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open Trouble in Ponyville (adventure rp)


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Skylar had been scanning the clearing the entire time, and couldn't possibly find a reason to not sit down and be forced to listen to the conversation between Spellbind and Humble. A storm cloud was getting increasingly large above her.

"Will you guys SHUT UP!" She hollered. "You're both terrible ponies, OKAY?"

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@@Humble Hymn@@Little Red,


Spellbind sighed, for Humble's pep talk had for once not cheered her up, because she had what she thought was a valid counter-argument. She was just about to reply when Skylar protested. Spellbind was annoyed. "Let's take this elsewhere, shall we?" she suggested to Humble. And they moved elsewhere.


"That's the thing about family relations. Society brainwashes you to stick by them no matter how they treat you. It breaks my heart to see younger siblings being bullied and tormented by their older ones and still say they love them. And the fact that it was my mom's womb I popped out of clouds my parents' judgement. They need to see past the fact that I'm biologically related to them via DNA, and that I'm no different to any other pony from the factory error bin."

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Kaymen wakes up from the cell he now finds himself in. "Ugh...what..." He puts a hoof to his head, thinking he'd find a little blood, but thankfully didn't. "Where am I...? HELLO!?" He yelled out hoping for a response. His bat friend seems to be nowhere in sight. But he can hear a faint screeching coming from somewhere. "*screeching*, ARE YOU OK!? WHERE ARE YOU!?" She was trying hard to respond, but barely got back a weak response. "DONT WORRY! ILL GET YOU OUT OF HERE! ...just as soon as I find out how to get out of here..."

  • Brohoof 1

Things are changing

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Blizzard raised his hoof and shouted, "Ok, let's go...to the castle!!" Blizzard then skates as fast as he could in the direction of the castle and then stops. "Wait a second, I'm still trying to figure out what exactly do we need to find from this castle? What will give us an answer?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Humble listened to what Spellbind said, as his heart dropped a little. She had an...interesting response...to the actions of family and how she's affected by it, but it was one he didn't want her to win with. "Maybe we are brainwashed to treat our family better than others, but it's only natural we care for our own blood instead of others'. We put everything we have into those we care for, blood sweat and tears, all of which make our life greater, because it is now apart of another's. From the first moment we see our child, we see nothing but the good of them, for a new future that will we take part in, and with the bad, we see nothing but a obstacle that we are to face and triumph over. With everything that happens as a family, there will never be anything to tear apart, cause there will always be a family. That why it is considered to treat others not as your neighbors, or your friends, but as your family as well. We learn so much from those in our homes that we spread that knowledge to others. We come so close to others that they become our blood sweat and tears. We look for those special, because we're always looking to add to our family. That is why all of the friends we met today, and you Spellbind, this beautiful you, have become my family.


"As with your parents needing to ignore their feelings, and see you as a failure, that's not something that's possible, and you gotta learn to except that. They put so much of their life into yours, and that's not something that can just be taken back. Even if somehow they managed to only see you as a failure, I'm sure they'd treat you just like any other pony, part of the family they'd be lucky to have, even if they don't know it yet."


"Sorry if once again my thoughts aren't as they should be. I tend to hide and be scared from the truth, worried that it'll change me the wrong way. So when I want to try to explain what I believe is true, all that comes up is my emotions telling me to go back into hiding. But it seems you're not afraid of the truth, while you have a strange way to say it. So it seems I need to push myself into unknown territory, to help more than what I can, for your sake as well as mine."

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@@Humble Hymn,


Spellbind listened to what Humble had to say. "I'm not so sure I consider many other ponies in this group my family..." she said quietly so nopony else would hear. "Lots of other ponies in this group are too rough and bold. It's kind of exhausting."


"But you..." she said. "You're peaceful and empathetic. I like talking with you about my feelings, and you talking with me about yours."


"And when you were nervous about going along with this adventure and I encouraged you... well... it made me feel empowered that I helped you. Felt like I was... protecting you."

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"And you..." Humble said happily in response, "You're selfless and brave. I feel like you're somepony I can learn from, with not being afraid to look more at myself and what's around me, inspiring myself to push my limits, and many more lessons that would take too long for me to tell you all of. That's something that is hard for me to do, as I tend to believe I'm the only one I need to learn from, but you shown me to look past that, just by looking at you."


"As for you...When you had your "moment of darkness" that kept you from seeing the light and I shown you the way back, and when you were in trouble when you overused your magic and I went beyond my limits to insure you were safe...it gave me strength to know I could look out for another. It was as if....I had a duty towards you, one that involves proving you can be better than what you believe yourself to be.


"And don't say that none of what I said about you is true, or else I'll say the same thing with what you said about me, and we'll start this conversation all over again. As much as I like talking with you, for everypony else's sake we probably shouldn't." Humble said smiling as he gave a slight chuckle.

Edited by Humble Hymn
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@@Humble Hymn,


(Her magic never failed, she just used it too much. She helped out considerably, so fell unconscious as a result)


Spellbind smiled as Humble talked. It seemed that her feeling of responsibility toward him was not non-mutual. Well, kinda. Spellbind had wanted to protect Humble physically, and she had protected her emotionally.


When he suggested they stop talking for the time being she was inclined to agree. "Yeah... Skylar didn't seem too amused," she giggled.

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"KAYMENNNNNNNN" she yelled as she was flying above the trees, "ugh, where is he, I guess we'd better get back to the castle" she said, then she turned around and flew back. She landed in front of Spellbind and Humble, "no sign of him, but we're going into the castle now"

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"oh no, really?" Humble replied sadly, "I sure hope Kaymen is okay." he started to worry, "You don't think that the shadows could've...no,no I'm sure he's fine. He'll be found once this is all over. Though he has been through enough. He did suffer that concussion of his earlier, which looked pretty bad. I didn't happen to cause any problems when I helped wake him out of it, did I?."

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@@sonicdashie@@Humble Hymn,



(yey, adventure!)


The suggestion Humble put forth worried Spellbind a little, but the rest of the stuff he mentioned gave her hope and it seemed that chances were he would be okay.


"Humble..." she said, nuzzling him, a bit less subtly that she had earlier. "Even if you did cause a problem when you did that, it is much better than letting him stay asleep."

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she started to trot into the castle, slightly shaking, but was managing to keep going. she turned her head to Humble and Spellbind, "c'mon you two, we could use your magic and flute playing abilities in there as well" then she walked over and sat in front of the castle to wait for the others

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He watched from his view as the ponies entered the ruins. "Fools, this is my playground, you will be playing under my rules from now one. I hope you like my little traps, you will find them in various places" he laughed darkly, the laugh echoing through the ruins. 

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I trotted in the forest, searching for some vines, other sticks and a hazel branch. I built a bow and, using a flint, I crafted some arrows, like my father did when I was a young colt. I nedded some weapons to fight against the shadow ponies. Then, I headed to some old ruins, which were a bit spooky, to my opinion.


- Humble? Skylar? Is anypony there?


Suddenly, I found my fellow sufferers, but some shadow ponies were sneaking them from behind, and I didn't think they wanted to play to "Guess who it is?" I galloped to them, jumped, took my improvised instrument in my back and yelled "This guitar is complete laaaame!!!" while using it as an axe and hitting the first enemy I encountered.

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Skylar jumped as Rocket came up behind her and saw the enemies. "Aw, yeah!" She said, flapping her tremendous wings and creating something of a tiny tornado. She charged the shadows. "Nice guitaring!" She called to Rocket, grinning as she hit a shadow in the face with her large wing. "Yow!" She yelped as the shadow bit her wing and another jumped at her.

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"c'mon yall, we'd better go inside now, if you keep fighting, you'll be completely worn out when we fight the evil thats causing this" she suddenly got an idea "skylar, start flying in a circle with me as fast as you can go" then LS started the circle, which was starting to create a mini tornado.

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"As soon as all the shadows are in this, we will keep going for about 10 more seconds then we will let go" she noticed that the shadows inside the tornado were flailing wildly because they had nothing to hold on to, LS found this funny. She yelled from imside the tornado "STAND BACK EVERYPONY SO YOU DONT GET SUCKED IN!"

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He watched the ponies perform their little trick. "This will not be enough to stop me" he said furiously. He looked to one of his shadows. "I will be heading deeper into the castle, I will be staying inside, they won't be able to perform their little trick there inside" he grinned. He walked away from the view. 

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when LS noticed all the shadows were in their cyclone she yelled, "ok NOW!" then she stopped abruptly, she watched as the shadows went flying in all directions, then get stuck in trees, and bushes, she couldn't help but laugh a little. "ok we have to get inside now. the shadows will be back on their feet soon"

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@@sonicdashie, @@Littlecandylulu903


"Yeah, let's do that" Humble replied, after keeping a distance from and admiring Lightning and Skylar's technique as well. He and Spellbind made their way inside the castle, with the others to follow shortly after. Upon entering, Humble a few things. The castle was definitely old, with it being in ruins. It seemed quite large, just from observing the entrance alone. Also, it was very...very...dark and scary. "Of course evil shadow creatures would pick a place like this for their home..." he muttered nervously.

Edited by Humble Hymn
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@@Humble Hymn,


Spellbind entered the castle alongside the stallion she was happy to call her romantic interest. It was dark, large, and daunting, and she could see Humble was suitably intimidated.


"I'm most scared of bats and bugs," she commented. "But anyway, I wonder what's in here?"

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Lightning's legs were slightly shaking as she walked down the hallway of the castle, it was really hard to see in there. She got an idea, she stopped walking and was concentrating really hard. A small storm cloud started forming above her, lightning flashing inside of it.

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"Neat trick, Lightning!" Skylar said cheerfully. "and may I say, you and I make an awesome team!" She hoof-bumped Lightning's shoulder as she strolled past. She peered down a hallway. "So, guys, anyone know what we're looking for? An evil overlord? A robot? An ALIEN?" Skylar got very excited at the last suggestion.

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