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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Red opened her mouth to say, 'well, we can also save the food,' but decided against it. This showed that Ruby did have morals, after all.


She trotted after Ruby quickly. "I'll show you where the arena is!" Red said, beginning to become a little cheerful. "It's amazingly big."

"no way! i mean, i competed in the swordspony tournament, so i know a good arena when i see one, but..."


she grinned, and followed her. "lead meh!" she squealed. "this is such a good night! and on the first day!" she added.








meanwhile, a dark blue pony was walking on the streets. unknowingly to him, he was about to have quite the interaction.


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"no way! i mean, i competed in the swordspony tournament, so i know a good arena when i see one, but..."


she grinned, and followed her. "lead meh!" she squealed. "this is such a good night! and on the first day!" she added.








meanwhile, a dark blue pony was walking on the streets. unknowingly to him, he was about to have quite the interaction.

Red turned the corner quickly. She knew the way to the arena very well, at least.


As she turned the corner, she had to stop quickly. She hadn't been paying attention, and for the second time that day nearly stumbled into a pony. A dark blue pegasus who she thought she recognized from somewhere.


"Excuse me," she said, a little more cheerfully than normal, stepping to the side. She noticed his sword. She wondered briefly if he'd just been at the arena.

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ruby looked at zenru with the most curious face anyone would ever see.


"who're you?" she asked, noticing how the air seemed colder around him.


"im zenru. and i assume you and your friend here will be going to the arena?" he asked.




"how uncanny...i was going there, too. for a fight, really."

"oooh, and we'll be there to watch!" ruby said, looking at red. "c'mon, lets go!"


zenru slowly trotted behind them. "ill be following you..."


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Red opened her mouth, then closed it. She was a little worried. She began getting paranoid. Did this Zenru suspect them?


No, no, of course not. He hadn't been at the restaurant, had he? He was probably just awkward. Maybe he wanted a friend, but didn't know how to befriend ponies. Yes, maybe he just followed ponies around when he was trying to make friends because he was too awkward to know otherwise.


She quickly followed Ruby.

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Red opened her mouth, then closed it. She was a little worried. She began getting paranoid. Did this Zenru suspect them?


No, no, of course not. He hadn't been at the restaurant, had he? He was probably just awkward. Maybe he wanted a friend, but didn't know how to befriend ponies. Yes, maybe he just followed ponies around when he was trying to make friends because he was too awkward to know otherwise.


She quickly followed Ruby.

*soon they reached the arena, to see a cloaked pony waiting there*


"ah, zenru, i was starting to think you wouldn't show." he said simply.


"you know i wouldn't dream of it." zenru said back, with the same tone.


ruby took a seat in the stands, which were strangely empty. "this'll be awesome!" she said.


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Red looked, more than a little concerned, at the empty stands.


There was definitely something fishy going on, she reflected.


She sat beside Ruby and muttered, "I think there might be something going on here. The stands are always full." She watched Zenru and the cloaked pony carefully.

"oh, this is the fourth arena. for personal fights. not wanting to be seen by a crowd, and so forth." cubus said, hearing what red said. "and i must say, i was surprised that zenru brought company."


"well, someone has to confirm that im the superior one." zenru said, a rare instance in which he attempts sassiness.


"oh? why dont we put that to the test..."


they both drew their swords, and got into a ready stance.


the air dropped a few degrees, along with the light seemingly being sucked towards zenru and cubus.


the air even seemed to swirl around the two, gaining speed.


and then they both shouted something.



"stage 10"



 they both disappeared, and were suddenly both in the center of the arena, a full hurricane of slashes that were clearly all deadly. caliber's onslaught wouldn't even come close.


and the fact that they were pegasi was just adding to the heat of the fight, as they took to the air. and while cubus did had impressive speed, zenru proved himself to be superior, in at least, that aspect.


zenru was everywhere, striking at every possible angel at cubus' body, with barely a millisecond in-between slashes.


but the truly remarkable thing was that cubus was actually countering each slash, spinning in mid-air, his sword seemed to have a mind of it's own, going to meet every attack.


and then cubus suddenly caught zenru's hilt, and flung his sword away.


the sword stuck right next to ruby, but she could care less. alls that mattered to her right now was watching the epic fight in front of her.


zenru merely drew his other sword, and resumed his onslaught. cubus would try to do the same trick, but zenru wouldn't fall for it twice.


cubus landed on the ground, still fending off the dome of swords that had formed around him, when he suddenly spun, faster then sound, and the ear-popping boom was more then enough proof for that. zenru was caught off guard, and cubus lunged, seeing a chance, and taking it.


zenru recovered a sliver too late, and by time he was counter-attacking, cubus' sword had stopped on his neck, shaving a few hairs off.


cubus jumped back, and sheathed his blade. "i win." he said simply.


"i know." zenru replied with a smile. "and next time shall be mine."


they started to simply walk away, and zenru retrieved his sword that was embedded in the stone stand right next to ruby's head. "my apologies." he said simply.


he smiled. "and dont tell anyone i lost, okay?"

  • Brohoof 3


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Red's mouth was slightly open as the two just... left.


She turned to Ruby, eyebrows raised. "That's the swordspony I want to be," she said decisively. She'd never seen such skill... never imagined such skill! It was amazing.


Red grinned slightly after them, eyes slightly glazed. "Say, Ruby, let's be that powerful someday," she said decisively.

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Alrahm smiled at Tyra, and spoke.


" well you see, I, along with my young friend and this particular band of warriors are here on orders from our commander, If that is what you wish to call him. He heard about the upcoming battle and its potential importance, and he wanted to honor Lorec for the occasion. And not only that, he wanted to honor you greatly, as well. You see, this battle is quite an event in the making, more so than you realize. In fact, you may not even realize that you are playing the part of an uninformed savior... Ah, but forgive me. I needn't say more. Warriors understand other warriors better than they can understand themselves. In a short time, you will understand these words. But for now, I shall ask you to be patient a little while longer... The gathering is nearly complete."


Tyra cocked her head, eyes widening more and more as she listened to Alrahm's explanation. They had practically become dinner plates by the time he had finished.

"I am a saviour...?" She muttered to herself, then tried to piece together everything the old unicorn had told her, which resulted in, "I will become a part of a legend?!"


She grinned ear-to-ear, almost literally, as she began hopping in place with excitement. "Now I am even more excited for this bout! When will Lorec be here?! I am ready to face him!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Shy? Me?" Sleight Mist said incredulously. She shook her head, and began to laugh. It continued all the way into the muffin diner, and when she emerged five minutes later with a box full of muffins, she was still staving of the last of her chuckles. She slipped the bag over her shoulder while she walked next to Caliber.


"Now that was hilarious. But you are right about the tournament, Caliber," she said, growing a little bit more serious as she sat down. "I wasn't expecting to lose, but there are a lot of tough opponents here, and they seem to take this as seriously as I do."


She decided to sit down, preparing to dig in to one of the muffins.


"I can't imagine anyplace more exciting than this."



While Ice Blizzard ran downstairs to go deal with the dish, Rarity began finishing the rest of the tea, polishing it off before it got cold. When she finished, she calmly set the cup back down on the tray before following Ice Blizzard's instructions and reaching under her pillow. When her hoof grasped something decidedly foreign, she pulled it out, and quickly opened the present box that she had found. Her eyes immediately drifted towards the tickets, but she decided to at least read the letter before getting too excited. As she finished with the letter, a look of sympathy crossed her face.


"Ice..." she muttered sadly. She stopped when she realized that there was no point. At least, not now, when the two of them were having such a good time. She quickly grabbed the tickets before moving downstairs.


"Ice, I got your present," she said as she walked up to him. "Thank you once again for looking out for me."




"Yes, let's go," Trixie said, keeping a cheerful personality out of the rationale that the stallion was new here, and couldn't possibly know many of the locations here. It was the fine line between sympathy, and annoyance.


"It's over next to the residential area, so I think we would go.. this way," she said, turning right and continuing down the streets of Bangcolt.




Celestia actually let out a light chuckle when Night Tracer finished.


"No, Night Tracer, you're quite right. My sister is incredibly beautiful, though it is one more trait she cannot seem to see in herself. Another is loyalty. You will find that few more qualified for that title; she carried it as one of the elements back before our connection to Harmony was broken. I suspect that that is what she truly sees in you; it , and I couldn't say I disagree." she said, offering that same warm smile.


"Either that, or its your sense of humor. You remind of an old friend, Starswirl. Have you heard of him?




"And i'm only just beginning..." Nightingale murmured , taking in the smell of smoke and wood pilings. She inhaled deeply, finding even the odd burning smell vastly superior to the previous one.


"Y'know, I have some free time." she said, turning back to Electron. "If you're as good at this as you say, i'd like to see it. Show me how a real master works." she insisted, giving him the lightest of smirks."

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Tyra cocked her head, eyes widening more and more as she listened to Alrahm's explanation. They had practically become dinner plates by the time he had finished.

"I am a saviour...?" She muttered to herself, then tried to piece together everything the old unicorn had told her, which resulted in, "I will become a part of a legend?!"


She grinned ear-to-ear, almost literally, as she began hopping in place with excitement. "Now I am even more excited for this bout! When will Lorec be here?! I am ready to face him!"



Alrahm chuckled a bit before speaking again.


" hahaha... Just be patient awhile, and allow the commander and Lorec some time. I'm sure you will be quite interested in meeting our leader, as well. And once the ceremony is concluded, the battle can begin as soon as you all agree upon a venue. I've already taken the liberty of making sure you two were signed up. After all, Lorec has little to no inkling of how paperwork is important."


He paused, and turned to the group of warriors. Without batting Syuren an eye, Alrahm he spoke.


" Syuren, could you do the honors? I feel that they are getting very close."


Syuren nodded, and trotted up beside Alrahm. Aimed at the group of warriors, he barked orders to them.


" 'aight, acolytes! Coat of arms position! Big horny and boss grif are gonna show soon!"



Almost as if these warriors were part of an elite, long-existing military, they shuffled around into their positions. When it was done, the units were in two, long lines of two hundred each. To the right, the saddle Arabians and their sworn, neatly intermingled in a neat pattern where there was a Minotaur between his mount. On the left, the heavy unit and the moderately equipped unit did not intermingle. The moderate armored fighters began their part of the line and the heavies finished it. All said and done, the two lines of warriors formed a 15ft wide, long alleyway to the arena's entrance. It was almost like a welcoming ceremony for a king. Alrahm spoke to Tyra again.


" and, until further notice, this is where I must bid thee adieu when it comes to personal conversation. Syuren, if you would be so kind, please escort the young lady to her position."


Syuren responded.


" yeah sure. 'Aight, Tyra. Follow me."


He said as he trotted toward the beginning of the line.






Kazas spoke to Vera, endevoring to not keep the others waiting.


" at the front of the arena. Believe me, you shall know it when you See it! C'mon, get on my back! And don't worry, I can still fly with this armor on!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Alrahm chuckled a bit before speaking again.


" hahaha... Just be patient awhile, and allow the commander and Lorec some time. I'm sure you will be quite interested in meeting our leader, as well. And once the ceremony is concluded, the battle can begin as soon as you all agree upon a venue. I've already taken the liberty of making sure you two were signed up. After all, Lorec has little to no inkling of how paperwork is important."


He paused, and turned to the group of warriors. Without batting Syuren an eye, Alrahm he spoke.


" Syuren, could you do the honors? I feel that they are getting very close."


Syuren nodded, and trotted up beside Alrahm. Aimed at the group of warriors, he barked orders to them.


" 'aight, acolytes! Coat of arms position! Big horny and boss grif are gonna show soon!"



Almost as if these warriors were part of an elite, long-existing military, they shuffled around into their positions. When it was done, the units were in two, long lines of two hundred each. To the right, the saddle Arabians and their sworn, neatly intermingled in a neat pattern where there was a Minotaur between his mount. On the left, the heavy unit and the moderately equipped unit did not intermingle. The moderate armored fighters began their part of the line and the heavies finished it. All said and done, the two lines of warriors formed a 15ft wide, long alleyway to the arena's entrance. It was almost like a welcoming ceremony for a king. Alrahm spoke to Tyra again.


" and, until further notice, this is where I must bid thee adieu when it comes to personal conversation. Syuren, if you would be so kind, please escort the young lady to her position."


Syuren responded.


" yeah sure. 'Aight, Tyra. Follow me."


He said as he trotted toward the beginning of the line.


"Your leader?" Tyra repeated, cocking her head, "And who would--" Before she could finish, Alrahm had ordered Syuren to organise the warriors.


She simply watched in awe as the sashed fighters got together in lines, as if royalty was approaching. The sheer speed of their organisation was astounding; even her villagers back home were not this fast. Or organised.


She blinked up at the pegasus as she was ordered to follow him through the line. She smirked and began a confident strut after Syuren, having a feeling of importance as she neared the front of the line.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As Ice was washing the dishes, he simply looked at Rarity happily, "Hehe..no problem...I uh.." he stopped and thought for a moment, "Crap. What does she mean? Yes she'll go out with me? No? I am so confused...."


He grew a sudden expression of fearful worry as he turned away and continued to clean her kitchen, "I kinda made somewhat of a mess in here and uh....yeah..."


"Come on stupid. If you can find enough courage to kiss her on the LIPS. Then you should be kosher from here on in. Don't worry yourself so much dude. Just know that as a member of the Ice Clan of the North, it is your civic duty to look out for others and protect those closest to you. That's right. I'm gonna do my best to keep her safe, no matter what it requires out of me. I just hope I don't get turned down on the first date. Here we go...."


He turned off the water for a moment and looked into Rarity's eyes again. They were like venus fly traps of beauty, the perfect distractor, something Ice needed to keep his focus on, "Ahem, well uh, I just wanted you to go and relax yourself for a bit at the spa first, and then, I wanted to take you to that party later tonight. W-would you like to go out....with...me?" he asked nervously as he began to sweat.


"Diagnosis: Heeeeeeeeeeellllllp!" he thought.




Electron turned his cloud to a lightning cloud and gruffily said, "Lightning Style....let me show you....follow me!" he shouted as he flew off.




Kazas spoke to Vera, endevoring to not keep the others waiting. " at the front of the arena. Believe me, you shall know it when you See it! C'mon, get on my back! And don't worry, I can still fly with this armor on!"

Vera nodded, and hopped onto Kazas's back. They flew all the way back to the town, and made it to where the ceremony was being held. Vera jumped off Kaz's back, and said, "Well Kazy? We're here. Down in the middle of all the awesome action. How does it feel? Exciting?" she asked happily.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Syuren trotted toward the front, picking up the pace as not to be outdone by the tiny, axe wielding mare. Ending up beside her, he spoke in a hushed whisper.


" aight. So this is what's gonna happen. You and Lorec are gonna meet at the beginning of the line. When the boss shows up, he's gonna give a signal, and you n' Lorec are gonna walk down that line side by side. Yer also gonna hear some pretty fancy music. Boss decided to go all out. And one more thing...."


He said, pausing. Trying to gather his thoughts.


" Lorec and I tend to piss each other off, but he's a good guy. I ain't really seein' what he does when it comes to you, but like Al said, this fight is damn important. You'd better bring it hard, because once Lorec starts, he ain't gonna stop if yer really all yer cracked up to be. Capish? And for the love of Celestia, DON'T WALK THE LINE BEFORE THE MUSIC STARTS."





Vorrin had left Lorec and Sifana not too far behind as he had arrived at the ceremony's opening. Taking his place at the end of the line with Alrahm almost unnoticed, he trotted up behind the old pony, and almost spoke before Alrahm beat him to the punch.


" ahem. Vorrin, have we not discussed my old condition and how you shouldn't sneak up upon elders?"


Vorrin responded in a non-chalant tone.


" wasn't trying to sneak. I'm just showing up for the ceremony."


" Where are Lorec and Sifana?"


" on their way. In fact... I see them now. And it also appears as if Kazas has just flown in, not too far..."


He said, spotting him about a hundred feet away. But that mare... Who was she?





Lorec had finally arrived at the ceremony, almost in perfect position as he had come in from a different road that was aligned near center of the warriors. When he had seen what Kazas had done for him, he understood immediately, and a large, goofy grin found its away upon his face that he immediately tried to force back into his normally stoic gaze. They had done this for him. His band of the Divine Retribution Order, here to cheer for him, and his closest friends, here to offer their support. And the icing on the cake was that his daughter, Sifana, who was riding piggy back on him, would also get to watch him fight. He was eager. This... Was how legends were written. Knowing how the coat of arms worked, he walked to the beginning of the line. He smiled again, looking upon his unit that had come to greet them. Most of them had come from Saduaris, from multiple domains. Some were old comrades that, while not formally of the golden horns, he had still fought proudly beside in domain disputes back home. Some were young warriors that had left Saduaris in their own quest for comaradarie, honor, and accolades. And even still yet, some were even Equestrian, having been attracted to the divine retribution through reputation and desire to change the world. He was proud of his particular unit of the divine retribution, for it held a spotless record; not a single warrior from the acolytes of the Ursa unit have ever fallen. They always came back, from missions, and were easily the toughest bunch of the D.R.O. He waited, spotting Tyra and Syuren trotting near the beginning. Sifana had fallen asleep upon his back.







Having landed near the ceremony, about a hundred feet from the end of the line, Kazas spoke to Vera as he had began walking toward his position with the other keepers. Among the crowd, he spotted Vorrin and Alrahm already awaiting, and Syuren was guiding Tyra to the beginning of the line. Lorec had arrived with his daughter, and was eagerly awaiting the beginning of the ceremony... Good. Everything was falling into place.


" What you are about to see, Vera, will lead you to draw many conclusions. When I said I was much more than a mere ambassador, I was not just speaking of my role as the Phoenix knight. Come. I wish you to be by my side during the ceremony. And it most certainly is exhilarating. Surely, the battle we will witness is to be all the more grandiose in scale."


He said. Something was different about Kazas. As he had started walking toward Alrahm and the others, it was as if he had shed his shell of humility and exuded confidence and pride, if but only for the fleetest of moments.


His companion, Vorrin, yelled, out loud to break the silence.


" Commander Kazas is officially present! Ursa unit, present arms!"


As vorrin had done so, the unit had raised spears, swords, axes, and a variety of other weapons skyward. Some were staring at each other from across the 15ft gap. Some were eyeing Lorec in respect and anticipation. Some kept eyes skyward to their weapons.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Tyra perked up as Syuren began whispering instructions to her. She was to wait for Lorec, and walk down this line again alongside him. And it seemed moving from her spot would be a grave insult to their people.

"Aye, I understand," she muttered with a nod. She stood at the end of the line.


As she looked over the scene she was placed in, she was reminded of how similar this looked to a...?!

"...am I getting married?!" She squeaked fearfully, "But I do not even like dresses!"


What in the Hero's Realm was going on?!


Hopefully, when Lorec arrived, he would be sober enough to provide some answers.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I'd love to, to both." Rarity replied, smiling lightly. "It's the least I can do after you went through all of this trouble to set things up for me."


She shuffled a hoof through her mane, and realized for the time how much of a mess it had become. It felt like she had been in a tussle with a manticore. Or several.


"Plus, and I don't mean to be rude, I could certainly use their services. Let's be honest, Ice Blizzard, I must look an absolute mess..."




"As you wish." Nighingale said with a whisper. She watched Electron fly off, and took off from the cloud as well. Instead of immediately following him, however, she cut a path for what was left of the tavern. Taking one of her feather sliders out of her saddlebags, she jabbed the sharp end into the wall of the tavern, leaving it stuck right above the door. Her personal calling card, and incredibly easy for anypony to notice.


"That's done. Now, let's go play this game out, shall we?" she said to herself. Grinning. She took off into the air once again, catching up to Electron in short order.

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Blizzard smiled and tried to comfort Rarity, "Aw, well, you don't look that bad. How hard you work really shows when you put your mind to something. In fact, uou still look pretty hot to me.... " he exaggerated a cough, "Whoops, something in my throat."


He felt like he had exploded on the inside. He managed to snag a date with Rarity, it seemed like it was only gonna get better from there as Blizzard had an idea, "In fact, better idea: If you want, you could go to the spa right now while I finish cleaning up here. That way, you won't have to worry about dealing with any mess when you get back. Now, the party starts at 6:00. I'm gonna finish up here and be back at say 5:30 to pick you up. If that's ok with you?" he asked, sweating again.



EWS stopped on a dime in midflight. He then looked at Nightingale and asked her, "Ever hear of an electro-canister?" he asked while holding an empty glass bottle.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Red's mouth was slightly open as the two just... left.


She turned to Ruby, eyebrows raised. "That's the swordspony I want to be," she said decisively. She'd never seen such skill... never imagined such skill! It was amazing.


Red grinned slightly after them, eyes slightly glazed. "Say, Ruby, let's be that powerful someday," she said decisively.

"yeah! and then we can be those awesome ponies, all fighting and sparring and amazing everyone who watched...its going to b epic!"


she grinned, "but we're gonna have to train!" she added, with a confident smirk.


"Shy? Me?" Sleight Mist said incredulously. She shook her head, and began to laugh. It continued all the way into the muffin diner, and when she emerged five minutes later with a box full of muffins, she was still staving of the last of her chuckles. She slipped the bag over her shoulder while she walked next to Caliber.


"Now that was hilarious. But you are right about the tournament, Caliber," she said, growing a little bit more serious as she sat down. "I wasn't expecting to lose, but there are a lot of tough opponents here, and they seem to take this as seriously as I do."


She decided to sit down, preparing to dig in to one of the muffins.


"I can't imagine anyplace more exciting than this."


"aw, you know your shy." he said, nudging her and chuckling himself. "and i like this place cause it reminds me that im not the top-dog in the world. and that i still need to get stronger."


he shrugged. "but other then that, i can actually live in this place. of course, eventually, id go back to wandering, but thats besides the point."


he grinned. "so what about you?" he asked, as he poked her side. "whats your story?"


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Having landed near the ceremony, about a hundred feet from the end of the line, Kazas spoke to Vera as he had began walking toward his position with the other keepers. Among the crowd, he spotted Vorrin and Alrahm already awaiting, and Syuren was guiding Tyra to the beginning of the line. Lorec had arrived with his daughter, and was eagerly awaiting the beginning of the ceremony... Good. Everything was falling into place. " What you are about to see, Vera, will lead you to draw many conclusions. When I said I was much more than a mere ambassador, I was not just speaking of my role as the Phoenix knight. Come. I wish you to be by my side during the ceremony. And it most certainly is exhilarating. Surely, the battle we will witness is to be all the more grandiose in scale." He said. Something was different about Kazas. As he had started walking toward Alrahm and the others, it was as if he had shed his shell of humility and exuded confidence and pride, if but only for the fleetest of moments. His companion, Vorrin, yelled, out loud to break the silence. " Commander Kazas is officially present! Ursa unit, present arms!" As vorrin had done so, the unit had raised spears, swords, axes, and a variety of other weapons skyward. Some were staring at each other from across the 15ft gap. Some were eyeing Lorec in respect and anticipation. Some kept eyes skyward to their weapons

Vera followed Kazas closely. When she heard the announcement of Kazas being a commander, she felt a sense of pride for him, "Wow. He's awesome. He must be a really amazing leader if he can rise to becoming a commander. This is gonna be awesome, I can already tell. Wide array of companions too.."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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It was there that Rarity had to draw a line. She put one hoof on Ice Blizzard's shoulder to get his attention.


"I'm sorry, darling but I can't in good conscience let you stay here and fix up my mess, especially when you've already gone out of your way so much to help today. If you wish to help, I think it would be better if we both cleaned it up. It'll go faster, then I can go to the spa afterwards. Okay?"




"Can't say that I have, to be honest. Considering the name, though, I think I like where this is going.. It sounds noisy. And dangerous." she said, a slow grin donning on her face.




"Not much of a story. I'm a graduate from a magical school, and I revolutionized the magical barrier system. Afterwards, I dropped out because they were too restrictive, and I became a freelancer who runs around Equestria, working on my magic and doing odd jobs for money."


She took a bite of her muffin, actually savoring the taste. So much better than hospital food.


"You won't believe the things employers want me to do sometimes. I swear, its like i've gone to Tartarus itself on more than one occasion."

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"Not much of a story. I'm a graduate from a magical school, and I revolutionized the magical barrier system. Afterwards, I dropped out because they were too restrictive, and I became a freelancer who runs around Equestria, working on my magic and doing odd jobs for money."


She took a bite of her muffin, actually savoring the taste. So much better than hospital food.


"You won't believe the things employers want me to do sometimes. I swear, its like i've gone to Tartarus itself on more than one occasion."

caliber as listening to the story intently.


"actually, iv been to tartarus. its not all that bad...just avoid the lava, and you'll be good." he said casually, with a dismissive wave.



"granted, eclipse almost killed me, but thats irrelevant." he added quietly.


"and you actually seem like your quite capable. hell, you beat me. thats no small feat." he grinned. "4th best swordspony...im still impressed."


he grinned even wider, as he added, "although, i think we both know that it was because i didnt eat well the night before, that you won." he said with a smirk. "iv been wanting to rematch ya, to be honest."

Edited by PeytonJay


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Blizzard nodded at Rarity's offer to help, "Ok then. I mean, I was almost done anyway, so yeah. I was just finishing up the dishes here, and I was just about to put away the food and stuff that I left out." he opened up the fridge widely so they could both put the food away, "There we go...Time to tip the scales...the food scales." he said with a dramatic tone as he started to put the tea in the cabinet, and looked for a place to put the eggs in the fridge. There were still the strawberries, and peppers left out.



EWS then put his entire storm cloud, into that empty glass bottle, and corcked it, "Boom. Electro-canister. Highly explosive, sealed electricity, that when thrown, releases a painful shock charge. Who do we attack first?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Syuren scoffed, still in a hushed tone.


" what?!? No! Man , yer kinda dense. This is to respect yer battle with Lorec. Ya ain't gettin' hitched. You're not Lorec's type anyways, toots."


He spotted Lorec at the beginning of the line. He gently pushed Tyra toward the beginning of the line.


" good luck! Lorec's waitin' for ya! Take up position beside him and we can get this show on the road!"


Syuren then proceeded back the way he came, fluttering in mid air to the rest of his fellow keepers.








Kazas traveled to where his compatriots were, acknowledging them all in a friendly and joyful tone.


" I'm so glad that you all were able to make it here today!"


Syuren, popping in from helping Tyra, spoke up first.


" ayyyyyeeeee!!!!! Boss! How's it hangin'?"


Vorrin simply gave an approving smile and a nod.


Alrahm scratched his beard, and had an old, warm and grizzled smile as he spoke.


" Kazas. It is great to see you again. Are you ready?"


Kazas nodded, and spoke.


" ready as ever."


He then looked at Vera, and motioned for her to stand by his side, smiling warmly.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Ice Blizzard's mom, Yuki Frostlace, was sitting at home when she got a newspaper. On the front cover, was an ad for the Bangcolt Arena with several ponies including Caliber, Slieght Mist, Wilhelm, and Ice Blizzard! His mom was astonished to see him on the cover of a newspaper, "Wow. My little Icy is all famous. I'm gonna go visit him. It's been so long since I've seen my little boy."


She packed up everything. Her Tsurara Nunchucks, clothes, her jewelry case for her sales, and a picture of Ice. She packed everyting she needed, and left for the Crystal Empire Train Station, and got onto the train for Bangcolt, and looked out the window as it left the station. "I sure hope he's found a marefriend by now...."


Syuren scoffed, still in a hushed tone.

" what?!? No! Man , yer kinda dense. This is to respect yer battle with Lorec. Ya ain't gettin' hitched. You're not Lorec's type anyways, toots."

He spotted Lorec at the beginning of the line. He gently pushed Tyra toward the beginning of the line.

" good luck! Lorec's waitin' for ya! Take up position beside him and we can get this show on the road!"

Syuren then proceeded back the way he came, fluttering in mid air to the rest of his fellow keepers.




Kazas traveled to where his compatriots were, acknowledging them all in a friendly and joyful tone.

" I'm so glad that you all were able to make it here today!"

Syuren, popping in from helping Tyra, spoke up first.

" ayyyyyeeeee!!!!! Boss! How's it hangin'?"

Vorrin simply gave an approving smile and a nod.

Alrahm scratched his beard, and had an old, warm and grizzled smile as he spoke.

" Kazas. It is great to see you again. Are you ready?"

Kazas nodded, and spoke.

" ready as ever."

He then looked at Vera, and motioned for her to stand by his side, smiling warmly.

Vera stood at Kazas's side as he spoke to his friends. When Kazas's was finished, she spoke up, "Hey, 'sup? How ya guys doin'?" , she said calmly. Having been around boys a lot in the mercenary group, she figured she knew how to handle how to talk to other dudes in such a way.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Actually, I thought it was because you didn't look up," she said smugly.


"You know, i've gotten a lot stronger since this competition started. I've learned some new abilities, and I got a better grasp of how strong the competition is in this tournament. Also, i'm ready to take this seriously." she said, giving him a smirk.


"Challenge accepted. I look forward to taking you down. Again."




@Orion Caelum

"Let's see..." she said, gliding almost lazily through the air next to Electron.


"How about those two? They look like a couple of oddballs," she said, looking down to where a pegasi and a unicorn with some odd floating dolls were walking with purpose.




Rarity finished up with the remainder, placing the strawberries and peppers neatly into the fridge.


"Well, that was easy, wasn't it?" she said with a grin. "Let me just pack my stuff, and i'll be off to the spa."


She went to go collect her things, stuffing items into her saddlebag as she encountered them. As she passed the back room, however, a light blue glow caught her eye. She walked in, looking strangely at the gem in the machine.


"This is...impossible." she said, looking at the crystal in the machine.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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