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"Well I think he used us for his one way ticket to Equestria," Starchase was rather not amused to say the least. Of all things their magic could have went to, it got into the hands of a megalomaniac. "Lektra, we're all unicorns, though I'm not sure about Ice Blizzard. Anyways, can you figure out a way to get us home?"


"Are you a unicorn? Ice powers and all?" He turned to ask Ice Blizzard. It seems like a trivial question best asked when the world was not at stake but he was curious, never having seen him in his Equestrian form. "Pegasus maybe?"

Edited by Swinton
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  • 1 month later...

People had began to gather outside the place after witnessing the beam of light. Chattering grew outside the remains of the burnt residence.


"I think we better go," Starchase groaned as he saw the crowd outside increasing by the second. "We don't want to be caught again. Like last time." He shuddered thinking of their brief time in the detaining cell. They fled through the newly created 'back door' of the house.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amber followed the others out of the ex-building.
"So, what can we do now? Our ticket out has disappeared, and we're completely magic-less." She clenched her fists, but they only sparked once or twice before fizzling out.

"Is there any other way to get back to Equestria?" she asked hopefully. "Or at least a way to get our magic back...?"

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Ice sighed. He had remained quiet up until this point, seeing as how he didn't understand what, when, where, or why they had come here in the first place. Unfortunately, he still didn't know what to do, and simply decided to ask. ​"Great. Just great. So what do we do now?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"First thing's first, we should get Lektra and Lektra into the school," Starchase stumped his hoof into the grass of whoever's backyard they trespassed into. The 'No Trespassers' sign hung by a wooden post was ignored. No trespassers, he read the sign and rolled his ears. It wouldn't be the worse crime they've committed here. "We could split up and each take the front door and the back door. Any objections?"


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  • 4 weeks later...

"Splitting up sounds good to me. If anypo---if anyone sees two Lektras at once, it might bring us more unwanted attention." Amber thought back to the dank jail cell and shivered.

"Starchase, Our Lektra, you come with me through the back. None of us know much about this place, so it's best we stay out of sight as much as possible. Ice, Native Lektra, you take the front." Amber paused for a moment and put a hand on her chin.

"Maybe Luna should come with us, too...and if anypo--if anybody asks, you found him" --She gestured to Ice-- "...skipping class, or something. Does that sound good?" she turned to Star for support.

"And then we all meet up in Lektra's office, right?"

Edited by AmberDust

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"Hm, not quite," Starchase scanned the group droopily, slowly spotting the imbalance in numbers and advantages. "How bout this: The princess can go ahead to scout out and eliminate possible threats, or come with me and native Lektra. The rest, Amber, Lektra and Ice go separately. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

"Duh, guys, I need an answer," Starchase impatiently huffed, whining softly and tracing circles in the ground with his human hoof. "Also, we'll need to pass by the library to get to the lab, how can we have Lektra pass through twice? People might notice. We need to look...normal."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ice had already figured out a solution to all of this. While everyone else was doing their own thing, Ice had made his way around the back of the school, and snuck around, and found a back door towards the janitor's closet that led to an alley near a garbage can. There, he called out to everyone. ​"Eh! Over here, I found a way to the lab."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"--Or, I guess that works, too?" Amber gave a halfhearted grin. She would have normally been upset about this recklessness, but at this point she was just glad to be getting away from the blast site. That place gave her the creeps

"Nice job, Ice. Can we get to your office from there, Lektra?" she looked to the young teacher hopefully. Trekking through the alleys wasn't her cup of tea, but it was better than being caught--probably.

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  • 1 month later...

Antifreeze, CPU, smartphone... words that completely flew over his head, the migraine didn't help either. What in Celestia's name are those things?! 


"I can go get the sandwich!" He dimly piped up before realizing he was broke. For the first time in his life, he didn't have a single bit in his pocket. Goes to show there's firsts for everything. "But um, anybody got some bits? Or any sort of medium of exchange used here?" He asked sheepishly, hands in his empty pockets and head tilted low.


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Ice had no idea what these were either. Besides the CPU, he had seen that in Arcade game systems before, so that's what his target was going to be. "I'll try and find the CPU. And guys, make sure you lay low. We don't wanna attract any unnecessary attention, ya know?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Amber fished through her pockets. She had been carrying a saddlebag with bits and a notebook In it back In Equestria, and these clothes seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, so it was worth a shot.

"Aha!" She smiled and pulled out the contents of one pocket. It appeared to be a crumpled bit of purple paper She unfolded it gently. 

"Ten dollars...I think this is money." She pointed at the bill and smiled. What else was she carrying on her? Amber began to wonder if her pockets contained the same things as native Amber's pockets. This dimension hopping business sure was fascinating...


"Ten bits--er, dollars, should be enough for antifreeze and a sandwich, right?" she asked, rifling through her other pockets.

"But what's a smartphone?"

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"I remember hearing about that earlier. I think a smartphone is some kind of communication device that the people of this world use. It has the ability to take pictures like a camera, and play games like an arcade machine but small enough to fit in your hand."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Starchase inspected the weird purple paper. "I'm not sure how much real value these pieces of paper contain but it's bett-"




"What's that?" It was coming from Amber. It made a persistent buzzing noise, not like a bee but more like a repeating pattern of vibration. "Is something wrong, Amber?!" 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Starchase inspected the weird purple paper. "I'm not sure how much real value these pieces of paper contain but it's bett-"




"What's that?" It was coming from Amber. It made a persistent buzzing noise, not like a bee but more like a repeating pattern of vibration. "Is something wrong, Amber?!" 


Amber tensed up and grit her teeth. What has that weird buzzing? It was like that time she got a hornet in her hardhat! She stared blankly at Starchase.

"Was that coming from me?" she asked.

It buzzed again. Yes, unless the school was suffering from mini earthquakes, it most certainly was. She patted her pockets urgently and quickly produced the source of the buzzing-- a shiny blue rectangle that glowed on one side. She flipped it around in her hands curiously.

"...'one new message'?" she read, and gave her friends a quizzical look.

"This can't be useful, can it?"

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  • 1 month later...

"Is this it?" Starchase attempted to nudge Human Lektra before realizing he no longer had a muzzle and poking noses at people didn't seem to be within the social norm of this world. Back in Equestria he would have bit into it. "It doesn't look all that smart." 


"Where can I find a chicken that makes sandwiches? Are chickens here smart too?" He supposed he would need Amber's paper currency, such portable money, lot easier than carrying heavy metal bits around. "You don't really eat other living beings right?"

Edited by Swinton
  • Brohoof 1


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"Is this it?" Starchase attempted to nudge Human Lektra before realizing he no longer had a muzzle and poking noses at people didn't seem to be within the social norm of this world. Back in Equestria he would have bit into it. "It doesn't look all that smart." 


"Where can I find a chicken that makes sandwiches? Are chickens here smart too?" He supposed he would need Amber's paper currency, such portable money, lot easier than carrying heavy metal bits around. "You don't really eat other living beings right?"


Still turning the curious object over in her hands, Amber ran her tongue over her teeth. Yup, sharp.

"I think they do, Starchase," She said, feeling a little uneasy at the thought. "They have sharp teeth, and claws like a bear." She scratched the air with her new nails for emphasis.

"...But I don't think that's as important right now. We just need to get this machine assembled..." she put the bill on the table in front of her, but was hesitant to put down the phone. "One new message". What did that mean? Was it a message for her?

The phone buzzed again, and she nearly dropped it.

"Okay, okay!" She put it down on the table hastily, afraid it might bite.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally getting the hint, Amber, Ice and Starchase exited the cramped lab. Anti freeze, a sandwich and a phone. 


Being born to a wealthy family, Starchase felt really freaked out at their current financial situation. Never in his life had he ever been broke like this. They were all technically minors, at least back in Equestria. Perhaps age worked differently here? In this type of predicament, he would write to his parents and they'd understand.


"So um, anypony got a clue on how we're going to tackle this? I've never been broke!" He blurted, the privilege he had been born into made him feel guilty at the moment. "My parents pay for everything. I don't really want to break the law"

  • Brohoof 1


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Finally getting the hint, Amber, Ice and Starchase exited the cramped lab. Anti freeze, a sandwich and a phone. 


Being born to a wealthy family, Starchase felt really freaked out at their current financial situation. Never in his life had he ever been broke like this. They were all technically minors, at least back in Equestria. Perhaps age worked differently here? In this type of predicament, he would write to his parents and they'd understand.


"So um, anypony got a clue on how we're going to tackle this? I've never been broke!" He blurted, the privilege he had been born into made him feel guilty at the moment. "My parents pay for everything. I don't really want to break the law"


"Well, maybe we can get one of the locals to help us?" she offered, but there was a note of skepticism in her voice. At this point, she thought, theft would probably be the quickest and most effective option--and even then they'd need to FIND whatever it was they were stealing first, and get it back here.

"...Our options are kind of slim, Starchase," Amber said cautiously. "Doing what's fair might not be possible, given the time limit..." she looked solemnly at the crumpled bill, and wondered how charitable highschoolers were.

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"I suppose you've got a valid point there, Amber." He played around nervously with his human fingered hand in replacement of hooves. "But I suppose we could always buy the sandwich." Simply thinking of meat made him very, very uncomfortable. He hoped they didn't eat horses here.




"I'm not sure about the computer chip thing. But Ice Blizz, know any local hardware stores we can visit for the anti freeze?"

Edited by Swinton


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Ice looked over at him, then tried to remember what he saw while he was there. "Huh? Oh. Yeah, I think there was a hardware place somewhere....I mean, I dunno if it was a hardware store, but it did have a few tools on the sign. I know where it is, though. Follow me." He walked towards the door.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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They shuffled over to a large brown warehouse like building. It had a drab brown brick exterior, sticking out like a sore thumb in the landscape it dominated with its sheer size. The automated door slid open silently as they approached and entered as quietly as possible like mice in a kitchen. It was in their best interest to attract as little attention as possible. However, with the seemingly endless rows of sky high shelves, it would be nigh impossible to find their intended object without assistance.


"Where do you keep the antifreeze?" One of them coughed out quietly


"Isle 3, shelf 3 to 6," The bored looking store clerk slurred and pointed them to in the right direction. "Please do not attempt to climb the shelves for objects out of reach and seek help from any of our staff."


They shuffled over to the large shelf, one of many that filled the shop. Sure enough, there were bottles labelled as 'Antifreeze Coolant' with sizes ranging from milk jugs to barrels.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ice looked around until he saw the antifreeze they needed. Once he found it, he ran over, "Over here!" He was slightly taller than the others, so he could reach to the shelf with little effort. "Eeeeyah." After grabbing the milk jug sized bottle, he showed it to them, "This gonna work?"

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"I think so," Starchase chirped up upon seeing how easy it was to obtain this antifreeze, till it dawned on him. "But how are we going to get this out of here?!" He waved his hands in the shape of the large jug. If it had been something small like a nut or screw they could run off scot-free by this jug was not something one could simply tuck away in their pocket or stuff into their trousers.


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