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The Pixelated Pony

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Caramel glared back at the stranger for a moment before she walked up stairs with Spellblind by her side. Arriving in her room, she noticed Spellblind was crying. She hugged her while a little tear escaped from her eyes. "I miss them too. Don't worry, we will meet again." After a long hug, Caramel smiled at Spellblind and jumped on her bed.

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Tech was confused but let it go.


@ Sparkle Sword


"Maybe we can talk tomorrow. You could show me the designs and I can help you improve them. Good night."


Tech then turns to Ruby and Sapphire, "Alright you two, time for bed. We have things to do tomorrow."


The twins nod and follow Tech. Tech gets A room for three and after he pays for it, the three of them turn in for the night.


(@ Sparkle Sword

I guess they forgot about their conversation with Tech. Maybe next time.)

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Treasure waved a quiet thank-you to the strange mare as she left. "Dang," she muttered to herself, "I was hoping to talk to her. Oh well. She probably had a long day." She took a drink from the frosted mug in front of her. "Mm! Root beer's good here. That's something, at least. Maybe I should get a room for the night and stop talking to myself."

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white fell asleep and heard her brother talk too her " hey white"he said"its me lemon. how are you? oh duh i remember you can't talk 'cause your sleeping but that's not why im here. you know that mare you just glared at yeah her she'll be important for this trip trust me. how do i know? im dead i've been places seen things heard conversations. soo good luck 'n' stuff like that."

  • Brohoof 1
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"Well..." Spellbind was regaining a bit of control of her emotional state for now. "I... I had tears in my eyes b-because... of what I said about it being a good idea for me to not form emotional bonds... I love you all..." She sat next to Caramel and nuzzled with her, nto wanting to be away from her after the comment she had made in one of her usual fits of self-hating.

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"It will be alright, don't get yourself down. I have an idea. Maybe when we get me ship back we could look for the others together. Does that sound like a good idea cause I think it does." She said with a smile. She yawned as she looked outside the window at the moon. "We better sleep now, its getting late." 

Edited by Pucksterv
  • Brohoof 1
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"Sounds like a perfect idea," said Spellbind. "I've put myself into another emotional breakdown and want to be with the rest of the team even more than ever. Adn yes we should porbably get some sleep..." she said. "Goodnight..." she muttered then tried desperaely to get to sleep but to no avail.

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at 4am white said"im fine thanks"as she woke up. she quickly relised that nopony had said anything (ugh it never gets any easyer when you visit me lemon) she thought that wilst she was up she might as well get some coffee so she walked outside and passed the tavern (sheesh still open!? do ponies ever stop drinking around here?)she thought before she caryed on walking until she reached a coffee shop looking back she saw the tavern again and took the coffee with her when she stopped and looked up through the window to where she asummed that mean pegasus from before was sleeping. cautiously she slipped into the tavern only too get some whistles from drunken stallions. she slipped upstairs when the barkeep wasn't looking and found the pegasus's room and quietly opened the door and stood inside leaning against the wall.(now too wait) she thought 

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Treasure slid the innkeeper the bits for the room and stretched as she stood up from the bar.  Across the room, a stallion and two strange-looking pieces of... Clockwork? were headed up the stairs.  Curious, Treasure bounded over, swerving to avoid a standing patron as she hurried to catch up.  "Hey, wait!"

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"Good night darling, ye need the rest." Caramel said. "This has been a long day, I think I need an extra drink." Caramel thought as she turned around to walk downstairs. She noticed the stranger from before standing agaist the wall.




"What are you doing here stranger?" Caramel asked quietly, trying not to wake Spellblind. She walked towards the pony "You can't just sneak into someponies room ye know." Caramel said with a mild angry look.

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"meh do i look bothered. my brother sent me here said something was important 'bout you. now i don't know if thats true or not but my bro should know seeing how he's been everywhere seen most things and hears everything you,me,sparkle and alot more ponies say and that is why im here*sips coffee* take a cup while its hot meanwhile we have more too talk about"

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"No coffee for me, I need a stronger drink to believe this sorta thing." Caramel said as she walked out of the room. "Lets discuss this conversation somewhere else. I don't wanna wake Spellblind." Caramel said with a smile while she waited for the strange pony to follow her downstairs.

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"fine put im gonna stay on inbetween you and the wall i snuck up here. im white by the way white wing" she looked back and around "okay coast's clear"she said before walking into the waiting barkeep who looked at her angerly "Caramel what was she doing up their?" he said looking down at white who was lying on the floor 

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"Don't worry, she's a friend." Caramel said to the barkeeper. "Don't make it a problem buddy or ye know what will happen." Caramel said with a serious look. The barkeeper sighed and walked away. Caramel turned her attention back at White "My name is Caramel, Captain Caramel. Pleasure to meet ye." Caramel seated herself at the bar and ordered herself a double Wiskey. "So what is it what you want from me? Can ye offer me a job cause otherwise I'm not interested." Caramel said to White.

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Treasure slid the innkeeper the bits for the room and stretched as she stood up from the bar. Across the room, a stallion and two strange-looking pieces of... Clockwork? were headed up the stairs. Curious, Treasure bounded over, swerving to avoid a standing patron as she hurried to catch up. "Hey, wait!"

Tech stopped and turned to the pony, "Yes, is there something I can help you with?"


Ruby and Sapphire yawns. The look to eachother. "Long night?" Says Ruby. "Yup." Says Sapphire. The two wait by Tech's sides ready for anything.


Tech waits for the stranger to respond.

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Spellbind had fallen asleep, but was woken up by talking. She woke up and saw her trusted friend Caramel talking to another pony. "What's going on?" She got out of bed and followed them downstairs. She didn't really feel like sleeping anyway. She joined them at the bar.

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"Don't worry, she's a friend." Caramel said to the barkeeper. "Don't make it a problem buddy or ye know what will happen." Caramel said with a serious look. The barkeeper sighed and walked away. Caramel turned her attention back at White "My name is Caramel, Captain Caramel. Pleasure to meet ye." Caramel seated herself at the bar and ordered herself a double Wiskey. "So what is it what you want from me? Can ye offer me a job cause otherwise I'm not interested." Caramel said to White.

"wait did you just say your name was captain caramel? this is perfect. me and my boyfriend have been offered a contract paying well but we don't have a captain. you see where im going with this. you captain the ship get paid and famous for finding new land and mabye if im lucky sparkle will propose. c'mon help a mare out?"

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"Yes I did. My name is indeed Captain Caramel." Caramel said while thinking about the offer. She turned around as she saw Spellblind walking towards her and taking a seat next to her and White.




"What do you think Spellblind? This mare here is offering me a job as captain. This could be a way to get money for me ship." Caramel said with a smile.

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Spellbind was so dumbfounded that she almost farted.


"Sh-she is?" she said to Caramel. She turned to the other mare. "Y-you are? That's... well, just... wonderful!" she said. She approached the mare enthusiastically. "This isn't a favour your just doing for her. I'm also happy knowing that my friend is getting out of a rut, and what's more doing what she loves!" She got down and started kissing the mare's hooves.


"Oh, um... I... don't have your name..." She blushed.

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"woah umm i prefer formal introductions"white pulled her hooves up"so im White Wing and anyway she's doing a favour for me being the captain and she's saved my flank once before from that creepy barkeep soo i have her too thank or" *white runs hoof across her neck*" yeah. so who are you?"

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"Heey! I'm not doing you a favor. I'm only doing this for the money. Understand?" Caramel said with an angry look. "And besides, that wasn't a creepy barkeeper, that was just Sweet Shake (random name), he owns the place." Caramel said looking at White. "So what's the deal? I wanna know how long, where and how much."

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"allright then. so the reward 50,000 bits for each of us. the destination is a island that is thought too be uninhabited at the moment we don't know how long few days mabye depending on weather conditions and we haven't met the rest of the crew yet so they could be in this tavern, already on the dock or out at sea. so you intrested?"

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"50,000 bits could certainly buy me ship back." Caramel thought to herself. "Alright, I'll take ye to this Island but with one condition, Spellblind comes with me." Caramel said with a smile, looking at Spellblind. "What do ye say Spellblind, with that much money we could certainly buy the ship back and then go look for the others." Caramel said waiting for her responds

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"So Caramel's saying that she'll only go on this adventure with you if I accompany her," Spellbind restated to White wing. "In that case, that means you're guaranteed to have Catain Caramel with you on this!" She shook both their hooves. "And I can't wait to see if we can find the others..." she went on. She was STILL feeling horrible about what she had said earlier.


This was definitely not her primary motivator for going with them but Spellbind resisted the urge to ask if she would be getting 50000 bits as well out of politeness. With that money she could afford to live in a place of her own and stop being a burden to her parents...

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"so spellblind's your name? i like it got a ring too it. 'cource she can come caramel. truth be told i don't know what our ship looks like so yeah ask sparkle he might have a picture of it"white thought for a moment"ACH I FORGOT SPARKLE!! BE BACK SOON GIRLS" white rushed out the door as if she was racing

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