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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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In the stands, Annette leaped to her feet and shouted passionately as she watched the procession. Her dolls sat in the adjoining seats next to her, and they seemed to be having a good time as well; even Glory and Nightmare were too riveted in the excitement to fight for once.


She suddenly turned around, realizing that she was obstructing the view of some participants and distracting several others. Not only that, she had tossed popcorn everywhere in her excitement.


"sorry," she said sheepishly, before sitting back down. Soon, her eyes were riveted to the dome again, watching the contestants exchange blows back and forth.




Using telekinesis, Sleight Mist deftly tossed a notebook full of magical symbols to the floor, where it joined its brothers in an evergrowing pile on the side of her bed. There was barely a breath in between before she summoned another one, immediately taking off where she last left off.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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caliber grinned, and started cutting the arrows down, his sword gathering static electricity. he took one to the leg, however, and it shocked him badly. the metal floor didnt help much. he was stunned, but once again ran towards wilhelm. "you'll run outta arrows sometime, what then?" he yelled, as he readied his sword. again.


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caliber grinned, and started cutting the arrows down, his sword gathering static electricity. he took one to the leg, however, and it shocked him badly. the metal floor didnt help much. he was stunned, but once again ran towards wilhelm. "you'll run outta arrows sometime, what then?" he yelled, as he readied his sword. again.

Wilhelm smiled. "Long before the time I run out of arrows, this match will be finished. In my favor." He refrained from firing at the charging Caliber, waiting for Caliber to reach the catwalk. For some reason, he backed up slightly, and put a hoof on the side of the catwalk, as if to steady himself. Then, he stepped back further and, slinging his bow back over his shoulders, drew his sword, holding it in a strange, reversed way, so that the blade was pointed at Wilhelm along the length of his leg instead of away from him.

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The owl flies slowly and demonicly. He stares at the two ponies battling for either money or to please the masses "pawns" he thought to himself "mere mortals fighting to be paid for nearly killing each other." He perched on the rail of the stands. "This is just wrong." "I will watch."

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caliber grinned. swordplay? he'll win this round. but lets see just how good wilhelm is. caliber began to attack, normally, at first. but it quickly began to gain speed, as well as more reversed strikes. then caliber began to differ his styles, switching from kendo to fencing to battou-jutsu. all the while grinning.


(he did put away his bow, and draw his sword, right? :P )


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caliber grinned. swordplay? he'll win this round. but lets see just how good wilhelm is. caliber began to attack, normally, at first. but it quickly began to gain speed, as well as more reversed strikes. then caliber began to differ his styles, switching from kendo to fencing to battou-jutsu. all the while grinning.


(he did put away his bow, and draw his sword, right? :P )

Wilhelm smiled, calmly, gracefully, and methodically blocking all of Caliber's strokes. On the last strike, he danced away, plummeting off the edge of the catwalk and spreading his wings at the perfect second to save himself, doing a Immelmann loop back in the direction of the catwalk, coming in hooves-first. And then, at that moment, without any warning whatsoever, the explosive charges Wilhelm had discreetly laid on the catwalk went off, in unison with the one Wilhelm had just planted on the supporting frame of the platform. The area Caliber was standing on was obliterated in a flash of light and smoke, and Wilhelm waited for Caliber to emerge from the ashes-if at all. With a faint smirk, as he landed, he observed that the only thing below them was empty space.

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"god dammit!" caliber cursed when the catwalk exploded. he was getting real sick of tricks and traps in this arena. caliber danced and dodged around, trying to avoid the holes, and any other explosions, until the smoke faded. "you trying to kill me, or something?" caliber asked, clearly annoyed. he raised his sword. "i can take it a step up, if you'd like." his eyes had that spark in them.

Edited by PeytonJay


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"I'm not trying to kill you. I'm trying to distract you." Wilhelm remarked from the place he had assumed behind Caliber during the confusion. Then, Wilhelm brought his sword -through- the gap between Caliber's blade and foreleg, and, locking the tip through Caliber's crossguard, pushed the side of his leg out and over, flicking his sword in such a way that both blades were torn from the combatants' hooves, and Caliber's blade, along with Wilhelm's sword, went sailing into the abyss below them, and were absorbed in a crackling flash of lightning from the ruptured reactor. Drawing a long, sharp, leaf-bladed arrow from his arrow quiver, Wilhelm shook his head very slowly. "I liked that sword, Caliber. Do you know how much that cost me to be made? How many hours I've trained with it? How treasured it was to me? Oh, but I'll be repaid in full. Right... Now." With a movement that emanated finality, Wilhelm, in one motion, brought the arrow down on Caliber's head.


OOC: This movement is what Wilhelm did. Fourth step, WikiHow's "How to Disarm A Opponent Using Swords".


"Wait until the enemy lunges (extends his sword all the way out from his body). Now you will want to move your sword out and touch his on the INSIDE of his blade, as if to parry it away. From here, take a step closer to him, bring your sword up almost vertically WHILE STILL TOUCHING HIS BLADE, and wrap your blade around his. Yes, this is possible. From the almost-vertical position of your sword, point the tip down suddenly towards the OUTSIDE of his blade. Slide the sword down the outside of his blade and then jerk in towards you. Do all this quickly and jerk your sword hard--the opponent's sword should fly out of his hand in the direction you pulled it and land a few feet away."


With Wilhelm, for the extra insurance, he also took his blade's tip and stuck it into Caliber's crossguard for better leverage. And yes, a few feet away while on a half-destroyed catwalk barely holding itself over a very long drop -is- "off the edge".

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caliber's eyes had darkened when his sword was wrenched away. even when the arrow was put up against his head, he was still just starring into the void where his sword fell. he looked back at wilhelm, his eyes completely livid. "you...have no idea how much that sword meant to me..." he said darkly, and when the arrow was released, dark magic exploded all round him. with lightning fast reflexives, enhanced by dark magic, making it impossibly fast. caliber looked into his eyes, all emotion gone. all but one. rage. he gripped the arrow at the base, end pointing out, and attacked. fast.


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Wilhelm stepped back rapidly, not even making a effort to block, just dodging. He received a cut on his barrel, his muzzle, and then another one across his forehead. He blocked the arrow with his leg, the head cutting the flesh, and used the second it took for Caliber to wrench the arrow back to dive away.. As he fell off the platform, the rush of air pulling at his wings as he struggled to stay aloft, he was counting. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven...

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"oh no you dont!!" caliber yelled, in his last bit of time he had left, he dived of the platform, and tackled wilhelm, punching and kicking everywhere he could reach, all teachings forgotten. they started to be dragged down due to the extra weight caliber had put in, and caliber wasn't showing any signs of stopping. the magic clicked off, and caliber got the trademark headache, but he ignored it. alls he knew was that he wanted wilhelm to hurt.


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Wilhelm felt a rib snap, but he gritted his teeth against the pain, using then sat remaining force he could muster to do a series of acrobatic maneuvers designed to throw off a unwanted passenger. With a parabola, Wilhelm briefly felt the pull of weightlessness, and Caliber floated in front of him for the barest second. Wilhelm, using the last vestiges of his strength, took another arrow from the quiver at his side, and rammed it into Caliber's chest. Then, the moment of zero-g passed, and Wilhelm screamed in pain, unnaturally high, as his wing broke under Caliber's assault and the force of his descent. With the last action he could take before hitting the ground, Wilhelm threw the soon-to-be mortally wounded (unless he got medical assistance soon) Caliber into a wall, smooth and devoid of helpful railings. Then, his other wing broke, and Wilhelm spiraled to the ground like a shot bird. He hit hard, and his vision went black for a moment, but he somehow managed to maintain consciousness, and laid on the floor, chest rising and falling slowly. He stood, swaying, and propped himself against the wall of the reactor, blood trailing from his myriad wounds. Spitting blood, Wilhelm spoke. "Serves... you.. righ..t..."

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pain. thats what caliber's life summed up to, right now. he laid there on the ground, breathing heavily. he was still furious about his sword, but his body was in too much pain to get up. distantly, he considered using even more dark magic. is does nullify the pain, after all. and it almost guaranteed victory. but who knows how long he'd be out? he felt blood start to seep from his side. looking down, he saw an arrow pointing out. groaning, he snapped the end off. he really didnt know weather or not wilhelm was in the same condition. but, hopefully, he'd been knocked out. that means he would win. he struggled to stay conscious. the darkness at the edges of his vision were getting harder and harder to keep back.



Edited by PeytonJay


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Wilhelm was barely staying conscious, every nerve ending singing a symphony of pain. Them, something forced itself to the forefront of his mind; battle focus materialism. Wilhelm wrestled with his saddlebag, clumsily pulling it open. He drew out a bottle of green liquid and held it in front of him in trembling hooves, speaking a incantation he had memorized over many years. The liquid grew sparkler, with blotches of navy blue, and Wilhelm tipped the contents of the bottle down his throat. Almost immediately, he felt his senses clear and his mind resume normal function, and while it was only a temporary reprieve from the darkness, it was more than enough. He stood tall, legs barely holding up his weight, and he watched Caliber slowly succumb to unconsciousness.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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caliber saw him. he glared at him with loathing in his eyes. pure rage. the darkness advanced. 'he took away my sword. he trapped me. he shocked me.' caliber thought, trying with all his might to hold onto that last strand of conscious. but then it snapped. caliber looked up at wilhelm for one last second, and smiled. then blacked out.


"...AND WILHELM DE WINTER IS THE WINNER!!!" applause erupted from the stands, ponies cheering, chanting his name. "SOMEPONY DISABLE THE ARENA!" the arena morphed back into a simple platform. their swords can be seen to the side. medical ponies rushed in, and carried the two off. caliber managed to pick up his sword. somehow. dont question it. "THANK YOU FOR COMING! WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!"


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"Aw, Caliber lost? Booooo!" Anette said, shouting at the screen. She had had 300 bits riding on the unicorn, and now she would never see it again.


Suddenly, she turned to Glory, listening as if the doll was whispering onto her air. She turned around, looking at a familiar face in the crowd.

"Hey, you're that guy who fought Sleight Mist! Ice Blizzard, wasn't it? I'm Annette, her best friend," She said, holding out a friendly hoof.

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Blizzard shook her hoof and said, "Hi. Please don't hate me for beating her like that! She was blowing me up too!" Blizzard said as he gulped and was in a cringe pose as he expected to get whacked on the head or something for beating this gir'ls best friend.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Anette stared blankly at the Earth pony. Then, more than likely to his surprise, she giggled lightly.

"I don't hate you," she said, smiling brightly. "Sleight Mist is a big girl, she can take herself. Besides, it's her fault for going easy on you..."

Suddenly, Glory floated next to her, wings flapping gently. The doll whispered something in her ear, and her eyes went wide.

"Oh, i'm sorry, that was rude of me." she said, blushing lightly. "Meet my friends," she said .With that, the dolls left their chairs, though she seemingly used no magic, and began moving around the stallion as she began to introduce them.


 "Meet Glory," she said, pointing towards the doll with large wings she had just been talking to. The doll gave its best impression of a deep bow.


"Hearthrob," she said, pointing to the doll with the heart-shaped eyes now playing with the stallion's hair.


"Hero," she said, looking at the slightly more muscular doll that stood above her, arms crossed.


"and... Nightmare!" she said, looking behind him wide eyed to where a doll stood behind him, joy buzzer prepped to deliver a painful electric shock. Before he could, however, she de-summoned him, the doll disappearing with a faint poof.


"I'm so sorry," she said, checking to make sure the Earth pony was alright. Satisfied he was okay, she began to smile again.

"Anyways, I just saw you seemed like a pretty nice stallion," she said, giggling lightly again, "and I wanted to talk to you."

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Blizzard replies, "Nice shock. *shakes head and fixes mane* Well I guess I got some time before my fight with Caliber. Whatcha wanna talk about?" Blizzard seemed ok, but he was still scared a bit, because of the whole fact that he almost killed this mare's best friend.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Anette noticed the slightly flight look on Ice Blizzard's face, adopting a slightly flustered expression in return.

"Seriously, I didn't come here to hurt you!" she said. "Besides, you went hoof to hoof with Sleight Mist, I don't think i'd stand a chance against you anyways. No, I just wanted to introduce myself and make friends. Not a lot of the other contestants seem as... friendly as you," she said, offering a warm smile. In truth, most of them scared the living daylights out of her.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Blizzard welcomed the mare's nice attitude, "Ok, well yeah I'm friendly, because why not? :muffins: I know some of those guys out there. Wilhelm, he's cool, we had an adventure together with a team into Tartarus. And on that team, there was my best friend Caliber. He's pretty awesome :mustache: and I've known him since we we're young teens, like I was 13 and he was 14 when we first met. You got some nice puppets there. I bet you could use them to fight, since that other one shocked me.  :comeatus: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Tartarus? Really? That's... Nightmare!"

She turned, just in time to catch Nightmare preparing to unleash a jet of flames at the stallion. Glory, angry expression on her face, twitched once and then vanished, suddenly re-appearing in front of Ice Blizzard as if she had been there all along. She put up a shield, protecting him from the flames that jetted out and around him, leaving small trails of fire in its wake.

"Not again..." she said, shaking her head at the scene. Nightmare, still standing behind Ice Blizzard, looked at Glory and cackled loudly. Then, he seemed to vibrate briefly, before vanishing into thin air. Glory momentarily vanished as well, but not before adopting a pose that almost seemed to like a sigh of exasperation,


For the next few minutes, it would appear like nothing had ever happened. Occasionally there would be a loud crash, and the air around the stadium would be punctuated streaking blasts of fire or arcs of electricity that tunneled through the sky, giving the appearance there was an enormous battle or a freak thunderstorm going on around the two ponies.


"They'll be at it for a while," she said sighing. She looked at Ice Blizzard almost knowingly. "And there's no stopping them when they get like this. So, while we're waiting, tell me. About Tartarus; is it really as scary as the rumors say?"

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Blizzard replies cockily, "eh it was no big deal. B) Although to be serious it wasn't a cakewalk either, :wacko: there were Timberwolves, *makes timberwolf sculpture* giant pony eating worms! *makes ice worm*, and bats the size of doors! *makes ice bat, then makes them all dissappear* but you know, no big.   :catface: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@@@Mars Orbit@@bronislav84


('imma let you two talk, and start the other match, kay? :D )




beeps are heard




the arena morphed into the said location, with a generous pile of gold. there was silver within it, too.


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Skitz said quietly. "You may not know it yet but that's how you threaten someone." He said to his right hoof "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!?!" He screamed at his left hoof. He looked at lektra. "It seems im supposed to fight you." "I am sorry in advance." "SCREEEEEEECH!" Skitz stood there making high pitched noises in his suit made of turtles. He looked and sounded ridiculous.

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