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open Trouble in Ponyville (adventure rp)


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caliber looked at her for a couple of seconds. "you sure? i could keep watch, if ya want..." he said, concerned for this mare he met not even an hour ago. "if your sure about it then...okay..." he felt uncomfortable having someone else look after his back, when he's done that for years.


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caliber looked at her for a couple of seconds. "you sure? i could keep watch, if ya want..." he said, concerned for this mare he met not even an hour ago. "if your sure about it then...okay..." he felt uncomfortable having someone else look after his back, when he's done that for years.

"of course, you go inside with the others, they could use your help if it gets to complicated for me, ya know, you could always help me keep watch if you want, but its your choice" Lightning Strike sat on the ground, being alert for any danger that might show up.

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The ponies were being watched. "Few ponies ever go to visit the Zebra.... often or not, it is for help when unnatural problems arise. These ponies will probably be trouble. I will keep a close and careful watch on them. They better not threaten my plans, or they will pay for it" the watcher thought. 

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Doing as instructed, Spellbind sat down, resting against a tree, making sure that it was soft as opposed to rough with bark. Because that would not be comfortable at all. She wondered if she could take off her hat to Humble Hymn and reveal her deformed horn. He didn't seem judgemental.

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Kaymen flew silently alongside them, his bat seemed concerned by that, Kaymen usually doesn't stay quiet for this long "I need to go check on a few friends of mine, I'll be back, just yell for me if you get lost" Kaymen waves a hoof, and flies off into the forest to look for the red eyes he saw in the bush. "I'm not sure they will be too much of a problem, but who knows...half of them seem competent..."

Things are changing

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Observing the strangely shaped hut, Humble asked out "So this Zecora, I'm guessing is good at dealing with...whatever it is we're dealing with?", knowing that was a stupid question, as they took the time to travel to her hut instead of dealing with the dangers on their own. Though he hopes to make sure that he gets a good understanding at what it is they're doing, so he doesn't become a liability to their quest by being in the dark."So who wants to knock?...".

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@@Humble Hymn,@,

Blizzard was looking around for signs of hostile movement, but then he spoke to Humble, "Don't worry man, Zecora can fix almost anything. We just need to go inside and get some answers. *turns to Caliber* On you bro, you enter her house first and we'll follow you." Blizzard said as he got next to the side of the door. 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"why me?" caliber complained as he rapped loudly on the door.


"come in, into my den" a voice said.


caliber pushed open the door, to reveal a zebra making a potion. as usual. "zecora, I trust you know whats going on?" he asked.


"yes I do, the shadows have risen against you"


caliber nodded. "you got any tips on killing these things?"


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Blizzard followed behind Caliber into Zecora's hut, "Yes she's here! Zecora, do you have any idea what's going on out there? There are shadows everywhere and we can't seem to stop them. Do you have anything that could possibly counter those things outside?" 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Kaymen hangs from a branch outside of Zecora's hut, much like a bat. "On guard duty I see...?" Looking down at lightning. "You don't mind if I just barge in, do you?" Kaymen flies past lightning, fast enough to spin her. He proceeds to land inside Zecora's hut "Hey Zecora, long time no see..."

Things are changing

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Kaymen hangs from a branch outside of Zecora's hut, much like a bat. "On guard duty I see...?" Looking down at lightning. "You don't mind if I just barge in, do you?" Kaymen flies past lightning, fast enough to spin her. He proceeds to land inside Zecora's hut "Hey Zecora, long time no see..."

"hey watch it!" lightning strike said after kaymen flew past her, lightning strike pokes her head inside the door, "hey zecora, me and my friends are having some, shadow trouble, mind telling them what it is while i keep watch out here?" after saying that LS goes back to keeping watch.

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There is a loud Thump! behind the group as what appears to be a snoring pegasus drops from a tree.

"Ah! Ah, buck!" comes a feminine voice from the clump of gray fur. A small pegasus stands up, her large wings splayed out and folding awkwardly as she appears to size up the group.

"Oh, good." Skylar says, giving an aura of confidence as though what had previously occurred had never occurred. "Other ponies. Thought I was a goner. Tell me, does anypony have some food?"

Edited by Little Red
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Blizzard had disengaged his Maverick style since they were not in a fight, and asked, "Ok does anypony have any ideas? Zecora? Please tell me you have a brew or potion or something that can help us tackle those shadow things outside." Blizzard was starting to get a little worried because he didn't know what was going on.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Lightning Strike notices the small pegasus at the hut, she pokes her head back inside the hut, "hey Zecora, the kids hungry, think you could find something in there that she could eat?" all i have is some things to help me if we come across more shadow ponies

Blizzard had disengaged his Maverick style since they were not in a fight, and asked, "Ok does anypony have any ideas? Zecora? Please tell me you have a brew or potion or something that can help us tackle those shadow things outside." Blizzard was starting to get a little worried because he didn't know what was going on.

Lightning Strike notices IB was freaking out a little, she said to him, "hey, dont freak out man, remember, you still have your ice powers to protect you," then she made a little joke, "do you need someone to protect you if you get to scared?" she said with a little smile

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It seems that this troubles both he and she,

and that you have come for help from me.


As Ponyville is in danger from this "Shadow Clan",

I shall help in any way I can.


These shadows come from the light you touch,

however grow stronger in darkness very much.


For in your peaceful town they may just roam,

but in this dark forest they will call home.


They all look like you, act like you,

copy your abilities too.


Though with dark magic they are strong

And you may not last very long.


Fight you must, in your best of mood,

and yes, I do have some food.


Zecora went to get some food, but when she came back saw what was sticking out of Humble's bag stick out.


What is this I might see,

a pan flute it must be.


Taking the flute out of the bag, she inspected it with keen interest.


Realizing everything that just happened, humble exclaimed, "oh...the flute...I found it in one of the houses in Ponyville....didn't mean to take it...".  

Edited by Humble Hymn
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caliber dug around in his bag for a second, before pulling out a zap-apple. he tossed it to skylar. "eat up, kid." he remarked. "its my second-to-last one." he looked at the others. "I think we should establish who can fight, and who cant." he stated boldly. "ill start, im a master swordspony."


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Fight you must, in your best of mood, and yes, I do have food.

"FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD!" Skylar cried, leaping into the hut without any hesitation, not sparing a glance at any of the others. She glanced at the pan flute, looking confused for about an instance, then decided not to question it and began turning the hut upside down in her attempts to find the food.

caliber dug around in his bag for a second, before pulling out a zap-apple. he tossed it to skylar. "eat up, kid." he remarked. "its my second-to-last one." he looked at the others. "I think we should establish who can fight, and who cant." he stated boldly. "ill start, im a master swordspony."

Skylar caught the apple in some surprise. She beamed at him. "Hey, thanks, dude!" She devoured the apple.
 "Master swordspony, huh? Are you guys a group of warriors or something?" She said, smirking slightly as though that was the funniest thing she'd ever heard.

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Kaymen stood there, slightly annoyed at Zecora for not acknowledging him, but he quickly let it past him when a blur of red and grey fly past him "Gah!" Kaymen toppled over, wether out of his own reactions, or her hitting her, he didn't care to let anyone know "Hey! What's-" when he saw her rummaging through Zecora's hut, he just let out a "humph"

Things are changing

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lightning strike added, "i can fight to, because i have a little, ability when it comes to fighting, lightning strike said with a smirk, and IB cas his ice powers, and rocket, well he can destory a hay bale in a single strike, i guess thats also helpful" then she went back outside

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caliber grinned. "nah, I just met these ponies." he said, "well, except ice blizzard. and I am a master swordspony. good enough to be ranked 4th in all of equrestria." he pulled out another zap-apple. "and I need food, too. cant fight that well on an empty stomach." he said as he took a bite.


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caliber dug around in his bag for a second, before pulling out a zap-apple. he tossed it to skylar. "eat up, kid." he remarked. "its my second-to-last one." he looked at the others. "I think we should establish who can fight, and who cant." he stated boldly. "ill start, im a master swordspony."

"And sure, I can fight, I've held my own against a manticore...albeit...I did befriend him before we were done...but still" Kaymen said, somewhat confidently. "I'm sure I can take on most of these shadows by myself!" He said in an egotistical way, in a way the others could tell he was exaggerating

Things are changing

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caliber dug around in his bag for a second, before pulling out a zap-apple. he tossed it to skylar. "eat up, kid." he remarked. "its my second-to-last one." he looked at the others. "I think we should establish who can fight, and who cant." he stated boldly. "ill start, im a master swordspony."

"Yeah me and Caliber are about equal in skill even though we fight differently. I can fight good for myself and so can Caliber here."




It seems that this troubles both he and she,

and that you have come for help from me.


As Ponyville is in danger from this "Shadow Clan",

I shall help in any way I can.


These shadows come from the light you touch,

however grow stronger in darkness very much.


For in your peaceful town they may just roam,

but in this dark forest they will call home.


They all look like you, act like you,

copy your abilities too.


Though with dark magic they are strong

And you may not last very long.


Fight you must, in your best of mood,

and yes, I do have some food.


Zecora went to get some food, but when she came back saw what was sticking out of Humble's bag stick out.


What is this I might see,

a pan flute it must be.


Taking the flute out of the bag, she inspected it with keen interest.


Realizing everything that just happened, humble exclaimed, "oh...the flute...I found it in one of the houses in Ponyville....didn't mean to take it...".  

"Wait so dark magic? They can copy us?! Oh that's just great. How are we gonna beat them if they can copy us? The original is always superior!"


Lightning Strike notices the small pegasus at the hut, she pokes her head back inside the hut, "hey Zecora, the kids hungry, think you could find something in there that she could eat?" all i have is some things to help me if we come across more shadow ponies

Lightning Strike notices IB was freaking out a little, she said to him, "hey, dont freak out man, remember, you still have your ice powers to protect you," then she made a little joke, "do you need someone to protect you if you get to scared?" she said with a little smile

"I'm good." Blizzard said, "I don't need anypony to defend me. I can handle myself."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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lIghtning Strike poked her head back inside, "hey can i have some food to? im also hungry, and like what cal (caliber) just said, i cant fight on an empty stomach" she then walked inside to get food, "could you try to make it somewhat quick? i need to get back to guard duty"


"Wait so dark magic? They can copy us?! Oh that's just great. How are we gonna beat them if they can copy us? The original is always superior!"

lightning strike heard ib say this, suddenly she got an idea, "well if we cant beat them with our normal skills, how about we, combine skills, in a way? because i think the battle will go on forever if we only use what we have already", her stomach rumbled, she thought to herself i knew i should have eaten before i left

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Skylar looked at them all, seeming somewhat unimpressed, before turning back to her scavenging. She sniffed at a potion.

"Eew. This smells..." she paused. "Actually, it smells really good. Is this soup? It looks disgusting." She drank the soup-potion in one giant swallow and gave a loud burp.

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caliber had fallen silent. "copy our abilities and skill, huh?" he raised his head, fighting spirit in his eyes. "sounds like a real fight!! I wanna fight him alone!!" he looked at the others. "I can, right? no-one'll interrupt?" he continued eating his zap=apple. "right?"



he looked at skylar. "aw, I wanted some!!!!!!"


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