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private The Elements


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The Elements of Harmony, one of the strongest forces in the whole of Equestria, returned to its rightful place with the Tree of Harmony to recharge the tree. Until one day, they simply disappeared.


At first nobody gave much concern, all was well, the tree maintained the Everfree Forest as usual. Slowly, ponies grew paranoid on what had become of the Elements. Had they been stolen? Taken away by an evil force? Nope.


But one morning as you wake up, you found an Element. Yay. But it's stuck to you. What do you do? (Hint, go find Sunbutt :P )

Edited by Swinton


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caliber woke up. "aw, it was a dream?!" he got up, stretched, and started getting dressed.(which was putting his cloak on) he was on the side of the road, by the way. he picked up his sword, and started buckling it in, when he noticed a glimmer on it. inspecting it, he realized there was an element of harmony stuck to his sword! "what...the...buck?" he decided that if anypony knew what to do, it was celestia! he hopped a train, and burst into her throne room. unconscious guards were seen behind him. "celestia!!"

Edited by Peytonjay


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Waking in the home of Ditzy Doo and Dinky, the first ponies who thought ofnher as their friend and changed her life forever, Chrysteel stretched and grabbed with her magic the muffins Ditzy had left for her. "Hmmm...Made with true love and care. I never can get enough. At least their Love of Friendship keeps me from going truely hungry."


Chrysteel steps to a mirror and grooms herself for a day of learning about the different types of love out there. As she goes about polishing her Tiara she notices a new larger gem in it's center. It dawns on her that it wasn't a love storage gem. But it felt so familiar to her.


She heads downstairs disguised as her Pegasus self, Amorè Apple. She says to Dinky, "Sorry about our play date, Dinky. Got to go somewhere. Be back in a few days. Tell your mom I will be away a while."


Without waiting for a response from the studious unicorn filly, she left. She catches the next train for canterlot. 'Maybe this princess Celestia will know about the gem. also I need to ask her about setting up my own hive to help Equestria with the gifts my people can offer. I also need to find me a Prince to bear a hive with. So much to do, so little time.' She thinks as she travels the train ride to canterlot.


-Canterlot 30 minutes later-


She arrives at the castle and pulls the letter she had gotten from the princesses a few days ago.


It reads:

'To Chrysteel The Changeling Princess;


Please show this letter to the guards at the gate and tell them your expected. They will escort you to the throne room. If your words are true and honest, we, the princesses of Equestria, will listen to your proposal and consider it for approval. Your apointment time is...


Princess Celestia and Luna of Equestria.'


She resumes her true form to show she will hide nothing. And steps up to the gate. After many strange looks and a few pointed lances, she shows the guards the letter and they escort her under tight watch to the throne room. She steps in and bows saying, "I do hope I am not to late your Highness of Equestria. Your letter said where but not when." She has a regal accent and the very well mannered posture of a noble ambassador.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Starchase woke up late that day. The sun had already been up for hours. He woke to wet kisses from Diamonds and the sun frying his flank. He sat up on the bed, cuddling the pup. His head felt... heavy. Not in a disorienting way, like in mass. He looked down at his neck and-What the hay?! Who'd replace his necklace? What used to be a small lone teardrop shaped sapphire became twice it's size and a different shape. And it sure wasn't the same colour. It was definitely lighter and it looked like his cutie mark to a degree. The plain black string he kept it on wasn't there either, it turned into a strap fitted snuggly around his neck. And it didn't appear to have a clasp of any sort. Bugger.


"I've got an element on my neck haven't I?" He asked the puppy. She replied him with more wet nose and kisses. He washed up and headed to his wardrobe, picking a long scarf to hide his new accessory.


Off to Celestia's. He trotted through Canterlot like any normal day, greeting the ponies he met.


The castle looked a bit off. The guards seemed disoriented and very afraid. Looks like they got beaten up twice already he judged, looking at them with disdain as he walked through. They looked warily at him. He went unimpeded to the throne room, seeking the Princess.

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Sunbutt I mean Princess Celestia walked in with her grand flank and sat her Sunbutt on the throne.


"Welcome my little ponies, and Princess Chrysteel. I'm glad you're all her- Wait! Where are the other elements?!" She demanded, irritated. The guards, cowering in fear in some corner stepped out to appease their ruler with moist chocolate cake from the royal chefs. She stuffed the fattening desert into her royal face all while raising an eyebrows at the group. The throne gave a loud creek. She would need to get a larger one soon. "And next time, just knock, these guards don't have insurance and I don't want them on paid leave."


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Sallie signed, feeling the weight of the scrolls and books in her bags shift. Plowing a plum colored bang from her face the earth mare looked around the paths of Canterlot and wished for a better map but Princess Cadance had asked the chronicler of the Empire to take some scrolls to Canterlot on the request of Princess Celestia to add to her personal library.


Not much of a fan of trains and getting motion sickness had made the travel a bit upsetting to the Apple mare. Some of her own family still found it strange that a member of the Apple clan was not any type of farmer! Hades her own mother still seemed a bit stiff when she came home on her days off while her sister and father had just let it go.


“Um, ok now which way?” She muttered, feeling a pull to left and enter in a gate to the castle.


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Chrysteel looks to the others gathered and asks, "Did you all wake up with a strange gem as well? My tiara has never felt so full in my life."


She was curious about these others and hopes she could share the love of friendship with them. An interesting aura was eminating feom each but she couldn't quite place it.

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The guards cowered at the sight of yet another visitor. Thus time a mare again, she didn't look vicious but they weren't taking chances after the few visitors. They allowed her in and even gave her directions to the throne room and hoped she wouldn't bash their helmets in.


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"yeah, i woke up with it on my sword hilt." caliber explained. "i want it gone, its messing with my swords balance. im guessing y'all just woke up with it, too?" he asked. caliber had been poking at it, hoping it'll fall off. "you dont think i could be a wielder of an element, do you? i dont wanna! you cant make me!"


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Chrysteel says, "Lady Fortuna has a way of making you become what fate wishes of you. I actually have never felt fuller in my life then I do now."


She looks to Celestia and her cake and the to Caliber again before saying, "Lady Celestia sure does love her cake. A love for her subjects and for the sweet homemade food. It is always good when food is made with love and care." She pulls out one of her remaining muffins and offers it to Caliber. "Ditzy's best muffins always feels made with love and care. Try one."

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caliber grinned. "ditzy? ditzy doo? thats a name iv heard before. ponyville, right? or was it cloudsdale? either way, she makes the best muffins!" he ate it in one bite. "ah...damn my huge appetite." he said. he looked over at celestia eating her cake. "hmmm..." he dashed over there, and stole a piece of cake.


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Chrysteel just chuckles at his antics eating another of her final three muffins. She looks around and then says, "As for the waking up with a gem bit, my tiara has a new gem that isn't a live storage Crystal. It is too big and allot pinker then a storage crystal. But i have never felt so full of love in all my life. Even the love in Ditzy's muffins feel like love directed at me."


Chrysteel looks to be smiling genuinely.

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"How am I suppose to provide exposition if everypony isn't here yet?" The princess shoves more cake into her mouth, smearing her muzzle brown. "I've got a very important mission for you ponies!"


"Perhaps there are only 5 elements?" Starchase looked about there certainly wasn't a sixth standing around. He felt rather self conscious about the gem on his neck despite it being hidden under his scarf. The others though seemed perfectly fine with theirs.


"Don't be stupid hipster pony, there has only ever been six and six only. Though I'm not sure about stallions being elements." She waved a sticky hoof. " And what in my own name is that?!" Celestia pointed at Sparky. "It looks like a trash can?"


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Chrysteel remains silent for the Tim while the others talk. Once they are done, Chrysteel steps over bowing respectfully, "Lady Celestia, has you and you sister read my letter? I would like to touch on that a little."


Chrysteel isn't like the changelings who once attacked Canterlot.


She is so far a respectful leader and very kind. She shows a devotion and dependability befitting one of her rank. She has shown some charity And plenty of optimism.

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"Yeah, that..." She tried her best to swallow down her mouthful of cake. "As long as you don't pull any world domination plot we're all good and friends. You could marry a nice stallion and have kids, cement the peace and all. I think the dashing one is already smitten with you. Here, meet hipster pony (so that I can create unnecessary romantic conflict if needed)!"


Starchase found himself being dragged through the air. He wasn't too happy about it. "Sorry, Princess. I am not interested." He apologized but rather stiffly.


"It's okay to be attracted to other stallions, young one." She teased. He gave her a face that spelled 'what the hay?!'.


Her royal highness reached for another piece of cake and found the plate empty. "WHO TOOK MY CAKE?!" She demanded to know with her Canterlot voice. The guards scrambled about.


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Chrysteel chuckles and says, "I have a budding relationship already in the works. Dinky Doo needs a father and I have asked Ditzy if I could fill that role for now. Dinky and Ditzy both seem happier sense I started helping them." She holds up to Celestia one of the 2 remaining muffins Ditzy made this morning. "Muffin? Ditzy's specialty muffins."

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caliber looked up at her. with frosting around his muzzle, he plainly stated: "oh, i saw a guard steal it. he's gone, now. probably half-way across equestria, by now, no doubt." he grinned sheepishly. then he ate the last bit. "yes! twas i who stole the delicacy!!" he laughed.


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Hearing the full voice of Celestia in yelling just outside the door got Sallie to flatten hear ears to her head and blink in the shock of hearing such a voice! “Princess Candace was not joking in telling to not mess with cake around this place....”


Sensing tings had grown a bit more silent and peaceful the earth mare took to lightly knowing on the door outside “Um Princess Celestia? May I came in? I'm Sallie from the Crystal Empire! “


Leaning a bit to peek through the crack in the door, she could make out a few other ponies in the room.


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"Come on in, my little pony." She spoke in her normal soft voice to Sallie. She straightened herself out and ordered the guards to bring in more cake for evrrypony. "Please excuse me, my patience was thinning. And I love my chocolate cake." She eyed Caliber with mild anger.


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caliber grinned. "bite me." he said, as he started eating the cake alongside the other element-bearers. "so, celestia, this gem. its messing with my swords balance. im gonna keep the gem and all, but i would really love it if ya could take this gem of my sword"


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"About those..." She took a look at the elements and dragged 'hipster pony' by the scarf, nearly choking him to death. "There should be a sixth... Are any of you particularly honest, loyal, princess material?" She asked.


"No, I don't believe so Princess Celestia. We've never even met before this incident." Starchase wheezed.


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Chrysteel says, "I hate to admit this, but I have studied the six traits pertaining to the elements. This was during my time as part of the hive. Mother has been wanting to try again but I am the first who can draw in love towards that end. Does anypony feel they possess an oddly increased sense of integrity, compassion, optimism, charity, devotion or Leadership? More so then normal for you? I can say that, as a princess of the changelings, showing all six of these, plus the ability to gain enough love to feed one's hive, is mandatory for all Prince and Princess type changelings."


Chrysteel shifts uneasyily on her hooves. She hopes her words weren't too much of a boast.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Amber Dust's eyes fluttered open as a sunbeamstretched itself across her face. She gave a yawn, then shuffled under the covers.


Amber rolled over once more and looked towards her owl.

"What's gotten you so chipper this morning? Amber asked, a sleepy grin forming on her face. She say up in bed and rubbed her tired orange eyes.

"Skiew! Skiew!" The tiny owl squeaked. If flew off from its perch in he corner of Amber's room and landed swiftly on top if the unicorn's head.

"Some nocturnal you are," Amber joked. She pushed herself out of bed, and with a wisp of magic, she pulled open the curtains. With a flash of sunlight, the room became full of the warmth of morning. Amber squinted her eyes painfully.

"Yikes...what is that coming from?" she asked herself. Something bright and white was reflecting into her eyes unceasingly. She marched semi-blindly over to her vanity, which was covered in sketches an newspaper articles. Still squinting, her eyes passed across the uppermost article...the article about the Tree of Harmony. Celestia concerned...bearers become disconnected...tree resteting it's cycle... Amber sighed, then motioned to pick up her hairbrush...


There was a loud clunk as the brush his the floor, which made the tiny owl squeak in distress and hop off of the mare's head. Amber stood stunned, staring into her mirror. Quickly, she pulled her blinds shut.



"All aboard for Canterlot! All aboard! Ticket please, miss?"

Amber handed the pony her ticket, and he ripped it in half, hoofing her the stub. Amber thanked him politely, then rushed to the back of the train. She adjusted her scarf uncomfortably, having thrown it on in warm weather, only to conceal what lay beneath.

Canterlot will have the answer, Amber thought. The stared out the window nervously.

I hope...

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"I don't think these will be coming off any day soon..." Princess Celestia touched the one stuck to Starchase, leaving a bit of chocolate muck on him, she tried using her magic to pull it off but it only chocked the poor pony. He had been forcibly shipped, chocked numerous time and now covered in chocolate all in the span of less than one day. Perhaps Princess Chrysteel was mean for accession Sunbutt thought as she looked at the tiara. She was already mentally type casting the five. The new arrival as Fluttershy, the dashing swordspony as Rainbow Dash, the hipster pony as Rarity, the one with the can as Applejack, and the changeling princess as Twilight Sparkle. That would leave the absentee as Pinkie Pie. Little did she know, these ponies were nothing like she thought. They were their own ponies completely.

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When Amber arrived at the palace, the guards welcomed her in without a second thought.

"She's the last one," Amber heard a guard whisper to another. Amber's ears flopped down nervously. Had all the other Elements of Harmony received new bearers, too? Were there even the real elements? Why had Amber gotten one? A hundred questions buzzed about in Amber's mind as the guards escorted her silently through the halls. Before Amber could compose her thoughts and emotions, she had arried at her final destinations. The guards stepped forward and the doors were opened for her into a room of utter chaos. The mare gulped nervously. She pulled at her scarf.


"...Your majesty...?"

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