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private Hired by the king


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Diamond looked around her. The bandits, or what ever they were, had spotted her. Thinking quickly she used her gravity boots to pull her self to a far away tree were they couldn't see her. She pulled out some arcane armor penetrating bullets out of her pocket and loaded them into her rifle. She saw the scum looking as angry as ever. Christine Exhaled, and pulled the trigger twice, while aiming for his heart, and his lungs.


(These bullets should kill him. And if they don't he'll bleed out)

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@@Derplight Sperkle,@@Yoshikupo, @,


Off in the distance Sheera heard the sounds of fighting. "I think our companions are under attack Goraxan. We should go to help them." Sheera grabbed her bow that was hanging over her back, strung it then started running toward the sounds making sure to stay in sight of her companion.  



signature by Pucksterv

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@@Derplight Sperkle, @, @,


the first henchmen started breathing heavy, more like gasping as he was shot in the lung "screw...you" he collapses on the ground about to die but before he does he pushes the bot off of his companion. "thanks, you'll burn first" he says with a devilish smile then throws the Molotov on his body and pushed him into a tree that quickly made it go on fire as well as some other bushes. the man runs moving in a serpentine way tiring to avoid Death from the sniper.


"where's the picture? its on the ground again isn't it?" she asked hypothetical questions then made the bot use a distress signal

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Goraxan stared into the fire as the two humans seemed to wander off. I know my comrades will be okay. Once my freedom is attained I will get them out and reform my guild. 


He kindled the fire as the elf tended to the fences. He still wondered what brought her here, but seeing what made the others depart, didn't want to press. This forest is dangerous, the humans were unwise to leave the camp. Just as Goraxan's suspicions were confirmed by the gunfire in the distance, he sprang up and followed the elf into towards the fight. ​Some good old fashioned fighting to cheer me up.




Goraxan headed off into the forest towards the gunfire. As he approached, he readied his jumpack for liftoff.  


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Deathmark watched the man with disgust. What kind of filthy traitor would kill his own mates? She reloaded. She decided not to waste ammo, so she gave chase after the fleeing man. She jumped from tree to tree, using her free running abilities to come closer. As soon as she was next to him, she jumped of the tree, and used her gravity boots to land on him

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@, @, @@Derplight Sperkle,


she landed on him alright but on his sack of Molotov's making alcohol go everywhere and on the both of them. "now then if you wanted to burn you could have just asked" he said to her then lighted a match quickly putting it on her "die!" he yelled kicking her to the ground and running faster than before


"whats happening...why is there fire?" Jade said waking up from getting hit in the face seeing a dead body on him "help!" 

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@, @, @@Derplight Sperkle,


she landed on him alright but on his sack of Molotov's making alcohol go everywhere and on the both of them. "now then if you wanted to burn you could have just asked" he said to her then lighted a match quickly putting it on her "die!" he yelled kicking her to the ground and running faster than before


"whats happening...why is there fire?" Jade said waking up from getting hit in the face seeing a dead body on him "help!"



Deathmarks eyes widened, when the bandit lighted a match, and threw it on her. She immediatly began to burn, because of the alcohol. Thinking quickly Deathmark took off her clothes. She began to stomp on her cloak to put out the fire. It took her some tile but she finaly gor all the fire out, and she only suffered a burn mark on her leg. She sighed in relief, but frozed when she realized she only had her bra, and underwear on, and Jade was looking right at her...

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@, @@Derplight Sperkle, @,

"it was necessary for survival, I'm not going to look" he said bright red trying to turn his head away from her but the dead body made sure that didn't happen "I'm just going to close my eyes, can you get this thing off me?" he asked trying to keep back the urge to look


the bot got right side up to see multiple trees burning "great, I bet everyone will blame this on me...wait the controls aren't working" she says fiddling with a controller then sighed "auto pilot" she said then watched it instantly start going towards the girl that it scanned before as not a threat

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@,@, @@Yoshikupo


Goraxan powered on his jumppack and made a powered jump right towards the human on fire. He landed several seconds later near the pair of humans. One of them was lacking clothing from the fire that was put out, and the other was looking red in the face. What human expression could this be? I have not seen it in the camps of Harbinger of Fate. Goraxan looked in the distance and saw another human fleeing. "I will get that human filth," he snarled as he jumped into the air again.


Goraxan landed several yards away form the fleeing human and roared at him, "Stop in your tracks coward. Fight me like the pathetic slime you are." His broadsword was out and in his grasp, waiting for the decision the human made.


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Derplight Sperkle, @, @,


"My group before they all died like the weaklings they are prepared something just for you" he said grabbing out a crystal, set it down on the ground then yelled "freeze!" the crystal seeped into the ground and then ice started forming around Goraxan "you haven't seen the last of me! I will have my freedom and my money!" he said hoping that that the diversion worked


'good he's getting it' Jade thought 'he didn't seem to react to Christine almost naked though...is that going to be a talk later?' jade would sigh but that would make it even harder to breath under the body

Edited by Yoshikupo
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@@Derplight Sperkle, @, @,


"My group before they all died like the weaklings they are prepared something just for you" he said grabbing out a crystal, set it down on the ground then yelled "freeze!" the crystal seeped into the ground and then ice started forming around Goraxan "you haven't seen the last of me! I will have my freedom and my money!"


'good he's getting it' Jade thought 'he didn't seem to react to Christine almost naked though...is that going to be a talk later?' jade would sigh but that would make it even harder to breath under the body

Deathmark put on her cloak as fast as she could. She was red in the face, from her blush. She coughed awkwardly, and walked over to jade. She pushed the body of him, and offered him a hand "That was a close one, you alright there jade?" Asked Christine still blusing from earlier

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"yeah I'm alright" Jade answered taking her hand then noticed the burn on her leg "are you OK?" he asked then noticed a camera bot coming up near them "did that think make this happen? did he burn you?" he said about to shoot the bot with his pistols 


the bot ran to the side of Christine when Jade pulled out his guns

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"yeah I'm alright" Jade answered taking her hand then noticed the burn on her leg "are you OK?" he asked then noticed a camera bot coming up near them "did that think make this happen? did he burn you?" he said about to shoot the bot with his pistols


the bot ran to the side of Christine when Jade pulled out his guns

Deathmark chuckled "That burn? Will go over in a week. I've had worse" suddenly the bot that warned her appeared. Jade didn't know that it helped her so he was about to shoot it. But Christine stopped him "Don't worry, that bot warned me. In fact it saved your life. If it didn't warn me, then the corpse would have been you, instead of that guy" Said Deathmark gesturing to the body she just removed

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"...and this is that inventors bot" Jade started thinking that this brings up a few...collisions with the quest, if they did do it then he would probably never forgive himself just like the last time but if they didn't do it then they would be hunted down by guards since they know that they cant leave without some kind of interaction with the guards "great...lets find Sheera then get out of here before the forest burns to the ground"  

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@,@@Derplight Sperkle, @@Yoshikupo,


((really disappointed I missed the fight guys :( ))


Sheera meanwhile had been setting up traps with some rope and her arrows. Anyone who ran into them would find an arrow lodged through their skull. She still didn't know how she had missed the fight. She didn't remember being knocked out but perhaps she had. Suddenly a man appeared out of the woods. He had a gun in his hand and aimed it straight at her head. Before he could even shoot the human weapon the trap went off skewering him. His body crumpled to the ground. Sheera was surprised. She didn't know it would work so fast and proficiently. Walking over to the body she began to rifle through the dead man's belongings and came across a map. What luck. She needed to go and find the others so she set off.



signature by Pucksterv

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"You think ice can stop me?" Goraxan's nostrils began to smoke as he prepared his fire breath. He soon opened his mouth as flames erupted from his mouth towards the ice around his legs. The ice began to rapidly melt from the intense heat. When all of it melted, he looked at the human with a sinister look in his eyes.


"You better think of what you are going to do next, human filth, for it will be the last thought you will ever have," Goraxan said as he began advancing towards the human.


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Derplight Sperkle,@@Yoshikupo, @,


Sheera may had been lost but regaining her awareness she was immediately able to spot Goraxan in the woods surrounded by guards. Whipping out another arrow from her pack she strung it into the quiver and shot it at a human whom was closing in on the Dragonborne. "So much for our venison tonight, huh my friend?



signature by Pucksterv

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@, @@Derplight Sperkle, @,


"I...I uh" the man was think intenssly about what to do next "last resort teleport to golden vale!" he said pulling out a stone looking at the others trying to kill him "go faster, go faster, go faster!" he was looking at it slowly start to glow and looked at the others about to attack and kill him "screw it!" he pounds the stone destroying it then disappeared...with some of his equipment going on the floor


"we should go in the direction Goraxan went, keep an eye on that thing" he gestures to the bot


(there are no guards, not yet anyway, there is only a man how got away by the skin of his teeth, I'm going to say the guy you killed was a bandit trying to take advantage of you being alone)

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"Teleportation eh? Coward magic," Goraxan said to himself when suddenly he heard a body drop near him. He looked around and saw some bandit wanted to take advantage of his tunnel vision on the that cowardly human. He turned and also saw the elf with the bow in hand, landing the killing blow on the bandit. "Thank you elf, if only you were here a few seconds ago, we could have that that worm of a human..."


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Derplight Sperkle, @, @,


Jade and the kind of dragged Christine finally get with the others "hey what happened?" he looked behind him self "that can be answered later actually, because look at how fast that fires spreading!" he yelled to the others then hears a sound he always dreads, the clopping of hooves "and the guards are here, I think we should run all agreed?" 

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@@Yoshikupo,@@Derplight Sperkle, @,


"Agreed my friends. I suggest we run farther into the woods." With that Sheera began running into the woods lightly bouncing over the roots that were above the ground. She turned back to look for her fellow companions making sure she wasn't leading them into any of the burning fire.



signature by Pucksterv

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@, @@Derplight Sperkle, @,


"right and after a bit of time we could try to get into a town but that could wait at max two days because we only have supplies to last that long" he says running with the others then sees the bot jumping from tree to tree above Sheera "I don't think that he would be welcomed though"


"that's a lot of fire getting to close to the nest" she closes in on her command mic "relocate the hives, let the water mages deal with the fire"

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@, @@Derplight Sperkle, @,

The group got far from the fire, a little to far as they could see a town from the distance now "well I think we know where to go next...did anyone get a map? I don't know if we got closer or farther from are target" he said to them looking at the town that looked like it was divided into three parts, a wall in between


"I cant even be in the forest anymore, the guards would look anywhere I put them" she complained "make the nest go quietly to Bronze vale, to my assistants lair"


the bot with the group stated making mic screeches "ow"

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@@Yoshikupo,@@Derplight Sperkle, @,


Sheera heard the sound of the robot fizzing and screeching. "Perhaps Jade you would like to look into that. It would not bode well for us if anymore bandits or guards were to find us do to this little thing." Jade looked down upon the robot. She was very un-trusting of technology. 



signature by Pucksterv

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@, @, @@Derplight Sperkle,

"yeah I got it" he picked up the little bot "question is how..." Jade starts looking around to see what the problem was "god it sounds like a radio" he looks at where the sounds originated "there's a bunch of nobs and some are broken, I don't think I should do much with them because there moving on there own right now" Jade says to them "maybe this will work" he hit it with the back of his gun which made the bot jump out of his hands and behind Deathmark

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