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open The Brigade Of Celestial Light

Child Of Darkness

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Chrysteel chuckles, "Wow a fear of loosing. Now that is an odd one."


The dark aura vanishes when the battle ended. She looks exhausted, like she had been having a very dangerous battle within.


"It is always hard to contain one's darkest emotions. That battle almost made me loose control." Chrysteel looks to the others. "So what's next?"


Niruna: "Fear of losing is more common amount Demons than mortals. For winning means power, power determines our place in society, and our respect and honour of our house name is determined by our accomplishments. So losing is a big deal to devils. Particularly if the stakes are high enough. Now though, the festivities are still strong, so you can look around. *Yawn* it's been a long day though. So I'm going home and going to bed. Who knows, maybe Zecz will turn up early and drop by. You've not met him in person yet have you? A few words in person and you'll understand why everyone one loves him. He's the number 1 show man in the Underworld after all. So yeah. I'm going home."


Caras: "I'll take you home Niruna. I appreciate you taking care of her for me. Thank you Chrysteel and Simple. Feel free to explore. My house is always open should you need a place to stay the night."

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Chrysteel bows respectfully and says, "The pleasure is ours. If Niruna ever needs a friend, I will be around. If she ever needs a sister, I will be by her side."


She turns to Simple, "I think a meal is in order first. Then a little festivities. Finally to sleep for a while."


She waits to hear what Simple is going to do before making her next move.

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Dawn could sense a few auras in the distance and hid in the branches of a nearby tree. She had the element of surprise, and she definitely wanted to keep it. "Hopefully all of this works out in the end." She thought to herself as she closed her eyes, relaxing her body.


A loud roar came from the locked door causing a headache to race through Tempest's head. "Well, there's no need for that language." He muttered under his breath. "If you behaved, than maybe you wouldn't be in there, then again, you are a different me."

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Chrysteel bows respectfully and says, "The pleasure is ours. If Niruna ever needs a friend, I will be around. If she ever needs a sister, I will be by her side."


She turns to Simple, "I think a meal is in order first. Then a little festivities. Finally to sleep for a while."


She waits to hear what Simple is going to do before making her next move.

Caras: "We will see the two of you later then. Have fun my friends."


Caras and Niruna waved to the two and walked towards their home.


Niruna: "Hey Caras! You called them friends. Are you going soft in your old age?"


Caras: "I told you I'm not old. I'm 12000... and... 80... 9... years... old. *slump*"


Niruna: "That makes you the second oldest devil in the world. Only my great grandfather is older than you. And that's only by 124 years."


Caras: "Shut up."



Dawn could sense a few auras in the distance and hid in the branches of a nearby tree. She had the element of surprise, and she definitely wanted to keep it. "Hopefully all of this works out in the end." She thought to herself as she closed her eyes, relaxing her body.



Diadora and her party had set up in the forest. They had detected a few ponies operating about 50 feet away. A mortal. And a Divine was closely behind her. "*Whispering* Okay. The prey has spotted us. Hold position and hold arrows true. Shoot when you have a clear shot. Aim for the heart."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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The news of the devil attack quickly spread around Canterlot and with that panic. The event was in every newspaper line and the call for war was louder than ever. Equestria's army was mobilizing and the devils would be doing the same. The soldiers of equestria have not faced the devils of the underworld in years. With that information it would seem that the ponies of equestria would fall easy to the might of devils. Mango unlike his fellow soldiers didn't fear the devils because despite the tales he knew devils were living individuals that could be slayed just like himself. Mango sighed as he pulled out his letter knowing he was late to the summit. Tearing it up he continued along the southern woods of the crystal empire. He knew it was gonna turn out like this not even a week after the summit and war has been declared. "Typical ," Mango muttered as he made his way to the small military encampment. After a bit of walking Mango realized he was not as close to the camp as he originally thought. Before Mango could make any remarks his suit woke up from its dormant state. "I SENSE BLOOD, POWERFUL BLOOD."

Edited by steelranger22
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(Dawn is in a tree, so she isn't exactly easy to spot. Also, I don't think that she's near the base.)


From her vantage point, Dawn could see a few demons and formed a bow of aura in her hooves, along with a set of arrows. She nooked one projectile and drew the string back, getting her first target before firing through the leaves and branches of the forest. The alicorn then moved to a different location a few yards to the left and waited.


Tempest sighed as he watched the sun set and stood. "I guess it's about time I return." He thought to himself as he extended his wings and flew into the air. The bat pony didn't know what he would do.


Nephyer looked at the door and then back to Xena. He was slightly curious as to what could have his new host scared, and he decided that his 'brother' was the best choice. "So, what do you think is behind that door?"


"Something that you don't want to see and that shouldn't ever see the light of day." He said, turning his full attention to the ten headed snake.

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Caras: "We will see the two of you later then. Have fun my friends."


Caras and Niruna waved to the two and walked towards their home.


Niruna: "Hey Caras! You called them friends. Are you going soft in your old age?"


Caras: "I told you I'm not old. I'm 12000... and... 80... 9... years... old. *slump*"


Niruna: "That makes you the second oldest devil in the world. Only my great grandfather is older than you. And that's only by 124 years."


Caras: "Shut up."






Diadora and her party had set up in the forest. They had detected a few ponies operating about 50 feet away. A mortal. And a Divine was closely behind her. "*Whispering* Okay. The prey has spotted us. Hold position and hold arrows true. Shoot when you have a clear shot. Aim for the heart."

"Niruna wait up" simple proceeded to dash towards caras and niruna and walked through the door to caras's house "so caras.....may i ask you a question...." simple looked at caras "would you know where i could find that sword you used on me earlier..." 


(sorry for the short comments lately... been busy dealing with family stuff)

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(Dawn is in a tree, so she isn't exactly easy to spot. Also, I don't think that she's near the base.)


From her vantage point, Dawn could see a few demons and formed a bow of aura in her hooves, along with a set of arrows. She nooked one projectile and drew the string back, getting her first target before firing through the leaves and branches of the forest. The alicorn then moved to a different location a few yards to the left and waited.


Tempest sighed as he watched the sun set and stood. "I guess it's about time I return." He thought to himself as he extended his wings and flew into the air. The bat pony didn't know what he would do.


Nephyer looked at the door and then back to Xena. He was slightly curious as to what could have his new host scared, and he decided that his 'brother' was the best choice. "So, what do you think is behind that door?"


"Something that you don't want to see and that shouldn't ever see the light of day." He said, turning his full attention to the ten headed snake.

The Devil moved out of the way of the incoming arrow with it narrowly missing my. "*whispering* be more observant in the future. They can have your corpse if you die. We have three prey now. Split up into 3 teams of 2. Trackers, trappers and shooters. Sar, you and I are shooters, you two, trappers, you two trackers. The prey fights back." They split up into groups, moving all in different directions.


Golden: "Divide and destroy. Keep a keen eye to the ground. We may face some traps. These guys are quick to set up elaborate contraptions without making noise. You new soldier, what is your name, rank and orders?"

"Niruna wait up" simple proceeded to dash towards caras and niruna and walked through the door to caras's house "so caras.....may i ask you a question...." simple looked at caras "would you know where i could find that sword you used on me earlier..."


(sorry for the short comments lately... been busy dealing with family stuff)

Caras: "Ahh, the Blood Dagger. That is a tool that I personally designed, crafted, smithed and use. It's a truly exquisite piece of art. If you are so interested, I keep it locked away on this." A magic circle appeared above Caras hoof, and the dagger came out of it, wrapped in chains. "I lock it away in a small dimension tear I found. Seal it in chains. The blade hungers for blood. It's alive. What do you want to know about it?"

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Hearing the suit he barely noticed the individual in front of him, upon further observation it seemed to be a divine. Heading her words he spoke " I am Captain Mango cuts and I was late to the summit but seeing as how that went will I assist in any battle you need me in." Grabbing his sword Mango's helmet encloses his head and the visor glows. Standing on his hind legs Mango prepares to swing his massive blade at whoever is attacking.

Edited by steelranger22
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Dawn nodded and closed her eyes, focusing on the aura of the demons. When she had a clean shot, she fire a arrow at one of the ponies on the ground, before moving to a different vantage point. The alicorn then tried her luck with an aura sphere at a nearby demon.


Tempest smirked as he landed a mile away from the base on a tree branch and stretched. "Well, it's about time I came back." He thought to himself as he sensed a few demons nearby. The bat pony then shrugged and sat down.

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Hearing the suit he barely noticed the individual in front of him, upon further observation it seemed to be a divine. Heading her words he spoke " I am Captain Mango cuts and I was late to the summit but seeing as how that went will I assist in any battle you need me in." Grabbing his sword Mango's helmet encloses his head and the visor glows. Standing on his hind legs Mango prepares to swing his massive blade at whoever is attacking.

"You can put that down soldier. We won't need it. These Devils will never attack us head on. They will be waiting in the forest so we need to plan according. They would have split into 3 teams, so they always have at least two Devils watching us at once. They will be setting traps and another two getting ready to shoot on command. I don't know what you know of Devils, but it's possibly fiction. Made up stories that keep the children awake at night. Real Devils are quiet scary, and some of them are stupidly strong. I have a feeling a powerful devil leads this hunting group. So be cautious."

Dawn nodded and closed her eyes, focusing on the aura of the demons. When she had a clean shot, she fire a arrow at one of the ponies on the ground, before moving to a different vantage point. The alicorn then tried her luck with an aura sphere at a nearby demon.


Tempest smirked as he landed a mile away from the base on a tree branch and stretched. "Well, it's about time I came back." He thought to himself as he sensed a few demons nearby. The bat pony then shrugged and sat down.

The demons continued to dodge out of the way and eventually decided they had taken too much heat and cast a cloak spell to hide their auras from detection.


Diadora: "They prey has good senses, but what happens when they are deprived of them. We shall see."

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Dawn smirked as she opened her eyes. She figured that they might try something like this and moved higher up the tree she was in. The alicorn's horn then began to glow as frost spread over the ground. "Let's see if they like the cold." She thought. To be quite honest, Dawn wouldn't kill unless it was needed. She just wanted to practice what she could do.

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Being able to see the origin of the ice spell, 2 demons fired a small barrage of arrows into the tree that Dawn was inside. The arrows they used had been coated with a Devil Toxin which can shut down senses of morality and break all knowledge of right and wrong. The effects are subtle and no one will notice a change for at least a day.


Diadora: "Keep an eye on that Divine. That's the biggest threat. She will engage us should she desire, keep a melee weapon ready and support your partner."



Golden fires off arrows of her own but never successfully hot anyone. "They're playing defensively. Quick tactics. They don't seem to be holding any pattern either, I don't think we can hit them like this. Screw it. I'll fight them head on." Golden lost the bow and drew her sword, moving away from the group and deeper into the forest.

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The Devil moved out of the way of the incoming arrow with it narrowly missing my. "*whispering* be more observant in the future. They can have your corpse if you die. We have three prey now. Split up into 3 teams of 2. Trackers, trappers and shooters. Sar, you and I are shooters, you two, trappers, you two trackers. The prey fights back." They split up into groups, moving all in different directions.


Golden: "Divide and destroy. Keep a keen eye to the ground. We may face some traps. These guys are quick to set up elaborate contraptions without making noise. You new soldier, what is your name, rank and orders?"


Caras: "Ahh, the Blood Dagger. That is a tool that I personally designed, crafted, smithed and use. It's a truly exquisite piece of art. If you are so interested, I keep it locked away on this." A magic circle appeared above Caras hoof, and the dagger came out of it, wrapped in chains. "I lock it away in a small dimension tear I found. Seal it in chains. The blade hungers for blood. It's alive. What do you want to know about it?"

"mainly if i can mod it.... i have uses for such a weapon....... if possible i believe this sword could suck blood out of ponies at a distance.... and if modded further could become a very deadly killing weapon" "I also plan to make  a less harmful version so kids can practice sword fighting.... most ponies like to go down the magic path and well thats all fine and dandy magic can't always be the answer and sometimes a job can be better handle by that of a weapon or sword" "such practice would be helpful to teach kids basic fighting skills for issues where magic wouldn't be of help to them"

Edited by Yooka-Laylee-Fan
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"mainly if i can mod it.... i have uses for such a weapon....... if possible i believe this sword could suck blood out of ponies at a distance.... and if modded further could become a very deadly killing weapon" "I also plan to make a less harmful version so kids can practice sword fighting.... most ponies like to go down the magic path and well thats all fine and dandy magic can't always be the answer and sometimes a job can be better handle by that of a weapon or sword" "such practice would be helpful to teach kids basic fighting skills for issues where magic wouldn't be of help to them"

"I can't allow that. In fact, the blade itself will not allow it. Once does not simple, mod that which lives of course." Caras put the blade back into the chains and pushed it into the dimensional gap. Closing it behind the weapon. "Their is no chance you can modify it. Sorry."

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"I can't allow that. In fact, the blade itself will not allow it. Once does not simple, mod that which lives of course." Caras put the blade back into the chains and pushed it into the dimensional gap. Closing it behind the weapon. "Their is no chance you can modify it. Sorry."

"that's fine....." simple proceed to trip and cut himself......."ouch........oh well i guess this could come in handy...." simple wanted to run some tests on his blood to see if what caras said earlier about his blood was 100% true......he also wanted to see what the cause of his overgrowing want to live the life of a devil......of course he accepted that this was is home what he wanted to know why it felt so natural.... he was presuming that it was because of the fact that his dna was probably dominated by the 25% demon on his father side..... and also he felt in a sciencey mood...... he proceed to go inside a put his blood in a jar..... he then want to the market nearby and pick up some science equipment he returned to caras's house " caras and niruna if you want me i'll be in my room"

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Caras stood for a while with a look of confusion on his face. He had no idea what Simple was up to. And frankly he didn't much care when he put some thought into it. "Just don't make a mess okay. I have enough to do as of recently. And clean up after yourself, and no Lound noises past 9. Got it?"

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Dawn barely dodged the arrows and grit her teeth. She then fired multiple aura spheres, before moving to a different tree. The alicorn then moved to the ground and waited for an opening in the demons' defense. "Should've moved earlier." She thought to herself as she checked her surroundings.


Tempest stood up and smirked as he trotted towards the outpost. He didn't really care if the other ponies didn't like the fact that he was their. "This should be interesting." He thought to himself. 

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The suit wasn't as bloodthirsty as when it fought apostle but a demon is still a demon he thought to himself. When the divine charged into the woods drawing a sword Mango couldn't believe it. "Screw it," Mango said as he followed the divine mare towing his sword in his mouth. The suit hasn't feasted on devil blood in a while and Mango could tell it was aching for blood to be spilt be it his own or the Devils. Strangely the divine didn't comment on his suit or sensed it was alive, maybe she didn't care. That surprised him considering she was a supposed devil slayer. Going deeper into the woods his suit enclosed itself onto his face, the smell of blood was getting stronger the farther he followed the divine. " I SENSE THEM, SLAYING THEM WILL ADD TO OUR POWER MORTAL DO SO AND LET ME FEAST. " Mango highly doubted the suit cared for the divine and would probably want the divine to die with the Devils so it could feed more. Mango wouldn't allow that to happen he told to himself as he followed along.

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The suit wasn't as bloodthirsty as when it fought apostle but a demon is still a demon he thought to himself. When the divine charged into the woods drawing a sword Mango couldn't believe it. "Screw it," Mango said as he followed the divine mare towing his sword in his mouth. The suit hasn't feasted on devil blood in a while and Mango could tell it was aching for blood to be spilt be it his own or the Devils. Strangely the divine didn't comment on his suit or sensed it was alive, maybe she didn't care. That surprised him considering she was a supposed devil slayer. Going deeper into the woods his suit enclosed itself onto his face, the smell of blood was getting stronger the farther he followed the divine. " I SENSE THEM, SLAYING THEM WILL ADD TO OUR POWER MORTAL DO SO AND LET ME FEAST. " Mango highly doubted the suit cared for the divine and would probably want the divine to die with the Devils so it could feed more. Mango wouldn't allow that to happen he told to himself as he followed along.

Golden her hoof in front of the Stallion ordering him to stop. "Watch the ground. It's littered with traps. Be careful. And we will talk about how a mortal like you can withstand that armour later. And how you got ahold of such a piece." She issued him to follow her closely behind. They could be ambushed at anytime and wanted to be able to react as fast as possible.



The demons still dealing with Dawn spit two and two, going either side of Dawn. Two of them fired arrows at the tree Dawn was in to force her out, and the other two would fire as soon as she moves out. If she didn't move, she would eventually be hit.


Diadora and her partner were stalking Golden and Mango from the trees and brush, making next to no noise. A simple moment of distraction is all they need to take the kill shot. And one arrow will kill with the toxins they are using.

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Dawn grit her teeth, knowing that she was pinned down. An idea then sprung in her mind as he aura surrounded her and encased her in a ball of solidified aura. "Time to see how fast these demons can run." She thought as the ball rolled down the tree. As it moved, the alicorn used cryokinesis to form an ice path in front of the sphere, making it go farther than what it normally would have otherwise.

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Dawn grit her teeth, knowing that she was pinned down. An idea then sprung in her mind as he aura surrounded her and encased her in a ball of solidified aura. "Time to see how fast these demons can run." She thought as the ball rolled down the tree. As it moved, the alicorn used cryokinesis to form an ice path in front of the sphere, making it go farther than what it normally would have otherwise.

Two of the Devils dodge sideways out of the way of Dawn, laughing as she went by. The four of them regrouped a bit further from where they had been.


Hunter 1: "Katamari Damacy over here!"


All: *Laughter*


Hunter 2: "A ball and a bit of ice? This is the funniest hunt I have ever been on. Okay, knock down a few trees and make her fall into a ditch or something. Then shoot her until she dies. I would of liked to poison her mind. But that looks like it's not going to happen. Maybe Lady Diadora is having more luck with the Divine and that tough looking Stallion mortal. I have the feeling he's killed Demons before. Du! Go back to the city, inform Lord Caras that a pony with living armour has been spotted among mortals. He will understand."


One of the devils made a dash out of the area and started to make his way to the city. Only 5 hunters remained.





Diadora: "I want to try something. Come with me."


Both Diadora and her partner left their hiding place in the brush and appeared in front of Golden and Mango. Golden was actively surprised by the sudden show of their bodies.


Golden: "Have you come to surrender your lives?"


Diadora: "Far from it. We're here to talk. You've caught our interest as our prey to earn some respect and worthy of at least a chat. So tell me Heart, have you told Tempest and this stallion the full story yet?"


Golden froze in her place, her eyes wide and breathing more heavy. "How do you know that?"


Diadora: "Because they still trust you that's why. So I take it you didn't?"

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Clayton noticed Tempest trotting towards the base and sighed. "Well, might as well get this over with." He thought to himself as he trotted out to meet his friend. The unicorn didn't show any emotion. "Hey, I didn't expect that you would be back so soon. Dawn's up, but I don't know where she is now."

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Tempest glared at Clayton and punched him in the chest. "That's for earlier, both for what you did to Dawn and myself." He said. "Don't do it again, and you're forgiven. " The bat pony then turned his attention to the forest, Something wasn't right and he broke into a gallop, heading for where he sensed Dawn.


The alicorn came to a stop at the edge of a river and sighed. It had taken a bit of energy to pull something like that off. The alicorn then began to meditate, listening to her surroundings.

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The three devils chasing Dawn did not let up and quickly caught up with her. Without even the single amount of hesitation they all fired arrows coated with a toxin that will shut down nervous systems, causing paralysis and an dose this large will keep her out for at least a day. The fired the arrows aiming for her hooves, hoping to cause as minimal damage as possible.






Golden: "Diadora! You remain silent. You have no right to speak about such matters that are not yours to he concerned with."


Diadora: "That's rich, coming from a divine such as yourself. Why can you never just understand that their is an order to things? We become half of what we are today because of your intervention. This entire war is on your hooves, all the blood on you and your Goddess."


Golden: "Enough!" She charged directly at Diadora, sword drawn and swung at her. Diadora sidestepped the slash and jammed a dagger into the back of her neck.


Diadora: "You'll live. Maybe."


Golden fell to the ground, losing blood at a relatively slow pace, but was incapacitated from the pain. "Bastards."

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