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private Equestria Divided: Titanfall (Action RP)

~Chaotic Eddie~

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Spitfire gave Dash another smile. "There's an SoE supply depot a few klicks east of here. Until now, we haven't had enough hooves or Titans to hit it, but now that we have you things are gonna be much easier. I'll explain plan once you've been introduced~"

With that, the former Wonderbolt walked over to where her armour presently was, in a protective case on the wall. "Comin'with?"

Edited by ~Chaotic Eddie~

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Mind numbingly he watched as the report numbers scrolled about on his console, a deep demeanor of a relapsing of concentrated immersed misery. Now it transitioned, an immense and familiar weight within.


Ahaban reluctant pulled out his sidearm just placed in a holster in his seat. That dark urge back. Every sound damped by the mixture of focus and numbness. He pressed on the release to see that reminder inscribed upon the magazine.


فقط في حالة - Just in Case.


There was a loud distracting knock upon his hull.

"Commander? You've been in there a bit you okay?" His cousin asked, barely audible through the glass.


"Lets hope it doesn't come to that." Ahaban whispered to himself and hiding away the pistol before exiting the cockpit crawling about to the bottom hatch.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


"Gotta shower first, Sweets, but yeah, I'm comin' with. Say, uh, got any spare armour sets? Mine is pretty banged up after the battle then the trek here." Dash said, pointing out the terrible condition her armour was in. She might be able to fix it with parts, but she wasn't a tech and it'd just be easier to get a new suit anyway. Wrench seemed busy enough with the Titans.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Sure thing - You should be abe to find a spare set in the armoury." Spitfire replied with a smile. "I'll show you how to find it when you're done showering, then Wrench can fiddle about with the settings a bit later to personalise it a bit more for you. Wouldn't want to run around with some random soldier's HUD for a whole battle, huh?"

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


"Yeah, that's true. Need to spec it for my style, and Rainbow Dash is all about style." Dash boasted, keeping up her boastful exterior, trying to hide her uncertainty and her fears. She had to be strong for everypony. She had to be the hero they needed her to be if she was that important.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Ahaban let out a slight raspy sigh, still feeling slight fatigue from the early wake up morning. He's no stranger to early waking but his exhausted demeanor couldn't hold back. At the table the group of Arabians tinkered about with their weapons. Nasir groaned in slight frustration before removing his optical sight.


"Dead battery. It'll be difficult to find its replacement type." He said.


Ahaban's rifle along with the majority of his squad was the Arabian Psk12 v 2. A variant of a more iconic assault rifle. Modern Arabian weapons with tungsten penetratiors had been notorious for many misfires and malfunctions. A flaw in design choice, Ahaban and his comrades loadout for a more reliable equipment.


The only downside was the lack of greater penetration, using FMJ lead casings versus tungsten.


"You'll manage without it." Ahaban spoke up.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Spitfire slipped on her own armour before opening the metal door separating the apartment from the corridor leading to the remaining areas of the base. Though this area was mostly disused apartments, there was one apartment at the end which hadn't been fully furnished - Spitfire had used this as her armoury, putting anything they could pick up from battlefields and black markets in there for later use. It was this apartment that Spitfire now began ehading towards, before pausing and waiting for Rainbow Dash to follow her.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@Orion Caelum

Tempest nodded, "I guess you're right there. Wilhelm is it? Be honest, I look terrible don't I? I haven't been able to sleep or think properly since I've been here." He shook his head. "So, what side were you abandoned by?" He asked, shifting his armour uncomfortably to cover up some scrapes and gashes that the pony was staring at. Most of them had since healed over, medi-kits work wonders, but others still looked as fresh as the moment they were made. "I'm ex-NLR, I didn't have much choice anyway. Only thing I'm glad I took from that is the stealth training." He trailed off, "Even though that was forced too..." He looked over his equipement. "Where I'm meant to be sleeping theres a bunch of empty bottles, if you're up for it you could borrow my rifle and have some target practice." He asked Wilhelm, hoping to bring the talk away from his physical state. He knew he was a mess but was just not ready to calm down, his mind was still playing the same moment over and over again in his head.


Wilhelm shrugged, his eyes briefly looking at the ground instead of at the other pony. "Ex-Solar Empire. Sergeant-Major, designated marksman, 137th Special Strike Corps." His eyes refocused on Tempest. "I suppose NLR stealth training was useful. I can remember a few times when Moonie Cloakers caused problems that were very... time-consuming to deal with." There was a pause, born out of awkwardness and the knowledge that were circumstances a bit different, one of them could have been dead at the hooves of the other.


"In any case, I'm sure you need some rest. Thanks for the offer, but I have my own gun." He smiled. "But your idea is good; I suppose I do need to get some target practice in. Maybe go find a G2A4; the Kraber is a bit heavy to carry around, and if my suspicions are correct-" here, he cast a quick glance at Spitfire and Rainbow- "I'll need to move fast the next time I drop in. Carrying around a sniper rifle slightly larger than I am isn't a good way to accomplish that."

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash followed after her, eager to get a new suit of armour. Her old set wasn't going to prevent bullets hitting her much longer. "I can tweak the HUD no problem, but the rest of it... Not so much. But Wrench is good at that, right? Or she wouldn't be repairing our Titans."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Believe me, Dash - if I didn't trust Wrench with my life she wouldn't be here right now. After all, what better a mare to trust than one who went rogue to find you, under the guise of an honorable discharge?" Spitfire smiled slyly. She remembered that day well, when Wrench had just turned up in an SoE ogre at her base. That was one friend she'd been very glad to see again.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


"Yeah...I'd do the same if it were anypony I cared about. I'd do my damn best to bring them home safe. Twilight...she showed me that much." Dash stopped herself, not wanting to go on too much. Especially when her confidence in herself stemmed from her having the support of her friends. Their belief in her allowed her to believe in herself.


"So, uh, after we get this armour, reckon we could see about breakfast? Haven't had any real food in a while."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"'Course we can - Wrench'll probably cook something up once she gets up." Spitfire replied, trotting off towards the armoury. She could see in Dash's eyes that she missed her friends, but that she still pressed on, braved the weather. That was a quality that made her a great ally, and one she was glad to have back on her side.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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[/b]@@~Chaotic Eddie~



Faintly in the distance, explosions and pops of gun fire can be heard. Obviously in the far distances from the group guerillas. It's not uncommon the two stalemate sides take pot shots at each other. Ahaban feeling curious decides to investigate since having not much to do.


"Nasir. Tag along." he summons his cousin who gladly raises in glee. Binoculars under their wings they trot out into the lot. The morning fog now clearing up giving for better visability, the wildlife errily quiet as the noise continues.


Across the road and close to cliff side the pegasi take prone and peer outward, zooming onto the motorway ahead just downhill. Tungsten trasers zipping about as they splinter at the opposing sides with the occasional motor following up.


"At their usual of course." Nasir said.


Ahaban focused his finder onto the Solar Empire Blockade. The lock.zone between the two sides halting any from each side. The two sides have remained about at this hold in for several months. And no side seeming to make an advance to the other. And in the middle, Ponydale laying just close by torn between the two sides.


Ahaban watched about as a Royal Soldier chucked his frag forward. He immediately took a round.


"Nasty." Nasir said.


As quickly as it began it halted and the two sides returNing to their normalicy.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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