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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Lorec stopped his chuckling, but still kept the mischievous grin. Looks like Sifana wasn't the only one Syuren had rubbed off on. Lorec had developed his own little sense of humor as well. He didn't really care that Electron had insulted him, but Lorec still lived by some of the old ways from his homeland. And one of the rules was that if someone dishonered another three times, it was out of legal jurisdiction, and had to be solved physically by the opposing parties. Technically, Electron's insult, which was aimed at Elektra, Ice, Lorec, Tyra, and any others in the area, Electron had sealed his fate when he had dishonored the group, as Lorec was starting to make connections with them.



Sifana shook her head a bit, but laughed a little. She had seen what electron was doing and when he had gotten what he deserved, she had no quarrel with it.


" That's papa for you. Always going overkill!"


Lorec looked upon his returning daughter along with Tyra, and smiled. Sifana ran to Lorec, and Lorec knelt down, putting his hand on Sifana's head. Sifana spoke up, with a cheery grin and a sparkle in her eye.


" papa! Can we go to the frozen north someday? To a place called Trotsheim? That's where Tyra is from! It's got snow, and mountains, and ponies-"


" Say no more. I'll ask uncle Kaz for a week or two off, okay? Then we will go. Better yet, we will go when Tyra is back there, too. Would you like that?"


" Yes! By the way, Tyra and I are friends now!"


When Lorec heard this, his facial expression changed to one of slight shock. He then looked at Tyra, still kneeling with his hand on Sifana's head. The next expression he made, was somewhat strange, considering the situation. He smiled faintly, and his eyes looked softened... As if he were thankful to Tyra. Indebted, almost. But why this peculiar type of peaceful look...?


" Are you now? That's great, mein klein engel!"


" hee hee!"


Lorec got up from kneeling position, and stood tall. He offered his hand to Sifana again, and she took it, feeling secure by her father.


Tyra smiled as Lorec fixed his rather grateful-looking expression on her, and responded with a hoof to her chest.

"I am happy to count you and your daughter as friends," she informed them, and repeated for the older minotaur, "when you visit Trotstheim, tell the guards that you know me, you will be allowed passage inside."


She continued, with a more excited-looking grin. "Your technique before was amazing, I would be honoured to face you in the arena one day! Perhaps we may share stories of our travels over a drink soon?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Trixie's ears once again flip-flopped as she heard the mare behind make another rude comment. Turning away from Wilhelm, she whipped around and focused her eyes on the mare, glowering with unsurpressed rage.


"You! Trixie doesn't even know who you are, but this is the second time she's heard you insult her, and she's had quite enough of it! If you want a fight..." As she spoke, her horn glowed, and a multicolored spark spark about as big as pony's iris trailed from it, tracing a light pattern through the air as it moved. It landed in Lektra Bolt's milkshake, before disappearing inside with a dull fizzling sound. For a few seconds, nothing happened.


Then, from inside, it exploded violently with an enormous crash, completely ripping the cup apart in a shower of lights and tossing milkshake and twisted bits of metal everywhere. 


"Trixie will be more than happy to give you one!"



Pinkie Pie walked outside of the door of the milkshake shop, standing upright and balancing ten milkshakes on her arms and head. 

"Okay, crazy ponies, one order of- wah!" she shouted suddenly as her knee pinched up. She dropped her front half back completely, making something of a backwards crabwalk as a shard of metal about as wide around as she slammed horizontally into the door, inches above her face.


She breathed a sigh of relief as she stared up at the metal. "At least the milkshakes are alright," she said, as she looked down to see where they were now balanced on various parts of her chest and legs. Looking on further past the mugs, she could also see a familiar blue mare.


"Trixie?" she said in astonishment. She looked upwards at herself, seemingly in anger. "How could you be worried about shakes now, Pink? We gotta find Twilight!"


And with that, she disappeared out from underneath the mugs, and began dashing off at a tremendous speed to go find her friend. The milkshake mugs slowly floated down through the air before landing on the ground, unharmed.



"Mental," Sleight Mist said. She stared at the chest Caliber was digging in, wondering what could possibly be inside.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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As soon as Blizzard saw what happened, he backed up slowly, "Wow..as amazing as that looks, I think I'm gonna stay back here now since I'm no longer involved. Just watching...safely...from the distance over here..." Blizzard said as he backed up as far as he could to stay safe, but close enough to support Lektra.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Mental," Sleight Mist said. She stared at the chest Caliber was digging in, wondering what could possibly be inside.

caliber grinned. "mental it is." he produced some usual training equipment, and set them to the side. "have you ever seen the zymp spell?" caliber asked causally, "cause its currently the best possible way to strengthen the mind since it involves, ya know, mind-breaking."


a mare came from the shadows, and chuckled for no reason. "sleight mist, daria. daria, sleight mist." caliber introduced them. "sleight, daria is my third master, the one who trained my mind. she developed the zymp spell. it involves forcibly scrambling parts of your brain, to mix up the orders it gives, and so forth. depending on how strong your will is, you may-or-may-not give in to insanity." he looked at her, a little concerned. "this isnt for the average pony. sure, daria can cure madness, but it might scar you. are you sure you want to do this?"


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"Hmmm...who caused this?" Mars didn't see who caused the cage. "Marcus don't touch that. I don't trust the look of it." Mars touched it and got an immediate shock. "HOLY SHHHHHHHHhhhhhh..." he shook it off. "Alright I thought that much...Marcus get green he'll know what to do." Marcus shook his head "Ok try to squeeze through the space between the bars." Marcus made it through successfully. "He's most likely training. Training grounds remember that." Marcus ran towards the training grounds.

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Wilhelm, as soon as the fight showed the first signs of going down, had began stepping away just fast enough to leave the blast zone, but slow enough not to become a target. When the bomb went off he leaped away quick enough to avoid the milkshake shower, but not exactly far enough to avoid the blast of lightning. When that went off, he thought he was far enough away, but in fact, Wilhelm was barely close enough to get his muzzle singed. He stood there for a moment, as much in shock as indiffference, staring cross-eyed at his muzzle. Everything was silent for a moment, then Wilhelm burst out in all the curses he knew in five different languages. He was quite fluent.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Orion Caelum

As this happened Blizzard jumped back, "What the hell?! :blink: Dear Celestia! :o You tryin' to kill us?! :angry: " Blizzard deployed an ice shield around him to protect him from anything that were to come his way, "My god. What the heck? I never saw anything like THAT coming. You alright Willy?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Where is h-" Mars was interrupted by the sight of Marcus being followed by Green. "GREEN GET ME OUT!!"

"Why do you two always get into these things?" Green studied the cage and touched it quickly. "Oohh spicy. Alright lets try something, I'll be right back." Mars sat for a while "Im back." He had a bucket of water. "Green, I know what your thinking buddy dont do it." "WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Green threw the bucket on Mars and the cage. The cage shorted out and Mars got a nasty shock. "Why...would you?" Mars then fell unconscious onto the floor. Marcus saw this and guarded Mars while he was unconscious.

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@bronislav84  @Orion Caelum

"Just like everypony else, you think you know so much about Trixie, but she's changed!" she shouted back at Lektra. "She came here to show that to Twilight Sparkle... and the whole of Equestria! Which is why Trixie can't lose to you!"


In the face of the oncoming lightning bolt, magic surged from her horn. In the air around, multicolored sparks began to materialize and take shape in front of her. It was miniature parade of different figures; little manticores, timberwolves, cockatrices and even something that resembled a tiny Rarity all surrounded her. By the time she was finished, ten different figures surrounded her in a circle, before she detonated them violently.


The ensuing blast was magnitudes bigger than the last. A controlled explosion, the radius expanded around Trixie for several feet like a blinding, multi-colored half dome in the center of an electric maelstrom.


The dome protected her from the bolt that seared around her, and for a second, it seemed it would hold. But it was quickly overpowered, the blast washing through the shell and slamming into her anyway. Every nerve in her body went off as the blast swept through it, before the force ragdolled her into the front wall of the milkshake shop, leaving behind a large crater on impact. Trixie lay on the ground in front of it attempting to get up, her horn sparking rather than glowing as she attempted unsuccessfully to cast another spell.


"I'm not...done..." she said in a breathless tone, glowering angrily up at Lektra Bolt from where she lay.


Records will actually state Sleight Mist hesitated before answering this time, as the idea of losing her mind did not appeal to her for an instant. But she did need to get stronger...

"I'll... do it," she finally said, pushing her fear to the side for a moment.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Tyra was taken by surprise by the sudden milkshake attack, yelping as drops of the cold drink splashed on her face. A few instinctive licks told her the beverage didn't taste so bad. Perhaps she could get one later?


She glanced on as the conflict with this 'Trixie' unfolded. The blue unicorn kept yelling and raving, all in the third person for whatever reason.


"I wonder why she refers to herself as another?" She muttered to whoever might be listening, "Perhaps she means another Trixie? Or she thinks she is somepony else? Equestrians are certainly...interesting."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard said lowly, "Oh yep she's trying to kill us. :blink: " Blizzard backed up some more to keep a safe distance and shouted, "GET MSD!" to anypony that was still close by the crossfire. "Why would Trixie be doing this? This isn't like her, unless she really has gone off the deep end...."


OOC: MSD = Minimum Safe Distance


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber smiled. daria cursed. "told ya she'd do it, pay up." caliber said, as daria passed him some bits. caliber turned back to sleight.


"now, this is basically a mental rodeo. your minds going to be shaken, and it'll try to throw your consciousness out. now, iv found the best way to guard yourself from this is to imagine an object, person, place, anything that holds meaning. imagine it, and hold onto it. this is your 'saddle.' if you let it get taken from you, your one and only defense is taken away, along with your sanity. now, like i said, daria can restore your sanity, but unless you can endure this, you'll be scarred."


he smiled. "it took me multiple tries, but i eventually did it. i have faith you can do it on your first try, though." he glanced at daria, who nodded. he looked back at sleight mist. "are you ready?"

Edited by PeytonJay


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Upon seeing the conflict reach it's boiling point, Lorec knew that it was better to defend than to try and interrupt this fight. Lorec quickly positioned himself between the fight and Tyra, with Sifana right next to her. Almost immediately, he stomped his hoof hard into the ground. The brownish-gold aura that was apparent earlier around his arm now engulfed his entire body. His back turned toward Tyra and Sifana, he was concentrated on protecting them. A huge wall of stone erupted from the ground, curving inward toward Lorec and the others, as if it were a crashing wave about to impact upon a shore, just made out of solid rock. Easily twenty feet high and fifteen feet wide, it had caused quite a tremble in the surrounding area. This would shield them from any harm. For one moment, Tyra would have one glance at the massive zweihander on Lorec's back. If she were any kind of spiritually inclined, she would feel the flow of power from the soul in the sword into Lorec. Lorec then turned around, and yelled.


" I'm not keeping my daughter here! Tyra, it is probably best that you run with us! Don't try to fly! Too risky!"


Lorec started to run, and as he did, he grabbed Sifana, hugging her tight with one arm while she held on to his neck tightly.


" We'll discuss that drink while we get to safety!'

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Tyra watched as Lorec leaped into action, creating a humongous wall of earth simply with a single stomp. She marvelled at the sheer size of the creation.

"Sleipnir's mane..." she muttered. This minotaur was indeed powerful. But no creature could harness such power, unless they were the likes of an alicorn or centaur!


Unless...that sword on his back.


She was not sure, but she was positive she could feel some tremble of energy from it.


Lorec scooped up his daughter and suggested to Tyra that she run with them. She was not one to run from a fight, but considering this clash was a magical battle, perhaps it would be best for her to flee.

"Aye!" She agreed, turning to dash after him.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard kept on watching until the situation had cooled off, "Well...that escalated quickly. :blink: Looks like Trixie still hasn't learned how to be humble. What a shame. It's a shame for it to have to come to something like THIS just to teach somepony about themselves. Hmph. Guess I better get outta here before it gets worse." Blizzard then begins to walk away from the area.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Wilhelm would have absolutely no truck with the battle. Once Trixie was thrown into a wall, he spread his wings and took off, flying to a point where he could still offer assistance, but would be far too hard to reach for any collateral damage from the magic fight. He dug out a bag of popcorn, put it away again lest he summon Discord, and settled for a pair of opera glasses from the performance of Shakescolt's Twelfth Night he had gone to last week. After a few moments, he remembered to call for help, and then remembered that these were two extremely powerful unicorns fighting here and that an alicorn was just summoned to deal with them.

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Green saw what had happened. Quickly he picked up Mars with Marcus latching on to his back. "Dammit Mars, Where is your brother when I need him?" Green got to a safe distance in a shorter amount of time than he thought it would take hauling Mars. "How can somepony so thin weigh so much?" Green said to himself when they were at a good spot to watch. "Mars. Hey. MARS WAKE UP!!!!" Mars snapped awake "what happened?" "A bunch of things. Just watch the magic battle."

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Blizzard was walking and he came across Rarity and began walking alongside her, "Hey Rarity, what's up?"


Rarity was levitating some bags of clothing material and noticed Blizzard walking beside her and replied, "Hello Blizzard. How have you been doing with your fighting?"


"It's been going good. Made some new friends and I'm fighting Lektra next. You want some help with those bags?"


"Oh yes, Thank you Blizzard, I appreciate your help."


Blizzard blushed a little as he took a bag with his mouth, "Where are you off to?"


"Just heading back to my workshop to design more clothes for the fighters. Would you like to come take a look?"


Blizzard was trying to get a bit more interested in fashion like Will said. "Sure! I'd love to! I've always had an interest in art, so it'd be cool to see clothing art you've made."


"Great! Come along Blizzard, my workshop is this way." She said as they walked together to her workshop.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Quit asking me that, or you might actually make me nervous," she said with a small smile. In truth she was more than nervous enough already. She turned to Daria.


"So all I need is a good motivation, right?" she said, turning to Daria. She closed her eyes and ran through her thoughts, settling her thoughts rather easily on one thought in particular. A blue mare with a weird speech pattern an odd fashion design, and enormous power. The mare that had started her on this journey, and the mare she would hopefully one day meet and fight. The image and the will to win seared itself into her mind like a small star. She opened her eyes, much calmer now, and stood her ground.


"I'm ready."




, @bronislav84, @Unicorncob,


Despite all her bravado, deep down inside, Trixie was not a very brave pony, and the thought of being sliced into pieces by the spinning blades in front of her was enough to send pulses of real fear tingling down her spine, overpowering any anger she may have felt. She gave up trying to cast magic, her horn sparking fitfully one last time before it stopped glowing altogether.


"I... give up," she said, just barely holding in tears as she lay on the sidewalk. She had somehow managed not to break anything, but there wasn't an inch of her body that wasn't currently in pain, and she had never been all that tolerant to begin with. Still, she looked at Lektra Bolt's outstretched hoof for what seemed like an eternity, the hesitation at rolling over to this mare and becoming friends being so powerful that it was like there was a wall between them. But she fought it, hoof extending inch by agonizing inch in order to grasp Lektra's.


She never got the chance to. Halfway there, an enormous pressure began to descend on the surrounding area, like somepony had somehow dropped a weight on the entire area. Trixie stopped extending her hoof, first out of raw puzzlement, then out of outright shock as a solid violet barrier burst into the air in front of her, splitting the gap between her and Lektra Bolt. On Lektra Bolt's side, the metal disks turned into simple yarn rope, which frayed and burned under the electric current. On her side, gravity began to decrease, shooting her a short distance into open air. She never got the chance to land, however, as a bubble of raw energy encased itself around her, holding her in place three feet above the street. It was over in seconds.


"It's tuned to your magical polarity, Trixie, which means there's no breaking out of it." said Twilight Sparkle informatively, the purple alicorn slowly descending down from the sky with small flaps to land on the ruined sidewalk below. As she dropped, she stopped for a second and closed her eyes, taking deep, slow breaths, just like Cadence had told her. The pressure that had been in the air seconds before disappeared, like it had never even been there in the first place.


She opened her eyes again and took everything in, looking first at the destruction, then at Lektra Bolt, then finally back to Trixie, who stared at Twilight for a second as if she were a mirage. Then she began to speak, talking in dangerously low tones.


"I'm having a talk with Princess Celestia about the upcoming games, when Pinkie Pie comes running up to me, yelling about milkshakes and fights. At the same time, I start to feel an enormous magical surge, and when I trace the source, I see all of this," she said, pointing at the destruction around her, "and you guys are the only two unicorns around here. Which means," she said, taking all of her anger and depositing it on the tip of her tongue.


"Somepony here had better start explaining, Now."

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caliber backed off a little, and let daria come closer. "you may feel a burning sensation. dont worry, thats the insanity," daria said, as she cast her spell. sleight mist seemed to lock up, and stiffen. she didnt even move a muscle. 


"is...is that what i looked like?" caliber asked. "when i was doing the training?"


"yes." daria said, "except you were shaking a bit more."


caliber bit his hoof. "are you sure she can do it?"




there was nothing caliber could do now, so he waited.


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As Blizzard was walking with Rarity, he turned around to see Twilight come down and he immediately thought, "Oh shi--! Dear Celestia, somepony's in trouble. But whatever happened, I wasn't there.  I wasn't there. I wasn't there. I wasn't there. Just keep walking."


Rarity had taken Blizzard inside her workshop which was on the other side of the infirmary, "Here we are! Take a look Blizzard, these are my latest creations! What do you think darling? :D " Rarity's workshop was a small version of Carousel Boutique, but still had amazing clothing such as capes, scarves, headbands, and fighter suits.


Blizzard was amazed at Rarity's work, "Woooow. That's some awesome stuff you got here Rarity. I love your work! I bet you're raking in the bits."


"Oh thank you Blizzard. I have been doing pretty well with this business. But I've been getting tired from working so hard." Rarity said s she sat down tiredly.


Blizzard seized the opportunity and asked, "I'm not gonna be fighting so much later on. After my next fight, maybe do you wanna...I don't know...get a milkshake with me? As a way to get yourself a break?"


"That's very kind of you to offer. But I'm not sure.."


"Oh don't worry. It'll be my treat. Come on you deserve some time off."


"If you're sure, then I suppose it's alright Blizzard. Who are you fighting next?"


"Lektra. It's gonna be a challenge, but nothing I can't take head on. I gotta go train some more before the fight. I'll see you afterwards ok?"


"Alright then, see you later Blizzard!"


Blizzard waved bye and stepped outside of Rarity's workshop, and closed the door behind him. Hafway back to the training grounds, he couldn't resist it, "YES! Woohoo! I gotta date with Rarity! Yeeeees! *victory dance*" he said in a low voice so that nopony would hear him and he couldn't stop dancing, he was too happy.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Quit asking me that, or you might actually make me nervous," she said with a small smile. In truth she was more than nervous enough already. She turned to Daria.


"So all I need is a good motivation, right?" she said, turning to Daria. She closed her eyes and ran through her thoughts, settling her thoughts rather easily on one thought in particular. A blue mare with a weird speech pattern an odd fashion design, and enormous power. The mare that had started her on this journey, and the mare she would hopefully one day meet and fight. The image and the will to win seared itself into her mind like a small star. She opened her eyes, much calmer now, and stood her ground.


"I'm ready."




, @bronislav84, @Unicorncob,


Despite all her bravado, deep down inside, Trixie was not a very brave pony, and the thought of being sliced into pieces by the spinning blades in front of her was enough to send pulses of real fear tingling down her spine, overpowering any anger she may have felt. She gave up trying to cast magic, her horn sparking fitfully one last time before it stopped glowing altogether.


"I... give up," she said, just barely holding in tears as she lay on the sidewalk. She had somehow managed not to break anything, but there wasn't an inch of her body that wasn't currently in pain, and she had never been all that tolerant to begin with. Still, she looked at Lektra Bolt's outstretched hoof for what seemed like an eternity, the hesitation at rolling over to this mare and becoming friends being so powerful that it was like there was a wall between them. But she fought it, hoof extending inch by agonizing inch in order to grasp Lektra's.


She never got the chance to. Halfway there, an enormous pressure began to descend on the surrounding area, like somepony had somehow dropped a weight on the entire area. Trixie stopped extending her hoof, first out of raw puzzlement, then out of outright shock as a solid violet barrier burst into the air in front of her, splitting the gap between her and Lektra Bolt. On Lektra Bolt's side, the metal disks turned into simple yarn rope, which frayed and burned under the electric current. On her side, gravity began to decrease, shooting her a short distance into open air. She never got the chance to land, however, as a bubble of raw energy encased itself around her, holding her in place three feet above the street. It was over in seconds.


"It's tuned to your magical polarity, Trixie, which means there's no breaking out of it." said Twilight Sparkle informatively, the purple alicorn slowly descending down from the sky with small flaps to land on the ruined sidewalk below. As she dropped, she stopped for a second and closed her eyes, taking deep, slow breaths, just like Cadence had told her. The pressure that had been in the air seconds before disappeared, like it had never even been there in the first place.


She opened her eyes again and took everything in, looking first at the destruction, then at Lektra Bolt, then finally back to Trixie, who stared at Twilight for a second as if she were a mirage. Then she began to speak, talking in dangerously low tones.


"I'm having a talk with Princess Celestia about the upcoming games, when Pinkie Pie comes running up to me, yelling about milkshakes and fights. At the same time, I start to feel an enormous magical surge, and when I trace the source, I see all of this," she said, pointing at the destruction around her, "and you guys are the only two unicorns around here. Which means," she said, taking all of her anger and depositing it on the tip of her tongue.


"Somepony here had better start explaining, Now."

Wilhelm had been watching the fight, making exceptionally careful notes in between milkshake breaks. However, when it ended, Wilhelm was was... annoyed. Normally, there wasn't just a facade- after a while, he began to not show emotion at all. But now, he was truly annoyed. He had been watching the fight for informational purposes, and of course, the newest Princess had to step in and stop the experiment mid-run. Watching Twilight showboat around down there, he couldn't help but have a bad taste in his mouth. Never mind her obvious ignorance of using sufficiently-powerful nonmagical objects to break through a mere polarized frequency barrier- give a mare or a stallion alicornship, and they think they know everything. Wilhelm allowed himself a few moments to breathe, and then a few moments more to comport himself in the appropriate court manner for addressing a superior. No matter the fact that they had done work together a few times in the past, and even once ran into each other on the lecture circuit, there was still the lesson drummed into him from childhood- no matter who you are, alicorns are always superior to you. This was a fact Wilhelm resented, and he had made one or two small advances in using unicorn stem cells to make one an effective alicorn, but otherwise he was unable to do anything about it. Offering a brief prayer to science- the only thing he would ever pray to, and then only rarely- he took off, spreading his wings and lightly coasting to the ground, upon which point he folded his wings and trotted over in front of Twilight, delivering a formal, sweeping bow once he had arrived a reasonable conversational distance away. Raising himself from the bow, he lifted his head slightly to make eye contact with the Princess. "Hello, Twi..." He paused for a moment, considering, and the added "..Your Majesty." His eyes briefly flicked to the side, regarding Lektra with a look of faint distaste, as one might look at a unfortunate smear of mud on their boot. Edited by Orion Caelum
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At this point, Lorec had kept running for about five minutes, until the fighting had died down. He slowed down, eventually coming to a walk, and then stopping completely. He looked back, and when he was sure that the conflict may have died down, or they were at least a safe distance from the onslaught, he let his daughter down gently. He spoke in an irritated voice, though his anger was not projected at anyone in particular.


" Those fools would dare have at it where civillians could get injured? Schiße! That is irresponsible and a gross misuse of power! It's like handing a sword to a toddler and saying ' go out and play! '"


Sifana took her father's hand again, giggled slightly, and spoke up.


" Papa, isn't that what you basically do with me?"


Lorec looked at her, then at Tyra, and then back at Sifana. He was somewhat embarrassed by what daughter had just said.


" No, it's not. Heh. One, I give you a boar tusk dagger. Two, I always tell you that it's for protection when you are going home. Three, you're not a toddler now, are you Sifana? Speaking of which...."



Lorec reached into a pouch that he kept tied on a string, same as his scent-block. He pulled out a small, white object. The end had looked sharpened. He knelt down, and offered the dagger to Sifana.


" It's about time for you to head home to Syuren and Orik. I'll be there soon. Papa's going to go for a drink. Remember the rules, Sifana?"


Sifana sighed, and then started reciting in a bored voice, rolling her eyes as she did so


" Always have it pointed downward when tied in the tunic string, it's not a toy, and only draw it in self-defense. I know papa!"


Lorec patted her head, and then kissed her on the forehead and smiled lightly


" good girl. Run along now child. It might not be dangerous after dark like Sadauris, but I still don't want you out late."


She nodded, and then turned to Tyra and spoke. " See you later, Tyra! I'm glad that you're my friend!" She said with a cheery grin on her face. Sifana then started walking down an alleyway to their left, making her way back home. When she was out of earshot, Lorec spoke to Tyra.


" Don't worry. She knows this place like the back of her hand. That, and she knows how to defend herself, I can assure you. Now... Old habits die hard, and I haven't had a drink in Dwrevam knows how long... Want to go destroy your liver with me?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Tyra slowed down to a walk, then stopped as Lorec did.

"Aye," she agreed, glancing back the way they came, "City ponies seem to possess no self-control."


Upon hearing Sifana's comment, she couldn't help but snicker into her hoof. It reminded her of when her father would scold her as a filly for accidentally hitting one of the colts too hard with her wooden sword and have him a concussion.

Good times.


She watched with a smile as Lorec and his daughter exchanged words, and grinned at Sifana's farewell.

"And I you, safe travels!" She called back.


She nodded at Lorec, believing him that she could defend herself. Especially after seeing what her father could do.

At his invitation to drink, she nodded with a wide grin. "Aye, I would love to!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard was still enjoying his self-satisfaction with earning his first date, "Yeah! I'm the awesome ice pone! I gotta tell somepony about my success! But who? Hm. Will is back in the danger zone with Twilight and Trixie still so I'm avoidng that. Where in the buck is Caliber and Tyra? And the big guy..Lorec. Oh well. I might as well sit here for a bit and read." Blizzard began to read his grandfather's book on a bench not far from the training grounds since he couldn't find anypony to talk to.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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