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Considering purchasing a few comics


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So I'm actually planning to buy one (or more) issues of the FiM comics. What is a recommended starting place?

Is anything straight out of the show or are the stories all different (and then, how canonical?)


[EDIT] To be more clear, my biggest concern is whether the comics feature the same stories as from the show? 


I'm super-interested and excited and I'm gonna order from Amazon (unless there's a better price somewhere else!!)

Edited by colt_following
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Personally, I'd begin from the beginning and read in release order. Yeah, they're original stories, not just episodes turned into comics. :)


You might also want to consider buying digital versions instead of physical copies. No shipping costs, no time spent waiting for them to be delivered. comiXology.com is good for that.


Here's a (slightly updated version of a) pastebin doc I prepped for someone else that gives the release order of the comics. http://pastebin.com/nTJS2zez

Edited by Knight Dash
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[EDIT] To be more clear, my biggest concern is whether the comics feature the same stories as from the show? 


The main series (Friendship is Magic), the Micro-Series, Friends Forever, Fiendship is Magic, and the annuals are all unique stories that are not from the show.  


There is one set of longer graphic novel style books that are direct adaptations from the show, but all of the actual comic book series are completely original stories, and they're actually quite good.  I highly recommend purchasing them.



As far as where to buy them from, I personally like buying individual physical issues.  Some people prefer digital (which are cheaper).  Another option is to buy the compilations like this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1613776055/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1944687722&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=161377754X&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=11RTF9BY866BY2V3BJ18


If you go the physical compilation route, Amazon is your best option.  They run about $10-15 and of course you can get them with all of Amazon's various free shipping options.


Physical individual comics, there's a ton of options.  Amazon isn't a great option because they have very few of the individual comics and most are from third party sellers above cover price.  I'd recommend looking at some comic book shops with online stores.  Places like My Comic Shop, Jetpack Comics, eBay or whatever local comic shops are near you will have most or all of the comics at cover price.  Some of the early ones might be a few bucks extra.  If you're just trying to read the comics, and not make a collection out of it, I'd probably recommend the compilations or digital, but I love buying the individual comics. :D


Digital is by far the cheapest and easiest route.  Comixology has all the comics for $1.99 each and the annuals are $3.99, which is much cheaper than what you'll pay for physical.  Some people prefer digital, some people prefer physical comics.  I prefer the paper ones, but that's just me.



As far as what order to read them in, definitely start from the beginning.  Each of the four series (FiM/Main Series, Micro, Friends Forever, & Fiendship) and two annuals are all independent for the most part, but they will occasionally reference one another.  If you're definitely planning on reading all of the comics, release order is probably the way to go.  If you're not sure if you want to read all four, start with the main series and then go into the others.

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Though to clarify that, it's not like there are four series going on at once - At most 2 at a time.


The microcomics ended and were succeeded by Friends Forever, and FIENDship is a special five-issue miniseries just for April 2015.

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Personally, I'd begin from the beginning and read in release order. Yeah, they're original stories, not just episodes turned into comics. :)


You might also want to consider buying digital versions instead of physical copies. No shipping costs, no time spent waiting for them to be delivered. comiXology.com is good for that.


Here's a (slightly updated version of a) pastebin doc I prepped for someone else that gives the release order of the comics. http://pastebin.com/nTJS2zez

Comixology is a good start, a better alternative to hardcopies, except the app isn't what it used to be. You can't purchase via the app anymore, only read, but once you're logged into the browser store, you may as well read the comic there.

I also heard with one of the latest updates that it erases your entire purchase history. I haven't logged in since for fear of losing hundreds of dollars worth of comics. :(

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Comixology makes me a bit nervous. I got the Madefire app but I'm pretty new to comic apps... How does it compare? (I'm gonna search as well but I definitely wanna see what ponies here say)


Comixology is pretty good. While I rely on the iBooks/iTunes store for the comics, Comxology has a BIG selection of them; all in high quality. I bought the FIENDship series from both places, and I was able to download a high quality PDF of each issue after purchase.


I'd recommend it. :)

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Comixology makes me a bit nervous. I got the Madefire app but I'm pretty new to comic apps... How does it compare? (I'm gonna search as well but I definitely wanna see what ponies here say)

Personally I don't even use their app; I just read the comics straight off their website after buying them.

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Pulled the trigger on Issue #1, and it's AWESOME!! I'm using Comixology. Thanks, guys!


[EDIT]: Well, I'm about to sink a whoooole lot of money into this venture. Onto Issue #2  :lol:

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BRONIES: Are there any in the series that you consider not as much worth reading?


I read the first two issues and I'm thinking heavily on getting the third but the plot seems like it may be a bit mundane.

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the only one I think you should avoid is the RD Micro


IMO, that one and the FF#1 of AJ and Pinkie.


However if you're a completionist like I am you'll end up with all of them. XD

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Ah, let's let colt_following make up their own mind on that one. Who knows, they might end up liking it.


By the way, colt_following, how's your comic reading coming along?


Edit: Well. I actually only just noticed colt_following's last post.

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BRONIES: Are there any in the series that you consider not as much worth reading?


I read the first two issues and I'm thinking heavily on getting the third but the plot seems like it may be a bit mundane.


The most universally hated ones are the RD micro (#2) Friends Forever #1, and The Good, the Bad, and the Ponies (main series 25 & 26). Opinions are more divided on Reflections (main series 17-20) and Root of the Problem (27 & 28). I'd recommend finding the free previews that EqD posted and deciding whether to read them or not based on what you see.

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I'll definitely take a look! Thanks for letting me know... I should've looked into something like that before! 




By the way... I don't mean to advertise at all but for any of you ponies who are thinking of buying comics, Comixology is doing a 50% off sale so now is a good time  :lol:

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I'll definitely take a look! Thanks for letting me know... I should've looked into something like that before! 




By the way... I don't mean to advertise at all but for any of you ponies who are thinking of buying comics, Comixology is doing a 50% off sale so now is a good time  :lol:

That's actually really helpful info! Thanks. I got most of my comics via Amazon Kindle, which turns out to... not be so good for comic reading. I use comiXology now, but a sale might be a good chance for me to replace some of my Kindle comics. :) (I did talk to Amazon to see if I could transfer them, seeing as how comiXology's owned by Amazon... but no dice).


They had a humble bundle back in December, apparently, selling all the comics up to that point on comiXology for like $15 (for charity) but I didn't know about that at the time.

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They had a humble bundle back in December, apparently, selling all the comics up to that point on comiXology for like $15 (for charity) but I didn't know about that at the time.

Aw MAN, I missed that?!?! I wasn't a brony then. Rats!

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