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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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Blitz had gotten on a little ferry and had made it to the beach with Glider. Much as she wanted to set up her tent, she let Glider go to do that. She knee she had to make an impression by helping as many ponies as she could.


She aided where she could. She noticed about five other ponies doing the same she was-- probably out of the honest goodness of their hearts, she thought, a little scornfully.


But these ponies would probably show up again. These ponies that helped the others would become the leaders of the new society. She approached one slightly younger than her, a stallion.


@Aspen: Blitz smiled at the stallion. "Hi... You were one of the first ponies here, weren't you?" She thought she had seen him as one of the first on the land. "I'm Star Blitz. It's a pleasure." She said, dipping her head respectfully.

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@@Little Red

"Hi... You were one of the first ponies here, weren't you?  I'm Star Blitz. It's a pleasure."

Aspen turned to see a light brown mare with a short lava-red mane.  She was a unicorn, and had a scar over her eye.

"Hello to you, too!"  Said Aspen, turning to face her.  "How are you getting along on the island so far?  Have you found a place to sleep yet?"  He then thought about the tent on his back, and how he needed two other ponies to stay with him.  "This may be kind of weird, but would you want to spend the night in this tent with me?"  His eyes suddenly widened when he realized what he said.  "NO!  I-I mean...I didn't mean it like...I just need two ponies to sleep in here with me and-" he facehoofed.  "I don't mean it like that at all, I meant to say that...oh goodness, I really screwed this up."  He took a deep breath.  "If you don't already have a place to sleep, you could sleep in the tent that I picked up, since we have to have at least three to a tent.  Does that make sense?"

"Sweet Celestia, you positively can't talk to mares ever again." Aspen thought to himself.

Edited by AspenSwift
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sparkle was cowering in fear " you can't get through these defences there strong as steel " she said shaking from head too hooves " you probably only ate the good ones "

White Wing walked over and ate one " See Sparkle nothing too worry about " he said picking her up and putting her on his back 

"Hey put me down!! i'm your Captain for pete's sake" Sparkle protested as White walked outside " I'M WARNING YOU WHITE IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN I'LL... DO SOMETHING" White shoved a berry in her mouth too keep her quiet

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Blitz opened her mouth and closed it several times. She was so taken aback by the turn of the conversation that she burst out laughing. She quickly stopped, mostly out of surprise at herself.


It was the first time she could remember having honestly laughed around any pony other than her sister. It was nice. This stallion seemed... Innocent, really. He could be a good pony to keep around.


"I understand, simple mistake." She said, very amused. "And that should work out perfectly. My sister and I needed another pony in our tent, anyway. Where did you set yours up? And what's your name? I don't believe you've yet introduced yourself."

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Having been ignored by Spellbind,quite possibly because the unicorn wasn't actually named that, Peregrine eventually withdrew to the lower decks to gather her paltry belongings. In all it was easily enough to all fit in a single set of saddlebags. The contents resembled what one might have found in a soldier's pack as far as survival and navigational gear went, but arms and armor were replaced with the tools of Peregrine's trade as a farrier, and from years of travelling on the road, somewhat accomplished in basic first aid.


With that she strapped on the entirety of her possessions and made for the deck once more where she waited for a boat heading to shore. The gathered crowd pushed into the deck below the first, and it was easily approaching sun-down by the time Peregrine once more reached the top deck. After several minutes, Peregrine smacked herself with a hoof and flapped her wings. "Mom always said I was too obsessed with hooves to remember I have wings sometimes."


Taking off from the deck, Peregrine made her way to the shore. Plenty of tents had been set up, and she could smell food being prepared. "Better stake my claim," she said.


@ @AspenSwift, @Little Red


Peregrine noticed a pale blue earth pony stallion and an orange unicorn mare, and an unmade tent between them. Peregrine swooped down, landing next to them. "Hi! Umm... You look familiar, you're one of the captains, or some kind of navy-type officer, right? I..." She looks over her shoulder to the myriad of tents. "I think I got here a little late to find a tent myself. Do you mind if I join up with you two?"

Edited by Ochre_Dust
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sparkle was cowering in fear " you can't get through these defences there strong as steel " she said shaking from head too hooves " you probably only ate the good ones "

White Wing walked over and ate one " See Sparkle nothing too worry about " he said picking her up and putting her on his back 

"Hey put me down!! i'm your Captain for pete's sake" Sparkle protested as White walked outside " I'M WARNING YOU WHITE IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN I'LL... DO SOMETHING" White shoved a berry in her mouth too keep her quiet

"it's okay......please calm down there are other people here... i won't hurt you promise.....don't fear me.....i'm a friend...a peaceful friend" starlight proceeded to hug sparkle "it's okay...... my friend i understand your fear......but i promise there's nothing to worry about" starlight then proceeded to stop hugging sparkle open his saddle pack "here take this good luck charm i always carry it with me for good luck you can have it...." he handed him the amulet covered in feathers with a small emerald in the middle "it's actually my friend's necklace she gave to me before i left on my adventure... but you need it more"

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@@Little Red, @@Ochre_Dust
"Thank goodness she laughed, that could have gotten really awkward" thought Aspen. He relaxed a bit.
"Thanks!  I really appreciate it!"  Suddenly, a mauve pegasus landed next next to them, making Aspen jump.

"Hi! Umm... You look familiar, you're one of the captains, or some kind of navy-type officer, right? I...I think I got here a little late to find a tent myself. Do you mind if I join up with you two?"

"I don't mind," said Aspen, "but I think it's her you should be asking."  He nodded at Star.  Aspen stuck out a hoof, "I'm Aspen Swift. I wouldn't exactly call myself a Captain or Officer, but I guess I've kind've been chosen to help things take off here.  I'm going to go take back this tent, as I think Star said her sister had one set up."  He smiled.  "I'm honestly glad to already start meeting ponies here, I was worried that it'd be kind of...lonely."  He started to trot off to where spare tents were being kept.

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sparkle spits out the berry " i don't need anythin' your words fine keep the damn necklace just as long as you don't force fead me any of that meat stuff. can you put me down White? " White stops and drops her on the sand " thank you." she said getting up 

"no problem " White said smiling 


(just fyi Dragon sparkle's a mare so yeah...)

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"Of course!" Blitz smiled kindly. "After all, you can have more than three in a tent. Four would be quite cozy. It might get cold as well, so this may prove to be very nice." She rather wanted to say no to the pegasus, but she didn't want this stallion to get a bad impression of her. And the pegasus didn't seem annoying, at least.


"We'll meet here tonight, I am going to go find my sister." Blitz turned away and trotted off. She found her sister fairly quickly. She was sniffing at some of the plantlifr curiously and smiled when Blitz approached.


"Hi, Blitz." Glider said, very friendly and happy. Blitz felt a surge of warmth for her sister. She explained the situation to her and led her back to the designated meeting place.

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sparkle spits out the berry " i don't need anythin' your words fine keep the damn necklace just as long as you don't force fead me any of that meat stuff. can you put me down White? " White stops and drops her on the sand " thank you." she said getting up 

"no problem " White said smiling 


(just fyi Dragon sparkle's a mare so yeah...)

"look.... sparkle i mean you no harm... really.... all i want is some friends but if you don't want me here or fear for your lives I'll leave....." starlight sighed "this happens everytime i meet someone new i eat some meat they freak out.......and i of course goes three steps back....." starlight look at sparkle "your a nice pony....... just promise me you won't forget who you are..........because thats exactly what happened to me....... i don't know most of my past... i don't know who my parents are or what my cutie mark means...... i don't know even know what i'm suppose to do with my life..... going through this i wanted adventure so i could forget about my past and start anew..... but now that i think about it........... one can't simply leave their past behind..... one can't simply forget mistakes...... one cannot win over every heart.......one cannot simply remember lost memories.......and...." starlight sighed "White take care of her........sparkle.... don't feel bad its only natural to care about your safety....." starlight packed his bow and ate the last of the bear meat........ he left the berries and the sack on the floor..... " before i go you might need some weapons here's two swords.... and about five throwing knives it should get you started......"

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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@@AspenSwift, @Little Red


"Oh thank goodness! So, I guess I just call you Aspen or Swift? Or would you prefer it if I called you sir?" Peregrine nodded at the unicorn. "I can help Aspen with the tent while you go find your sister!" She extended a hoof to Blitz. "I'm Peregrine. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss...?"

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"you really think im a nice pony?" sparkle blushed slightly before kissing him 

"H...HEY SPARKLE REALLY?!" White glared at her

"oops should've waited until you weren't looking" sparkle covered his eye's " there you go " sparkle kissed starlight again "you don't have too go in fact i'd prefer it if you stayed"

"I HEARD THAT SPARKLE!" White shouted

"yeah yeah okay" sparkle kisses white " better?"

"fine i guess " white grumbled

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"you really think im a nice pony?" sparkle blushed slightly before kissing him 

"H...HEY SPARKLE REALLY?!" White glared at her

"oops should've waited until you weren't looking" sparkle covered his eye's " there you go " sparkle kissed starlight again "you don't have too go in fact i'd prefer it if you stayed"

"I HEARD THAT SPARKLE!" White shouted

"yeah yeah okay" sparkle kisses white " better?"

"fine i guess " white grumbled

starlight blushed "aw you two......" he smiled and then proceeded to sit down with a awkward expression......"so... umm..... CHEESE AND ONION JELLYBEANS!" starlight always said that when things got to awkward "sorry it was to awkward for me"  starlight laughed....... "so...... any good stories....."

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"Oh thank goodness! So, I guess I just call you Aspen or Swift? Or would you prefer it if I called you sir?"

"There's no need to call me 'sir,' 'Aspen' is just fine," said Aspen with a smile.  "and thanks for walking with me."  Aspen started to trot towards the place where spare tents were kept.  "So, what are you planning to do on the island?" he asked as they walked.

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"this is really awkward for me im in between two stallions one who i love and you starlight" sparkle curls her mane around her hoof " does anypony mind if i go too sleep? i'm pretty tired right now " sparkle stops curling her mane and nibbles White's Wing

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"this is really awkward for me im in between two stallions one who i love and you starlight" sparkle curls her mane around her hoof " does anypony mind if i go too sleep? i'm pretty tired right now " sparkle stops curling her mane and nibbles White's Wing

"sure i'll be on night watch....." starlight smiled "you should probably go to sleep as well white.... so do any of you need a sleeping bag " "i have a spare one so there's one for you and white" he continued " because i'm doing the night watch i won't need mine tonight..... " simple open his saddle pack and pulled out his bow in case anything would attack the campsite "well? are any of you going to sleep"

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sparkle took the invatation and quickly fell asleep she thought it would be too hot with a sleeping bag so she used her tail 

White looked at her " she's so cute when she's sleeping " he thought aloud before kissing her and going to sleep himself " i love you sparkle" he whispered into her ear

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sparkle took the invatation and quickly fell asleep she thought it would be too hot with a sleeping bag so she used her tail 

White looked at her " she's so cute when she's sleeping " he thought aloud before kissing her and going to sleep himself " i love you sparkle" he whispered into her ear

starlight chuckled and sat down a couple of moment later he heard a low voice calling his name before a pony in a black robe appeared in front of him "your memories are simple yet complex, they will be revive over time but not yet, stay alive until your destiny is set, fail and you cause equestria's death" starlight rubbed his eyes but then the figure disappeared "wait... what just... huh?....." he noticed on the ground a card this card at a cottage on it.... he never been to or even seen to cottage before he knew it..... but something seemed oddly familiar about it...... he couldn't put his figure on it.... but he remember having pancakes on fridays while in this kitchen he had never been in before but he also remember seeing the exact same man as the black robe figure..... he remembered that everyday he would watch he eat and play from a distance..... he also remember that his present felt as if he was a guardian angel or something............but all this stuff he knew never happen in his memory before unless.... ( they will revive overtime ) played in his head. this was his old home.... before he forgot everything.... he put the card he his saddle pack and continued guarding the rest of the night until the sun rised.....

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sparkle awoke as the sun hit her tail "ugh... morning everpony " she said shaking sand from her ears and mane before looking around and noticing White was nowhere too be found " uh oh thats not good!" sparkle flew into the air and up and down along the beach until she saw a crimson tail with a hint of gold in it slink into the trees " ha ha gotcha!" she said landing on White Wing " where are you going? " 

"i'm looking for fruit" he said turning away from sparkle

"and you didn't think too tell us! sheesh how in sensitive can you get?" said sparkle taking off and heading back too camp

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sparkle awoke as the sun hit her tail "ugh... morning everpony " she said shaking sand from her ears and mane before looking around and noticing White was nowhere too be found " uh oh thats not good!" sparkle flew into the air and up and down along the beach until she saw a crimson tail with a hint of gold in it slink into the trees " ha ha gotcha!" she said landing on White Wing " where are you going? " 

"i'm looking for fruit" he said turning away from sparkle

"and you didn't think too tell us! sheesh how in sensitive can you get?" said sparkle taking off and heading back too camp

starlight decided to follow them "hey white you shouldn't really go looking for fruit without your sword.... here" he proceeded to give white their sword and gave him some throwing knives "do you want me to come with you or do you want me to guard the campsite?"

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"well your the one who knows what he's doing so yeah i guess. i'm pretty sure sparkle can handle the campsite on her own she's a tough mare... she even taught me how too use a sword without decapitateing myself. most ponies say it should be the other way around but she went to knight school... sure she was expelled for cutting somepony's hoof off but i guess that makes her a better bacheloret i won't have to protect her... unless she loses her sword or gets knocked out..." White smiled in embarrassment

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"well your the one who knows what he's doing so yeah i guess. i'm pretty sure sparkle can handle the campsite on her own she's a tough mare... she even taught me how too use a sword without decapitateing myself. most ponies say it should be the other way around but she went to knight school... sure she was expelled for cutting somepony's hoof off but i guess that makes her a better bacheloret i won't have to protect her... unless she loses her sword or gets knocked out..." White smiled in embarrassment

"I doubt that...." starlight chuckled and smiled "if your wondering those berries are deadly don't eat them those berries are good through oh and those apples as well" starlight helped white pick the apples and the berries...... " also you you can find away to get the honey from that beehive it would make a good snack....but it will be hard to get while don't we head back and pack up......like i said its better if we into the middle of this forest it has more fruit and animals for myself..... i thought i saw some cows in the distance as well which is good for leather....."

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White snuck up on a cow " yep you were right cow's i wonder if we could keep two and use them for milk? milk's better than sea water i know that at least " White slit one's neck "how do we get this thing back? it'll provide food for day's " the cow heard the word food and with the last of its strength kicked White sending him into a tree " agh that hurt" he said 

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Blitz had found Glider so promptly that at a quick trot she caught up to Peregrine and Aspen, with Glider flying behind her all the while.


"Well, it didn't take me long to find my sister... May I introduce you two to my sister, Star Glider."


Glider smiled shyly at Peregrine and Aspen. "Hi.... You can just call me Glider." She landed on the ground, not quite meeting their gazes.

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as his ship slowly crashs he swore he saw a camp site after living trough this crash he heads trowards the camp that is around a few days travel away as he walks he notices cows

and a few birds a "prefect land for ponys" he thougt and relized "where theres settlers theres monster and crimes" Money sighs flashed trough his eyes and walked the camp

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