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Do Your OC's Have Phobias?


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Does your OC have a fear so terrible it affects their daily life? If so, how bad is it and how did he or she obtain this phobia? I'm not talking about simple fears. Phobias are the kinds that control your OC and give them intense anxiety.


Ruby Shears is extremely coimetrophobic (fear of cemeteries). This phobia stemmed from playing hide and seek in a graveyard as a filly. She fell into an open ditch and was trapped for several hours while her friends sought out to get help. She was fine until nightfall when she imagined the walls of dirt closing in on her, threatening to bury her alive. She was screaming, crying and clinging to her parents after she was rescued, the phobia having taken its toll. Her fear is so intense that she vehemently refuses to attend burials or see any deceased loved ones in cemeteries. In fact, every time she passes a cemetery, she thinks about the bad memory, losing her breath with her legs turning into jelly. She can attend wakes, though it still makes her nervous (which she hides well). She also can't stand going into basements or closets unless they're lit or if somepony is there with her.


Ruby's son Brownie Chip is phasmophobic (fear of ghosts). He's had it his whole life which only got worse when he started reading about things ghosts could do out of revenge.. His anxiety is nowhere near as bad as his mother's but there are times when his active imagination gets the best of him. He is also dentophobic (fear of dentists) and gets the willies every time he go for a checkup. In spite of this, he takes very good care of his teeth, sometimes too good.


Here is a list of phobias for reference.

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Cuddle Crescent is afraid of being alone, but it's funny, since she has so much attitude. XD

Bright Shine is afraid of hate, he doesn't want anypony to ever hate, and will try to stop it as soon as possible.

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Brush Stroke has a terrible fear of failure. He will go all melodramatic if he fails. Like me. He is my ponysona though.


Gleaming Gem has the fear of imperfection and the fear of rejection. It makes her always uncomfortable at social events. The slightest thing wrong will set her off.

Edited by RarityFan01
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My OC bastion has a deathly fear of Ghosts. Just like I do  :blush:

But Bastion goes about it the 'logical' way. "G-Ghosts aren't real!" Much the same way Rita Mordio does.


Edited by Bright Bastion
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I'm working on a sea-pony OC, she's going to have an irrational fear of water.

XD I wonder how that will work.
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My alicorn OC Silhouette Dusk acquired Kakorrhaphiophobia, a fear of failure or defeat. It started when she failed to react in time to save the Crystal Empire from Sombra's tyranny and later curse. While it usually works in her favor in her fervent attempts to win battles & duels, it became full fledged when she was overthrown by Luna & Celestia, being reinforced by being sealed in ice, and awakening 1000 years later to see the sisters on her throne and her people's history erased. Unfortunately it would taint her fighting style, for fear of making a mistake would prevent her from taking risks and going in for the kill, causing her to lose her duel against Celestia for control, forcing her to live her worst fear, suffering suicidal depression because of it. 


My other OC Proxymus "Proxy" Charon, has Kleptophobia, the fear of stealing, sort of. He's half changeling, half centaur, the offspring of Chrysalis & Tirek. Having his father imprisoned in tartarus, and his hive rejecting him while his mother was out galavanting, he struck out on his own and cast aside both changeling & centaur behaviors when he was taken in and given a chance by the ponies of Equestria. He saw the damage done by Triek & changelings, seeing ponies in a better light than any of his family projected them to be, and in order for him to be worthy of their trust and respect, he promised himself not to steal their love or their magic. To this, he is afraid of stealing love while in disguise, which is why he is reluctant to go on deep cover missions, only accepting it when others know who he is. He is also afraid of taking magic, for fear that the power will corrupt him, and for fear of the harm and toll it would take on ponies. He wants to avoid becoming the monster his neglectful parents were at all costs, the monsters ponies have learned to fear. It's part fear, part strict code of honor. 


My bat pony OC Chaly has Paralipophobia, fear of neglecting duty or responsibility. She is the consummate soldier. Always punctual, always following orders to the letter, always going above and beyond the call of duty. She always had a subtle pressure to continue her family's tradition of serving in the Equestrian Armed Legion, continuing to protect the descendants of the old Equestrian empire from all threats and one day join in the battle for the liberation of Equestria from Celestial occupation. To this end she has put undue pressure on herself to succeed. While this has helped her shoot up the ranks, it has also caused her to never take any vacation days, any sick days, any personal days or report any injuries for fear that doing so will drop her down the ranks, affect her performance in the eyes of her superiors, or degrade the overall abilities of her subordinates and fellow soldiers, resulting either in their defeat at the hooves of an enemy or in the capture of her fellow citizens. So it's easily understandable when she is put under medical suspension for significant injuries suffered over various battles, that being left alone & confined to her quarters that she starts panicking and undergoing a lesson zero style mental breakdown at not being able to serve and protect.  

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My character Nit Pick has Misophobia as a part of his OCD.  It was bad to a point were he learned to master a sanitation spell by tapping his horn to kill off any bad germs and dirt on himself.  It drives him nuts if an Earth pony or (or any pony) handles things with their mouths.  Even hoof shakes or just physical contact with other ponies scares him.

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