fine...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton had beome a tad flustered. His curse was starting to take its effect as a few small flames started to ignite on his arm, and travel up to his body, and when he spoke, his voice became a tad deeper. He tried to play it off as if his curse wasn't activating, by quickly covering the flames on his arm, "N-nothing Jade..." his voice then got a bit deeper, "I'm fine...."


Jade's eyes widened with surprise as she saw the small flames igniting and travelling up Axton's foreleg onto his body. He didn't seem to be bothered by it, which was stranger.

She blinked as she heard his voice was deeper than before. "Something is wrong, isn't it? I can tell."


As the sun began to rose and Kevin left, Fluttershy decided she would walk home alone... It was barely day and hard to see so Fluttershy took steps cautiously and slowly so she wouldn't risk getting herself into any trouble. Although her more pressing thoughts were, "I hope the animals didn't miss me over night."



Strix, after a day and night of nothing, had found some shelter from the rain under a tree, and had fallen asleep sitting against it.

A drop of rainwater falling from a leaf onto his beak was enough to stir him awake, much to his chagrin. Tree trunks didn't exactly make the best pillows.


"Barely sunlight," he grumbled, standing up and stretching out his limbs, neck and back, "Trees are rough on the ass, but like Tartarus am I skimpin' for a hotel."


He looked over and made out a figure walking along, rather daintily. After squinting, he recognised it to be that mare from before. The one who patched him up.

"There goes mugging," he grumbled, sitting up. As much of a hardass as he made himself to be, it wouldn't feel right attacking a pony who'd patched him up for free.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Sunset Shimmer woke up sleepily, tucked into Celestia's large, velvet bed. When she looked over, however, the princess wasn't there. It was only when she looked over to the window that she caught sight of her former teacher, in the final process of raising the sun. Golden Energy streamed down her body, making her look absolutely majestic.


"...And thank you for letting me guide you." She muttered the last part of the same chant she always gave before she started this process every morning. She finally opened her eyes, hers looking back and catching Sunset Shimmer's.


"I see you slept well." Celestia smiled as Sunset Shimmer rolled out of bed, landing on the opposite side of the bed. She shook her mane to clear it; it had gotten incredibly messy last night.


"That's the first time i've slept well in a while." Sunset Shimmer smiled as well, though she didn't look back at her. Instead, she began running her hooves through her mane  in order to straighten it. When she was finished, she did shoot a glance back at her former teacher, one slightly more serious than before.


"Celestia, I came back with a purpose. I want to help you out, in whatever you're doing. I owe it you."


Celestia turned around, placing her front knees on the bed so she could stare Sunset Shimmer directly in the eyes.


"I believe we've had this conversation before. You don't owe me anything." Sunset Shimmer looked crestfallen, until Celestia winked at her, teasingly.


"But you may help, if you wish."


They both smiled at each other then, a pause only broken up by the growling of Sunset Shimmer's stomach, which caused them both to laugh. So, after breakfast, then.




Sleight Mist walked, and she kept walking. She walked until the shops died out, and the buildings began to blur, and then she walked until they all ended entirely. It was just her, and a wide open field, and she walked until she made it to the edge of the forest line. Until she found what she was looking for.


The lake was the largest expanse of water anywhere around town, and the only place that Sleight Mist would feel comfortable being now. Once she reached the shore, she didn't hesitate; she dove right in, effortlessly cutting through the water until she found herself in the middle of the lake. In the middle of everything. Sleight Mist took one last look out, towards the tree line, and the vast circle of trees that ringed the clearing...and then sank.




@Orion Caelum

Anette didn't take long to get home. She opened the door, stepping in cautiously... and was immediately assaulted by Heartthrob. Glory just looked up, smiling, while Hero gave his same solid, stoic expression, and Nightmare just cackled happily.


"Well, it's nice to come to a happy house. And nothing was destroyed this...time..." She looked out, seeing the broken trees and blast marks that marked the area outside her apartment, and then turned to the dolls. Her expression grew dark, and all the dolls, save Glory, backed up, shivering slightly under the glare.


"I think... you four have some explaining to do..."





Rainbow felt the tingle still spreading through her body, and it was building. She had enough energy for at least two Rainboom, and it was driving her crazy. But she couldn't use it here... unless...


Rainbow Dash slowed, letting the others pass up catch up to of her. To them, it would look like she had just temporarily given up, but if they could see the locks on her face, they wouldn't think it for a second. Rainbow Dash had a crazy grin on her face; the kind that ponies only got when they knew they were insane, and were loving every second of it.


"Oh, please work." She could feel the energy inside her, begging to be released, but ebbing fast since she wasn't moving as quickly. Rainbow Dash tracked it down inside her, every inch of of her pegasi magic gathering up in what she imagined was a little ball in the center of her body. Then, when she was sure it was all there...she let it explode.


The result was spectacular. Rainbow energy sparked off of Rainbow Dash's body in translucent waves like electricity, and her eyes grew white with power. Her body felt so much faster now, she felt like she could cross Equis, and meet herself at the start again. But, her energy was fading faster now; she wouldn't have enough time for it. The race, on the other hand...


"Aw..." She looked towards the goal, and it felt like she was already there. "Yeah!" She shot forward like a rainbow beam of light, landing at the finish line with a small explosion to mark her landing. When she finished, she flipped her mane back, and the energy dispersed like smoke, her white eyes returning back to normal.


"I am... so awesome..."

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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“I’m a bounty hunter and I’ve been after Fuse for a while now.” Calibur answered; then he smirked a little ominously; “Don’t worry right now though. The price on you and your friend’s head aren’t high enough to concern me right now. The real target I’m after now is Fuse. Hell… you might even get a pardon if you help bring him in. Wouldn’t that be nice? ...But seriously though how do you manage putting a hole in Canterlot Castle? That’s a little impressive.”


Calibur’s last comment about the castle wall was made with a joking tone; however it also served to inform Ice that yes, Calibur did now what he did.

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Jade's eyes widened with surprise as she saw the small flames igniting and travelling up Axton's foreleg onto his body. He didn't seem to be bothered by it, which was stranger. She blinked as she heard his voice was deeper than before. "Something is wrong, isn't it? I can tell."

Axton's voice got even deeper, "I told you I'm fine....I...I..." He knew that his curse was activating, but he couldn't risk freaking the mare out. So he got up and instantly ran to the bathroom faster than a fan makes a headcanon. He started to splash water on his face to calm himself down, leaving Jade on her on her own for a moment.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Mars Orbit

Nightingale dodged the stick of butter at her with an errant toss of her head.


"Thanks, but maybe another time." She then flew off as quickly as she came. It was no fun taunting the crazy, and obviously these ponies were very crazy. Probably worse than she was.


Nightingale's actions were more dictated by daylight then anything else. In the daylight, her camoflauge was useless, and she stuck out like a sore thumb. Which meant, she needed an easier target, somepony who soft and innocent...


She found it relatively quickly, in a mare who looked as soft as a stick of butter. she didn't say much, just decided to float over her. Testing her.


"Hi." She looked down at the pegasus beneath her, that grin once again resurfacing in full.




Once AJ saw Night Tracer nod, she didn't need much more pressing. Walking over to the other side of the counter, she took him by the hoof and led him to the cellar, where they had talked before. She pulled up a barrel of cider for the both of them, and then sat down, eyeing him patiently. Waiting for him to speak.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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“...Ah, excellent.” Fuse said before he hastily took the mug of cider and began to chug it down. He watched Applejack as a pegasus stallion sat down and she eventually ended up leaving the front of the bar with him.


It was shortly after the two ponies left that another pony took a seat beside Fuse; a rather nondescript stallion wearing a proper business suit and red tie.


“You could’ve have waited until I was somewhere less conspicuous?” Fuse muttered to the pony next to him; who put a small case on the table and slid it towards Fuse.


“The boss figured you’d want your payment sooner rather than later.” The stallion said with a flat, emotionless tone. Before getting up and leaving as quickly as he entered.


“Way to make me seem more suspicious…” Fuse muttered to himself with a sigh as he took the small case and put it away in his jacket.



Ash’s eyes snapped open, bloodshot and twitching; his body automatically going into ‘fight’ mode in response to the sudden disturbance. Flames spurted from between clenched teeth as Ash whipped around towards Pinkie Pie and let loose a gout of flame at her without thinking.

Edited by Star Saber
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Blizzard was flustered, "How did you now I...that wasn't....uh...crap. Yes I did. And I don't know if I should say thank you or not. See, I was young and dumb, we've all been there. My mom was on a jewelry sale in Canterlot and I got bored, and I may have fooled around with my dry ice too much near the castle...Yeah. I didn't think anyone would notcie, but looks like I'm caught. Anyway, I'll gladly be on the lookout for Fuse, but I wanna pay for what I did. I mean, everything can't just be skated over, and it's only right for me to do so, whther I capture Fuse or not, I can assure you of that."


The sun was now in the sky, and Ice knew he had somewhere else to be, "Well whaddya know? It's TTG. I'll catch up with you later, I got some important things to handle...Here take this," he made an ice sculpture of Calibur and gave it to him, "Just take it as a sign of friendship. Later."


And with that, Ice made his exit, and skated off leaving Calibur alone.



Ice was skating his way away from Calibur when he started to think, "Hm. That guy is definetly a force to worry about, but I can''t focus on him right now, I got a place to be."


By now, the sun was getting higher in the sky. It was daytime for sure in Bangcolt. Eventually, he made it to Rarity's shop, and knocked on her door, "Yo! Raresy? You here? It's Blizzy! I'm ready to model your stallion clothing for you! And after that we can go practice!"


He checked to make sure he was presentable to Rarity by looking at himself in the window, "...Swag."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton's voice got even deeper, "I told you I'm fine....I...I..." He knew that his curse was activating, but he couldn't risk freaking the mare out. So he got up and instantly ran to the bathroom faster than a fan makes a headcanon. He started to splash water on his face to calm himself down, leaving Jade on her on her own for a moment.


Jade blinked and simply stared with silent concern as Axton excused himself to go to the bathroom. Something was definitely wrong here, she could tell.


She decided to leave him alone to calm down. She couldn't very well follow him; she knew enough Equestrian social etiquette to know not to enter a stallion's bathroom.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade blinked and simply stared with silent concern as Axton excused himself to go to the bathroom. Something was definitely wrong here, she could tell.


She decided to leave him alone to calm down. She couldn't very well follow him; she knew enough Equestrian social etiquette to know not to enter a stallion's bathroom.

Axton was locked within an internal argument with the voice in his head that was a part of his curse,

"Enemy is in the vicinity. You gotta take them out."


"I don't think that guy is a problem."


"He's what cause you to go all haywire. You have to take him. He's a high value target."


"But what about the girl?"


"If she thinks your a freak, then you're on your own."




His concentration was broken when another stallion came into the restroom. The stallion was a high level criminal who had committed several crimes prior, including assalt, battery, and kidnapping. He went into a stall next to Axton. With that, Axton's curse went wild, setting his entire body on fire, a literal fire in his eyes, and his voice turning deep, "Not so fast, dirtbag...."


The stallion was taken by surprise and tried to escape. Unfortunately, Axton managed to melt the doors into the walls, preventing his escape, "Please...have mercy!" he cried.


Axton smirked, "You can't escape...."


The stallion shrieked at the pitch of a mare, "No, please! Have mercy! I didn't do anything!"


"No mercy for you....your soul is mine!" And he raised his scythe, and slashed it, releasing the very soul from the criminal, and transferring it into his scythe. "Acquisition complete, proceeding to next target...."


From there, Axton busted through the wall of the bathroom, walked all the way around to the front of the bar, and entered through the front and sat back down with Jade with his curse's effect lowering, his scythe away. His voice was normal, and his body and eyes were no longer fiery when he sat down next to her, "Miss me?" he asked, not even caring that the males' bathroom door was welded shut, and that there was a practically lifeless body left in there.


"There's still someone else here," the voice in Axton's head said, "Take care of it!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Orion Caelum

Anette was outstretched hoof was suddenly taken back as looked over to see darkness shooting out of the floor, filling the air with an inky blackness. She gave Wilhelm a quick peck on the cheek.


"Sorry, looks like our date might be canceled. Again."


Having said that, she galloped over to the source of the confusion. But, groups of other ponies had already gathered over there by the time she made it to the center of the hall, and she couldn't see over them. By the time she had managed to make her way up to the front, whatever it was had disappeared, leaving one blue unicorn standing still by herself, in disbelief, it seemed.


"What just happened...?" she spoke out loud. But, her words seemed to fall on deaf ears; it looked like everypony knew exactly as much as she did: nothing.


Wilhelm raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "M'dear, you have no idea how to dance, do you?" The smile finally grew fully, and Wilhelm reached out to take Annette's hoof- right before it was pulled back. He was confused for a brief second, and then at Annette's remark, his smile immediately disappeared, to be replaced with the businesslike expression only somepony who's faced down evil multiple times has.


Looking down at the darkness, Wilhelm drew his sword from its scabbard at his side, taking a few precious moments to affix it to his hoof before taking off, wings spread. At first, he was unable to find Annette through the black, and his heart took a trip up his throat. When he found her again, near a blue mare Wilhelm vaguely remembered as a showmare -if only from a poster-, Wilhelm relaxed slightly, though he still watched the growing darkness with a good deal of wariness.


Alighting near her, sword held at his side, Wilhelm watched the shadows arise to cover the group. Strangely, the only thing he said was a muttered "Fascinating," before he started to wordlessly scan the crowd for the rest of his friends, a protective hoof unconsciously holding Annette close to him. A train of thought ran through his head that would have been extremely complicated to follow, and was, in fact. A brief summary might go like this:


Connecting the explosion of the monument to the shadow, it must mean that someone caused the explosion, and likely set the shadow bomb to get away. But who? Who would have the knowledge or the tech? Or dark magic, of course; naught else would be able to manipulate darkness as such. Perhaps... Wilhelm's eyes narrowed, and he took off again in a search to try and figure out where the darkness was coming from. His efforts were fruitless at first, and yet he continued his search, sword back in its scabbard. Eventually, when Wilhelm came back again from his search through alleyways, through the wreckage of the monument, and a few other places such as under the floor, hair askew, uniform dirtied, and glasses steadily slipping off his muzzle, Annette had disappeared.


He sighed and wiped his forehead with one hoof, stretching his wings slightly to work out the kinks caused by a good hour or so of flying around. Strangely, there had been no device he could find that could have caused the shadow incident, and he resolved himself to ask Luna about it next time he saw her, as she could likely find whatever magical disturbance caused this in her realm. As for the monument bomb, he hadn't found much of use there, unfortunately. What he could possibly have used for a hoofprint or other evidence analysis had been trampled underfoot by two ponies, likely unknowingly. One of them, he didn't recognize from their prints, but the other, he recognized as Princess Celestia, simply by the hoofprints in the dust; only the eldest alicorn would have such a specific weight distribution.


He shook his head, annoyed. Now he had two alicorns he needed to ask about this incident, and he wanted to perform an analysis of the chemicals he had found at the site of the monument's destruction. Wilhelm ran a hoof through his mane, briefly deliberating whether to check up on Annette and make sure she got home okay, or to run back to my lab like I've been doing for the past few years. I have a responsibility to make sure she's okay. Nodding to himself, he took off in the general direction of Annette's quarters.



OOC: I'm a idiot; please, everyone, accept my apology for being off the forums for so long after my injury. Ugh, I feel so embarrassed... I hope I can make it up to you guys.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Having been watching the fight with a knowing, calm, and collected face, Kazas was more than moderately surprised when Vera seemed to be having a spell of a terrifying dream. Reaching over to her, Kazas gently wrapped his claw around her and pulled her close, somewhat shaking her in order to make Vera come to. " Vera! Vera! Wake up! It is only a nightmare!"

Vera could barely be woken up. "Ahhhhhh!" She was in a very startling nightmare, that was hard to wake up from. Ot was only until Kazas had spoken to her, that she awoke, "Huh? Kazy? Oh, it's you. I thought I was being b-- nevermind, it's nothing."


She giggled, and tried to play it off as if she was joking in an attempt to stop Kazas from worrying.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton was locked within an internal argument with the voice in his head that was a part of his curse,

"Enemy is in the vicinity. You gotta take them out."


"I don't think that guy is a problem."


"He's what cause you to go all haywire. You have to take him. He's a high value target."


"But what about the girl?"


"If she thinks your a freak, then you're on your own."




His concentration was broken when another stallion came into the restroom. The stallion was a high level criminal who had committed several crimes prior, including assalt, battery, and kidnapping. He went into a stall next to Axton. With that, Axton's curse went wild, setting his entire body on fire, a literal fire in his eyes, and his voice turning deep, "Not so fast, dirtbag...."


The stallion was taken by surprise and tried to escape. Unfortunately, Axton managed to melt the doors into the walls, preventing his escape, "Please...have mercy!" he cried.


Axton smirked, "You can't escape...."


The stallion shrieked at the pitch of a mare, "No, please! Have mercy! I didn't do anything!"


"No mercy for you....your soul is mine!" And he raised his scythe, and slashed it, releasing the very soul from the criminal, and transferring it into his scythe. "Acquisition complete, proceeding to next target...."


From there, Axton busted through the wall of the bathroom, walked all the way around to the front of the bar, and entered through the front and sat back down with Jade with his curse's effect lowering, his scythe away. His voice was normal, and his body and eyes were no longer fiery when he sat down next to her, "Miss me?" he asked, not even caring that the males' bathroom door was welded shut, and that there was a practically lifeless body left in there.


"There's still someone else here," the voice in Axton's head said, "Take care of it!"


Jade perked up, as did everypony else in the bar, as a blood-curdling scream sounded from the bathroom, followed by a loud crash.


The doors opened, and Axton sauntered inside, as if nothing had happened.

"I, um..." She stammered, having so many questions at that moment, "Uh...?!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade perked up, as did everypony else in the bar, as a blood-curdling scream sounded from the bathroom, followed by a loud crash.


The doors opened, and Axton sauntered inside, as if nothing had happened.

"I, um..." She stammered, having so many questions at that moment, "Uh...?!"

Axton was seemingly confused at Jade's reaction. Why was she stammering? What did she see? What did she hear? "Something wrong, Jade? You look like you've seen a ghost or something."


He was finally served his drink, and gulped it down in an instant, "Ah. That's good."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton was seemingly confused at Jade's reaction. Why was she stammering? What did she see? What did she hear? "Something wrong, Jade? You look like you've seen a ghost or something."


He was finally served his drink, and gulped it down in an instant, "Ah. That's good."


"W-what in the Higher Plains happened in there?!" Jade yelped, flailing her forelegs, "There was a scream, and a crash, and then you walked in through the front door!"


She looked at his drink, then looked at all the alcohols she had not seen at home.

"...and I do not know what to order."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"W-what in the Higher Plains happened in there?!" Jade yelped, flailing her forelegs, "There was a scream, and a crash, and then you walked in through the front door!"


She looked at his drink, then looked at all the alcohols she had not seen at home.

"...and I do not know what to order."

As Jade was shouting, Axton put his forelegs up in a "calm down", position, "Hold your horsepower. Whew. You're more riled up than teenagers at a hoofball game. Don't worry about what was happening in there, though the door was stuck and somehow an alternate route was made..."


He tried to change the subject, "Try the lemon drop. It's good."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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As Jade was shouting, Axton put his forelegs up in a "calm down", position, "Hold your horsepower. Whew. You're more riled up than teenagers at a hoofball game. Don't worry about what was happening in there, though the door was stuck and somehow an alternate route was made..."


He tried to change the subject, "Try the lemon drop. It's good."


"How can I not worry?" Jade asked, still wide-eyed and a bit panicked, "It sounded like a huge fight in there!"

She had noticed that, however, Axton had returned unscathed. As if nopony had touched him. Perhaps somepony else was fighting?


She decided to drop it and take his suggestion. "Um...may I have a drop of lemon...?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"How can I not worry?" Jade asked, still wide-eyed and a bit panicked, "It sounded like a huge fight in there!"

She had noticed that, however, Axton had returned unscathed. As if nopony had touched him. Perhaps somepony else was fighting?


She decided to drop it and take his suggestion. "Um...may I have a drop of lemon...?"

Axton laughed, "You are really something else. Hah. A lemon drop is a drink, too. Has a very nice lemon-y taste to it kind of like an adult version of your everyday lemonade stand style lemonade."


Jade was served lemon drop in a glass, and Axton spoke again, "I'm more partial to the 'Flaming Turmoil' myself. Hehehe..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton laughed, "You are really something else. Hah. A lemon drop is a drink, too. Has a very nice lemon-y taste to it kind of like an adult version of your everyday lemonade stand style lemonade."


Jade was served lemon drop in a glass, and Axton spoke again, "I'm more partial to the 'Flaming Turmoil' myself. Hehehe..."


"I see," Jade muttered, nodding once, and looked at the drink she was served. Indeed, it looked much like lemonade she would see foals drink on a warm day.

She took it in both hooves and gave it a sip, smacking her lips. She shuddered at the sheer fizziness of it.

"I think I rather like this 'Lemon Drop'," She chirped, grinning.


She turned and tilted her head. "Another one of these Equestrian drinks, I imagine?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I see," Jade muttered, nodding once, and looked at the drink she was served. Indeed, it looked much like lemonade she would see foals drink on a warm day.

She took it in both hooves and gave it a sip, smacking her lips. She shuddered at the sheer fizziness of it.

"I think I rather like this 'Lemon Drop'," She chirped, grinning.


She turned and tilted her head. "Another one of these Equestrian drinks, I imagine?"

Axton nodded, "Yep. The 'Flaming Turmoil', is a special kind of drink. It's basically any of your favorite alcohol, let's say, vodka, and lit with a burner around the rim of the glass. I'll show you..."


He was served that very drink. And the rim of the glass was lit dimly by a flame, "Whaddya think? Now I'm gonna down it..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton nodded, "Yep. The 'Flaming Turmoil', is a special kind of drink. It's basically any of your favorite alcohol, let's say, vodka, and lit with a burner around the rim of the glass. I'll show you..."


He was served that very drink. And the rim of the glass was lit dimly by a flame, "Whaddya think? Now I'm gonna down it..."


Jade watched with amazement as the rim of Axton's glass was set on fire. Could such a drink really be put into somepony's body?


"Wait, you will drink it all in one?" She gasped, staring intently with interest, "But you will burn yourself! Is it not too dangerous?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade watched with amazement as the rim of Axton's glass was set on fire. Could such a drink really be put into somepony's body?


"Wait, you will drink it all in one?" She gasped, staring intently with interest, "But you will burn yourself! Is it not too dangerous?"

Axton laughed, "Ahahah...relax littly lady," he said, "You're supposed to blow out the flame before you drink it." And with that, Axton blew on the rim of the glass, putting the flame out, and drank it. "Haha! That way you can tell your friends, 'Hey, I drank a shot that was on fire!' you know? Anything else you want me to show you?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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