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New Lands

The Pixelated Pony

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"oh i can believe that! that makes total sense. yep but why was i on a pirate ship in the first place? and who are you? you didn't explain that. and i died from being stabbed in the hoof? what kind of wimp am i? " Sparkle said flapping her wings and flying a couple of inches of the ground

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"I am William Smith, a stowaway onto your ship, I've been on it for 2 months without anypony knowing, then one day you and the captin woke up early and saw me, you two were the first faces ive seen in years. I don't know why you where on a ship though, so im gonna take you to Carmel."

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"william smith , will...i....a....m s....m....i....th, villiam smith . i like it , oh did i mention i'm extremely immature for an 18 year old? well now i did so yeah... anyway who's this Caramel you keep mentioning? is she your girlfriend? do you have a girlfriend?" Sparkle said raising an eyebrow

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"She is not my girlfriend, she's the captin of the pirate ship, and no, i don't have a girlfriend, i don't really remember ever having a girlfriend, i've guess I've been too busy traveling to make freinds or have loves, so, in reality you and carmel are my only freinds."

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"have you ever wanted one? a techy one? who is well just like me because my sister said she's intrested in guys like you and you can't turn down my sister noone ever has because noone has ever tried " Sparkle was quite obviously talking about her having a crush on Will "well you know have you ever looked at a mare and gone damn i want some of dat ass"

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Wills face turned redder than a tomato. "Um...i-um..." 

His wings went up "..................." He froze up completely like a statue. "I-um...sister? I-I didn't know you had a sister." he chuckled weakly trying to close his wings. "Um, i made the Titanic!" he showed a wooden replica of the Titanic.

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"aw forget it" Sparkle dragged him behind a rock and kissed him "of course i have a sister but she's married but i'm practically the same" Sparkle said " you do know i was talking about me when i said my sister? and yes yes i am " Sparkle took of his scarf and hat and threw them aside " you don't need them right now..."

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"I can hear you two kissing behind that rock." Caramel said with a chuckle. "Seriously though, do you have to do that now? I'm trying to get us away from here. I could use a bit of help." she said while she working on her fleet made out of trees. It was coming together nicely. 

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"Yes, I-I knew, im just not good with girls." He said still blushing, he had no idea on what to do next, his mind was just blank. Sparkle pulled Travels scarf off and threw his hat. "You dont need those now."  William said "h-huh?" He then realized what she meant "........." He went silent.

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"whats the matter? never been with a mare before? i know what your thinking all guys think that but i don't know you well enough for  that at the moment i mean for all i know you could be like insane or something" Sparkle said before turning her back to him

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Sparkle sat there banging her hoof against the rock " Captain Caramel what do you need help with? "

" oh helping make a raft would be fine" Sparkle said acting one hoof being Will and the other being Caramel

"blah blah blah no pony cares " Sparkle threw a rock towards Will

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@@That pony,


"As you can see William, while you were making new friends behind that rock with Miss Sparkle, I was busy making a raft to get us off this forsaken island." Caramel with a chuckle, seeing the red look on Williams face. "I need your help, you hold down the logs close together while I tie them up with rope. Can you do that for me?"

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"Um, yeah i could do that..." Suddenly a rock hit him in the back "Ack!" He fell over face first. "Ow, my back..." He got up and looked at Sparkle. "Why did you throw a rock at me?! Do you know how much that hurts?!" He walks over to Sparkle. "Did you have to do that? A simple 'Will can you come here please' would have been nice."

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Sparkle sat there refusing to answer him before she finally said slowly "don't......yell....at.....me, especially if you value your life because i'm the last mare you want to make angry... i may seem cute and cuddly on the outside but the inside is a whole 'nother world" she said actually going red

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He sighed " Sorry..." He just walks away and just starts working on the raft like Captain Carmel said. "Ok Carmel, i got the logs together, you can tie them now" He kept the logs closed together as Carmel tied the two logs together. "Are you sure a raft would be sturdy enough to take us back to equestria in one peice?"

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"Well i'm not sure but do you have any other ideas then? Cause this is all I got so far. I don't have a lot of materials to work with ye know." Caramel said as she looked around her. "I mean, I might be able to create a sail out of the remains of the old ship, but I can't promise ye anything."

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"Sparkle, we got hit by a major storm and crashed here, everyone else died and we are trying to leave this island by rebuilding, well sorta rebuilding the boat." Said William who was completely oblivious to what she was getting at, He then picked up a log floating in the freazing cold ocean, trying to set it down in the pile of logs but accidentally dropped it onto his hoof making him wince in pain before moving the log off his hoof. "Ow, my hoof..."

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Sparkle landed near him well not near him, on his hoof and completely intentionally to before she walked off in serch of well anything, she walked a couple of feet before she found a bottle with a slip of paper inside it, she opened the bottle and read " dear recepiant, if this is the sender of this letter (inclosed was Sparkle's letter) we are delighted to inform you that the ponies of hoofstanton have received this letter and we have sent out a small boat to rescue you if this letter did not intended recipient please place it back in the sea ~ yellow hoof the esteemed mail pony of hoofstanton"

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Caramel was getting a bit irritated by Sparkles behavior, resulting of grabbing the letter out of her hoofs. "Lets see here, bla bla...hoofstaton....bla bla...boat.... Alright I see, they are gonna send us a boat. Ye know what I think? I think that I've been in these kinda situations before and I think that in these situations those boats never showed up. So I don't care about a rescue boat or why you, Sparkle, are trying to get on my nerves, I'm just gonna finish me boat so I can get away from you as quick as possible."

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"i don't understand why you have to be such a b***h about it! some captain you are " Sparkle said flicking her mane " i reckon i could be a better captain... infact lets make a bet, you vs me in everything, age, attractiveness, best boyfriend, greatest ship, absolutely anything and everything until one of us gives up... and mabye she'll regret it..."

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"Now you have gone to far!" Caramel said as she stood up, her magic glowing inside her mane again. "Age? you've been reborn 3 times so that is invalid! Attractiveness, I can bring more stallions to their knees with one word than you can in a year. Boyfriend? you don't have one! Now get away from me before I decide to use my sword to cut of your head." Caramel said, more furious than she had ever been.

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"i've been reborn three times in the span of 2 years i'm still an 18 year old i died the first time at 16 and how do you know you could get more stallions? have you ever tried being me? i'm followed wherever i go even whilst i work. some even tell me that the oil makes me look even better , and sword skills don't make me laugh your more fitting for late night out on the town then sword fighting" Sparkle said almost laughing

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"That's it, this is where I draw the line." Caramel said, dropping her sword to give Sparkle a big punch in her face with her hoof, almost knocking her down. "You better watch what yer saying, I got a lot more where that came from." Caramel said while giving another punch.

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"oh yeah!?" Sparkle brought her hoof right back before WHAM! she hit Caramel straight in the back of the head and bit straight down into her wing yelling "i'm not old!" inbetween bites "i'm pretty damn young actually!" Sparkle said as she reached something hard in the wing...

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Travel saw the two fighting and ran over to stop it.

"Why are you guys fighting, f****ing stop!" William said trying get them to stop by standing in there way.

"Why the hell are you fighting?! Have you lost your minds?!" William calmed down for a minute. "Look, what are you two fighting about, im sure we can solve this easily."

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