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private The Elements


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The place was huge. Shelves seemed to reach to ceiling and stained class provided much natural light. There were a few kids about, some sitting in a group, others off searching for the right book among millions. For a moment it didn't seem like the world was in constant danger of attack but rather deceivingly peaceful. The librarian at the counter gave a small nod of acknowledgement and continued to to note down books in a large leather bound volume. "Can I help you?" She asked as she jotted down dates into the book.


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!" caliber asked in one breath, "cause iv been looking everywhere for it!!"


he grinned. "oh, and im gonna need some chips and dip." he looked at the others. "...why are we here, again?"


(translation for those who cant be bothered to read it:)


(do you have the latest daring do book daring do and the mystery of crystal cave?)


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Normally, the library was fast and efficient. The librarians prided themselves in their work. Except this time they were.


Panic arose among the network of librarians. They couldn't locate the books requested and it sounded ridiculous, there was a whole entire wall of books on the Sombran Empire. The librarians spoke to each other in hushed panicking voices. Reaching a verdict, they pushed out a blissfully ignorant new recruit lounging with some of the foals to break the news.


The stallion with the daring do book in tow trotted over to the waiting group. With a smile he offered the book to Caliber. "Great to see you guys again!" He winked at Amber. "Follow me." He rustled his wings and they walked over to one of the darker corners of the library. There was a no flying policy there though he'd admit it was constantly broken. How else would he get to the higher shelves? Who's got time for ladders. Unless he was swinging on them.


Confidently leading them though the maze of shelves, he halted in his tracks as they were confronted with the huge emptiness. He was rather alarmed. "Oh dear... I swear we had books here."

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Amber was frustrated, but her face remained as still as unphased as stone.

"I was afraid something like this would happen," she said simply, sounding rather more calm than she should have. She nodded to herself, as if affirming an earlier thought.

She looked about the area.

"Where are your books on magic," she asked, but it was really just a formality. Before the Stallion had a chance to respond, she had already marched to the end of the aisle to lead him.


Amber was most certainly in her element. The only place more familiar to her than an ancient ruin would be a library. As if guided by an internal compass, she led the Librarian towards the section on magic.

"Even some textbooks should do. Whatever the older students use. Nothing too heavy," she added.

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"We have books on books on books!" The young librarian proudly proclaimed as he flew up to the top shelf and tried to yank out a book, but it wouldn't budge. Perhaps the books were too tightly packed together? Using his wings for more power, he desperately tried to pull out the book. What a bad time for this to happen to him. Especially with the mares watching.


Eventually the book loosened up and he pulled it off the shelf, along with the books beside it. It was raining books. He dove down to catch them but missed a few. He murmured an apology as he began rearranging them back to their rightful places and handed Amber a thick volume.


"I'm sure we had a book on books somewhere here." He eyed the shelves as he walked past. And promptly tripped over, muzzle first into the ground. It had hurt no doubt.


"Do be careful and pay attention to where you're walking next time." Starchase sighed as he helped him up. He didn't really like this seemingly incompetent librarian.


"There's always been this uneven ridge here. Nopony knows why but I'd love to slice up the carpet and check. They say it was an unevenly laid block. Anypony have a pocket knife or something?" He half joked.

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"yes!!" caliber grabbed the newest daring do book, and he climped up a book case like a spider. he reached the top, flipped the book open, and started reading it. 


he was oblivious to the whole book thing going on right now, he just wanted to read the book in his hooves...


he flipped it to page one.

Edited by PeytonJay


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Amber couldn't help but grin as Caliber clamped enthusiastically to his Daring Do book. Hopefully he'd be able to pry himself away from it later.

"Thank you," she said, turning back to the librarian. She offered him a grateful smile and began flipping through the book's glossary.

"'H'...'Healing'...'minor wounds', page 304." She flipped to the proper page, then took her notebook out from her saddlebag. In a flash or orange light, the words from the book appeared in her own notes. She grinned.

"Photomancy--One of the spells I've mastered," she explained proudly. She didn't add that it often splattered ink all over the place, and it took her a month to get it right. Then she flipped back to the glossary.

"We should also try teleportation, and maybe force fields, but that could be dangerous if done wrong," she mumbled. "Anything else we should prepare? I can't carry this thing all the way there," she added, noting the tome's weight.




Is it okay that Amber has her little notebook on her?


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"You could borrow some notes from the kids." He suggested to Amber as he shuffled through some books for Midnight. "You need anything?" He asked Starchase.


"No thank you." He declined politely. "This is futile. We're not getting anywhere. Arcing can't wait! We need to get to him!" Starchase stomped on the ground hard. The floor gave way and he plunged down into the dark hole, flailing and screaming.

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Before Amber had a chace to respond, the floor underneath Starchase gave way. She blinked in surprise.

"Are you okay?" she called down. This building must be incredibly old, the marr thought. She reached her hoof down do see if she could try and help him up.

"Alright, alright, I guess we're as prepared now as we can be," Amber huffed. "Everypony grab what you need and we'll get going. Hopefully we can make do with this." She placed her notebook back into her bag, and floated the tome back over to the librarian.

"Thanks for all your help," she said with a smile.'"And wish us luck."

Edited by AmberDust

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caliber dimly listened to amber. "yeah, man. goodbye, and good luck!" he called out, "id help, but daring do is about to find the crystal key!"


he giggled like a filly, and fell off the bookcase, still reading his book on the way down. he landed with a thud. "alright, ill go..." he followed, reading as he walked.

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Maybe you should get some help." He took the leathery volume and daring do book and set it down on a nearby shelf. "I mean, Lektra isn't exactly in the best of shape. And Midnight..." He wanted to say was too young for this but was afraid of any impending wrath it might incurr. He dipped a hind hoof into the hole and touched a cold smooth surface, stone stairs no doubt. "This stairway seems to dip down very far underground. Are you guys sure you want to do this?"


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Amber looked down the hole warily. There was no sign of Starhase anywhere, and that worried her. With all that had happened today, she wouldn't have been surprised if he had up and vanished. This would certainly make Arcing's rescue mission extra-difficult. Amber cleared her throat nervously.
"Erm...where does this staircase lead, exactly!" she asked the Librarian. She stared down into the darkness, squinting.
"Starchase!" she called again.
She looked to her companions, worried.
"I guess Arcing will have to wait?" she winced. Then her eyes fell on Sparky.
"Oh, hang on a second, Lektra," she said, momentarily distracted. With a twist of orange magic, she pulled out her notebook and began flipping pages.
"I could take care of those wounds for you, before we head out again..." Amber paused a moment, having arrived a the proper page. Reading carefully, she braced herself, and pointed her horn towards the mare.
"Let's hope this works!"
Amber's horn sparked and flashed, and soon Lektra was surrounded in a soft orange light. It swirled around her, getting brighter and faster with every passing second.
Then, very abruptly, the light vanished, leaving Amber panting slightly. A drop of sweat slid down her face.

Edited by AmberDust
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The wide place reeked of dampness. The walls were crusted with a sort of black goo and looked slick. The stairs were masterfully carved out of solid stone centuries ago. Bats, unhappy with this new invasion, fluttered about. It was a long, long way down and lead straight out of a castle. It was probably a long forgotten escape route that was rendered useless after the end of wars. Midway there was a bunch of weird text carved into the wall. It was mostly obscured by the mysterious gunk but it was pretty obvious it lead led to what was once the Crystal Empire with the crystal heart engraved on the wall with an arrow. If one had a keen ear they could begin hear the soft whimpering from below.

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caliber had long since finished his book, and was walked warily behind the others.


his ear twitched, and he heard whimpering. "anyone else hear that?" he asked, "sounds like someone's trapped." he shrugged, and kept walking. his friend arcing came before some pony he didnt know. "so, refresh me here, whats the plan?" he asked.


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"We find Starchase and get out of here?" Amber suggested, as she followed the golden glow of her horn down the dank and dreary tunnel. She squinted at the wall, which was indeed covered in thick, black goo.

"Hang on," she said, stopping abruptly. She stared intently at the wall. A lover of all things ancient, Amber took out her notebook and began copying out the ancient, crusting text.

"These letters are new to me, but the carved images...it looks like..." Amber paused and cast a glance into the dark depths of the tunnel and gulped.

"...it looks like we're in this for the longhaul," she said.

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Something at the bottom stirred, making a sort of hearty noise, a half roar half snore sort of sound like a sleeping dragon.


"Eeek!" A meek screech came from behind the group. It was dark but if one was sharp eyed they could see if was the librarian, hovering in the air.




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"tons." caliber said, "now, whattaya wanna know?" he got out a book. "this here book is packed with stories from my adventures! ill start with the changeling incident!"


"now, it all happened when i was about sixteen..."


he kept up that story all the way to the bottom of the stairs.

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"Guys!" Starchase ran towards the group and slammed into them and scooped them into a big hug, including the librarian. "And you came too!"


Another loud roar came and shook the ground. "Come on, let's go! I don't want to meet whatever made that noise."


"That's probably too late..." The librarian pointed to the glowing embers in the dark.


Then rose a magnificent beast, tower high, a large mouth of sharp fangs, it's nostrils flared and standing high. It's tail was longer than any train and it's carriages.


"Who are those brave enough to seek safe passage?!" It bellowed with a mighty roar and swished its tail.

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Caliber grinned, and stepped fourth. "Caliber, the wanderer!" He declared at the beast. "Fourth strongest swordspony in equestrian!!"


He took a step further. "And, I ask in return, who're you to halt our progress?!" He yelled.


All this was nothing new for caliber. He's dealt with this guy's type before.

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"I have wings remember?" Starchase looked smugly at Lektra as he ruffled his rather matted messy wings and folded them neatly at his sides. "I'll need some preening after this." He looked at them and winced.



"I am Flipnote the Librarian! " He proclaimed loudly and proudly but backed off a bit as he saw the smoke rising from the great beast's nostrils. It swiped it's tail about impatiently, waiting for a reply.

Edited by Swinton
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"I am Prince Starchase of Canterlot. We wish to pass into the Crystal Empire." He stared at the mighty beast, clearly annoyed.



He who would cross the Bridge of Death

Must answer me

These questions three

Ere the other side he see."


The dragon sat there blocking their only way forward, clearly not intending to move anytime soon.


"We don't have time for this!" Starchase groaned. "Besides, we've already answer your question haven't we? You asked who we were."

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"Silence! The bridgekeeper asks the questions." The dragon narrowed its reptilian slit eyes and stared at Starchase, then at Lektra. He was quite done with those two. He carefully considered his next question as he scanned through the group. He stretched out a sharp talon and pointed at Amber."What is your quest?"

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Amber blinked in surprise? Me? What's my quest?


"To find Arcing Storm," Amber said, before her mind could catch up with what was happening. She was still taking in the sight of this glorious dragon, and Starchase's sudden appearance. She looked around at her friends, getting back up to speed with just what was happenening. They all seemed eager to get by as quickly as possible.

"What is your next question?" she asked the beast.

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The dragon scratched his scaly chin and contemplated his next question. This one seemed more, sincere. And she didn't threaten him or patronize him.


"For you and you only," He lowered his head to almost her level and tried to be subtle. "What is your favorite colour?"


"No fair!" Starchase cried out.

Edited by Swinton
  • Brohoof 1


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