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open Trouble in Ponyville (adventure rp)


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Still dazed from what Zecora said, not to mention everything going on, Humble found it hard to move, except for staying out of harm's way in a nearby bush. Though hearing what lightning said, including the fact that a shadow was coming at Skylar in her blind spot, he yelled "LOOK OUT!!!", and tackled the shadow, hoping to keep it away from her. Unfortunately, not wanting to deal any harm and not thinking straight, the shadow escaped his grasp. 

Edited by Humble Hymn
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Still dazed from what Zecora said, not to mention everything going on, Humble found it hard to move, except for staying out of harm's way in a nearby bush. Though hearing what lightning said, including the fact that a shadow was coming at the young pegasus in her blind spot, he yelled "LOOK OUT!!!", and tackled the shadow, hoping to keep it away from her. Unfortunately, not wanting to deal any harm and not thinking straight, the shadow escaped his grasp. 

Lightning Strike turned to Humble, "thanks man, if you hadn't tackled that shadow, i would have gotten pinned down, again" she said, laughing a little. she then said to him, "i dont think we can fight off all of them...they just keep coming" she flew back up into the air, the storm coud re-forming.

Edited by sonicdashie
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Blizzard returned Caliber's friendly grin, "Yep, I guess it is. Listen guys, we can't stay here. This place will be infested with shadow pieces soon unless we find a way to really get rid of these things. Does Zecora have a solution yet? Caliber? Lightning?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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(Oopsie, shouldnt've disappeared for so long! I'll just have to recap what already happened)


It seemed they were making good progress, but then.., shadow ponies started to attack! Spellbind was a bit cowardly at first, but then ran right in there and did what she could to take down a couple of the shadow ponies.


"Everypony ok?" she asked.




"If I know Zecora well, I'd say she knows exactly how to deal with these happenings," she replied to Blizzard.

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Lightning Strike sighed, she thought to herself, i just want to stop, they just keep coming LS sat down, she thought to herself, option A. we stop fighting and leave the forest, but endanger innocent ponies' lives, option B. we keep fighting and stop this madness and we wont have to deal with it anymore.  LS was leanng towards option B, but she was so tired, she said to IB and Cal(iber), "yall keep going, im going to see zecora for a sec". and with that, she went insie the hut

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"yall keep going, im going to see zecora for a sec". and with that, she went insie the hut
Zecora was busy using her charms to ward off the shadows from invading her hut, as she noticed Lightning enter once again.


You all seem able to handle yourselves,

as I only apply potions from these shelves.


Though you return to ask another question,

while we may be done with this session.


But I'm happy to help if I wasn't clear,

or if I missed anything quite dear.


I realize your friend is much of a mute,

as I hear no sound from his flute....

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Still dazed from what Zecora said, not to mention everything going on, Humble found it hard to move, except for staying out of harm's way in a nearby bush. Though hearing what lightning said, including the fact that a shadow was coming at Skylar in her blind spot, he yelled "LOOK OUT!!!", and tackled the shadow, hoping to keep it away from her. Unfortunately, not wanting to deal any harm and not thinking straight, the shadow escaped his grasp. 

Spellbind could see that Humble Hymn was getting fearful at the whole situation and could really use some support. After quickly taking the time to beat a couple more shadows, she went next to him.


"No need to worry," she said. "I think we've got quite an attack force against these things."

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hearing what Zecora said, she turned to Humble, "Humble, use your flute to help us!" lightning strike pleaded, "please!".  "you can do it, we believe in you" Lightning Strike said before going back outside, just before she was completely out, she looked at humble one more time, her eyes saying, 'please help us'

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"But....but...", Humble replied, "It's just a flute....and even if it is like what Zecora said....I...ugh...don't have proper experience with flutes....especially not with....pan.....flutes....". Though looking at lightning's pleading eyes, and all around him, seeing how their best may not be enough, that he needs to help in some way, he groaned to himself. "ugh....I'll...I'll try...." He grabbed the pan flute, hovered slightly in the air so he can hold it with two hooves, and said "here goes nothing....". Trying to keep calm with all the knowledge he knows of playing regular flutes, plus a unknown sensation falling on him, he took a deep breath, and blew into the pan flute....

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caliber had already been forced to use his ace card. he was zooming about, shrouded in dark magic. taking them out in two's. "alright, hum!" he called out when he heard the melody start. he jumped back to the others, and disabled his dark magic. a stinging pain materialized in his head. "so...is it working?" he asked faintly.


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He watched from the same safe distance. "Fools, utter fools. They think they can stave off the darkness? They think that they can stop it, stop me? They will learn just how wrong they are. Oh yes they will" he thought. "And they will pay for their foolishness" another voice, thought his own, said within his head. 

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Kaymen jumps away from the fight, using the noise to cover his movement. While in the darkness of the trees, he lets out a loud shriek, calling upon a small swarm of bats, mixing in with the fighting. "There...that should do for now..." (It's not big enough to obscure a lot of what's going on)

Things are changing

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Skylar had stopped bothering even trying to help, or complaining that she could help. She was staring, mouth open, at the fight. At Humble, Kaymen, Caliber, all of them. After a moment, she put one forehoof to her jaw and shut it forcefully. She looked around, trying to see any more "shadow ponies" coming out, and thought she saw the ghost of red eyes, the ghost of a shadow. But she blinked. Just my imagination. They know what they're doing, she thought, far more humbly than she normally was.

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Blizzard was still attacking as good as he could even ignoring his headaches, "Grrr... Come on Humble! When are you gonna do your thing?! We're losing area over here! *throws ice projectiles* Kay? Come on! Let's Go! Let's Go!" Blizzard had by now gotten a small headache from his Cryo style, but ignored it for the sake of defending everypony.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Kaymen slinks off into the forest, away from the action. Coming to a stop in a small clearing. "Heh...quite a show you're putting on out there...maybe shadow ponies is a new one...none of them, or you, better not steal my title now..." He says, to the one he presumes is behind this. Not caring if he responds. "Don't worry...I'm not here for them...I'm here for me..."

Things are changing

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He looked at the one who had dared come near him. "This one is pretty good with himself" he thought. "Then make him suffer for his ignorance" the darker voice within his head said. "Perhaps he can still be useful" he thought. "Title you say? I seek no title. Titles are for those who look at themselves as small figures and want to make others pay for it, by pressing on them with their 'titles'. What is it that you want? You don't seem to be..... very attached to them" there was grin, where white teeth could be seen, some of them fanged. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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At first the melody of the flute caught the shadows off guard, allowing the other ponies an opportunity to strike some of them down. As the rest of the shadows caught wind of what was going on, it seemed they were somewhat slower and weaker in their strength. Though just as dangerous, they appeared taunted and angry by the music, causing more careless attacks, allowing for more openings in their defenses.

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Skylar blinked. I can help now! I can do it! She opened her wings. The full wingspan was giant. She flew at clump of shadow ponies, recklessly, and began spinning wildly. Her wings hit them, and they staggered, more stunned than before. The idea of using a weapon was making her slightly queasy, however. Luckily, none of them seemed to have any to spare. She pounced at one that seemed to be going for Humble and began punching it in the face.

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Kaymen stands there, trying to hold back laughter. He can't hold it any longer and starts laughing hysterically. He slows down to catch his breath after a few seconds "Oh celestia...you're funny... And no, I just met them today...and I don't really care about them..." He stands there, then looks at the cape on his back. "They were the only ponies I cared about..."

Things are changing

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His patience was wearing off. "I do not have any time for you, if you wish to serve the darkness, prove your worth" a hoof pointed towards the other ponies. "Otherwise, you are of no use and you will die a miserable death, just like they will, a black mist started to surround the two and suddenly, the mysterious pony was gone. 

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She pounced at one that seemed to be going for Humble and began punching it in the face.

Humble, concentrating very hard on playing the flute, took the time to notice Skylar beating a nearby shadow into submission."Whoa there, easy tiger" he stopped playing, and ran over to her to hold her back from doing any more damage, though she was quite resistant to the action. The shadow, very much dazed, tried to get up and run away, only to make an indirect path into a nearby tree. It fell onto the ground, passed out from all the head trauma. Humble might have heard a snicker from the young pegasus. He began to play again, but looking around revealed that a lot of the shadows started to leave, having his friends fight off the few remaining. Then he noticed something else, "Hey...uh....where that pegasus with the bats?"

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Kaymen stifled a chuckle as he disappeared "heh...I hope you don't mind me being your face..." He then started to walk back towards Zecora's hut, on his way there, he picked up a passed out shadow pony and carried it back with him. "Heh, you'll come in handy..." He brought the shadow pony with him, carrying it on his back.

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Humble, concentrating very hard on playing the flute, took the time to notice Skylar beating a nearby shadow into submission."Whoa there, easy tiger" he stopped playing, and ran over to her to hold her back from doing any more damage, though she was quite resistant to the action. The shadow, very much dazed, tried to get up and run away, only to make an indirect path into a nearby tree. It fell onto the ground, passed out from all the head trauma. Humble might have heard a snicker from the young pegasus. He began to play again, but looking around revealed that a lot of the shadows started to leave, having his friends fight off the few remaining. Then he noticed something else, "Hey...uh....where that pegasus with the bats?"

Skylar stopped her chuckling, and turned away from the unconscious shadow pony, feeling proud though Humble had done more than her. She blinked. "What bat pony-- oh, THAT bat pony!" She was silent for a moment, then shrugged. "I don't know!" She said, helpfully.

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lightning strike was out of breath, she looked around and smiled, "looks like we beat off most of them off, she turned to skylar "nice going kid", she then turned to Humble, "you to", she looked around, "wheres Kaymen? did his bat friends carry him off?" she said with a little chuckle

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Kaymen stops just as he reaches the tree line. He proceeded to toss the shadow pony towards Zecora's hut, and it ends up landing on top of skylar. The he walks slowly from the shadows. "Did you miss me...?" He said, in a snarky way. "*screeching noise*, get a few of your friends, we might need their help" he said to his bat. "But no need to hurry" he whispered to her.

Things are changing

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