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open The Brigade Of Celestial Light

Child Of Darkness

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Dawn's eyes shot open as she dodged the arrows, returning fire with her own aura spheres. "This isn't good." She thought. The alicorn then winced in pain as an arrow grazed her skin and a numbness began to spread through her body. "No." Dawn's vison then faded as she collapsed to the ground.


At that point, Tempest felt two ponies in a pained state. One was Dawn and the other was Golden. He also sensed a third being with Golden and groaned, before heading for Golden's location. "Hopefully I made the right choice." He thought.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Blood, the sight of it had nearly driven the suit mad. The visor glew redder than the blood and the armor shook heavily. Temptation was something he had dealt with on a daily basis but this reaction was almost as bad as when he slew apostle. "I HAVE NOT FEASTED ON A DIVINE, ALLOW ME THIS AND I WILL NOT BOTHER YOU FOR A LONG WHILE." Mango hadn't noticed his own arm unseathing his blade. An indescribable feeling filled his stomach, the suits helmet curved into a wicked smile revealing a toothy design.

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The aura sphere caught one of the hunters off guard and hit him in the chest, burning him but not killing or incapacitating him.


Hunter 1: "Alright guys. The prey has been caught. If my memory serves, this is a mortal called Dawn. She was at the summit yesterday at the crystal empire as a representative of Equestria. A powerful pony. Let's take her to Caras, he will have plans for her."


The three of the gathered around her body, and began to do a joint cast of a long range teleportation spell. With three horns, it only took 10 seconds to cast, and it landed them half a mile away from Hell Above.


Hunter 3: "Tie her up would you? I need to see someone about these burns, hopefully this won't get infected too badly. I still need to be able to hunt."


Hunter 2: "What will the Lord do with her?"


Hunter 1: "Torture, mind control, brain washing, or fun. Either way, he won't kill her. Geezer has gone too soft in his age."







Diadora looked to the Stallion in the armour, it gave out an intimidating presence, one she feared slightly. "So you're just going to watch? You missed your chance to kill a leader devil. You will live to regret this day. Nice sword by the way. Maybe use it next time." Diadora and her partner fled into the forest, heading back north to Hell Above.


Golden: "Don't let her leave! She is a dirty rotten devil. They all need to die." The devil made blade was still wedge in Golden's back. The Dark energy it gave out burned heavily in contrast to her own aura of light. The two forces trying to destroy each other, we're destroying her body in the process. "This is not where I die! Not to a shitty devil! I'll fucking kill them!" She passed out from the pain and exhaustion.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Tempest shot an aura sphere aimed for Mango's chest as he jumped off a log and landed on the ground, glaring at said pony. "Hey, tall, dark, and ugly. I just had to leave my marefriend for this mess, so you had better have a good explanation for what the hel is going on here." He said, as a two blades formed in his hooves. He couldn't sense Dawn anymore, and that made his anger boil.

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The possible death of a divine because of his suit infuriated him. It angered him to the point of rage, something he dearly did not want right now. Fighting off the urge of going berserk was difficult but that didn't really matter. A sudden blast of energy hit Mango dead center in the chest, that was something the suit wanted. Mangos vision went red, blades pierced his skin, and his suits helmet split in half letting out a blood curling scream that echoed through the forest. Mango targeting the devils was his last coherent command before anger shrouded his mind. Ignoring his attacker he charged towards the direction of the devils slashing and smashing through the trees that got in his way.

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To be honest, Tempest wasn't expecting that. "Well, that just happened." He muttered as he looked at Golden's body. He had heard what had been said earlier and decided that it was time to get answers, and he wasn't taking no for an answer. "There probably isn't enough time to bring her back to the outpost. So I'll just do what needs to be done here." He muttered as he grabbed the handle and removed the blade. The bat pony then used his own aura to heal her wound. This would cause him to feel a bit weak later, but he didn't really care.


Dawn groaned slightly and tried to open her eyes, but her body wasn't responding. She didn't show any sign of fear, but the alicorn hoped that Tempest would find her.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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"okay!" simple went running upstairs and then started to view the blood cells through a microscope "what!" simple gave a very loud gasp and he noticed the blood cells where slowly turning black.......he then took a jar with the black blood cells in it down stairs and found niruna he then noticed the blood cells glowing...... "Interesting......" he then proceeded to point it to a bunny and watch as it started to glow red....... he linked the black blood cells to that of his father 25% demon relationship but then decided to try a little experiment........ he grabbed the bunny and brought upstairs he fed it some lettuce..... and then tried to feed it meat..... didn't want anything to do with the meat okay?.... he injected the blood...... and then proceeded to try and feed it the meat.... nothing?..... "huh?"... but then he proceeded to run back downstairs and show niruna the bunny then he tried feeding it the meat.....the bunny then starting sniffing it.... still wouldn't eat it though.. but then after about a hour of watching the bunny and bringing it around the house to caras and niruna a couple of times.... he then tried for a final time to try and feed it some meat......the bunny sniffed it again and then proceeded to eat it very fast.... then he proceeded to try and feed it lettuce again...... the bunny wasn't having any of it...... his dad's blood cells weren't just dominating his dna..... but consuming other dna cells too.......like a virus of some description.......it seemed to take a long time to take affect but the more demon interaction the more of the dna it consumed........ he then thought (this is basically nature vs nurture..... but only ten times worst......... let such blood get in the wrong hands....... and..........i better not show caras) he quickly disposed of his blood and put a bandage over his cut.... he then put away he lab equipment and went to the store to buy a cage for the bunny..... he wanted to run more experiments on the bunny before he let it go........well i guess its time to sleep he proceeded to go to bed..... and fell  asleep quite quickly....

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Chrysteel being left alone felt the true weight of the area on her now. She was a non demon/devil in a town full of them.


She ignores the lonely feeling building in her gut. She desides to check out a few of the attractions. She just hopes no one will cause her trouble today.

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Chrysteel being left alone felt the true weight of the area on her now. She was a non demon/devil in a town full of them.


She ignores the lonely feeling building in her gut. She desides to check out a few of the attractions. She just hopes no one will cause her trouble today.

it was the next day and simple went looking for chrysteel... simple was one of the types of ponies that needed to tell people secrets to put them to rest and he knew he could trust chrysteel to keep one......... after a while of looking around the house he went looking around town...... until he finally found her "chrysteel there's something i want to talk to you about" time proceeded to stop again.....(Oh no not this again) but then he proceeded to look at her face....;. she didn't look all that comfortable here.... kind of look like she felt left out......he then thought (i love this pony.............but should i give her my blood will she want it....... there's no going back) time proceeded to start again "chrysteel may i talk with you?"

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Chrysteel nods and says, "Sure but not here. Without those I know, I can get antsy, so to speak."


Chrysteel was enjoying one of the last game stands open and had won the big prise. (DM can chose the prize she won.) She claims her prize and puts it in her bags.


She probably got a few looks from the show of strength on the whack a bell game, she just dinged the bell of. She then goes over to Simple. "You feel worried about something. Is there a problem?"

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"......its my blood.....cells....to be exact..... see the short story is last night i was testing a sample of my blood when i noticed my blood cells turning black..... i link the black blood cells to my father's demon dna....i then tried it on a test bunny which i now call meaty...... the bunny originally didn't want anything to do with the meat i was trying to feed him but after injecting the bunny was some blood and letting it spend sometime around niruna and caras..... it started sniffing the meat..... not much i know but it gets even better after a while of spending more time around caras and niruna it started eating the meat..... the black dna cells (aka the demon dna spells) .... consume the pony dna cells turning who ever has the dna in the blood stream into a devil..... not only mentally but i fear over time as its basically changing the dna particles it would eventually change the physical side of things too......"

Edited by Yooka-Laylee-Fan
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The three hunters had tied up Dawn, and brought her through the city to Caras' home. "She's awake. Did you put the dampener on her?"


Hunter 2: "It's on. She's not casting magic anytime soon." *knock knock* "Caras! Open up. We have someone."


Caras opened his door and was surprised at what the hunters had brought back. Dawn, the marefriend of his rival Tempest. "Well done. This will be something interesting. Take her downstairs and lock her up. I have a few plans forming in my head that could prove effective."


Hunters: "Yes my lord."

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"......its my blood.....cells....to be exact..... see the short story is last night i was testing a sample of my blood when i noticed my blood cells turning black..... i link the black blood cells to my father's demon dna....i then tried it on a test bunny which i now call meaty...... the bunny originally didn't want anything to do with the meat i was trying to feed him but after injecting the bunny was some blood and letting it spend sometime around niruna and caras..... it started sniffing the meat..... not much i know but it gets even better after a while of spending more time around caras and niruna it started eating the meat..... the black dna cells (aka the demon dna spells) .... consume the pony dna cells turning who ever has the dna in the blood stream into a devil..... not only mentally but i fear over time as its basically changing the dna particles it would eventually change the physical side of things too......"

"Ok. So your telling me that anypony who comes in contact with your blood and then spends time around demons and devils, will eventually become one? You also want me to keep it a secret till you learn more, correct?


Now, does this also affect Changelings? If it does, we need to figure out how effective. If needed you can use a sample of my blood to test the changeling effectiveness theory. My changeling DNA should protect the pony DNA if the two are not compatable. Let's head back."


Chrysteel follows Simple.

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Dawn's eyes slowly opened and she didn't know where she was, but figured that it was Hell Above as she remembered what happened earlier. The alicorn then tried to stand and walk forward, but found her leg chained to the wall. She also couldn't use her magic for some odd reason and groaned as she laid on the ground.


Tempest finished up with Golden and looked at her. "Now, you might as well explain to me what happened earlier, because Dawn just got kidnapped. While you're at it, you might as well explain what was said earlier."

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"Ok. So your telling me that anypony who comes in contact with your blood and then spends time around demons and devils, will eventually become one? You also want me to keep it a secret till you learn more, correct?


Now, does this also affect Changelings? If it does, we need to figure out how effective. If needed you can use a sample of my blood to test the changeling effectiveness theory. My changeling DNA should protect the pony DNA if the two are not compatable. Let's head back."


Chrysteel follows Simple.

"that'll be great" simple proceeded to return to caras's house but then hears some screams.... he knew that scream "dawn!" simple quickly followed the voice downstairs to find dawn,caras and three hunters "dawn!......" simple sat there in gasped "caras what do you plan to do with dawn.... not that i have any respect for the divines or tempest.....i'm just wondering...." simple always wanted his revenge on tempest and the divines but he didn't want her just killed..... no he had a better idea.... if he could hold her here without letting caras know and get caras to leave her alive long enough to do more research on his blood.......he might be able to get her to join their side..... and then either tempest would kill her leaving him on a horrible guilt trip or get tempest to join too it would be genius "well... what do you plan to do with her i don't have all day me chrysteel want to do somethings together" 




The three hunters had tied up Dawn, and brought her through the city to Caras' home. "She's awake. Did you put the dampener on her?"


Hunter 2: "It's on. She's not casting magic anytime soon." *knock knock* "Caras! Open up. We have someone."


Caras opened his door and was surprised at what the hunters had brought back. Dawn, the marefriend of his rival Tempest. "Well done. This will be something interesting. Take her downstairs and lock her up. I have a few plans forming in my head that could prove effective."


Hunters: "Yes my lord."

Edited by Yooka-Laylee-Fan
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Dawn's eyes slowly opened and she didn't know where she was, but figured that it was Hell Above as she remembered what happened earlier. The alicorn then tried to stand and walk forward, but found her leg chained to the wall. She also couldn't use her magic for some odd reason and groaned as she laid on the ground.


Tempest finished up with Golden and looked at her. "Now, you might as well explain to me what happened earlier, because Dawn just got kidnapped. While you're at it, you might as well explain what was said earlier."

Golden: "Thank you for the help. I came out this way with down to patrol. Hunt devils that extended too far out of their territory. They had a party of professional hunters after us, one Near Lord class with them. I don't know what happened to Dawn, we got separated. As for what happened to me, I got stabbed in the back after I got angry. I fucked up. You can place all the blame on me, this is all my fault. I'm sorry."



Caras was downstairs outside of the cell Dawn was being held in, when he noticed she was waking up. He out on of his long term plans into action. "Wake up sleepy. You don't want to over sleep when you will need it later. Not that you'll have much of a choice after all. Just relax and wait, I have a few ideas of what I'm going to do to you."

"that'll be great" simple proceeded to return to caras's house but then hears some screams.... he knew that scream "dawn!" simple quickly followed the voice downstairs to find dawn,caras and three hunters "dawn!......" simple sat there in gasped "caras what do you plan to do with dawn.... not that i have any respect for the divines or tempest.....i'm just wondering...." simple always wanted his revenge on tempest and the divines but he didn't want her just killed..... no he had a better idea.... if he could hold her here without letting caras know and get caras to leave her alive long enough to do more research on his blood.......he might be able to get her to join their side..... and then either tempest would kill her leaving him on a horrible guilt trip or get tempest to join too it would be genius "well... what do you plan to do with her i don't have all day me chrysteel want to do somethings together"

"Trust me. I have my plans, I'll not speak of them out loud, but I can say the don't involve murder. Just a few little tests of my our I wish to try out. If these are successful, this will be a game changer for the war. And the next big discovery for magic in all the world's. But mainly for Dark Magic. As the newest servant to the household, learn this. You do not go near the prisoner of your superiors without fist gathering the permission, and then you must be under observation when doing so. Breaking these rules and punishment will be in order. Are we clear?"

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Tempest sighed and nodded. Right now wasn't the time to be angry. He needed to find Dawn before anything happened to her, but he needed a plan first. "Can you walk?" He asked. "I took care of the wound, but the blood loss couldn't be reversed."


Dawn looked at Caras, but showed no external emotion. "And what exactly would that be?" She asked. The alicorn wasn't expecting the trick he pulled back in the crystal empire, and she was determined to see that it wouldn't happen again.

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Golden: "Thank you for the help. I came out this way with down to patrol. Hunt devils that extended too far out of their territory. They had a party of professional hunters after us, one Near Lord class with them. I don't know what happened to Dawn, we got separated. As for what happened to me, I got stabbed in the back after I got angry. I fucked up. You can place all the blame on me, this is all my fault. I'm sorry."



Caras was downstairs outside of the cell Dawn was being held in, when he noticed she was waking up. He out on of his long term plans into action. "Wake up sleepy. You don't want to over sleep when you will need it later. Not that you'll have much of a choice after all. Just relax and wait, I have a few ideas of what I'm going to do to you."


"Trust me. I have my plans, I'll not speak of them out loud, but I can say the don't involve murder. Just a few little tests of my our I wish to try out. If these are successful, this will be a game changer for the war. And the next big discovery for magic in all the world's. But mainly for Dark Magic. As the newest servant to the household, learn this. You do not go near the prisoner of your superiors without fist gathering the permission, and then you must be under observation when doing so. Breaking these rules and punishment will be in order. Are we clear?"

"okay.....dawn your in good hands heh heh......." simple proceeded to run upstairs and said to chrysteel "come on lets go to my bedroom" simple showed chrysteel his bedroom... he also showed her meaty......and proved to her that he ate meat..... "he also seems to be becoming more agressive in a way i'm not so sure what that'll lead to........" he proceeded to get a clean needle and clean it abit more..... "this will hurt a little" he proceeded to then add some his blood to her sample of blood he then took it downstairs just outside the door where dawn was and watch as the black cells where taking over hers....;. just much slower "well it seems to work on changelings but much slower than ponies.... it stills works through"

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Tempest sighed and nodded. Right now wasn't the time to be angry. He needed to find Dawn before anything happened to her, but he needed a plan first. "Can you walk?" He asked. "I took care of the wound, but the blood loss couldn't be reversed."


Dawn looked at Caras, but showed no external emotion. "And what exactly would that be?" She asked. The alicorn wasn't expecting the trick he pulled back in the crystal empire, and she was determined to see that it wouldn't happen again.

Caras: "A plan is a plan. And I'm very good at plans. Exploiting everything possible to get a victory. Just wait, you'll understand what in taking about in due time. But here is what I don't understand, why do you fight? And do you why we fight?"


Caras was genuinely interested and curious as to why she fights, and to know if she knows the history of the world she tries to protect.

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Dawn glared at Simple and rolled her eyes. She then laid against the wall of her cell and closed her eyes. The alicorn didn't know what he was doing, but she honestly didn't really care./She then turned her attention to Caras. "The draft wasn't very kind, but that didn't mean I didn't at least try for peace. You already saw that at the summit. As for why I fight, it's to defend those I care about." She didn't know what Caras was getting at with this, but she wouldn't let him have the high ground.

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Dawn glared at Simple and rolled her eyes. She then laid against the wall of her cell and closed her eyes. The alicorn didn't know what he was doing, but she honestly didn't really care./She then turned her attention to Caras. "The draft wasn't very kind, but that didn't mean I didn't at least try for peace. You already saw that at the summit. As for why I fight, it's to defend those I care about." She didn't know what Caras was getting at with this, but she wouldn't let him have the high ground.

Caras: "So you don't know the history? Are you telling me that Golden never told you the truth? She has been keeping secrets from you, you know that right? I think that Tempest may have already sensed it. To think you would blindly follow her just because of her title and the stories you were told as a foal. It's both admirable and pitiful."





Golden: "Yes, I can stand. We need to stop that Stallion with the armour. It's something ancient and deadly, I'm not surprised that a mortal will lose control of themselves while using such a device. We need to stop him before it feeds."

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Tempest nodded slightly. "Go back to the outpost and tell them what happened. I don't care what they think of me anymore. As for the other guy, I'll deal with him." He said, before taking off into the air and flying in the direction his target ran.


Dawn raised an eyebrow and was interested to say the least. "And how do I know that you'll be telling the truth? As far as I know, you could be lying straight to my face." She said. "Not that I don't trust you or anything." There was a bit of sarcasm in her tone and she gave a slight smirk.

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Caras: " I'm many things Dawn: A leader, a murderer, a War Lord, a psychopath, a Guardian, a protector of my people and as close to a father as you can be without actually being a father. But I'm no lier. Of course your trust is understandable. But when in history do you see a devil lie? We deceit and deceive, we don't lie. We have to tell the truth about a subject matter. It's just not in our nature. This concludes lesson 1 on Demons. We don't lie. If you still don't believe me, I can just burn the memories into your brain with a bit of magic. But that would be traumatic and I don't want that. That may come later. So you really don't know the history do you? How do you trust a pony who keeps such important secrets from her supposed allies? It makes no sense? How can you build a foundation of trust with no evidence to back it up?"







Golden watched Tempest fly away. He just sacrificed a good bit of strength healing her, but he still should be able to handle him. Hopefully. She started to cry on the spot. Everything wrong with today was her fault. Her incapability to save her friends, he inability to protect anyone, he shortcomings of letting her anger and personal hatted for devil get in the way of thinking and tactics. She felt like useless, and in her mind, rightfully so.

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As he watches the cells slowly start to turn black, a strange reaction begins to happen. The infected pony cells and Simple's blood cells are suddenly kept away from the remaining pony cells in Chrysteel's blood. The changeling cells have a slight otherworldly glow to them. The Changeling cells turn pink before connecting with the infected cells. After a while, the infected cells turn pink as well. The Changeling cells don't revert back to normal and back off their protection of the pony cells. The Changeling, infected and Simple's blood cells are now all identical. The process from before continues but the pony cells are turning pink.


This new cells type is excelerated, due to a form of love that was in the sample Simple added to Chrysteel's blood sample. Soon all cells in the sample are pink.


It seems Chrysteel has something else in her blood. Could it be her contact with the Crystal and Simple's Love of friendship had changed the Changeling cells into something that was stronger? It could also be able to change the other cells? Or could it be her defense system kicking in? Only further testing and Direct application could give that answer.


@ Darkness


Chrysteel listens to Caras, while keeping a distance. If Dawn sees her, there will be trouble. She stays to the shadows, so as not to be seen. She suppresses her presence, so as not to be felt. She stays quiet, so as not to be heard. She waits and listens.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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As he watches the cells slowly start to turn black, a strange reaction begins to happen. The infected pony cells and Simple's blood cells are suddenly kept away from the remaining pony cells in Chrysteel's blood. The changeling cells have a slight otherworldly glow to them. The Changeling cells turn pink before connecting with the infected cells. After a while, the infected cells turn pink as well. The Changeling cells don't revert back to normal and back off their protection of the pony cells. The Changeling, infected and Simple's blood cells are now all identical. The process from before continues but the pony cells are turning pink.


This new cells type is excelerated, due to a form of love that was in the sample Simple added to Chrysteel's blood sample. Soon all cells in the sample are pink.


It seems Chrysteel has something else in her blood. Could it be her contact with the Crystal and Simple's Love of friendship had changed the Changeling cells into something that was stronger? It could also be able to change the other cells? Or could it be her defense system kicking in? Only further testing and Direct application could give that answer.


@ Darkness


Chrysteel listens to Caras, while keeping a distance. If Dawn sees her, there will be trouble. She stays to the shadows, so as not to be seen. She suppresses her presence, so as not to be felt. She stays quiet, so as not to be heard. She waits and listens.

"chrysteel stop that!.... caras won't like it we must get out of here now" simple grabbed chrysteel and forced her into his bedroom he then started examining the blood "ah... i see.. see chrysteel.....how changeling blood cells work.... is they absorb emotion......if said changeling absorb said person's emotion.... they are immune to any diseases or changes caused by someone said person blood cells meaning technically changeling can have they blood cells change into that of a demon's but it would be difficult as the changeling cannot have been around me...." "so your cells are protected by my emotion"

Edited by Yooka-Laylee-Fan
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