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planning ancestral quest


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I'm about to just cancel this it seems that no one is really all that Interested I understand being busy but if you're posting elsewhere but nit here when you originally showed interest that's a clear indecation that they weren't t ruely interested

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@minight_aurora @dashian500


I'm sorry you two are the only ones who have shown continuous interest in this to I'm dropping it if this is what the planning stage is going to be like i don't want to deal with the rp being like this I'm sorry to you both

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I understand irl come first it's not you I was talking about midnight explained you had alot of stuff going on but I seen him and arcing going through an elaborate to just the two of them but arcing wasn't trying to get help for his character which I offered so I got frustrated because I want serious rpers for this rp ones who will work with me of they have troubles setting up thier character to what i want to have for it but he just gave me an extremely basic under powered character and wgen i offered the help with it I never got any kind of response from him

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That's a wonderful backstory but definately keep this character in mind I'll wind up rebooting this some time in the future after my frustrations with it cool off I don't know how long thatbwill be though

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Ok I'll set it up where I get my notifies from Skype so I can see When you talk to me we can talk anytime (cept for when I'm busy with my mate hehehe or asleep which I'm about to do but I'll go accept you first

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