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"It doesn't really matter. Just go with the music and if it feels right then go with it." She swayed and moved well with the beats of the song. She stepped in word and out and bobbed her head to the beat as well as she started to move a little closer to Jackie. "Come on, like this." She moved to her side to guard her and help loosen her up. 

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Jackie smirked and tried to mimic Abide's movements. It was a bit difficult, due to a lack of rhythm, but she was starting to get the hang of it. She certainly didn't feel tired anymore. She started to even get a little more into it and playfully bumped into Abide a few times. "I think I got this! Yeah!"

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Abide smiled and  bumped her back. "There ya go." She moved around to the front of her and kept dancing. Sometimes moving a little closer within a few steps. Her body still moving to the beat of the music. Her tail also started swishing along with her. As the song neared the end she was really close to her that she was just a step away. 

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Abide kept smiling. "I'm glad you're having a good time. And I had a good idea of another song to dance too. Just a sec." She backed way and went over to the turntable and put the record back in it's sheet. Then she put it back in the milk crate and looked for another record. It didn't take long till she put it on and head back over to Jackie. 





She got a bit closer and placed her arms around her and began to slow dance with her to the music. "This record belong to my grandma. I don't get to play it a lot for others. Mostly because I doubt my bowling buddies would find it as appealing as I do. But I've always wanted to slow dance with someone to it." She rest her head on Jackie's shoulder lightly and closed her eyes. "Looks like my dream came true." She chuckled dreamily.

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"Dancing... close...?" Jackie kept her breathing under control, but her heart had no choice but to beat frantically. She really needed to take a page from Abide's book and calm the hell down. She hesitantly touched her forehead to the mare's and... swayed a bit? She didn't think there was a particular step to this kind of dance. And frankly, she didn't care. She was enjoying how close Abide was too her... How much she was trusting her. The soft music was making her a bit tired, but a good kind. "This is real, right? I'm not just having a weird fever dream after work?"

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Abide giggled. "It dose kinda feel like a dream. But I'm pretty sure this is real."She she stayed close to her as the song went on, swaying to it while lightly guiding Jackie whenever it seemed like she felt stuck. Near the end of the song she gently placed a hoof on her right cheek and then planted a soft kiss on the other.

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Jackie's whole body shuddered pleasantly under the kiss. She wanted to kiss Abide really badly, but was it STILL not at that point yet? The song ended right after the kiss and Jackie stopped moving, but she didn't really let go. She didn't want to. On one hoof, she was worried that if she let go, she'd possibly miss the chance to kiss. On the other hoof... well, you already saw. "It feels real to me. T-that's not too cheesy, is it?"

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Abide giggled again. "Sometimes cheesy is good.  If you add cheese it pretty much makes things better. Macaroni, rice, most veggies. " She chuckled at her own joke before going back to holding Jackie. "And I really do hope this is real.  You make me feel more calm then normal. Like I'm in a state of comfort that I've never been in before. " She hugs her. "And the closer I get to you, my heart feels like it's beating so fast that I can't feel it. In a good way. Kinda like a hummingbirds wings. But I'm holding myself back cause I can tell you're not use to this sort of thing.


And in truth, so am I. But I'm just going with how I feel. And I'm honest with my feelings, not like in my old life." She pulled back to look into Jackie's eyes. "I really do care for you Jackie.  But I'm afraid to say the "L" word. Cause you might not feel the same as strongly. And I'm willing to wait as long as it takes till you do. When you don't have a job and pretty much have nothing to do all day, you develop a lot of patience." She gave a worm smile. 

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Jackie didn't have to say it. In a moment, Abide would know. And at this point, especially after that little speech, she didn't want to wait anymore. 


Jackie leaned in and kissed Abide straight on the lips, only for a moment or two. Once she pulled away, she froze, mainly as a reaction to what she did. She then cleared her throat, knowing for almost certain that the mare would not object. "You don't have to wait and you don't have to be afraid. We may have only known each other for a single afternoon, but I've connected with you faster than I have with previous relationships over a course of a few weeks."


Jackie smiled, brushing some of Abide's mane over her ear. "If you want to say it, then I want to hear it. I promise that I'll say it right back and I'll be completely sincere."

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@, (( This was playing while I wrote this. It fits so well.))




Abide's eyes were wide as she stared back at Jackie. She didn't think she would be the one to get kissed. As she stared into the eyes of the mare she grew to care so deeply about, thoughts of all kinds went though her mind. Of her past life, of her time alone and the emotions she had to hold back. Her breathing got a little quick as her lip started to quiver. She lightly bit it to keep it from toing it. But the thing she couldn't hold back was her tears. Tears she has never been able to shed for so long. Not ones of sadness. But of pure joy.


Her breathing got a little faster as she tried to open her mouth and speak. "J-Jackie...I... I-love you." And she couldn't hold it back anymore. She pushed forward and gently kissed her. Making sure she put all her love into it.

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@@Gloomfury, (I'm a little surprised I've never heard that song before. xD )


That kiss lasted for quite a while, but ended all too quickly. "I love you too, hun~ I'm sorry for being all freaked out. I knew you liked me, but once you gave me that little spiel, I knew I didn't have to tip toe anymore." Jackie nuzzled Abide gently, revelling in the softness of her coat on her face. This didn't stop a yawn from escaping; Jackie tried to stop it, but it was too heavy.


"Heh... guess all the tension kicked my exhaustion back into play. I'm so tired, but I don't want to sleep yet. Help meeeee~" Jackie cried out weakly, but chuckled after she was done.

Edited by x0jackie0x
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@, (( I heard it on Rick and Morty. I liked it so I looked for it.  ))


Abide giggled again as she wiped her eyes, nuzzling her back. "Well now that I got that off my chest and we danced. About we just relax and talk. I want to know everything about you. Come on." She took Jackie's hoof and a bottle of soda and led her down a hall to an open room. When they got inside Jackie could see that it was Abide's bed room.  The floor also had some pillows and blankets like the living room though not as much. The walls ad a few more pictures, some of other ponies and her.


On oneside there were to comfy looking chairs near er bed, One had a bowling ball bag on it while the other was clear. Abide picked up the bag and placed it on the floor before taking a seat in the chair. She opened the bottle and took a drink from it. She then hold it out to Jackie. "Don't worry. I don't got cooties ." She chuckled.

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"Nah, you totally got cooties. Not that I mind." She took a seat next to Abide in the other chair, scoping out the room. It was also very lived in, very cozy. Seems like her whole place carried the same vibe. She downed a swig of the drink and handed it back to her, enjoying how comfortable the seat was. Considering where she was, Jackie didn't blush all that much. Not like she was expecting anything. It was just... considered to be the intimate part of the house.

"You're getting ahead of yourself again." Jackie stretched and rested her chin on the back of the seat. "So, whatcha wanna do? I'm still kind of awake and we have nothing going on."

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 "I thought we could just talk. I don't really know a lot about who other then your name and a vague idea of who you do. Like I said I want to know everything about you. I pretty much  already told you my life story. But I still have't told you everything yet. Like my favorite color is purple, I like salty things more then sweet, I'm a rocker and I've never been a relationship till now."

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"Um... well, let's start off with the basics. Favorite colors are brown, green, and gray, I adore sweet foods, I have zero musical talent and I've had um... well, you're my fourth." Jackie scratched the back of her head, a little ashamed. "I haven't had the best luck with partners. A-anyway, what else... I love reading, too. As for work, I just work at a construction site. Nothing too fancy. I don't suppose you're the type that wants to know what my previous partners were like, are you? You'd be the first not to ask."

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 "Well it's not like I'm shocked. Of course a mare as pretty as you had to be in a relationship a few times. You my be my first marefriend but not my first kiss. You are my third. First time was with a colt when I was ten. Even though I studied a lot back then my parents made me go out once in awhile. I met him, we played a little and he kissed me before he left after his mom called. Now that I think back on it it was pretty cute. 


Later when after I quite and moved here, I started to really see ponies. But i found it a little off putting when I was mainly looking at mares. Went though whole question myself thing and latter came to terms that I'm a fillyfooler. Came out to my parents, they said that they'll love me no matter what, grandma still loves me, happy tears were shed and life got better.


Later on met a traveling mare from Germaneigh with a split personality. Herself is the kindest mare you'll ever meet. I mean nicer then the element of kindness. While her other half is short tempered and a real womanizer.   I mean hitting on every mare she met. She kinda made me kiss her. But i didn't much care for it. We're still friends but that's it.


I also like reading. I know shorthand and I'm also a speed reader. When you'e a stenographer for a few years you have to learn how to do those things.  As you can tell I bowl for fun, I like taking walks at night, sleeping, soda and I love to laugh. 


You're turn. Also if you haven't caught on, I'm pretty easy to talk to. So say anything that comes to mind." 

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"My first kiss was with a mare during school. Sooo awkward. Neither one of us really knew what we were doing and why we were doing it, but it happened. She was also my first... experience, but that happened much later. Then I ended up colt about a year later after me and my girlfriend broke up, but that lasted about a month. My third..." Jackie's ears folded back and she forced a small chuckle. "Well, we broke up because I couldn't follow her. It was a mutual thing, though. She was gonna travel around the country for work, but this was her plan before she met me. She put the trip off for as long as she could but we couldn't raise enough money in time. She ended up only having enough for herself."


"We didn't break up, but felt it was better, since she didn't know when she was gonna be back." Jackie cleared her throat loudly. "She was great and I'll be honest, I learned a lot of stuff from her. A lot of... interesting stuff." She closed her eyes and shook her hoof in front of her, as if clearing the thoughts from the air. 


"I'm not big on sports, but bowling isn't too bad. I suck at it, though. If there's a sport I like, its basketball, but only if I get to hit people when I'm playing. Other than that, walks at night sound amazing. Oh, and I loooove to hike."

Edited by x0jackie0x
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"I can teach you. It's pretty relaxing and fun. You don't have to worry about  sweating, you can get a drink or something to eat. And you meet a lot of interesting people too. It was how I met the guys in my bowling team.  But I'm not that big into hiking. I like taking long walks but not up steep hills. And I may not know how to do... well ... heavy petting stuff. But I am a fantastic cuddler. I can make it where you'll want to stay in bed for days on the count how comfortable you'll feel. 


And I also know how to box. Thanks to a friend of mine. She's also into mares, but she wasn't my type. She's cute and all with a lowlander accent. ((Irish))  But I don't like the idea of being with someone who gets hurt for a living. I Don't like seeing someone I care about getting hurt. "

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"I don't blame you. Oh, and sorry about mentioning the... stuff. I guess I took your offer too literally." Cuddling for days? That sounded terribly inviting. Maybe if Abide would pass on this perpetual cuddling, she'd be open to learning something else. Heh. "Or maybe I should keep my mind out of the gutter."


"I can totally give bowling another try, but I've been told that my stance is very stiff. That's something I definitely need to work on, somehow." Jackie stretched as if to prove a point and joints could be heard popping.

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 Abide chuckled." Once you find a good stance that feels comfortable to you bowling wont be a problem. Check this out." She lift up her arm and pulled it over her head a few times. It made a pop each time she didn't.  "I got cracky joints too." She put her arm down. "And I don't mind talking about that stuff. I mean I would be lying if I say I haven't thought of you in that way. I like being honest and straight forward. Makes things less complicated. That and I don't like to play games. We're full grown mares. We can tak about whatever we want.


Plus we're together now. We're gonna talk about it sooner or later." She shrugged as she took another drink of soda.

Edited by Gloomfury
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"Oh... so I wasn't the only one with that on my mind, huh?" She stuck her tongue out at Abide and shrugged. "There's a time and a place for everything. It's fine to discuss, but sometimes it can be too much. For some." Surely there had to be more secrets to divulge. Jackie started off with hers again.


"Hmm... I think I mentioned this, I don't know, but I hate parties. Small things we do, like that movie marathon is fine, but a place where everyone is dancing, bumping into each other and all.. blegh. Too much. Same goes for clubs, raves, so on. Oh and I tend to be a bit forgetful."

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 "You and me both. I don't like parties either. But I don't mind being in a crowd at a concert. I really like to mosh. Lots of fun. And I'm also pretty forgetful. Half the time most of my brain is shut down. That's what I do when I'm out. It was kinda how I ran into you. You should try it sometimes. If you get good at it you can train your brain to do things without thinking. It's what I do when I do my laundry or my taxes. About the only time I don't do it is when I'm shopping or something.  


It's kinda like meditation or something.  I can show you if you want."

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"Meditation... never done that before. If your lifestyle is kinda the by-product of doing that, then sign me the hell up. Wait. That might be bad. Is it easy to control? I work up on scaffolding and I kinda wanna stay fully conscious during my shift." That would suck. Sure, she'd be uber calm and everything... and then she would suddenly hit the ground.

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"Oh yeah. It's pretty easy. But you might not want to do it while doing something dangerous. Afterwords you can kick it in. Just thinking of nothing, maybe just thinking about music you like and let your mind go blank. Music seems to really help this.  Plus when you do this you;ll be more willing to do things that you have to critically think about. " She paused for a bit, before getting out of her chair and pounced on Jackie, making them and her chair fall over. Abide started hugging and nuzzling her."Like this. I really wanted to hug you. So I did. A fiend of mine taught me to go with the drastic more often." 

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