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the stranger didn't react to her question so Caramel turned her attention to Spellblind "Nah, Sparkle got it covered." Caramel said while giving a big yawn. "I really gotta get meself to bed." Caramel said rubbing her eyes that where still glowing blue. "I hope you don't mind Spellblind but I'm really tired." Caramel turned around and walked to her room.

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"Yeah...I think I will be joining you," Spellbind told Caramel, following her to the room. "It seems like a matter best left to those two. I don't know the first thing about it and if I jump in there, I'll just make things worse as usual..." she went into her bed shuffling into her weird positions.

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Caramel smiled as Spellblind continued talking herself down. "Ye shouldn't do that friend, ye are a wonderful pony, don't talk yerself down." Caramel said while getting settled in her bed as well. "Goodnight darling, sleep well." Caramel said as she put out the lights. After that it did not take long for Caramel to fall asleep. But as soon as she slept, the nightmares began.

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"c'mon then let's get you back too bed" sparkle turned too Ochre "i'll be with you in a sec okay?" sparkle took white upstairs before reaching their room and setting her down on the bed "there you go you get some sleep and try not too think about it"sparkle gave her a quick kiss before turning off the light and leaving the room 

"goodnight" white said drying her tears 

as sparkle was making his way downstairs he saw Tech and remembered "OH Tech i got the blueprints for the *whispers* the robo-pony mk 1*stops whispering* "sparkle noticed a mare sitting on her own wearing a cloak " hold on for a second Tech"he said walking over 

(yep just as i thought somepony here for the voyage) sparkle tapped her on the back "s'cuse me? you here for the expordition?"

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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"Take care of your brother for me. No, daddy please don't go. Please I can still save you. Please just grab my hoof. Please daddy, I don't wanna lose you. Little filly of mine, it will be okay, get to safety before the storm gets you too. Please my dear, swim back to shore. I'll be fine. No daddy please, no please hold on. Please!'' Caramel woke up screaming. 

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white was listaning too her brother rambling on about the two stallions when she cut him short by waking up at the sound of a scream that sounded like the captain "uh oh more trouble? no this time im ready" she picked up sparkle's sword and walked into the room where caramel and spellbind were sleeping "captain captain you okay mam? what's happening?"white asked stepping inside

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"What? huh? oh uhm...I'm fine. I'm alright, nothing to worry about." Caramel said feeling a bit ashamed. She looked at the two ponies staring at her. "I'm fine really." Caramel said. "I'm just going to take walk outside. bye." Caramel jumped out the window, spreading her wings and flew away. "That was close, I need to be away for a while."

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"hold it!" white flew after caramel" captain i need you too tell me what's up your just gonna make it worse for yourself it's like when i lost my brother i didn't talk too anypony for months i took out my rage on anypony and anything i could it's not easy seeing your brother alive one second and cut in half the next i've been through bad stuff i know what its like just take my hoof i can help you."white looked at her "please?"

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Tech was at his window when Caramel and White flew by. The twins were asleep and he didn't want to leave them alone. "I wonder what has gotten into them. Well it looks like White has it taken care of."


He looks to the twins. "I hope on day I can have kids of my own. For now I have you two."


Tech continues to watch out his window. He wasn't sleepy at all but the twins need this to maintain their powers and strength. "I need to finish that Rainbow or Harmony Core. I also need to finalize the name."

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"Help, I don't need any help, I can do it all on my own." Caramel's mane started glowing again, giving her more speed. She flew away fast enough so that White wouldn't follow her. She flew down the harbor, hiding herself underneath the pier. "I miss you dad." Caramel said as she curled up and started crying softly.

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"ugh it's at times like these i wish i was an actual racer instead of a mechanic" white just let it slide and flew back through the window before landing next too spellbind "hey spellbind what in blue blazes is up with the captain? also i think that Tech guy was watching me "

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Spellbind had initially decided that she would leave Caramel alone but she just couldn't resist it. She snuck out of her bed, and out of the room, and followed the sound of Caramel's voice. She hid on top of the pier above Caramel and wished she could go down and speak to her more.

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Ochre stands stock still wholly from dumbfoundment from what he's been told, all the way through to Caramel leaving the establishment post-haste, eventually snapping himself out of it. "What kind of colonial project is this?!"


Walking to a table, Ochre pulls out a seat for himself. "We aren't reporting to a barracks, and one of our own gets attacked? Personally I think I'll require an apology from the next pony who calls Las Pegasus a violent, uncivilized wasteland!"




"So, who are you in all this?"

Edited by Ochre_Dust
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"huh me well im sparkle sword im in on the expordition too in engineering with my girlfriend white wing i got a picture of the boat we're taking... which i lost along with the engagment ring"sparkle looked up"so who are you? i trust youve met the cap'in then?"

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Caramels sadness quickly turned into anger. "Why did you leave? you left me, alone. You left me with her. How could you do this to me dad? I could've helped you. You refused. you bastard. you ruined my life." Caramel screamed at the sea, tears running down her face.

Edited by Pucksterv
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"Engineering? Me too. Oh, and... Ochre Dust" The earth stallion offers a hoof in greeting, and puts on a sardonic grin. "I got called all the way from a irrigation project at a peach farm outside Las Pegasus, clear across Equestria, and I've seen the captain, most recently bolting out of here like she saw a ghost." Ochre shakes his head. "Between you and me? I think we should prepare to watch our backs here."

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"yeah white was almost killed god i hate this town already i mean she got up was talking with the cap'n and boom some stallions grab her and hold a knife too her neck terrified the crap out of her she's upstairs resting now im glad i brought my sword with me next time that happens i'll kill anypony who tries too harm her" sparkle laughs slightly"im joking of course"

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"Maybe leaving for a colony is a good idea. More room, ponies tend to mellow down and straighten out..." Ochre looks to the door, deciding to leave the markedly bloodthirsty comments with no more attention. "Shall we try and find that captain of ours before she ends up falling on a sword or some such?"

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"what? the captain's probably looking out too sea or something so i say we check the pier see if she's their"sparkle got up and walked too the door before hovering outside waiting for Ochre too follow. whilest waiting he noticed white fly back inside he flew up too meet her "where have you been?" he said as she landed

"oh you know places"she replied

"places? like with the captin? me and Ochre are just gonna start looking for her"

"pft the captain don't talk too her she's a bit sad right now flew off super fast i think only somepony like you or Rainbow Dash could catch her"

sparkle growled at this statement "shut up she only beat me once"

"out of one time then yes i agree once"white laughed as sparkle tried to rip her highlights out

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"Ye know what, I don't care. Yer already dead anyways. I don't need you. I never needed you. I don't need anyone. I'm fine on my own. You stupid bastard." Caramel said still screaming at the sea, walking around in the sand. "I needed you and you weren't there for me." she mumbled to herself as another set of tears rolled down her cheeks. "Stupid nightmares, you really embarrassed yourself this time Caramel. you ran, you yelled and yet you are still talking to yerself."

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Ochre stepped out of the tavern, to catch the tail end of Sparkle and White's conversation. Past that, he caught what sounded like a heated argument at the end of a nearby pier.


"Come on, Sparkle, I hear something at the pier, if you're as fast as you claim to be, you can keep pace with a marching earth pony."


With that Ochre began to approach the pier from which Caramel's voice was coming.

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Caramel wiped off her tears, since there weren't any left. "For some reason that felt really good" Caramel thought to herself. She sat down in the sand. She noticed the sun was already rising. The light shimmered beautiful on the water. "guess I'll get my sleep some othertime." She continued watching the sunrise.

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"Hey i could beat you any day you doubting the speed of a ponyvill racer? " sparkle fly's on ahead c'mon slow coach just cause you don't got wings ain't an exuse for a slow race c'mon hury up i'm at the pier " sparkle flys back and picks him up "sorry but you were taking too long sparkle flew off and found a beach noticeing the sun rise he crashed face first into the sand infront of the captain"hey"he said although it was drowned out by the sand

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