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open ~* Equestria Girls - Dance To The Finish *~

Pripyat Pony

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Ooc: https://mlpforums.com/topic/129616-equestria-girls-rp/




Evil is among us, even if we don't know precisely where it is. Tartarus, the place where all the evil of Equestria is sent, is one such place. Guarded by the three headed dog Cerberus, normally nothing which is sent there can escape, but one day, Cerberus left his post, and two evil creatures escaped. One was Tirek. He was eventually dealt with, after causing much pain and suffering to the ponies of Equestria. Another, who did not act at once, but instead chose to bide her time, was the Kelpie Cora. A creature of considerable power, she learned of the secret of Canterlot Palace; of the magical mirror which acted as a gateway to another world. She was determined to go thru this gateway and take this world over, but before she could, she had to ensure that none would follow.


Discounting the ordinary ponies of Equestria, Cora targeted Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight Sparkle. After a long and terrible battle, she turned both alicorns into statues and escaped thru the portal. Princess Luna faced a horrible dilemma. Tho she burned with thoughts of vengeance, the Princess of the Night knew that she could not go after the creature herself. With her sister a statue, Luna knew that she would have no choice but to stay behind in order that the sun and moon rose as normal. With Discord and Princess Cadance to assist her, Luna knew that she could hold the fort back in Equestria. To go after Cora, stop her plans for invasion and to bring her back to Tartarus, Luna chose a small group of ponies. The letter she sent to them was as follows.


Dear friend.


A terrible thing has happened. An evil Kelpie has escaped Tartarus and gone thru the portal into the human world linked with Equestria. She has turned my dear sister and Princess Twilight Sparkle into stone. I am unable to go after her, so I leave it to you, one of a select band of ponies to go in my place. It will be dangerous, and you will have to blend in if you are to stand a chance. But it is the only way. When you get there, seek out a girl named Sunset Shimmer. She was once a student of my sister; now, she lives in the other world and will be the best placed to help you.


Yours, Princess Luna.




The day that Clover received the letter was a day where she didn't really have much to do. She had just closed up her shop for the holidays and would take no more students til the end of summer. Unfortunately, this led the unicorn mare with very little to do. Clover sighed. She supposed that she ought to go away someplace, but didn't really relish the idea. Then, it happened. The postmare, Muffins, brought her the letter and Clover read it thru slowly. Her face lit up. An adventure! Yes, the idea of a kelpie was daunting, but she was sure that she and the others, whoever they may be, would be able to fix things. And the opportunity to go to another world was not to be missed. Clover quickly packed up a few things for her saddlebags and hurried off to the station to catch the train to Canterlot.



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Sparkle was shocked at his letter " Celestia and Twilight turned to stone?! How could this happen? whatever did this was powerful too powerful. SIS I'M OFF!!! " Sparkle walked outside still in shock and prepared for flight. heflapped his wings and took off heading for Canterlot...

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Midnight shade was in the Everfree where she lived and was happily flying from tree to tree. She was playing around with her pet vampire fruit bat, Ziggy. They were both gleefully messing around with eachother until Ziggy looked up at the sky and let out a screech. Midnight poked her head out of a nearby tree. "What is it buddy?" she asked. Ziggy flew toward her and let out another screech directing her to look up. When she did, she noticed a mail pony flying over head. "That's strange. Nopony gets mail out here." she said.

Midnight decided to approach the pony. "Are you lost?" she asked. She had recognized the mare when she turned around. Her gray coat with her yellow mane and off set eyes were familiar.

"Looking for a Midnight Shade." she replied.

"That's me." Midnight said accepting the letter. The mail mare then flew off leaving Midnight staring confused at the letter.

Ziggy flew up to her. "I've never gotten mail before." she said. "I wonder what it is." she thought at loud as she opened it. It made her extremely happy to see it was from Princess Luna. As a batpony, Luna was Midnight's favorite princess.

After she finished reading the letter, she turned to her pet. "Looks like the princess wants me to go on a special mission for her." she smiled. This made her extremely happy. The princess of the night had trusted her with this important mission. "I'm going to Canterlot, Ziggy. You'll have to stay her though. Can I trust you to hold down the fort?" she asked. Ziggy gave a saluting motion and a series of squeaks. "Thanks." she said before grabbing her black cloak and flying to Canterlot.

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-In the world beyond the mirror-


It has been a difficult life. Shifter walks the halls of Canterlot High. He is smiling as the abient love in the air feeding his hunger. Lol looks around to all the good friends he and his dance team have made. He walks up to six of them, the rainbooms. He says, with a smile, "Good day Pinkie, you still up for the coming dance competition."

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Gloom was in his pub in down town Manehatttan, nursing a hangover with more whiskey. Then a letter carrier came in, asking for him. Thinking it was another job, he got up and went over to him, The carrier gave him the letter and left. Gloom opened it with his knife and started reading.


Thinking this jab would be far from boring and maybe pay very very well. He decided to take it. 


He packed his things and got on a train to Canterlot.  


When he got off the train he made his way to the castle. 

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@@Midnight_Aurora, "Absolutely!" Pinkie said, bouncing in joy. While Pinkie was obviously looking forward to the dance contest, Rainbow Dash wore a scowl. Dancing was certainly not her cup of tea and she had steadfastly refused to take any part in the contest.


@, @@Hurricane, @@Gloomfury, Princess Luna was pacing nervously in the throne room. She hoped that the ponies she had sent the letters to would arrive soon. She glanced sadly at the statues of her sister and Princess Twilight, which had been placed safely in the corner so that no harm would come to them. She looked up with a start as a unicorn mare came into the room, accompanied by a guard who left her there. Luna smiled as she recognised the mare; it was Clover, who had excelled in her sister Celestia's school.


"Am I the first?" Clover asked. "I'm sorry, Princess; I just didn't want to be late when it was so important."


"Don't worry," Luna replied, smiling sadly. "Please sit down and have some tea while we wait for the others to get here."


Nearby was a table with chairs set out around it. On the table was a teapot and several cups along with a milk jug and a bowl of sugar lumps. Clover helped herself to a cup of tea, adding milk and sugar, before sitting down and sipping gratefully.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Midnight finally arrived in Canterlot. She touched down in front of the main castle doors. She got many strange looks. One never really sees a dark hooded pony in Canterlot. As she approached the gate, the two guards crossed their weapons in front of the door blocking entry. "The princess sent for me." she said as she showed them the letter. They then opened the door and she was accompanied by two more guards that were stationed on the other side of the door.

Midnight could barely hold in her excitement of meeting her favorite princess, but kept her feelings hidden under her hood. When she stopped in front of the princess, Luna looked confused. "Who is this shadowy figure?" she asked the guard. It was then Midnight took down her hood.

"Princess Luna!" she exclaimed in a soft yet excited voice. "You have no idea-" she then stopped. "Oh, uh... your highness." she took a bow. "It is such an honor."

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@@Midnight_Aurora, "Absolutely!" Pinkie said, bouncing in joy. While Pinkie was obviously looking forward to the dance contest, Rainbow Dash wore a scowl. Dancing was certainly not her cup of tea and she had steadfastly refused to take any part in the contest.



Shifter then looks around nervously. He doesn't look nervous about the coming contest. He looks nervous about what he has already informed them after the events of the Dazzlings. "Umm....Girls can I talk to you all in private please. It's kind of important and it envolves the...You know what." He looks around again as if in worry.
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@@Pripyat Pony

"SORRY I'M LATE!!!!" Sparkle crashed through the door and landed at luna's hooves "i'm sorry princess Luna... " Sparkle said backing away from the princess "again sorry i'm late your highness... please don't kill me ... " Sparkle hid behind Clover "uh hi i'm Sparkle if ya wanna know if ya don't forget what i just said"

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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Groom walked up to the front gates of the castle.  The guards gave him a look of suspicion. When he got near the door he was stopped by them. Witch mad him rather annoyed. They didn't much as ask, rather they told him to state his business. He sighed and showed them the letter that was went to him. The both read it over a few times till they nod and let him pass.


One of the guards gave him a word of warning not to cause any trouble. Gloom brushed him off and head into the castle. He reached into his bag and pulled out a cigar. He gritted it in his sharp teeth and lit it with a match, witch he dropped on the floor when he blew it out.


He walked into the room were he was meeting Luna and the others that will be going with him. So far it looks like two mares and another stallion., He shrugged and made his way into the room, leaving a trail of smoke as he walked.  

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@@Midnight_Aurora, Rarity nodded, understanding at once. "We'll go to the practice room," she said. "No-one will be there right now so we won't be overheard."


@@Hurricane, @, @@Gloomfury, Princess Luna waited til everypony was seated, then began to speak.


"What I am about to show you is a great secret," she said. "I would like for all of you, when you return from your mission, to keep this a secret from everypony. Follow me."


Clover wondered what Luna was to show them as she followed the Princess thru the castle with the others. Princess Luna eventually led the group to a room where a large mirror stood, easily big enough to show all of a pony. Luna indicated the mirror and said, "This mirror is a gateway to another universe, where things are different to they are here. Anypony who goes thru that mirror will find themselves different on the other side. You will not have wings, or magic over there, tho there are ways to tap into both. It is into that world that the Kelpie Cora who attacked my sister and Twilight has gone. I fear that she plans to go into hiding there, and eventually emerge to take it over. There are other creatures that we have sent into that world, but only cuz they are rendered harmless by it. Cora is not, and she poses great danger to the inhabitants of this universe."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony

"hey if there's another universe to explore i've so gotta check this out" Sparkle steps out from behind Clover and sneekes over to the mirror trying to stay out of the princess' line of sight. sparkle stuck out his tounge and licked the mirror finding his tounge went through it "HEY GUYS CHECK THIS OUT" he stuck his wing through "THIS IS AWSOME!!!" Sparkle laughed before he almost fell through "N...NEVERMIND!" Sparkle runs back

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Midnight looked curiously at the mirror that stood before her. Her head was cocked to the side as it filled with thoughts questions. She wondered about the creatures that inhabited the new place. How strange were they. Could she communicate them? Her talent is the ability to connect with creatures of the unknown, but did it include animals from other worlds? Midnight also examined her wings. She wondered what it would be like to not have them anymore. Since she looked so different in Equestria, what would she look like in this "other universe"?


She snapped back into reality when Sparkle attempted to lick the magic mirror and almost took a dive in. She let out a small giggle, but tried to maintain her composure in front of the princess.

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The only reaction Gloom gave was a raised eyebrow. When you live the life he has you would find that nothing surprised you anymore. But this was a new one. He blew some smoke out his nose as he looked the mirror over. He can see a little bit of the other world. A world filled with beings fare from the norm of his world. 


At least this job wasn't gonna be boring, he thought.  


He then looked at Luna. "So we kill her and ya sis and the other one go back to normal or do we have to bring her back alive?"

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@@Midnight_Aurora, Rarity nodded, understanding at once. "We'll go to the practice room," she said. "No-one will be there right now so we won't be overheard."



He nods. "You do remember my pinkie promise from the battle of the bands contest. I said I would tell you my secret when we were ready. This dance contest is what we are waiting for. Let's go and I will tell you all my story. Sunset, i know its been a long time but would you be willing to give a relasionship wirh me a chance. I knew deep inside you didn't really want to do what you did. But your emotions were harder to break through then I thought."


He follows them to the music room.

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@, @@Hurricane, @@Gloomfury, "You must bring Cora back alive," Luna said. "The spell she used on my sister and Twilight is a complex one, exclusive to Kelpies and I am unable to counteract it. We'll need Cora subdued and taken prisoner so that she can be compelled to remove it."


Clover felt excited about the opportunity to enter this new world, whatever happened. Of course, the thought of the lurking Kelpie alarmed her, but the thought of going into an entirely different universe was a more intriguing idea entirely. We'll figure something out once we're there, Clover decided.


Luna went on. "You may enter the portal now," she said. "Remember what I put in my letter; find Sunset Shimmer. She will help you settle in and answer any questions you might have about integrating into this new universe. She is a former student of my sister. Go now, my little ponies, and good luck."


This was it. Clover bravely stepped forward, took a deep breath, and stepped thru the mirror portal. There was a short period of dissonance, before Clover found herself stepping out of what seemed to be a statue. She gave a little shriek of surprise and fell into a kneeling position. Looking at the strangeness of her new body, Clover could hardly believe her eyes. Instead of hooves, she had long appendages, like animal digits, but with pointed claw like things on the ends. Instead of fur, Clover was wearing a cute white denim skirt with a pale lavender sleeveless top. Her hind legs were covered in knee high white platform boots, with pink and purple accents, the colours of her cutie mark; a replica of which was on her skirt. Feeling a bit woozy, Clover crawled to one side of the statue to wait for the others.


@@Midnight_Aurora, Sunset Shimmer nodded, tightly. She said nothing as of yet, as she was waiting to hear what Shifter had to say. The Rainbooms led the way to the music room, which was set up for band practice, but empty as was planned. Rarity seated herself on the piano stool. "Well, Shifter?" she said. "What was it you wanted to tell us?" Fluttershy was last in the room and she carefully closed the door.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"uhh hate to be rude but bye! " Sparkle ran full pelt into the portal before being flung out the other end and rolling over several times before hitting a parked car "ugh what happened where are my wings? what happened to my tail? what are these strange objects on my hind legs " some girls walk past him and look at him weirdly

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@@Pripyat Pony,


 Gloom sighed and walked towards the mirror. "I ain't no ones little pony." He said before walking into the portal. When he came out he was on his hind legs. It didn't take him long to get use to it. He use to box and they stand on there hind legs when they fight. He then looked at the appendages that replaced his hooves. He knew that they were called hands. Because Minotaurs have them. He made a few fists to get use to them


He was wearing a black and rosewood plaid long sleeved flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearm and a dark gray shirt under it.  Along with a pair of dark jeans and black boots. His hair was still in a loose mid-length ponytail and he had a five'o clock shadow. His build was strong and tall. His scare was also still on the left side but  not as big. But the four lines were easier to see with his light skin. His knife was strapped to his waist instead of his arm and his bag was now a one strap knapsack


He pulled it over to see if he still had everything. "Gods be damned, thank you." He said as he pulled out a flask. He opened it and took a drink.

Edited by Gloomfury
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Midnight entered after Gloom. She closed her eyes, held her breath and stepped though. When she came through, she was on her two legs. She peaked one eye open and fell down onto the pavement. "Ow." she remarked before blowing a hair out of her face and sitting up.


She didn't know what to make of her new look. Her muzzle had shrunk, her face was totally deformed and she had strange little apendages for hooves. She still had small fangs and was color blind thanks to being a bat pony. She finally tried to stand up and was pretty wobbly. She wore a short black skater skirt with a dark purple tank top and dark blue wedge sneakers. Her cutie mark was on the side of her top.


"I assume flying would be much easier." she said as she jumped into the air only realizing too late that those useful appendages were gone. She again found herself on the ground. "I don't think I like this place so far." she said frustrated as she decided to just stay seated on the cement. Midnight finally got a good look at her surroundings. "Where are we?" she thought out loud.

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@@Midnight_Aurora, Sunset Shimmer nodded, tightly. She said nothing as of yet, as she was waiting to hear what Shifter had to say. The Rainbooms led the way to the music room, which was set up for band practice, but empty as was planned. Rarity seated herself on the piano stool. "Well, Shifter?" she said. "What was it you wanted to tell us?" Fluttershy was last in the room and she carefully closed the door.

"There is two things I need to tell you. First however, Sunset, has Twilight Sparkle told you anything about the events of Equestria?"


He knows mentioning something only the group should know is a big risk. It will make them suspicious of him. But it is a risk he will have to take.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@, @@Hurricane, @@Gloomfury, After a while to compose herself, Clover got shakily to her feet. "Well," she said to the others, "I suppose we had better go inside and find this Sunset Shimmer that Luna told us to talk to."


@@Midnight_Aurora, "A little bit," Sunset replied. "I have a book I use to communicate with her so..." her voice trailed off. "How do you know about Twilight? And Equestria?" Sunset asked Shifter, suspiciously. She looked hard at him. "You're not a Siren, are you?" she asked, remembering the events that had taken place around the time that the battle of the bands was going on.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

"sure okay" Sparkle got up and looked at his landing place "well that's no good i wanted some kinda epic introduction meh a guess you can't have it all " Sparkle started to help the others up "you know... i could do with a hat right now... " he said looking around and up into the sun "it's real hot"

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@, @@Hurricane, @@Gloomfury, After a while to compose herself, Clover got shakily to her feet. "Well," she said to the others, "I suppose we had better go inside and find this Sunset Shimmer that Luna told us to talk to."


@@Midnight_Aurora, "A little bit," Sunset replied. "I have a book I use to communicate with her so..." her voice trailed off. "How do you know about Twilight? And Equestria?" Sunset asked Shifter, suspiciously. She looked hard at him. "You're not a Siren, are you?" she asked, remembering the events that had taken place around the time that the battle of the bands was going on.

He shakes his head, "No I am not. My group are what Equestria calls changelings. We have been here sense six months before the fall formal. The ambient love in the air is more then enough to keep us alive. We have changed sense the Canterlot Invasion. I am now the equal to a king of the hive. During the siren incident, we applied what greater energy we had stored to help the Rainbooms finish off the sirens. Love is a strong emotion. Some could say love concurs all."


He looks to the others, "my small hive and I have been protecting and watching over this school sense three months before the fall formal. Only Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna and Vinyl Scratch even knows we are here. We tend to stick to our own devices and earn through what you call relationships the love we need to grow stronger. I have had a desire to better know sunset sense before the fall formal. Her heart however was clouded in a desire for revenge. Now it is not."


He steps over away from the group and small green flames that partly turn silver half way encase him. Standing before the group is still the same guy but his cloths are now like chittin armor. His eyes are one green and one silver slited. Two fangs slightly protrude from his mouth. "This is the form your world has given to us. You can say we are emotional Vampires."


He then reverts back to his hidden form. He says, "That is only the first thing I have come to tell you. The second is unsettling. Last night my gate watchers were lost. The gate to Equestria opened and a figure with dark intent came through. My watchers confronted her and I lost the connection I had with them. They relayed that she is strong. I come to you in hopes that with our combined power we can stop her. As for what she plans, I don't know."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Midnight_Aurora, Sunset gasped as she saw the change in the student she knew as Shifter. Coming from Equestria herself, she knew of changelings before she'd left for this world, but she'd never seen one in the flesh before. Rainbow Dash stepped forward. "So, if you're so powerful and all," she said in a challenging tone, "Then how come you haven't gone back to Twilight's world? You'd better not cause any trouble here."


"Sugarcube, calm down, please," Applejack said, pulling Rainbow back. "Didn't you hear what he said? They've been here for long enough to have caused trouble, if that was their intention. I believe Shifter."


"So do I," Sunset said. "I'm just wondering why all this has to come out now."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Shifter says, "I promised at the battle of the bands to reveal why we helped you. And now it seems our plans have to be pushed forward before we were ready. Our intent is to return to Equestria, but Princess Cadence's and Shining Armor's use of spell prevents us from returning without their consent. I was hopeing twilight would be with you for this. But that dark presence has me worried for her." He stayed a small respectful distance. He looks to dash and asks, "Have you been able to transform sense the events with the sirens?"

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